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Do you want Djinn's Dominion in Ranked?


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There are two main problems in the map right now:


1. The area in middle, the walls they created are absolutely a bad idea. There is a huge difference between having objects to break LOS and completely walling the area. A consideration is to make the area in the middle bigger, and do something similar to arena (even though arena after remake has been much worse, for other factors though).

2. The map mechanics do not work. The effects are too weak, have long cast times and easy to avoid. They are completely ignored for that reason.


While I prefer this map over majority of the maps. It does require work. Side note, how many times will the narrator voice change lol. I preferred the previous iteration than the current one.

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This follows a pattern that most objectives in Conquest reward: high mobility. Nearly all objectives involve mobility and ports. Why isn't there an objective that involves something unique like healing?


For example. There is a shrine with a red statue and a blue statue. These statues deteriorate every 2 seconds by 1% starting at 100% and when they hit 0% the team who belongs to the statue automatically loses the game. Healing the statue is easy and any heals you do to it increases the statue's health by 10%. Is not affected by Soothing Mist or Regen. Healing power doesn't matter.


Another thing is if a team member dies, their statue is healed by 5%. In other words dying is, in a way, a little rewarding as it can lure the healer off point and help the previous team snowball.

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Spirit Watch is actually a better map than Djinn's Dominion. Atleast it has an impactful map mechanic if you manage to use it, and the points aren't too close to each other. I also enjoy the fact that the midnode on that map is an afterthought, not the main prize. Djinn's would be a lot better if this was the case there as well.

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The map is too small and snowbally for conquest. Make the travel time longer between the side and mid points and/or only use the side exit from the bases to make the map larger. The mid gate thing wasn't really a fix to the map and a better fix would have been to remove the front exit gates from base and leave only the sides.

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Wrong pool...

1 Y vs (2 N + 1 E)...


It's a good map, except by Yasmi's Favor radius(should be larger).

Nodes are all ok.


Suggestion: Replace the font by a block build or house, to reduce the line of sight from those on Market(middle). Should be fair for those comming from respawn area.

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