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I've never played WvW before. I don't have PoF. Is it worth getting into at this point?


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As the title states, I'm a total amateur at WvW. I have a good amount of sPvP experience under my belt but I'm still mediocre at it. I'd been avoiding WvW because of how overwhelming it is, and the insane amount of visual skill clutter GW2 generally has. I own HoT, but not PoFso I don't have access to mounts. Is it worth spending the time and effort to try and learn the mode, or should I just stay away?


Edit: fixed typo

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WvW is always worth getting into as it is the best game mode IMO. PoF is worth it as some of the best specialties are there, it is relatively cheap and you are supporting perhaps one of the last games to not be centered around loot boxes and other pay-2-win systems.


As for learning WvW, that is pretty simple. Just follow a tag around for a few nights and if you dig doing your own thing you will find your sPvP pays huge dividends against other roamers.

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If you only have core+hot now and improve on that, you will have a really easy time once you get POF elites. Sales should come in soon if they haven't already. I totally recommend getting into WvW, for me it's easily the endgame (besides fashion). Ignore any negativity from your own server or rage whispers. Just concentrate on improving your skills. Try every single class, every build (power/condi/hybrid), and every single weapon set combination. Since your experiencing it from a new set of eyes and perspective, you will at least not be feeling what the vets are currently going through for the last few years. I'm sure you're already battle hardened from spvp though, and mentally prepared hehe

( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )

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You can still play a few specs without pof specs and do fine. And if you like roaming ( going solo or with just a couple of others ) then you're gonna do decent vs most players as ( generally ) the majority of wvw population are very bad at handling players who come from spvp.


Also, if you're roaming, no mount is gonna be a bit of a pain but it's still playable.


I would honestly suggest considering buying pof tho. If you spend a lot of time in the game, it's not worth NOT buying it. But if you only log in a few hours a week, then I guess not.

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If it seems like something you'd be into, sure. Since you have experience in sPvP, you'll have a bit of a head start. Fighting in WvW can be quite different though. Scrapper is very popular in the meta now, and Tempest is good as well. Daredevil can also be good for something a bit smaller-scale but it takes skill to pull off well. Not having a mount will probably suck but at least you will have access to gliding.

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> @"Arklite.4013" said:

> Hello,


> As the title states, I'm a total amateur at WvW. I have a good amount of sPvP experience under my belt but I'm still mediocre at it. I'd been avoiding WvW because of how overwhelming it is, and the insane amount of visual skill clutter GW2 generally has. I own HoT, but not PoFso I don't have access to mounts. Is it worth spending the time and effort to try and learn the mode, or should I just stay away?


> Edit: fixed typo


yes. =) its the only game mode i play.

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In my opinion you need a warclaw witch requires POF. Mainly because most commanders use the warclaw now and it will be very hard to keep up with them. Very few walkmanders left. If you plan to roam then its a different story you may be ok but I would research what it takes to dismount others from their warclaws. I am not a roamer so I am not much help there. I hear only a few classes are decent at it.


You should try it however It is a lot of fun. Pay no attention to all of the doom and gloom in these forums touting the end of days for WvW. It is very much still alive. Its not like the days of old but its still good. You may just have to find a server that is active during your time zone ( [WvW Stats By Time zone](https://wvwstats.com/timezones "WvW Stats By Time zone") ). Because during off hours it can get somewhat quiet.


As for trying to find a build for your class check [MetaBattle WvW Builds](http://metabattle.com/wiki/WvW "MetaBattle WvW Builds") I'm sure you can find something there that is from HoT It may not be the "Meta" but it will still be decent.


Either way make up your own mind don't let others make it up for you! See you on the battle field :D

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Absolutely give WvW a serious go! There is general safety in numbers; solo roaming isn't the way to start off. Just know that there are big differences in the way people build their stats and traits depending on who they are running with:


Zerg - often choosing between full tank, full support, full damage, full condi; that is oversimplifying, but you get the idea

Small groups (3-10 ppl) - if there is a team comp, everybody will usually have to do some of everything, unless it's just a random group of.....

Roamers (1-2 ppl) - you'll find PvP builds, meme builds, silly builds, troll builds, experimental builds, etc. Most important is the ability to survive/escape, as roamers are almost always outnumbered in a fight and will flee at the first sight of a large group.


If you want to learn the strategies of sieging, follow a commander that likes to take down structures aka "ktrain commander." If they are an experienced havoc commander, they'll know all the good spots to set up siege. Many zerg commanders don't know or care to know the best spots.


Just know that since you don't have PoF, you'll have some difficulty keeping up with groups without the mounts.

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Do not be disheartened or discouraged by those who say your gaming experience will be ruined. The frustration they talk about comes from the constant death's everyone will always receive from zerg charges, being downed within seconds due to a high damage burst spike from most classes, being outnumbered in battle, and also sometimes failing to capture something because the enemy comes in time to save the cap. Other frustrations include the warclaw, since not having one will make you prey to enemies who have the mount. Getting your own warclaw is done by finishing the objectives and joining a commander to take over certain capture points (increases likelihood of completion).


These frustrations will go away when you remember that this is WvW not structured PvP. Anything can and will go wrong or right depending on whether or not you are at the right place at the right time, or the wrong place and the wrong time, or any mixture of the two. Food and Utilities (consumable stat and effect buffs or modifiers), certain builds, and what you equip will determine your sustainability in a fight, your damage output, and your ability to withdraw without being killed.


The most important of all is know when to fight, and when not to. Fight if you believe you have a chance of winning, flee if you know you will lose. If knowing you will die, die defending an objective to buy time for friendly teammates to come and help prevent your base from being captured., or die trying to kill a yak that will prevent a base from upgrading to the next tier when you know your team zerg is about to take advantage on a destroyed wall, etc.


In other words, the frustrations of WvW will be removed if you identify your role regarding these 3 things:

- Your build and how you play it and when to fight with it.

- Your role in WvW (Roam, defense, scout, delay the opponent's advance, camp flipping (to prevent upgrades of yak supplying bases), etc.))

- When to fight and when to flee. (Fight with a purpose, die defending, but do not die trying to win a 1v5, unless you have a reason for delaying their advance)


World Vs World is all about how you can contribute to your team being in the lead, getting the best points per tick. If you die a lot, study why, look for alternative playstyles and/or builds, take non-obvious routes when moving to an objective to avoid being spotted.


Most of all, do not be afraid of a fight when you know you have to fight. It is a learning experience. The fun part is not the victory of a battle, but the knowledge you put into effect of why you achieved that victory.


Do not play trying to be a 1 class army. Although some builds allow you to do such, your frustration will come from the moment your 1 class army build becomes obsolete or countered and then you will be fixated on trying to find another.

My additional advice is for you to start out just by following your teammates wherever they go so you can learn how they fight and adapt with what they do and add it to your game knowledge, everything develops from there.





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but there are also those who know their thing. and others will simply be salty for not having their way. best bet, look for a wvw guild, make friends, and explore. =)


no one knows everything in wvw. but there are those who know their thing. i.e. siege, havok, scout, synergy building, zerg busting, blob fighting, blobbing. maybe 2 to 3 of these but not all of it. =)


if you play sea/eu, hook with us at nsp. we're a bunch of 30s and up mom and dads, playing this game. hehe


sov of Slayers Xd.

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Don't let fear overrun you, as long as you are well equipped it won't be overwhelming. First thing is gear yourself for zerging on a class that the com will value & appreciate your efforts; guard, necro, rev, engi elite specs are all worthwhile since you don't have PoF. You need to decide if you wanna play support or dps you can check out websites like metabattle or vabbi builds for appropriate guidance. As for gear dont worry about asc you can grab cheap exo off TP, from experience and only as example if I were to play poor man's support guard/DH I'd just take half cleric half shaman gear off TP and fill in stats with food/exquisite jewels etc. Find a guild group on your server who are recruiting they can teach you the basics and all about fights positioning is key and definitely install w/e communication program your server/guild prefers (TS, discord to name a couple). Take an extra weapon you can switch out to grant swiftness and immediately switch back since you don't have warclaw... the good coms will run on foot to accommodate those w/o mounts or maybe they're just so used to traversing WvW oldschool. It may be in a worse state but there's nothing stopping you from trying WvW out, see for yourself.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> but there are also those who know their thing. and others will simply be salty for not having their way. best bet, look for a wvw guild, make friends, and explore. =)


> no one knows everything in wvw. but there are those who know their thing. i.e. siege, havok, scout, synergy building, zerg busting, blob fighting, blobbing. maybe 2 to 3 of these but not all of it. =)


> if you play sea/eu, hook with us at nsp. we're a bunch of 30s and up mom and dads, playing this game. hehe


> sov of Slayers Xd.


Sovereign has given you good advice, you can also get gear from temples in Orr, it is just not salvageable for Obsidian Shards.


Hook up with guys who are prepared to help you, with the stuff you cannot get yourself. Play and decide.


Not a good guy to ask at the moment as I am seriously considering leaving the game behind.

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> @"Elf Lord.8962" said:

> Realise tho that WvW is full of semi-skilled, semi-knowlegdable, know it all halfwits, then you should maintain you sanity. Find the folks, who know what they know and know what they don't know and are prepared to develop and have fun. Then you should enjoy it.


So if its full, that means everyone is a halfwit...meaning if the OP joins WvW they will become a halfwit too?

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> @"Arklite.4013" said:

> Hello,


> As the title states, I'm a total amateur at WvW. I have a good amount of sPvP experience under my belt but I'm still mediocre at it. I'd been avoiding WvW because of how overwhelming it is, and the insane amount of visual skill clutter GW2 generally has. I own HoT, but not PoFso I don't have access to mounts. Is it worth spending the time and effort to try and learn the mode, or should I just stay away?


> Edit: fixed typo


I think you should try it. You will never really know without trying. It is a fun game mode and you won't have the dislike that a lot of people have for it due to being new at it.


Not having a mount is going to be a very large inconvenience for you, however. There are definitely ways to mitigate it, but overall this will put you at a disadvantage against most people that have mounts.

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My advice is to buy PoF. You don't get the mount in WvW without it if I remember correctly. The mount has made Wvw a lot worse for new players but anyhow PoF is worth buying for firebrand and scourge.


If you don't buy PoF play herald. Scrapper requires more group coordination generally ; reaper is too slow without mount.

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