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Suggestion to make daily fractals stack.

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For those who dont understand what this mean ill have a tweet from another developer later on that explains what this system will do in their game.


But ehh also here have a tl;dr: Change how dailies work so after a day of you not doing them they dont reset and instead save up (u bank them) to do them later when u wish to.


Ggg creators of path of exile have recently revealed their next content update and with it a rework to a core piece of content, master missions.


Master missions are you normal daily, you get them then you go do them, for a while players complained in that game that they miss days or that they dont want to do them a day because they are doing smth else in the game and their daily nature makes them feel forced.


The new system will now save up the dailies ppl get in that game and you will be able whenever you want to go and do them.


I feel like this system could be a solid fit for daily fractals in gw2 for a couple reasons, for one the reasons stated above while also the fact that the fractal Content itself drops in value massively after going through the dailies for the day.


In gw2 the system could work like this: Today the dailies are underground facility, volcanic and nightmare. If someone doesnt have time to do said content these wont disappear after the reset, new dailies will apear but the old ones will be banked for you to do whenever you want (if you want to do them).


So if you log in in game on monday then go for a trip a week and log in the next monday you will have available to you the dailies of this monday and banked all the dailes from last week.


Now Poe wont have a cap afaik or maybe they will have but it will be a high one, it would be up to anet what the cap could be (10 of each? 25? 50?).


What this does:

1) Like now it still allows everyone to be on an equal footing (now we do them daily or not and that aplies to all) with this system we will all be able to do them daily or not and if not schedule when we want to do them ones we have banked or not. Everyone is given the same amount of content and no one gets more out of it.


2) it gives ppl with diff schedules and free time flexibility on how they want to tackle the content as well as agency. If you are content with how you do now (or dont do fractals) nothing will change, you will still get the same content to do (or not) and the same rewards as every body else. If you have more time on the weekemds but not enough time daily to log in and play the content or you simply more absorbed into doing smth else in the game during that day (wvw or pvp all day, maybe practicing with friends for a raid or you are catching up on story) the runs will be banked for you and you wont have to interupt your ganeplay to go and do them because if you dont you miss out.


If you enjoyed the nature of older content where u could have a fractals day or a dungeons day this system allows you to bank runs and then dedicate with your firends or smth a day just doing the content you like.

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I agree that this could be a good idea especially for those that don't have a solid 1-2 hours of playtime everyday.


That being said, I think this would turn into an LFG nightmare (at least in its current state) because there would be so many different fractal groups all with different fractal names of dailies from different days, resulting in a lot of clutter.

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My opinion is that daily fractals are rewarding enough for players if not already too rewarding so they don't need that option at all. There is no negative point in skipping or missing a daily or dailies. It's just a pure gold income nothing more. If you are working towards fractal god a couple of days and weeks more are irrelevant as it's nothing special anyways.

I'd rather have real improvements for endgame content than just some random ideas which wouldn't result in a better system.

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> @"Sapphire.3609" said:

> I agree that this could be a good idea especially for those that don't have a solid 1-2 hours of playtime everyday.


> That being said, I think this would turn into an LFG nightmare (at least in its current state) because there would be so many different fractal groups all with different fractal names of dailies from different days, resulting in a lot of clutter.


Considering every gets the same dailies it would relatively well regulate it self tho for sure to an extend lfg would need an update, maybe be more like the dungeon section?

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> My opinion is that daily fractals are rewarding enough for players if not already too rewarding so they don't need that option at all. There is no negative point in skipping or missing a daily or dailies.


Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)


It's just a pure gold income nothing more. If you are working towards fractal god a couple of days and weeks more are irrelevant as it's nothing special anyways.


Dont particularly care about fractal god and i dont see how this would make farning it less time consuming


> I'd rather have real improvements for endgame content than just some random ideas which wouldn't result in a better system.


Diff subject, id love to see improvements for the endgame, maybe more endgame in general, this is just a suggestion to imporve and make the daily sysstem more flexible.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Dailies are there to get players to do the content each and every day. Having this option would circumvent that.


Yeah i was contemplating what should or shouldnt work like this and i came to the conclusion that fractals would be the best part of the game to work under this system. Rest of the game would continue ti work like this, retaining the daily log in value to some extend.


A number of ppl ive spoken to dont like how the heavy focu on daily activities afects the game for them, it makes it feel like a chore or a job and chasing the daily look ppl will end up getting burned out. Giving the flexibility to tackle the content at your own pace without feeling like you are losing something will help ppl that might feel like that.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Dailies are there to get players to do the content each and every day. Having this option would circumvent that.


> Yeah i was contemplating what should or shouldnt work like this and i came to the conclusion that fractals would be the best part of the game to work under this system. Rest of the game would continue ti work like this, retaining the daily log in value to some extend.


> A number of ppl ive spoken to dont like how the heavy focu on daily activities afects the game for them, it makes it feel like a chore or a job and chasing the daily look ppl will end up getting burned out. Giving the flexibility to tackle the content at your own pace without feeling like you are losing something will help ppl that might feel like that.


And once they get that reward they want much quicker, they'll then be complaining about nothing left to do.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Dailies are there to get players to do the content each and every day. Having this option would circumvent that.

> >

> > Yeah i was contemplating what should or shouldnt work like this and i came to the conclusion that fractals would be the best part of the game to work under this system. Rest of the game would continue ti work like this, retaining the daily log in value to some extend.

> >

> > A number of ppl ive spoken to dont like how the heavy focu on daily activities afects the game for them, it makes it feel like a chore or a job and chasing the daily look ppl will end up getting burned out. Giving the flexibility to tackle the content at your own pace without feeling like you are losing something will help ppl that might feel like that.


> And once they get that reward they want much quicker, they'll then be complaining about nothing left to do.


That would prob aply to post this system being implemented ppl that havent played for god knows how long, the gold on a weekly basis you get out of fractals wont change, u have to not do the content for it to bank.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)


It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)


> It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

> All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.


No? the fractals will bank at the same pace that they reset now and you will still have to do the same amount of fractals to get what you get now out of them.


IF someone wants a legendary it would prob be faster for them to log in every day and do all their dailies than simply w8ijg for however long and then spending a day or 2 just doing fractals.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)

> >

> > It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

> > All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.


> No? the fractals will bank at the same pace that they reset now and you will still have to do the same amount of fractals to get what you get now out of them.


> IF someone wants a legendary it would prob be faster for them to log in every day and do all their dailies than simply w8ijg for however long and then spending a day or 2 just doing fractals.


So, your idea is not needed. Case closed.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)

> > >

> > > It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

> > > All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.

> >

> > No? the fractals will bank at the same pace that they reset now and you will still have to do the same amount of fractals to get what you get now out of them.

> >

> > IF someone wants a legendary it would prob be faster for them to log in every day and do all their dailies than simply w8ijg for however long and then spending a day or 2 just doing fractals.


> So, your idea is not needed. Case closed.


My idea would make the game feel less like a chore and for some allow them to play on their own schedule and free time, needed or not is subjective its not gonna affect your gameplay so you are fine to play how you like.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> My idea would make the game feel less like a chore and for some allow them to play on their own schedule and free time, needed or not is subjective its not gonna affect your gameplay so you are fine to play how you like.


One will fail to prove that the game feels like a chore in respect of playing fractals. As a healthy person one just skips the dailies the other day and goes fine with it because it really doesn't matter. It's the first sign that one could need psychological help if one feels the need to do something in a game/virtual reaility.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > My idea would make the game feel less like a chore and for some allow them to play on their own schedule and free time, needed or not is subjective its not gonna affect your gameplay so you are fine to play how you like.


> One will fail to prove that the game feels like a chore in respect of playing fractals. As a healthy person one just skips the dailies the other day and goes fine with it because it really doesn't matter. It's the first sign that one could need psychological help if one feels the need to do something in a game/virtual reaility.


Yeah the interactions of daily system with ppl in games is an interesting subject. Still id rather give ppl the option to engage with the content in their own terms (it comes to when they can/want and for how long).


A system like this would help not healthy ppl i guess to go about doing their dailies for w/e goal they have in mind on their own clock hence giving them a better experience. To compaire as an aproach for doing content to some the current system might feel like the whole timegating for skyscale deal, they could simply not get it along with everyone else and skip days if they dont have time but thats not something that would please them, hence they would log in to do the chore and have a suboptimal experience.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Sooo... Which part of word "Daily" is not clear? Also, why some schuck who skips 10 days should get same rewqards in the end as player who does daily runs... well... daily?


Someone who plays the game daily will have more opportunities to get more from the game, log ins, normal dailies, metas etc.


It also doesnt mean the person who didnt do the fractals necessarily didnt log in, i've missed plenty dailies in the past on new releases due to not having the time to do everything and the new content.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > Sooo... Which part of word "Daily" is not clear? Also, why some schuck who skips 10 days should get same rewqards in the end as player who does daily runs... well... daily?


> Someone who plays the game daily will have more opportunities to get more from the game, log ins, normal dailies, metas etc.


> It also doesnt mean the person who didnt do the fractals necessarily didnt log in, i've missed plenty dailies in the past on new releases due to not having the time to do everything and the new content.


Well shiz, looks like you made your priorities and sacrifices that day... And missed daily... You get nothing.

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legit if the rewards were better all i would do is fracts all day everyday,, i dont see why they dont just make frac dailies per toon instead of 1 daily for all ur toons,, this will make fracts fill faster because people will start using more toons to fill in spots... it would make more players use builds that are needed.. like ull start to see more druids and more revs so u wont have to wait on them as much just because u can do the dailies on every toon

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)

> > > >

> > > > It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

> > > > All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.

> > >

> > > No? the fractals will bank at the same pace that they reset now and you will still have to do the same amount of fractals to get what you get now out of them.

> > >

> > > IF someone wants a legendary it would prob be faster for them to log in every day and do all their dailies than simply w8ijg for however long and then spending a day or 2 just doing fractals.

> >

> > So, your idea is not needed. Case closed.


> My idea would make the game feel less like a chore and for some allow them to play on their own schedule and free time, needed or not is subjective its not gonna affect your gameplay so you are fine to play how you like.


So how would this work if day 1 3 7 and 10 all have solid ocean for example you would need to complete it 4 times then right?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)

> > > > >

> > > > > It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

> > > > > All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.

> > > >

> > > > No? the fractals will bank at the same pace that they reset now and you will still have to do the same amount of fractals to get what you get now out of them.

> > > >

> > > > IF someone wants a legendary it would prob be faster for them to log in every day and do all their dailies than simply w8ijg for however long and then spending a day or 2 just doing fractals.

> > >

> > > So, your idea is not needed. Case closed.

> >

> > My idea would make the game feel less like a chore and for some allow them to play on their own schedule and free time, needed or not is subjective its not gonna affect your gameplay so you are fine to play how you like.


> So how would this work if day 1 3 7 and 10 all have solid ocean for example you would need to complete it 4 times then right?


You would have 4 runs of daily rewards banked to solid ocean if you didnt do for 4 days where it was a daily.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

> > > > > > All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.

> > > > >

> > > > > No? the fractals will bank at the same pace that they reset now and you will still have to do the same amount of fractals to get what you get now out of them.

> > > > >

> > > > > IF someone wants a legendary it would prob be faster for them to log in every day and do all their dailies than simply w8ijg for however long and then spending a day or 2 just doing fractals.

> > > >

> > > > So, your idea is not needed. Case closed.

> > >

> > > My idea would make the game feel less like a chore and for some allow them to play on their own schedule and free time, needed or not is subjective its not gonna affect your gameplay so you are fine to play how you like.

> >

> > So how would this work if day 1 3 7 and 10 all have solid ocean for example you would need to complete it 4 times then right?


> You would have 4 runs of daily rewards banked to solid ocean if you didnt do for 4 days where it was a daily.


So would all 4 of them trigger on 1 run or would you have to do it 4 times with diffrent instabilities mimicing the dailys?

I would think its the 4 times route otherwise your just getting dubble benefit.


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