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Who the hell thought it was a good idea to to announce living world this way?

Build up hype and then deliver nothing.


This is the end for GW2.

I know people say that about their chosen MMO all the time, 'ded game' etc etc.

But I genuinely think this is the beginning of the end.

If that's your big re-commitment statement, if that's all you've got, then GG.


I feel really bad for anet employees, their management has let them down massively.


Not angry, just disappointed (not really suprised though)


Press F for GW2

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I think the "hype" was just because it was announced at PAX, which from my perspective happened more because of the time it was ready - beginning of September - than any other reason.


LWS4, for example, launched late in the year when there were no conventions being held that would have attracted a crowd, so there wasn't much point booking a venue to announce it.

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To be honest I feel for those that took the time and money to get to Seattle and be there... LS is fun and all for a short time, but it never really warranted the hype that was amassed around this "epic" announcement.

Sure the art, story and the music will be top notch, which is something I absolutely pay full respect to ANET for, but this just never had anywhere near the amount of flesh on the bones I feel is needed right now to enforce what the future of the game entails longer term.

Worse still, what flesh there was to pick at was very glossed over, lacking anything really solid not even some previews of build template UI's,or concepts..

Heck they even rushed over that "coming months" WvW narrative as fast as they could .. there just wasn't really anything solid to put out there, which leaves me thinking not much is really anywhere near release - is why there is a Prologue this time.. or is that another way of saying cut down, put out what is ready, it's getting restless out there in the community.

As for LS, I am excited, it looks fun, looks eerie, looks unpredictable in its make up and I like that - I so want this game to flourish like it used to, but we seem to be stuck in a cycle of disappointment this past 12-18months and it's getting harder to feel exited about the future (for me at least).

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For me, and quite possibly me alone, it was expansion or bust. I'm tired of dragons. I'm tired of the living world. I'm tired of the same old races, same old professions, same old same old. Not one thing in this announcement renewed my interest in the game or rekindled any faith I may once have had in Anet. So there you go.

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> @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > > Amazing that PvP got more "screentime" than WvW

> > >

> > > but hey, we can expect more info on wvw restructuring in the next couple of months...

> >

> > Did they say couple of months.. cos I thought they just said "coming months"... that could be anywhere in time to be quite honest.


> I'm just going by the usual anet announcement standarts. It's both the same to me at this point.


> Edit:

> I'm also aware that this was an LS announcement but then they could've not talk about it at all. Which would've been the better option.


ANET made the bold statement that LW was going to include expac type content going forward.. so everything could of, should of been on the table for discussion.. in fact they did include snippets… build templates, wvw alliances, new mechanics, new OW raid boss content... they just didn't have the confidence to speak about any of it imo because they know the community will be hotly drawn to those topics like flies to cow poop. But if there isn't any detail maybe to talk about it, don't talk about it, don't bring it up.. unless it was just something to gap fill and kill time a little bit.

Never mind though, we know what LW has some direction, some interesting details so I guess that is something.. for now.

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I'm really hyped for Charr Homelands. That's the one single place I wanted to visit for a very long time... and I don't even play Charr. Templates seem cool and people wanted them for a long time. I don't know if this was big enough of an announcement to make it into live event but as a new LW season reveal it was nice.

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I enjoyed the trailer. I'm still waiting for anything more than build templates and new Icebrood Saga, which was pretty much worked out beforehand, but I'm guessing no more was announced? I'm not overly disappointed because it's Anet and they have no real idea how to communicate or make a decent announcement, so I was thankfully quite cautious in my hype Vs other times


I have no issues with the expac bundle. That seems pretty straightforward and standard for new players to catch up on older content. Most mmo's do something like this

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