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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:


> Yea but it wasn't anything beyond what they stated it would be. All of you are ignoring the fact that the playerbase took the hype generated and overhyped it even more thinking this would be an expansion announcement. Which means very few people complaining have any common sense. We were told an expansion was not planned. We were told that the next living story is what is planned. The email literally says tune in to learn about the next chapter of the living story.



Then they don't need to make a twitch about it with all the fuss. They could basically put it in a post or as a feed with a web page on their website. Once they start trying to get players to come watch a feed, it seems like there is more to it. It is inadvertently misleading whether they meant to do that or not. I'm still only a few months into this game (3 I think) so it doesn't bother me. But for people who have been here for a while, and wanting more content for a while (like an expansion), it created false hope. Really they could have done a much better job in handling it. Why else would people take time out of their day to watch a twitch stream when it is only going to be for the same stuff they already said? There is zero logic in that.



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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > Anet was squarely at fault here, drumming up too big excitement. Of course people is going to be disappointed when it turned out to be something that couldve been covered in a blog post.

> > >

> > > Yea but it wasn't anything beyond what they stated it would be. All of you are ignoring the fact that the playerbase took the hype generated and overhyped it even more thinking this would be an expansion announcement. Which means very few people complaining have any common sense. We were told an expansion was not planned. We were told that the next living story is what is planned. The email literally says tune in to learn about the next chapter of the living story.

> > >

> > > You are correct that it could have been covered in a blog post. There was 0 reason to do this event. But to say the community did not fashion this annoucement into something more is an outright lie.

> >

> > I never said it would be an expansion, nor did I expect it.

> > 1: We did not get an expansion at the end at LS4, leading many to think that LS5 might offer more expansion like content to keep people interested. Such as new especs.

> > 2: Especially when Anet overhyped it badly, making people thing the reveal would be BIG!

> >

> > Yet we got just served with more of the same.

> >

> > Again, Anet is solely at fault here for mishandling it and creating false expectations.


> Your first point is again your fault as a community for thinking that. Not once has a living story chapter given us new elite specs or anything expansion worthy. Other than the mount in the last chapter.


> Did they overhype it though? The email literally states "Tune in to learn more about the next living story chapter."


You still havent grasped what I am saying. Why should Anet be slavishly locked to the previous format of the Living Story seasons? Players got hyped for GOOD reason due to the overblown hype, and thoughts that there might be more than just a copy of previous LS seasons. Its squarely Anet's fault.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Suddenflame.2601" said:

> > Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

> >

> > Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?


> Renting out a theater is misleading in of itself. Announcing that it was an important event is just that confirmation that Anet set a precedent and overhyped the situation. What they showed wasn't theater worthy.


> This is on par with the Sunspear Refuge disappointment.


That's actually a really good analogy bc that sunspear hype was entirely player-created . . .

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For the record: I am very happy with the new content coming. I love the Strikes thing, even though it feels like Bounties 2.0. I am interested in seeing these new Masteries, and the Builds system.

What I am not happy with is the poor communication on Anets part. They have again given us no firm dates on planned content that we've known about for months and in once case, literal years. Telling us we will be getting content that is typically reserved for Expansions then giving us a new tree of Masteries is pure bait and switch. Masteries are not expansion content. We have been getting them with nearly every content drop since HoT, and putting them on a seperate tree does not make that feel any different.

If I was a PVP player, I'd be upset. If I was a WvW player, I would be rioting. But as a PVE focused player. I'm just disappointed in the way they handled this reveal. Next time, just tell us "This is when the live stream will happen. Here are the topics that will be discussed."

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> What is your point.... it doesn't matter if it was told to it's going to be LW, point is... they spoke about merch more than LW, managed to offend spvp players and they only talked about prologue.. so not even a full thing.

No they didn't, you can be disappointed but you don't have to lie

> It could've been said in a stream from their office... i obviously can't attend as im living in europe, but imagine you paid money to fly over from another state or even drive over, just to be shown a trailer for 2 mins and rest of it was merch talk.

Bruh I'm sure almost all of the attendees were there for pax and not the showcase.


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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > How can you blame the players for expecting something, ArenaNet made a big deal of nothing. Isn't that fully on them? Yeah I know it's best to expect and hope for nothing from them but people we're looking at this for a decision on if to quit or wait it out from what I have seen; so there was hope there that it would have something actually targeted at the old core playerbase beyond the same as usual

> >

> > Blame for expecting something, and blame for expecting something that they themselves mentally expect are two very different things. Targeting the old core playerbase is not a smart move monetarily wise. This game is 7 years old. Everyone I played this game with is married now and most have kids. It would be financially irresponsible to market to the core playerbase.


> My main point is that you shouldn't blame the players for expecting more than something that could barely fill a blog post without half filling it with information about merchandise to make it look more than it is at first glance. It's not the players decision to live announce this so you can't blame them.


> Curious though, who do you think the game should be made for now then? It would be irresponsible to throw away all care for players that have been there since day 1 as more people leaving does make the game look dead; I assume by making more of it F2P they hope for more kids to join begging for mommy/daddies card to use on the gem store, not sure how the 7 year old game is going to catch their attention though. And the parents are probably fed up of Fortnite nevermind something older and even less worthy of spending.


There was zero reason to expect more than a living story announcement. It is literally stated in the email for it. Everyone knew what this would be about. Not their choice no anet definitely should not have live streamed it at an event. Which is a point in my OP.


Yes it would be irresponsible to disregard the veterans of the game, but it is pretty clear they are focusing on new blood especially with the free HoT with buying PoF. This content is enough to keep players playing, but the free HoT makes it easier to convince their friends to play and be caught up.


Destiny 2 recently did this with Forsaken and is the only reason I went back to it. From a strategic standpoint this annoucement was solid. Enough for current players to look forward to, and an offer to get returning players back or get new players caught up with out a large monetary investment. The execution was obviously not the right way to do it.

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> Anet rented out a theater and had a 36 hour count down timer to sell you funko pops and tshirts.


The trailer and cut scene were very pretty. I would've liked to see them on a big screen. Also would've liked to see the devs live and in person.

Would've gone there I lived in town, but I do consider it stupid to pay a flight or something to see a a Living World trailer and some guys.

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I'm excited as well, more norn/charr driven storyline is great. True they didn't go into too much detail on PvP/WvW but did mention that changes were coming for those modes as well, so we'll wait and see. Strike missions look fun and a great option for those of us who don't have time for raids. :D

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Anet's marketing has always been a bit of let down, dating back to the launch of the game itself.


The problem is they are still advertising and marketing like it is the early 80s. One look at the reddit or these forums in the last month would have shown them that player expectations were trending in a very different direction.


And the blame for today's reactions fall solely on ArenaNet. The conversations were taking place. The expectations were there for anyone to see (and even react to). What they presented today, while exciting from a new story step perspective, did not take the current state of player expectations into account in any way whatsoever, and - as a result - people are (understandably, imo) disappointed.


And saying that players are somehow at fault for those expectations is shortsighted. Again, ArenaNet only had to open their eyes and look at the forums or reddit on any given day in the past month and they would have seen them (and again, had the chance to react to and temper expectations).


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > > Anet was squarely at fault here, drumming up too big excitement. Of course people is going to be disappointed when it turned out to be something that couldve been covered in a blog post.

> > > >

> > > > Yea but it wasn't anything beyond what they stated it would be. All of you are ignoring the fact that the playerbase took the hype generated and overhyped it even more thinking this would be an expansion announcement. Which means very few people complaining have any common sense. We were told an expansion was not planned. We were told that the next living story is what is planned. The email literally says tune in to learn about the next chapter of the living story.

> > > >

> > > > You are correct that it could have been covered in a blog post. There was 0 reason to do this event. But to say the community did not fashion this annoucement into something more is an outright lie.

> > >

> > > I never said it would be an expansion, nor did I expect it.

> > > 1: We did not get an expansion at the end at LS4, leading many to think that LS5 might offer more expansion like content to keep people interested. Such as new especs.

> > > 2: Especially when Anet overhyped it badly, making people thing the reveal would be BIG!

> > >

> > > Yet we got just served with more of the same.

> > >

> > > Again, Anet is solely at fault here for mishandling it and creating false expectations.

> >

> > Your first point is again your fault as a community for thinking that. Not once has a living story chapter given us new elite specs or anything expansion worthy. Other than the mount in the last chapter.

> >

> > Did they overhype it though? The email literally states "Tune in to learn more about the next living story chapter."


> You still havent grasped what I am saying. Why should Anet be slavishly locked to the previous format of the Living Story seasons? Players got hyped for GOOD reason due to the overblown hype, and thoughts that there might be more than just a copy of previous LS seasons. Its squarely Anet's fault.


What is this hype you speak of? They literally sent an email saying hey we are doing this to talk about the new living story season. The email literally states that. Any thoughts of grandeur outside of typical living story content like a map, boss, etc were all community created. Any common sense would tell you not to expect a whole new map area, and elite specs and other expansion level content.

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Hmmm.... I mean... they announced some fun stuff and stuff I'm looking forward to but it felt a bit underwhelming for the sense of occasion :/


Its like calling everyone in the company into the bosses office to announce a new photocopy paper supplier...


Where did the buzz come from? Anet...?

I watched wooden potatoes wax lyrical about the announcement and speculating... that definitely contributed






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Sorry OP, you clearly dont understand that they set expectations too high. I -restate-, why should Anet strictly follow the format of season 3 and 4? Look at season 1 and 2, completely different from what which came later on in format and delivery. So no, dont give me that we couldnt expect a different format to LS5 due to the hype.

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Anyone tuning into this announcement thinking that they were going to experience some kind of revelation and a huge dopamine burst from that announcement is not living in reality. As I've told others, if the game no longer does it for you, that's fine, you've had your fun with it. Move on. There is literally no shortage in game titles coming out in various genres that await your wallet and off work/off school hours. As for those staying or coming into the game, have fun, explore and enjoy any or all of the content that is currently live in the game. Getting yourself overly hyped for something that common sense should have told you wasn't going to be a thing though is not on the company, but on you as an individual. Personally, as a long time player, I'm actually looking forward to heading north and getting to fight Drak since I wanted to do that since GW1.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> Anet's marketing has always been a bit of let down, dating back to the launch of the game itself.


> The problem is they are still advertising and marketing like it is the early 80s. One look at the reddit or these forums in the last month would have shown them that player expectations were trending in a very different direction.


> And the blame for today's reactions fall solely on ArenaNet. The conversations were taking place. The expectations were there for anyone to see (and even react to). What they presented today, while exciting from a new story step perspective, did not take the current state of player expectations into account in any way whatsoever, and - as a result - people are (understandably, imo) disappointed.


> And saying that players are somehow at fault for those expectations is shortsighted. Again, ArenaNet only had to open their eyes and look at the forums or reddit on any given day in the past month and they would have seen them (and again, had the chance to react to and temper expectations).



Anet messed up with this event yes. But to act like they markedted this as anything more than a living story announcement is hilarious. The emails literally state "This will be an event to talk about the new living story season."

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To me it wasn't as much of a let down as not living up to the hype. I liked what I saw. Template, more living story, more maps - and more stuff comes with all that at the same time. But the hype sounded like EXPAC stuff. Still, I wasn't disappointed, since this was the kind of expansion style they talked about doing instead of full expansion packs. They are doing exactly what they said they would do.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anyway

> > > They spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...

> > ~snip~

> >

> > You do know this is the exact same thing that ESO does don't you? Not necessarily for all previous expansions but they have done it with some...it came out 4 years ago, it's old now, it's also the same thing they did with the base game when they released HoT so if you didn't see them doing this eventually with a PoF bundle then it's possible you don't know the game or company as well as you think. Especially as a veteran you should have surmised that at some point in the future they would just bundle HoT with PoF, as they have done.

> >


> but ESO doesn't hype it for a month, making you think it's something awesome and never seen before

> like i said, there has to be people from another state who came over.... imagine paying whatever amount of money it was to go there, expecting something that will amaze you... yet you see new trailer, get told 1st exp is free and above all, they spent more time talking about their merch than anything.... it's just insane to me that they hyped this thing for a month and spent good portion of it just advertising their merch


I keep seeing you saying stuff like "imagine paying to go..." and not offering up actual info on someone that did this instead of people that were literally already there to attend PAX and decided to go to this (which was free in and of itself AND attendees got merch). Like i get you feel it was overhyped and objectively it probably was, but i think you are getting really worked up over people that might not actually exist.

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