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Why people so mad?

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > > > If Arenanet said there was not going to be an expansion, then what the kitten the people were expecting?

> > >

> > > An expansion

> >

> > The thing they said a year ago they weren't going to make?


> Now i understand. the problem is not Anet, the problem is that people is just dumb.


It boggles the mind why some are quick to absolve Anet of any and all blame. Sure, they aren't always a fault, but it does takes two to tango.

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> @"Holgarf.6581" said:

> As somewhat of a critic of ANet and GW2 but someone who of course still enjoys the game, I don't see why people are so maaadddddd about the reveal event. The story is what drives the game. What did you expect?



It's not really a reveal if the company has been talking about what it intends to do the last year. For people in WvW to hear, "we're going to announce later on about WvW restructure", causes an uproar because they've heard that same exact thing since the release of HoT. I don't think anyone is upset that the story is advancing it's more that certain modes that others have found the most entertaining on this game haven't progressed as the story has.


> Assuming there is more more easily accessible content, instead of the super grind that 99% of GW2 is and perhaps some more cosmetics outside of the ever looming Gem Store, I think this will be great. If I could pick anything though, it'd be more optimisation and bug fixes to the old game, since so many were left behind and haven't been touched in 7 years. These guys need more than a 1 man patch team. I would very much like to see QoL updates, improved cursors, and such. I hope each of our characters gets 1 free build slot each. I'd be pretty mad if it cost 1200 gems for a build slot. All of these things can still be achieved.



This is an odd statement because really when I play the first two years of GW2, it wasn't like getting ascended armor felt all that grindy, and it was facilitated by LS1 and the release of HoT and other things, so from my perspective I've never felt it to be a grindy game, and there are plenty of avenues at getting close to the best armor in game that really are far from grindy, so I'd like to hear more about that.


> Overall I think the event was pretty good. And it's nice of Anet to give HoT away for free - that's also beneficial to everybody else.


This also would cause a lot of uproar because a lot of us spent 60$ (more depending on the HoT pack we bought) to get that expansion, the same way we bought core GW2, so I'm sorry but getting an armor skin (just one piece by the way, not even a full outfit) and a poorly designed glider didn't really soften the blow of hearing that I've now spent 120$ that had I waited and not been invested in this game whatsoever I could've just spent 30$ and had 3 games. It's beneficial towards new players, but it feels like a last stitch cash grab.


> (Please though, no more mount unlock grinds... the Griffon and Skyscale I can live with... but, no more... I'll die).



Unlock grinds is what drove a lot of people to playing GW1. If everything is easily accessible through the gemstore, where is the merit? The value of items in an MMO should come from the work that was given to get those items, and not an outside currency. A lot of the items in the gemstore were just sold, with no content built around them. Which also leads to everything feeling so stale. When items like Chaos Wep Skins are just sold on the gemstore, an entire amount of content is just completely skipped, and you've just spent either real life money or grinded gold to buy them. Imagine if with the release of those weapon skins, challenging content like a raid, or even a dungeon (those are entirely dead now with no consideration for the last 7 years) then those weapon skins wouldn't feel so meaningless to have. It's like, "damn I just earned this, I worked my ass off for it, feelsgoodman, everyone else bow at my greatness" that element of the game has been completely erased and we're stuck on this casual mindset of "take my money, I want it now", which in turn, destroys fucking content, and makes games stale. If I wanted to blow money I'd be at a casino or at a bar.



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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> ...because people on the forums can't comprehend that they aren't necessarily the target audience for convention presentations.


> Don't believe me? have a look at the "outrage" when a publisher recasts a comic book character to expand their main ensemble's racial and gender diversity.


Have a look at the sales of those comics.

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People thought some good reveals were coming or were hopeful for it. I guess they don't care much for LW stuff. I don't mind it. But I'm new. If I were here years I probably would be taking a LONG vacation from the game. You really do need a regular influx of solid content to keep an MMO going. Not just one questline (maybe 5 -10 quests) every several months. Fractals and raids that people have done countless times only work for so long. And with an MMO, once people stop playing, when they come back, it probably won't keep them here for long (since they already stopped unless it's really good content). Hopefully they will have some new great maps some good metas for the new content. They did do that with dragonfall. People are keeping that map pretty alive and the metas are generally fun.


I mean really, this is a seven year old MMO. SEVEN YEARS. And they have only had two expansions. That's sort of awful. But they also have two LWs. Really though, in that amount of time other games have done double. ESO has three expansions, around 5 or 6 DLCs and maybe 8 dungeons. And that is in five years not seven. It's not surprising long term players are upset.

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > > > If Arenanet said there was not going to be an expansion, then what the kitten the people were expecting?

> > >

> > > An expansion

> >

> > The thing they said a year ago they weren't going to make?


> Now i understand. the problem is not Anet, the problem is that people is just dumb.


I am going to assume you were being sarcastic there. ;)


Anyway, ANet **never** _did_ say there wasn't going to be an expansion, but there wasn't going to be one _in the near future_. That's not the same thing, you see? So people are curious to learn whether expansions are still as thing for the devs in GW2 or whether the concept has completely been dropped by now.


> @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

> The drastically declining population of wvw due to lag and lack of content for the last 4? Years?


Yes, it's been extremely bad since the new linking method was introduced. There's barely any Commanders to be found these days, all action seems uncoordinated and often maps are downright empty. :/

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> @"skirtsan.6372" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > I am not sure why people get so upset .. we have so many updates recently.. raids etc.. so new living story arriving which is a good thing.. there are other team working on other stuff.. these people are working hard.. i don't know why players behave like children crying for candies.


> I agree. Players (most of whom don't play casually) hyped their own expectations through the roof. I didn't and I saw the announcement in a very exciting way : I could see devs were genuinely excited for lore and story!! Tons of updates last time too, I am genuinely excited :)


me too. i was actually quite excited with the announcement. hehe.

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Give all the content to those who buy the game now, and a title and an ugly skin to those who have supported the game ever .... I can't see that as a thank you but only that they care more about new ones players and less with the older ones.....For me it was a "take it and be happy or leave we don't care about you"

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> The reactions are business as usual for this forum "community." It's not that ANet is doing things with the game that I'd like. However, the reactions are a perfect example of the Buddhist concept that life is filled with dissatisfaction. No matter what ANet announces, it's not going to be good enough for a lot of posters.


I wish I could thumbs up this post 1000 more times.

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> @"jbondo.9817" said:

> This also would cause a lot of uproar because a lot of us spent 60$ (more depending on the HoT pack we bought) to get that expansion, the same way we bought core GW2, so I'm sorry but getting an armor skin (just one piece by the way, not even a full outfit) and a poorly designed glider didn't really soften the blow of hearing that I've now spent 120$ that had I waited and not been invested in this game whatsoever I could've just spent 30$ and had 3 games. It's beneficial towards new players, but it feels like a last stitch cash grab.



I think the real reason for this is because it's going to make maps and events easier to design. From this point forward, they can say "anyone playing the new content has access to all of the movement masteries", and build things accordingly.

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I'm not mad. I bought the core game and both expansions at launch and I think it's a great idea to give HoT to people, levels the playing field and gives them more options to design more interesting maps. I wasn't expecting an expansion announcement they said it was about the LS. I found the fact that they reiterated the same old long awaited additions like alliances, swiss and build templates but had no concrete data for any of them to be baffling. If you have no new information then why mention it at the LS episode reveal?


I was very disappointed about how little about season 5 they revealed. I was hoping for some big announcement about something to let us know how this will give us "expansion level" content. They announced Strikes which seem to be puggable mini raids or instanced bounties but apart from that and the fact that the next episode isn't an episode it's a prologue (so, is it _less_ than an episode? Just another name for an episode? Some filler content because the episodes aren't ready? What?) and episode one and two are going to share a map (so I immediately _feel_ they'll contain less than existing episodes, so will they be closer together or will there still be a four month wait between smaller episodes?) there wasn't that much information on LS either and I was left with a "wait... that's it?" feeling rather than a sense of excitement. So disappointing but not really surprising just business as usual.


Anyway, as I said before, it was marketing exercise scheduled to coincide with PAX, it was not for us existing players.

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> ArenaNet hyped the event into something big - which it was...just not in the way people erroneously thought it would be. Some people took the hype and *ran* with it, speculating about elite specs and expansions (which ArenaNet had already - repeatedly - confirmed there would not be an expansion) and thus were disappointed when it turned out to be...exactly what ArenaNet had announced: a new Living World story and some features within.


By being intentionally vague, the hype created a massive vacuum into which poured all the unfiltered hopes, wants, and complaints of all the players. The event may have been clearly defined internally at Anet (but I'm not even sure about that), but the scope of the unfulfilled thirst for information far exceeded the erratic teaser-level information provided.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> The reactions are business as usual for this forum "community." It's not that ANet is doing things with the game that I'd like. However, the reactions are a perfect example of the Buddhist concept that life is filled with dissatisfaction. No matter what ANet announces, it's not going to be good enough for a lot of posters.


I belive most of the community would be satistied, if they would have announced any of those "expansion like" features they promised.

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I'm not mad, I'm looking forward to the saga.


I think if LW S4 was written to be a fitting end to GW2 as has been said elsewhere by people who worked on it, then the teams have had to scramble to put new plans in place. If it's not all nailed down with specifics yet I think that's completely understandable. It takes time to get everyone up to speed after such a big shakeup.


To me, Anet's decision to put on an event for the saga was their way to show that the game has a future that they are enthusiastic to bring to us.








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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > > > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > > > > If Arenanet said there was not going to be an expansion, then what the kitten the people were expecting?

> > > >

> > > > An expansion

> > >

> > > The thing they said a year ago they weren't going to make?

> >

> > Now i understand. the problem is not Anet, the problem is that people is just dumb.


> I am going to assume you were being sarcastic there. ;)


> Anyway, ANet **never** _did_ say there wasn't going to be an expansion, but there wasn't going to be one _in the near future_. That's not the same thing, you see? So people are curious to learn whether expansions are still as thing for the devs in GW2 or whether the concept has completely been dropped by now.



Ok, now im lost, you say that "there wasn't going to be one in the near future", are they wrong? thats exactly what they showed, it will be a new LW episode that by what im watched it will be used as an introduction to a new expansion. And now we know that the next expansion will be in the North.


All LW episodes finished with an introduction to the next expansion, i dont see where is the anomaly here.

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Because the pve community gets 1 raid per year with just 3 bosses. 1 fractal per year and nobody who does fractals regularly liked the last 2 ones. The fractal reworks are minor changes that can be done in less than a week by one dev.

Spvp gets mostly nothing.

Wvsw got their alliances promised like 18months ago. Build templates are already working for 3years and they are working forever on their own version. A single guy made them in his free time yet devs with access to source code need ages to do them.

Living story is just 2-3h worth of content every 4months. The maps take so many ressources and most people only visit them once or twice to do achievements and then never again.

Another "just living story" announcement just means that there wont be an expansion in the next 9 months and probably no focus on any content that isn't living story. Focus on new maps for living story without any reuse in other areas is just such a waste of ressources. Some of the story maps are looking so great but there is no point in visiting them except for maybe the one meta that takes place in one tiny place on the map.

The hyped this event so much with announcement of the announcement one month ahead and all they showed was a story trailer. The only even somewhat interesting thing are the strike missions but they are probably not even ready for the prologue.

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All I keep hearing is that Anet created "so much hype". Did they really? Sure, they got us excited about an announcement, but they told us right from the start what that announcement was about: Living World. They managed our expectations from Day One. Then, everything that came after hinted at the content being about the Shiverpeaks/norn/Jormag. Expectations managed.


"But they rented a theater!" So? They were already in Seattle for PAX. Renting that theater allowed them to put on a _free_ event for fans in the area that didn't require them to be PAX attendees (which is not free). As mentioned in earlier posts, it also served to promote the game as a whole, both to new players and to show that it is alive and well after the layoffs, particularly in competition with WoW Classic.


So, where is all this overhyping that ArenaNet did? Elite Specializations, expansion, new race, WvW restructuring, etc., etc. ...I've heard it all, and all of it came from the community, _not_ ArenaNet.


Could ArenaNet have given us more? Sure. I'd have liked that, too. But where they gave us a lot was in the realm of story, which is exactly what they promised. They didn't fail to communicate anything. The community failed to listen to what they were told.

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The game has always been a vehicle for exposing customers to the gem shop, but it did such a great job that subscription mmos almost looked pathetic when compared to it. That has worn thin and many were hoping for a sign the game would shake off the malaise and show a path to excellence again. The dog and pony show didn't do that; rather, it has been received as confirmation that all we can expect is a mediocre story to sell the gem shop. So some admittedly unrealistic hopes were dashed.

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> @"PirateSpice.8735" said:

> All I keep hearing is that Anet created "so much hype". Did they really? Sure, they got us excited about an announcement, but they told us right from the start what that announcement was about: Living World. They managed our expectations from Day One. Then, everything that came after hinted at the content being about the Shiverpeaks/norn/Jormag. Expectations managed.


> "But they rented a theater!" So? They were already in Seattle for PAX. Renting that theater allowed them to put on a _free_ event for fans in the area that didn't require them to be PAX attendees (which is not free). As mentioned in earlier posts, it also served to promote the game as a whole, both to new players and to show that it is alive and well after the layoffs, particularly in competition with WoW Classic.


> So, where is all this overhyping that ArenaNet did? Elite Specializations, expansion, new race, WvW restructuring, etc., etc. ...I've heard it all, and all of it came from the community, _not_ ArenaNet.


> Could ArenaNet have given us more? Sure. I'd have liked that, too. But where they gave us a lot was in the realm of story, which is exactly what they promised. They didn't fail to communicate anything. The community failed to listen to what they were told.


I don't know, I will answer your question in 48:00:00...starting NOW

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > @"PirateSpice.8735" said:

> > All I keep hearing is that Anet created "so much hype". Did they really? Sure, they got us excited about an announcement, but they told us right from the start what that announcement was about: Living World. They managed our expectations from Day One. Then, everything that came after hinted at the content being about the Shiverpeaks/norn/Jormag. Expectations managed.

> >

> > "But they rented a theater!" So? They were already in Seattle for PAX. Renting that theater allowed them to put on a _free_ event for fans in the area that didn't require them to be PAX attendees (which is not free). As mentioned in earlier posts, it also served to promote the game as a whole, both to new players and to show that it is alive and well after the layoffs, particularly in competition with WoW Classic.

> >

> > So, where is all this overhyping that ArenaNet did? Elite Specializations, expansion, new race, WvW restructuring, etc., etc. ...I've heard it all, and all of it came from the community, _not_ ArenaNet.

> >

> > Could ArenaNet have given us more? Sure. I'd have liked that, too. But where they gave us a lot was in the realm of story, which is exactly what they promised. They didn't fail to communicate anything. The community failed to listen to what they were told.


> I don't know, I will answer your question in 48:00:00...starting NOW


Only 47:50 minutes to go, can't wait!

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > @"PirateSpice.8735" said:

> > > All I keep hearing is that Anet created "so much hype". Did they really? Sure, they got us excited about an announcement, but they told us right from the start what that announcement was about: Living World. They managed our expectations from Day One. Then, everything that came after hinted at the content being about the Shiverpeaks/norn/Jormag. Expectations managed.

> > >

> > > "But they rented a theater!" So? They were already in Seattle for PAX. Renting that theater allowed them to put on a _free_ event for fans in the area that didn't require them to be PAX attendees (which is not free). As mentioned in earlier posts, it also served to promote the game as a whole, both to new players and to show that it is alive and well after the layoffs, particularly in competition with WoW Classic.

> > >

> > > So, where is all this overhyping that ArenaNet did? Elite Specializations, expansion, new race, WvW restructuring, etc., etc. ...I've heard it all, and all of it came from the community, _not_ ArenaNet.

> > >

> > > Could ArenaNet have given us more? Sure. I'd have liked that, too. But where they gave us a lot was in the realm of story, which is exactly what they promised. They didn't fail to communicate anything. The community failed to listen to what they were told.

> >

> > I don't know, I will answer your question in 48:00:00...starting NOW


> Only 47:50 minutes to go, can't wait!


LOL, good game sir

ITS GONNA BE HUGE....keep waiting

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