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Let's make Striking Missions right

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Striking Missions have really good potential but they have to be done right. Here are some suggestions:

* Make them repeatable. Add rewards to it, maybe a new currency so that people can get RNG based rewards?

* Striking Missions could be the bosses of the story, so that story instances can be replayed.

* **Add a challenge mote with its difficulty being similar to normal raids.** This way, more dedicated/hardcore players have new content while other players have an "introduction" to raids.


What do you guys think?

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> * Make them repeatable. Add rewards to it, maybe a new currency so that people can get RNG based rewards?


Wasnt that mentioned?


> * Striking Missions could be the bosses of the story, so that story instances can be replayed.


Been asking for this since like se3, every major boss of lw or expansions should be srike missions in my opinion like in ff14. Id love if balthazar and joko were strikes, it would add alot to them as powerfull beings and good replayability to that content. They develop these bosses and instanced maps and never reuse them for repeatable content.


> * **Add a challenge mote with its difficulty being similar to normal raids.** This way, more dedicated/hardcore players have new content while other players have an "introduction" to raids.


Agreed tho i assume if that happens raid production will slow if not completely stop in favour of strikes.





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It won't be enough to cancel raids and hand out one single strike/boss with cm mode every 3-4 months. That would be the same cadence like we have with raids (8-9 months for 3 bosses).

They better release both and asap and raid & fractals in a more frequent time frame. They have to do it otherwise this game loses more and more people, also from the "I play to grind legendaries" fraction.

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Like Vince said, if they are going to release "intermediate" content, said content will HAVE to get a better cadence. They ought to sacrifice their effort in creating encounters that always feel "fresh" (and W7 already failed at this by _mechanically_, not only aesthetically, being too similar to others) for the case of strike missions - just keep on churning them out with as much original ideas they can come up with but in a much shorter time span. A challenge mote and having them related to story would be simply awesome and with a good cadence it would probably draw some regular raiders into it as well even if the encounters are easier. Could also be a great place for "introducing" players in a more general sense, aka getting raiders to meet non-raiders while doing actual content inside of a semi-organization context.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > looking forward to easier group content where people can enjoy being together laugh and have fun.


> Its not like the entire game is full of easy content right now.

will see. anet is making effort to improve the game and making content that can cover more players. I'd just wait and see.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> looking forward to easier group content **where people can enjoy being together laugh and have fun**.


I mean.. that's what Raids have been for me and my static for 2+ years.



> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Like Vince said, if they are going to release "intermediate" content, said content will HAVE to get a better cadence. They ought to sacrifice their effort in creating encounters that always feel "fresh" (and W7 already failed at this by _mechanically_, not only aesthetically, being too similar to others) for the case of strike missions - just keep on churning them out with as much original ideas they can come up with but in a much shorter time span. A challenge mote and having them related to story would be simply awesome and with a good cadence it would probably draw some regular raiders into it as well even if the encounters are easier. Could also be a great place for "introducing" players in a more general sense, aka getting raiders to meet non-raiders while doing actual content inside of a semi-organization context.


Exactly. I've been asking for reuse of Story bosses/instances as repeatable group content for ages as a pretty easy way to create lot's of fairly low effort content that could bridge some gaps between the entirety of the "Press 1 and F" part of the game and the actually play a video game and engage with the game's systems and mechanics part of the game.


But it needs to 1. not be at the cost of proper endgame content and 2. can't come out at a snails pace like that endgame content.

If 3 years from now there are 2-3 Strikes, much like with Raids or Fractal CM's, then what's the point of introducing them.


If content looks like it has no future via constant and consistent additions, giving people the impression that it's worth getting invested into it for long time entertainment into the future, then people are not going to stick around for it.


The fact that anyone at all is even still playing Raids and more so Fractal CM's despite their lacklustre amount of releases is actually a miracle, or rather testament to how incredibly good that content is, and how it hooks people for years if they just give it a proper chance.


If since launch Story/LW releases would have only come out every 9 months to 2 years for some 15-30 minute Story (incl. no Story on expansion launches), I'm pretty sure no one at this point would care about it anymore, no matter how accessible or easy it is.

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There needs to be a gear check system internally for all of these players that are bringing ungeared characters into events, wvw, and this new content that hasn't come out yet. Some view this as elitism but in my view I expect there to be a minimum expected of every player so that there is some fun when doing things in this game. So I expect to not see people without any armor, weapons, and trinkets just running into stuff and dying to be considered "participating" in gw2 content.

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What do you guys think about a token system? Similar to the one dungeons had.


You do strikes, get tokens and then exchange them for new looking gear. That way, even though you don't need the gear for the stats you at least get the new cool cosmetics.


Also, we got in the past a feature where you do map completion and that unlocks vendor that sell you ascended gear/trinkets/recipes with new attribute prefixes.

If they introduce new prefixes I am highly in favour of making them unlockable via strikes.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> What do you guys think about a token system? Similar to the one dungeons had.


> You do strikes, get tokens and then exchange them for new looking gear. That way, even though you don't need the gear for the stats you at least get the new cool cosmetics.


> Also, we got in the past a feature where you do map completion and that unlocks vendor that sell you ascended gear/trinkets/recipes with new attribute prefixes.

> If they introduce new prefixes I am highly in favour of making them unlockable via strikes.


Of course they'll do that or something similar. No hard map grinding to get all the armor skins, you just have to kill the boss over and over again for some "shiny" rewards nobody's using anyways.

I mean come on, it's Anet. Do you really think things will drastically change?

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> @"jonesarte.2980" said:

> * Make them repeatable. Add rewards to it, maybe a new currency so that people can get RNG based rewards?


Adding exclusive rewards to Strikes is the way to go, if they only offer what you can get elsewhere then they will be dead in a few months after their release (rough estimate, maybe sooner)

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > Forget it, folk.

> > Strike missions = bounty missions with the same crappy reward, but a cap of 10 people.

> this ^ well.. not necessary capped. But more like "tweaked for"


They said that they will be capped at 10 which is a good thing. Combat relies on watching animations and it's already quite hard with 10 players around. Would be almost impossible with more.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"jonesarte.2980" said:

> > * Make them repeatable. Add rewards to it, maybe a new currency so that people can get RNG based rewards?


> Adding exclusive rewards to Strikes is the way to go, if they only offer what you can get elsewhere then they will be dead in a few months after their release (rough estimate, maybe sooner)


The problem will still be the difficulty. If you make them too easy people will grind them for the exclusive rewards and then never play them again. So, they need to have a mid- to long-term goal but not too grindy because that would result in complaints like for Skyscale & Vision.

Overall and with looking at the history of what we got so far in GW2 I doubt that Anet is going to be successful here.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"jonesarte.2980" said:

> > > * Make them repeatable. Add rewards to it, maybe a new currency so that people can get RNG based rewards?

> >

> > Adding exclusive rewards to Strikes is the way to go, if they only offer what you can get elsewhere then they will be dead in a few months after their release (rough estimate, maybe sooner)


> The problem will still be the difficulty. If you make them too easy people will grind them for the exclusive rewards and then never play them again. So, they need to have a mid- to long-term goal but not too grindy because that would result in complaints like for Skyscale & Vision.

> Overall and with looking at the history of what we got so far in GW2 I doubt that Anet is going to be successful here.


Wasnt the issue with skyscale its timegated nature moreso than any potential grind it had? Like yes ppl didnt like the mat dump but far more comppained about the timegates.


Simple grind is fine, alot of ppl are fine with it as has ow and fractals showed us over the years.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"jonesarte.2980" said:

> > > > * Make them repeatable. Add rewards to it, maybe a new currency so that people can get RNG based rewards?

> > >

> > > Adding exclusive rewards to Strikes is the way to go, if they only offer what you can get elsewhere then they will be dead in a few months after their release (rough estimate, maybe sooner)

> >

> > The problem will still be the difficulty. If you make them too easy people will grind them for the exclusive rewards and then never play them again. So, they need to have a mid- to long-term goal but not too grindy because that would result in complaints like for Skyscale & Vision.

> > Overall and with looking at the history of what we got so far in GW2 I doubt that Anet is going to be successful here.


> Wasnt the issue with skyscale its timegated nature moreso than any potential grind it had? Like yes ppl didnt like the mat dump but far more comppained about the timegates.


> Simple grind is fine, alot of ppl are fine with it as has ow and fractals showed us over the years.


There were 2 complaint waves:


1. Timegate skrittstorm


2. Currency skrittstorm


Anet reacted to both. Timegate was reduced to "Tyrian times" and map currencies were handed out on every new patch afterwards. In case you missed it you could buy currency via Dragonbash, got currency through the community boss thing and buy again during Festival of the Four Winds. Still people complained about it. Several members of my former raid guild quit achieving skyscale and/or didn't start Vision due to the currency grind.


I don't care very much if there's grind players will go through it but the question remains: Is this a good implementation then or just a cheap one. I fear the latter. Daily or weekly timer, too easy for people with brain and yeah, rewards that are by far underwhelming, especially in comparison to gem store items. I mean look at the weapon collection of Thunderhead Peaks or the armor collection of Jahai Bluffs. Do people really think they will get better things than those? I have no hope here.


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Strikes can be similar to how FF14 does Trials.

Single encounters that are effectively an arena, solid fight that might be easier but require some semblance of coordination, and get out. No adds, just an introduction to 10-person content.

If I had to wager, we might see more 'Strikes' on a frequent basis than 'Raids' since it's way simpler to design just a one-off encounter than an entire instance I presume.

I can also assume they will have greater control over difficulty, I believe from the presentation Strikes can be 'upgraded' so my gander is that there's the default easy, and the difficult mode.

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