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All Vabbians are heterosexual now?

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> @"Delta Dawn.4970" said:

> I know this is a minor detail, but recently I've been on a map completion spree and have been doing the Vabbi hearts on a bunch of characters. I remember that in the past, using the affinity analyzer at the "Be the life of the party" heart in Seborhin had an equal chance of prompting npcs to state they were looking for a same- or different-gender partner, but the last three times I've done it this month I noticed that none of the npcs asked for same-gender partners. I know it's just a silly detail in a random heart, but I was wondering what the reason for this change was - as a Gay myself it was just kinda nice to have those interactions not be heteronormative, and I'm sad to see it changed for seemingly no reason.


They don't ask for anyone of any gender. The first npc just complains about being lonely. Then you use the affinity analyzer to find a second npc and that's pure RNG. Last time I did this about 1 or 2 weeks ago I got a few same sex pairs.

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Just redid this heart and of the 6 matches I got:

only 1 was a lonely woman looking for another woman

only 1 was initially a lonely man and used the same "i'm looking for a woman" text as the above woman-seeking-woman did.

the other 4 were lonely women looking for men, but 1 matched pair was both my 1st and 4th pair (a repeat).


Even biased computer programmers are still looking to do the bare minimum while keeping their job. Its a huge stretch to think that they would have put in the extra work to sneak this change through, knowing that the source code control system would have flagged the event as requiring retesting, work done by another team, and their boss wondering "what is John doing making changes to this unbroken stuff instead of doing what I asked him to?"


Its just RNG

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> Support this!

> Also found the artist and designers of the game seems afraid of making sexy outfit and armor for male characters, always covered so well compare to the female outfits lol


Sadly this is common practice in the gaming industry. And Anet people were never the ones to break the mold so it is what it is.

The Starbound outfit, with a realistic bulge (or even an "existing" bulge would be enough) and with no stary effect, just the skin... ;) now that's quality content :D


As for the Heart from OP.

I've mapped PoF a lot recently, getting all my main characters to 404 skill points (out of boredom) and I think I noticed something. There are still gay npcs, but it's rarer then before and they seem to be all the way on the outer limits of the Heart zone. Kind of in the back of the bus if you get what I mean. I think Anet changed it like this at some point for whatever reason. It seems like the kind of thing Anet does so it's reasonable.

So yeah, gay npcs still exist there, but I'm pretty sure Anet pushed them to the edges and probably lowered the probability of it happening.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Delta Dawn.4970" said:

> > I know this is a minor detail, but recently I've been on a map completion spree and have been doing the Vabbi hearts on a bunch of characters. I remember that in the past, using the affinity analyzer at the "Be the life of the party" heart in Seborhin had an equal chance of prompting npcs to state they were looking for a same- or different-gender partner, but the last three times I've done it this month I noticed that none of the npcs asked for same-gender partners. I know it's just a silly detail in a random heart, but I was wondering what the reason for this change was - as a Gay myself it was just kinda nice to have those interactions not be heteronormative, and I'm sad to see it changed for seemingly no reason.


> They don't ask for anyone of any gender. The first npc just complains about being lonely. Then you use the affinity analyzer to find a second npc and that's pure RNG. Last time I did this about 1 or 2 weeks ago I got a few same sex pairs.


The initial dialogue is a complaint about being lonely, then there's an option to ask them what kind of person they're looking for, at which point they'll say something like "I'm looking for a woman who can make me laugh!" or "I want a man who will encourage me to try new things."


I can't remember now if the gender of the person you match them with always matches the one they say they want. But I'm going to do the heart again tonight for 1 more funerary incense so I can check that as well.

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I'm going to get hell rained down on me, but this really doesn't seem like a big deal or even a minor deal. A few people have posted that they still get this event (or whatever it is?). I think before accusing the devs or even people on the forums of being some kind of -phobic or -ist, maybe do research and compile statistics for how often this event or whatever happens? And then compare it to the stats from before you feel the change was made? Or something?


Also, demonizing people that don't agree with or understand you doesn't help the situation, change them, or make you happier. (Directed at some of the responders on here that have serious attitudes).

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> @"Tyler.4937" said:

> I'm going to get hell rained down on me, but this really doesn't seem like a big deal or even a minor deal. A few people have posted that they still get this event (or whatever it is?). I think before accusing the devs or even people on the forums of being some kind of -phobic or -ist, maybe do research and compile statistics for how often this event or whatever happens? And then compare it to the stats from before you feel the change was made? Or something?


> Also, demonizing people that don't agree with or understand you doesn't help the situation, change them, or make you happier. (Directed at some of the responders on here that have serious attitudes).


he's just asking for others experience on it, to compare and do research, like you said he should make. I don't see the problem.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Tyler.4937" said:

> > I'm going to get hell rained down on me, but this really doesn't seem like a big deal or even a minor deal. A few people have posted that they still get this event (or whatever it is?). I think before accusing the devs or even people on the forums of being some kind of -phobic or -ist, maybe do research and compile statistics for how often this event or whatever happens? And then compare it to the stats from before you feel the change was made? Or something?

> >

> > Also, demonizing people that don't agree with or understand you doesn't help the situation, change them, or make you happier. (Directed at some of the responders on here that have serious attitudes).


> he's just asking for others experience on it, to compare and do research, like you said he should make. I don't see the problem.


I'm mores responding to the entirety of this thread. Also, I never said it was a problem.

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I'd guess its not intentional. Its such a minor thing that I cant see someone going out of their way to reprogram the heart, but doing something with another heart? I could see it popping a bug or something.

Also, no reason for half of you to act like a fucking prick. It was a minor thing that has changed, I've noticed it too and Tyler is just asking if it was intentional or a fluke.

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I just did the heart again, spoke to 8 nobles and every single one wanted an opposite sex partner. I don't remember how many homosexual couples there were when I've done it previously, but I know it was enough to draw my attention. If you pay attention to the random NPCs homosexual couples are not unusual in Tyria, but several of them together surprised me.


If it's random - with a 50/50 chance for a straight or gay couple - then getting the same result 8 times in a row seems highly unlikely (I'm very tired so I'm not going to try and work it out exactly). If it's weighted to make straight couples more likely then 8 is too small of a sample.


I'm going to keep tracking this as I do the heart. It is a very minor thing but I'm curious about whether it's been changed.


Edit: I did the heart on a second character (not realising Funerary Incense from each vendor is limited to 1 per day per account, not per character) and 2 out of 6 nobles were looking for a same-sex partner.

![](https://i.imgur.com/6i6sA3T.jpg "")

(I included the event notification to show this is a screenshot from today.)


So it might be that it's random, but weighted to make straight couples more common.

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> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> > @"Tanith.5264" said:

> > We have bigger things to concern ourselves about. Such as...why are the choya so angry? :)


> Probably because skritt are so quick to try to kill them. I know I'd be angry.


They look like delicious watermelon when you cut them up soooooo, maybe the skritt are onto something.

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so it shouldn't matter, but it clearly matters to you because you're complaining about it.

what's next? people complaining about PoC characters being needlessly celebrated in PoF and LS4? pff

Anyway back on topic, I'll give it a try myself now and see how it goes. I'll post the results later.

EDIT: just checked it out and I saw a woman asking for "the sweetest girl" so I think you just had ad luck with it :)

It was only 1 woman of the 20 something NPCs I talked to tough. I doubt it's a 50/50 chance.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I am lost. What are you all referring to? Have link?


There's a heart in The Domain of Vabbi which is most easily done by finding mates using a device.




The device is called the affinity analyzer. It finds matches for people who want to find love. You introduce those people you finish the heart. It usually does heterosexual couples but occasionally it didn't. The OP is asking whether it changed after trying about 20. I don't think it likely has, but who knows.

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As for the other responses to mine: You _are_ being represented. You can create all sorts of characters in the game, with all sort of physical and facial features (although there could be more, I agree) and all sort of skin colors. We even have one of the main NPCs being a person with disabilities (although Asura tech is helping her in that regard). I think GW2 is pretty diverse, and it just makes me mad when people attack that diversity or say that they don't care.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> Ironically, in this same area, you can overhear what sounds like a man and woman flirting with each other in the garden. One suggests a walk and the other says they work hard enough lifting their wine. Turn the corner and you'll see it's a female NPC and another female NPC with a male's voice.


> Interpret that how you will, but I imagine the renown heart and this NPC interaction are both just products of bugs or RNG rather than any purposeful effort to support or reject representation.


What I was thinking. Which dialogue is used is probably random. If so the most likely thing is a variable got changed without knowing the effect it would have rather than something malicious being the case.


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if lgbtq people were accepted as you say, then why complaining each time one appears on media? it happened with kasmeer, it happened with iceman in marvel, it happened with bunker at dc too, it happened with the ending of black sails, it happened with steven universe, it happened with each and everytime there's a lgbtq character on any media. a huge fuss happens and people complain about an agenda, and a thousand other reasons, so don't tell me we're "accepted".

anyway I've given my cent on this, there's absolutely no point in debating with people that have set up their mind on the topioc a long time ago, nor do I care to change it.

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As a part of lgbt family myself this is just too fucking much. Just stop. Of all the things you can do in this life time, is this the only thing you are proud of? Your sexuality? And when it gets taken out of the equation you are so afraid because suddenly you will become nothing? Just a mere human being. Is that why you cling so hard to your identity that you get offended by every little thing other people do or think? Shame on you all. I feel used with all this new lgbt representation. The only people who gives a fuck about this useless kind of thing usually is the one who has nothing else to offer in their life most of the time.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> if lgbtq people were accepted as you say, then why complaining each time one appears on media? it happened with kasmeer, it happened with iceman in marvel, it happened with bunker at dc too, it happened with the ending of black sails, it happened with steven universe, it happened with each and everytime there's a lgbtq character on any media. a huge fuss happens and people complain about an agenda, and a thousand other reasons, so don't tell me we're "accepted".

> anyway I've given my cent on this, there's absolutely no point in debating with people that have set up their mind on the topioc a long time ago, nor do I care to change it.


From what I remember the "controversy" about Kas and Marj was very contained. Unjustified but still minor. They are both very accepted characters at this point (and I hope we get more of them back together).


Now concerning one of your other examples and at the risk of being a bit off topic, the Iceman reaction was very justified. I've been following x-men continuity since the 80s and throughout all these years, he was very obviously hetero. The retcon was done because of some diversity checklist, and I don't see how's that respectful to the lbgtq community.



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