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Future Potential WvW-centric Balance Changes - September 6th 2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"gregor lightbringer.7143" said:

> > How about a hammer rework for the Guardian so that it can be a little more viable in all game play variants.


> They did that last year and made hammer less viable after the rework ?


for that same reason you need it the hammer has been forgotten a complete change in their abilities is necessary for you to make an option more viable

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An other criticism of mine is that the amount of proposed changes is just too few, dont be lazy or TOO carefull, the pace of balancing has to go up. Hell, I wouldn't even mind an ambitious overhaul like the 23/6/2015 patch, but this time while in dialogue with the players (do it while we still have some proven world class (integer) players around).


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> >Would your gameplay change as a result? How?


> I still don't think, that patch will change wvw much.


> >Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?


> Maybe slightly improve wvw. But overall dmg will still be too high.


> >Are you looking forward to these potential changes? Why?


> Have kinda mixed feelings. And also feel that there are still a lot of things missing.


> >What are your concerns and the consequences you expect with this set of changes?


> Maybe we will se more eles. That are kinda hidden over powered right now. I bet you will see "nerf ele" for next balance patch.


considering most squads are stacked with Firebrands,Scourges,Heralds and Scrappers.. surely its good to see other specs in aswell?

> Ele is already the king of dmg in wvw.


Ele damage is more RNG on the fact that they place there Meteor shower in the right spot at the right time,


> But getting randomly hit by some meteors almost onehitting you, isn't fun to play either.


Large AoE red circle.. Can't really miss it and if you get caught by it then you are either out of position or you walked into a bomb of Meteors,Wells and Phase Smash so your dead even if Meteor wasn't cast





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The warrior warhorn changes feel clunky.


Fury and resistance are good choices. But there are some problems.


The coupling of resistance, condition cleanse and barrier doesn't make sense, you only need 1 or the other. Make it resistance base line, give it a long duration and remove the barrier and condition cleanse portion of the skill.


Barrier is a bad defensive choice anyway because it's not thematically appropriate for warrior. Consider making it protection instead. I'd also urge against aoe stability, we don't need that kind of power creep via boon spread in the other game modes. Chaos Chrono and FB is enough proof for that.


10-25% damage on the next 2 attacks basically makes this a meaningless bonus effect because it will get wasted on small packets of damage. Why don't you make this interesting? Make it an effect that scales off your stats. For example:


Increases outgoing damage of nearby allies by (concentration/ 35) % for (concentration/ 60) seconds.


Overall warhorn just feels like a mishmash if different effects. It lacks any identity.

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This is our best Christmas present before the time, thank you!

> we want to clarify that we're continuing to balance for other game types, including (as some of you guessed) significant changes to the warrior's Tactics line as well as the necromancer's Death Magic line, ranger sword changes and more.


**Oppressive Collapse** : This skill will require line of sight on the activation. Very good Nerf !!!!

**Long Range Shot**: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.6-0.8 in WvW only. good change

**Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge** : This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis. good Nerf

**Holographic Shockwave** : Reduced range from 600 to 300. Very good Nerf !!!!


**Increasing the range of anti-stealth skills is a good thing, I think in MCM she should have scored the target on our killer as the mount skill "Sniff"**

Because these skills are very little used gave them a little more would be fine.



## If you want Support / Heal to be competitive in MCM and rival with Firebrand, they need at least 3 things:

## dispell, stability, speed they must provide to their allies while moving.

I'm offering you some ideas


1. Tempest:

Currently it does not provide stab for these allies.

- **Eye of the storm**: removed speed and replaced by 3 stabilities (because it already gives super speed)

- **Flash-Freeze**: Added a dispell removed frost and damage, this skill is used when heal in all modes of play

- **Harmonious Conduit**: You apply Stability to you and your allies when you have activated an overload.

- **Elemental weapon conjure** work with X charges (as diversion dagger to Daredevil) when activated it equips you with the weapon instantly, it does not invoke more weapons on the ground.




2. Druid:

Here the problem is the deficiency of area dispell off avatar, no stab skill and a lot of glyphs that are useless.

- **Celestial Being** : + Dispell an alteration gives X% of astral force

- **Verdant Etching**: Launches a seed of life when you cast a glyph. seed of life lane are increased radius to 240. When you launched a glyph reduced the celestial avatar CD of 1 seconds (off avatar) and incrase avatar mode (in avartar)

(Integrated 20% CD reduction of glyphs in basic skill, these are too bad or situational in all game modes)

- **Astral Wisp**: The wisp revolves around you and heals the alies that cross it (this skill is useless in MCM, enemies fall too fast or are too far)

- **Natural Convergence**: We can move during channeling (like War with its Winds of Disenchantment)

you apply stability loads to you and your allies at each Pulses.

- **Glyph of Equality**: (CD 30 seondes) Apply stability to you and your allies + personal breackstun without avatar mode (because we already have Glyph of the tides for CC)

- **Glyph of the tides**: (CD 20seconds) Added speed to the current skill

- **Glyph of Unity**: (CD 25 seconds) rework Gives Protection and Retaliation to nearby allies without avatar mode

(binds to enemies nearby is useless in MCM everything is done at a distance when we hit either we are dead or the enemies are dead)

- **Glyph of Stars**: In both forms the skill is around us and follows us (because we are constantly moving, like the war with its Winds of Disenchantment)




3. Scourge:

The problem is that it doesn't bring a stab and that some features and utilitarian skills are useless.

- **Sand Savant**: Replaced Increased target: 2 to increased Allied target: 2, Enemy reduced target: 2. Reload 10 or 15 seconds.

(This way the dps scourges will not take it because they will only hit 1 target with their shade and 1 target around them so they will do almost no damage or conversion if they get done and the trait is still useful for heal scourge )

Why do scourges dps currently take "sand savant" especially since there is an increase of targets !!! + an increase in radius.

In mcm we need big areas as the enemies constantly move and our class puts alteration that influences the movement = torment and fear

The small shades are used when the enemies do not move (so never in pvp / MCM) or because we know that it will go on our tank, so I propose, a redesign of:

- **Feed from Corruption** (redesign): You can only use one shade, your recharge CD is 20 seconds and your radius is increased by 120.

(I would change that is useless in PVE and MCM, you'll tell me it's the same as "sand savant", yes but there is no increase targets, which greatly reduces the corruptions, barriers and damages)

- **Foot in the grave**: (this skill changes according to reaper/core or scourge)

in scourge gives you stability and 5 allies around you, by pulsation of the shroud of the desert (why? because the other 2 lines on the same column are too important as dps to not take them and it allows the sourge heal of given stab)

in Reaper / core gives 2 stability load every X seconds for Y seconds when you are in shroud.

- **Dessicate**: You converted an alteration of your allies for everyone you gain life force and you confer 10 powers to your allies

Vital force 10% + 2% by converted alteration (Number of targets 5) (compare the Druid buff in avatar, FB buff with are baton every 16 seconds, elem with these cries and overload and combo, ...)

- **Serpent Siphon** : remake of the skill is to make that it applies immobilization and poison (offensive version) or a barrier and the stab and no damage (defensive version)





For the Mesmer there are 2 big problems now, wells and skills that invoke illusions.

- Actually all the **skills that invoke fantasms or clones** are useless in the MCM format, squad VS squad because they are being destroyed immediately by the AOE from everywhere.

The other problem are **the wells** since the buff and heal appear at the end of it but as we move all the time, we never get these two things.

So the solution would be to put:

- or these two effects of the wells are invoked.

- or apply the effect to a lesser extent at each Pulses.




> Are you looking forward to these potential changes? Why?

Change is good, it allows to test something and to evolve the meta.

On the other hand if something is too powerful or weak please do not wait 6 months or 1 year for the changed.


> What are your concerns and consequences with this set of changes?

I am very afraid of **Sand Savant** change because it is a very good trait in openworld PVE and heal scourge.

If it is missed it could kill the specialization.



Don't give up, you hold something!

Sorry about my English.

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**Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.**

This actually isn't a bad idea but it still will be an issue that so few other classes can dependably bring Stability so as offset the need to always have a Guardian in WvW, until this is addressed the Guardian heavy presence in WvW will continue and along with it the continued habit of over doing the nerfs to Guardian to try and decrease WvW over dependence on Guardian's


**Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants retaliation.**

I don't see this as problematic as it was originally where you lost both Aegis and Retaliation (granted it does lower access to Retaliation with its follow up trait advantage of Righteous Instincts but honestly if your not getting the Critical off of one of your Utilites you're having to drop out of the Tome anyway. The only real benefit is in destroying your enemies using AoE's against your squad , yes it isn't very helpful losing a party wide source of Retaliation but it isn't a deal breaker at least in my opinion)


**Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE.**

I didn't really see this as an issue when it was first posted and I still don't(the difference between 2 and 3 condition cleanses is a none issue considering the number of different options available for condition cleanses overall)


**Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis.**

While I still am not a fan of of this personally I don't see it as a deal breaker but I do have to question the rationale behind it in the first place, I understand that from a thematic point of view Taunt with Retaliation might seem more appropriate but I don't see how leaving Aegis as still a part of the skill suddenly makes it over powered in anyway all Aegis is going to stop is the very first (and only a single hit at that) of the enemies Auto Attack and honestly Retaliation's overall impact in this sort of setup will be pretty minor (Retaliation really only hurts on those big AoE attacks when your whole party has retaliation up but this only gives Retaliation to the the Guardian nor does it give Aegis to anybody but the Guardian). Maybe they are viewing this in regards to the additional effects that can proc off of Aegis such as healing (Pure of Heart: heals for 645 with no healing power), direct damage(Mystic Rebuke which does 266 baseline and can't critical), additional Retaliation(4 seconds from Wrathful Spirit) , and a Damage Bonus of 20% (Unscathed Contender which will drop on the first hit that wipes out Aegis). All that being said if the real problem is how often it allows Aegis to come into play for the Guardian because it has a 4 second recharge they could increase the recharge to 6 seconds or even 8 but keep the Aegis and Taunt with the added Retaliation because there isn't any reason all of the Tomes chapters have to be in lock step on each others chapters recharge rate but this is only my opinion and losing Aegis on Chapter 2 doesn't ruin the overall Tome but honestly adding Retaliation really doesn't add or improve it in anyway particularly with having such a short duration.


**Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires.**

While this sounds great on paper I really don't see this increasing it's overall use beyond the small number of players who use it now, the recharge time is just to high(75 seconds) and the healing while being good isn't great when considered against the long recharge time (Some exceptions out there of players acting as quick medic's by combining Sanctuary with Merciful Intervention and even Signet of Mercy or Signet Courage , I'm not one to use this setup myself )


**_Thank you for asking for feedback and listening to it , even when some of us may not agree with the final outcome seeing that you have listened to comments and feedback from us on at least some of the work is heartening and to be fully honest there is absolutely no way that you could accommodate all of our viewpoints being as they are often in conflict with each due to our own personal bias. _**

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Please be careful when nerfing boon strip/corrupt. To me, the real problem in WvW is the boon generation/uptime. FB, Scrappers, and Revs all contribute to boon generation and up-time, meanwhile you only have Spellbreaker and Scourge to counter it. By nerfing Scourge damage and boon corrupts/strips you're really just going to prolong the fights because Scourge will still be a staple in WvW even if these nerfs go through. Scourge being meta will never change until boon generation/up-time is changed. Scourge being meta is the result of FB, Rev, and now Scrapper being meta. Barrier nerf is good though. Going DPS, I shouldn't be able to stack an 11k barrier on myself and a 6k barrier on my allies.

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For Sand Savant, why not just change up the Scourge tree a little.


Put Sand Savant in Blood as Sand's spot, making it a passive trait while generalizing the cooldown between 3-target shade and 5-target shade. Then put Blood as Sand in Sand Savant's old spot and also add on the extra effect of reducing shade cooldowns by a tad. Then add an ICD to Feed from Corruption.


Or put Herald of Sorrow in Sand Savant's spot, Sand Savant in Blood as Sand's spot, and Blood as Sand in Herald of Sorrow's old spot. Then also add an ICD to Feed from Corruption to avoid boon uptime/generation.

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> @"DKNero.1564" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"gregor lightbringer.7143" said:

> > > How about a hammer rework for the Guardian so that it can be a little more viable in all game play variants.

> >

> > They did that last year and made hammer less viable after the rework ?


> for that same reason you need it the hammer has been forgotten a complete change in their abilities is necessary for you to make an option more viable


I absolutely agree with you. It is just Anet trend of reworking things have been disastrous.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> **Items**


> * Superior Rune of Antitoxin: Change it so that instead of increasing outgoing condition cleanses by one it instead increases incoming condition cleanses by one, thus only affecting the wielder, but allowing it to scale up with external cleanses.


> **Engineer**


> * Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW. Pending the superior rune of antitoxin change, this may stay at 5 cleansing pulses.

> * Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to ~~75~~ 60 seconds in WvW.

> * Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.

> * Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> * Impact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.

> * _Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro._


Thank you for listening on most of these changes. Rune of antitoxin was the biggest problem as far as cleansing goes.


Rest of the changes look fairly good, few inputs I have:


* Thank you for noticing how impact savant was overbearing to scrappers in general. This change should be sufficient to see more scrappers in offensive builds in all competitive game formats.

* While the change to chemical field is more competitive in PVP game modes, it's got a negative impact on PvE. It's also thematically inappropriate. I would suggest leaving chemical field as it is, but the field left behind pulses reveal. Alternatively, as many players have suggested, tie detection pulse to function gyro. Considering f-gyro is nearly useless right now, it would be helpful.

* Should the change to rune of antitoxin go through, please don't double-whammy purge gyro. On builds that don't have rune of antitoxin, this nerf would substantially reduce self-cleansing potential for offensively-oriented scrappers.

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Scrappers need a bit of a dps buff and a nerf in sustain,weaver's need their sustain nerfed as well as a good player on either can just sit on a node unless out numbered and will just out sustain any dps done by one player which is absurd. Difference between the two tho is at least weaver can burst u down in seconds where as the scrappers just annoying lol.

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Rune of Antitoxin : much needed change

**Scrapper**: the change to the vitality loss is welcome

Purge gyro: please don't reduce the cleansing if the rune is changed

Stealth gyro: as stated in prior thread, it needs to be balanced against Mass Invisibility among other things. With 75 second cooldown it'd still see use due to being a smoke field.


**Guardian**: I am always against nerfing core skills , but I don't see why Stand your Ground needs to be hit with a stability reduction if there's no other real alternative.


**Scourge**: Sand Savant isn't used in damage builds for PvE (usually Demonic Corruption burning trait is used) so I don't see why it can't be split for WvW?

Sand Flare/Desert Shroud: change is welcome because it makes celestial / marshal's scourges more competitive to grieving/marauder/berserker counterparts despite less critical hit damage


Revenant : As I stated in the prior thread, making CoR a fixed damage will mean skilled revenants get less damage out of it and the unskilled ones will spam it on recharge because it does maximum damage at all ranges. If reducing the damage, simply removing third tier damage would make it more skill-based rather than spammy ranged power damage.


**Warrior**: Thank you for revising the 25% bonus on Charge to 10% which is more reasonable.


**Ranger**: Longrange shot seems not to be the problem (as stated in the prior thread) , the soulbeast and beast mastery bonuses while melded (as well as Sic Em on top of that) are the real issues in my opinion. All this will do is hit core rangers.

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i think guardian virtues- Battle Presence should be changed to apply the effect to allies on activation like perfect Inscriptions(signet trait)

the trait is stronger on fb due to Loremaster, while core guard is disincentivised to use f2 with this trait

i think pve uses radiance instead of virtues so it wouldnt hurt pve

would also reduce server load

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I want to point out currently three most dominant skills in WvW:


[Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chapter_3:_Valiant_Bulwark)

Too high reflect uptime (60% uptime untraited, 90% traited).

Cd is too low, duration is too high.



Double cooldown and halve duration (cd 8s -> 16s, duration 5s -> 2s)


[Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chapter_3:_Heated_Rebuke)

Strong AoE pull with too low cd.

Instant hit without indicator.



Increase cooldown, add 1s arm time with visible AoE indicator.


[Phase Smash](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phase_Smash)

High damage ranged skill.

Too high damage, too high range, 1.25s evade, too low cd, too low energy cost, hits atop walls, does not have visible AoE indicator, can be abused with stealth.



Reduce range, reduce radius, increase cd, can no longer hit atop walls, add visible AoE indicator, reveals when used.


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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:


> check out the window in the top right, total damage is the left number while damage per second is the one in parenthesis. Notice that it spikes up to 89.2k damage per second from the shade bomb alone. It's very WeAk AnD pAtHeTiC, aBsOlUtElY lAuGhAbLe


> Show a video of any other class pulling that kind of spike damage if you want to be taken seriously


On the other hand by the looks of it you are the only scourge showing serious boon removal, the rest of them are not doing any real thing even though it's there #1 job: No boon strip usually means decreased dmg.



Message to all WvW scourges out there:

DL and install ArcDPS. Apart from the very useful build template feature, the stats are very useful: do like on the vid and always have your dmg and boon removal windows open. This is not for DPS shaming or anything but it shows you where you are in term of effectiveness: if you don't know how you are doing, you cannot improve. If you are consistently doing 70% as much removal as the top scourges, then you are on the right path. If you are consistently doing 20% as much removal as the top scourges, then you are doing something wrong. There is nothing wrong in that, there is only something wrong in not wanting to improve, so ask the top scourges how to do it correctly: most of them will take a few minutes to give you some pointers (and if they don't, they are just arseholes so no worry and ask someone else ;) ).

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"With these changes the objective is to bring the dominant builds and compositions into line and offer more build diversity to the existing meta."


"As before, this isn't the full set of changes we're preparing and this is not a call for general profession feedback."


This is a nice way to completely avoid that you have a support elite spec that you completely killed off in PvP and WvW, which just happens to belong to a profession that has never really had a "squad build" for WvW.


I don't care if its profession specific. Take a look at druid already. Give ranger a decent WvW zerg build that doesn't involve gimmicky longbow builds that operates outside the group.

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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > Why are you doing that to your Revenants? I personally enjoy playing my Power Herald ,but its getting worse and worse. Its my main class, but its gotten so bad that nobody would take me into fracs, raids or at least stay in the pvp match if they play with a herald.... even if im doing more damage than most of the others.

> > And now you are going to screw Herald in WvW over too? ITS THE LAST RETREAT POINT FOR US HERALDS! THE HAMMER IS ALL WE HAVE


> except perma output of boons, i'm sure you really need that 15k aoe crit without telegraphed aoe on a 4s cd on the hammer. there is really nothing herald has...


Firstly, We are just giving the standard boons which others give with a single skill or as a bonus from their standard weapon skills

2. Why can everyone else have a one-hit skill while we can just do a 15k damage hit which is absolutely fricking slow and only does alot of damage to people that have full zerk gear with no protection or damage reduction?

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> check out the window in the top right, total damage is the left number while damage per second is the one in parenthesis. Notice that it spikes up to 89.2k damage per second from the shade bomb alone. It's very WeAk AnD pAtHeTiC, aBsOlUtElY lAuGhAbLe


> Show a video of any other class pulling that kind of spike damage if you want to be taken seriously


Lets see. You dumped a full bomb on a group that just stood still and took it without trying to move. So basically a dummy parse. Which is unrealistic damage since the conditions required to pull it off aren't reliable. Possible yes but not a norm. Your 80k burst lasts less than a second and then it plummets rapidly. Which is why in the end of both clips you're being beat by a weaver despite your 0mG BuRsT.


There is a maximum possible total damage to be dealt against a group that doesn't pay attention. Your 34 man squad's DPS is lacking which allows you and the weaver to deal majority of it. A better group bomb would have much more balanced numbers across the board instead of two people pretty much carrying. You're losing hardly any damage to invuln frames from downs because of this and since they didn't move all your aoe's struck the maximum possible targets for the full durations.


Hows about some dps videos not in t4 against people who aren't sleeping. Might be able to take you seriously then.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> **Thief**


> * Deadly Ambition: Reduce the poison inflicted by this trait from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 2 seconds in PvP & WvW. Reduce the internal cooldown from 5s to 2s in PvP & WvW.



This change is a considerable buff not a nerf nor even an adjusment.



**I will be talking about sPvP perspective even though I expect it might be pretty similar in WvW**


> * Would your gameplay change as a result? How?


Gameplay will not change, it will simply get passively improved on a Build that is already not only dominating but overperforming at that.


> * Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?


Worsen a lot, as I mentioned an overperforming dominant Build _(DrD Condi S/D)_ was already generating a lot of pressure.


> * Are you looking forward to these potential changes? Why?


Definitely not to this particular one, DrD Condi S/D already benefited with this trait just enough, with this proposed change that Build will now generate more poison stacks in shorter intervals, hence not only the 1sec lower poison duration is not gonna change absolutely anything but it will **also** turn that Builds main damaging condi in to **both** Main Damaging Condi and an unavoidable Cover Condi, this change makes poison literally cover poison. So to sum up: _More DMG, uncleansable condi and permanent -33% Heal Effectiveness, hence a plain buff to a dominant overperforming build._


> * What are your concerns and the consequences you expect with this set of changes?



At this moment in sPvP DrD Condi S/D is one of the most toxic, least skillful, most complained about, most dominant and most abusive builds, this change will literally **buff** its Poison up-time and therefore Poisons DMG as well since it will now be uncleansable. The consequences of that is that even more players will start using this build _(keep in mind that it is **already** all over the place so now imagine double that number)_ leading to generally more toxic, unstable, skilless, monotone PvP environment which is the 4 main issues a Game must avoid at any cost.

All of my points can be verified/checked just by taking a look at the past = DrD Condi S/D was already once present and it ended up exactly the way I mentioned until its removal _(keep in mind this build needs to be adjusted, not removed as it once was!)_, another example is a Condi Mirage, almost all of its Condi builds from PoF release until recently were the same eg: infinite condi spam, toxic almost abusive like mechanics with unavoidable condi application and an ability to disengage with easy which **also** created the environment I mentioned, you can check all that if you take a look through past Forum Posts and old Videos.



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Thanks for the revised notes on the proposed changes, for me this is valued more than the actual changes themselves. Keeping us in the loop and considering our input, especially when it is echoed by a majority of players from different preferred gameplay modes and preferred styles of play is an important step in the right direction.


As primarily a Mesmer player, the changes do little to bring Mesmer back into the large scale combat scene and do nothing to affect it’s roaming capabilities. A major issue with roaming is not feeling like one individual can make an impact, and thus much of the population does not bother playing WvW at all. A major issue for Mesmer is that if clones and phantasms instantly exploding in large scale combat, never getting to use shatters at full or even half strength means reliance only on utilities. This more than anything limits any changes done to Mesmer, relegating them to being functionally useless changes most of the time.


No need to repeat what I have said earlier, these changes will not greatly affect WvW, the gameplay will still be the same overall. It will not shift from grouping up and using whatever profession is providing the best boons to allies, or does the most AoE damage.


Changes would be well served when focused on diversifying the gameplay, making small scale and roaming more impactful and creating some changes to Mesmer that improve reliability dramatically while also normalizing their output in any damage or condition output significantly. Specifically Mesmer here because it is likely still the most complained about profession, and as a Mesmer player I want to be able to enjoy being in large scale without feeling like all I offer is portals, stealths, and revives. I want to bring some damage, some condition cleansing or boon stripping comparable to corrupts. I want to finally be able to be balanced around some numbers tuning instead of being at the mercy of the variance in gameplay modes imposed by the destroyable resource of clones.


Last note, changes to Chaotic Interruptions seem fine, the cooldown reduction seems a bit less than half as strong as immobilize. That is totally okay though, and feels even more thematic this way, please get that implemented so those of us that enjoy having CI available in PvP can use it again.

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