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Future Potential WvW-centric Balance Changes - September 6th 2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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-Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

If this is the case then we'd need a 5-10% cooldown reduction to balance this change out.


-Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants aegis or retaliation.

This affects the trait "Stalwart Speed" which is currently a major component in the meta, we need the quickness to reduce activation for other abilities, this change makes no sense.


-Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE.

The current meta in WvW is very boon corruption and condition application heavy, removing the 3rd condition cleanse for this ability will increase the potency of an already incredibly oppressive meta based on conditions.


-Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis.

This is another one that ties into the trait "Stalwart Speed", this change plus the change to "Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines" essentially makes "Stalwart Speed" redundant, the other two traits are not optimal or required as no self respecting guard would run out of charges on their mantras.


-Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires.

Interesting change, not sure if i like it or not :).


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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" ,


The change to Rangers' Long Range Shot is small, but I feel that it's unnecessary. Rangers have lost Longbow attack speed over the years, which has really dampened damage, though I suspect this was done to make room for damages increases from Beast Mode. If you want to tone down Rangers in WvW, why not focus on Soulbeast specifically so core Rangers don't take a hit?


Regarding changes to Rune of Antitoxin and condition cleansing in general, I support dialing these back in WvW. I feel that there's very little room for condition damage-based builds in WvW aside from roaming.

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> **Engineer**


> * Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW. Pending the superior rune of antitoxin change, this may stay at 5 cleansing pulses.

> * Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to ~~75~~ 60 seconds in WvW.

> * Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.

> * Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> * Impact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.

> * _Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro._


> **Guardian**


> * Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

> * Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants ~~aegis or~~ retaliation.

> * _Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE._

> * _Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis._

> * _Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires._


> **Mesmer**


> * Illusion of Life: ~~Increase the cooldown of this skill from 75 to 90 seconds in PvP & WvW and reduced the duration from 15 seconds to 8 seconds of its effect in PvP & WvW ~~ Reduce the invulnerability period on revived allies. Improve the smart targeting on this skill so it can't fail in big group situations where there is someone downed and lots of people near them.

> * Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities **that is already on cooldown** by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.

> * _Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight._

> * _Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight._


> **Necromancer**


> * Oppressive Collapse: This skill will require line of sight on the activation.

> * Sand Cascade: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 33% in WvW & PvP, increase the healing power contribution by 20%, as the healing coefficient is already pretty strong.

> * Sand Flare: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 25% in WvW, increase the healing power contribution by 33%.

> * Desert Shroud: Increase the base barrier granted by this skill by 10%, increase the healing power contribution by 15% and reduce the damage inflicted by this ability by 20% in WvW.

> * Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.

> * _Feast of Corruption: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE._

> * _Devouring Darkness: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE._


> **Ranger**


> * Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.6-0.8 in WvW only.


> **Revenant**


> * Gaze of Darkness: This skill would reveal stealthed enemies up to 600 range away in addition to striking enemies within its 360 radius.

> * _Coalescence of Ruin: This skill would no longer deals increased damage with successive impacts; instead it deals damage equal to what was previously the middle impact damage. Damage remains split between game modes. A red warning rectangle visible to enemies has been added to this skill._


> **Thief**


> * Deadly Ambition: Reduce the poison inflicted by this trait from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 2 seconds in PvP & WvW. Reduce the internal cooldown from 5s to 2s in PvP & WvW.


> **Warrior**


> * Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher.

> * _Call to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor._

> * _Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away._

> * _Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration._



Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW. Pending the superior rune of antitoxin change, this may stay at 5 cleansing pulses.

Not really ok, there are too much condition spams on WvW


Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to ~~75~~ 60 seconds in WvW.

Hm k 60 secs is fine, I guess


Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.

I don't see any problem with its damage but whatever


Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

400-450 would be fine.


IImpact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.



Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro.

Gaining something wile losing something else. Not a good change.


Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

In WvW only, fine


Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants ~~aegis or~~ retaliation.

Hm k


Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE.



Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis.

Offensive buff for an offensive skill, fine


Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires.

Interesting but you should also increase radius


Illusion of Life: ~~Increase the cooldown of this skill from 75 to 90 seconds in PvP & WvW and reduced the duration from 15 seconds to 8 seconds of its effect in PvP & WvW ~~ Reduce the invulnerability period on revived allies. Improve the smart targeting on this skill so it can't fail in big group situations where there is someone downed and lots of people near them.



Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities **that is already on cooldown** by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.

Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight._

Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight._



Oppressive Collapse: This skill will require line of sight on the activation.



Sand Cascade: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 33% in WvW & PvP, increase the healing power contribution by 20%, as the healing coefficient is already pretty strong.

Barrier reduction should only affect WvW


Sand Flare: Reduce the base barrier granted by this skill by 25% in WvW, increase the healing power contribution by 33%



Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.



Feast of Corruption: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE._



Devouring Darkness: Reduce damage by 20% in PvP & WvW. The existing split from PvP of corrupting 2 boons is brought to WvW. This ability continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE._



Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.6-0.8 in WvW only.



Gaze of Darkness: This skill would reveal stealthed enemies up to 600 range away in addition to striking enemies within its 360 radius.



Coalescence of Ruin: This skill would no longer deals increased damage with successive impacts; instead it deals damage equal to what was previously the middle impact damage. Damage remains split between game modes. A red warning rectangle visible to enemies has been added to this skill._



Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher

Why are you upping warrior ?


all to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.

Barrier on warrior is a bad decision, it has a high hp pool, toughness, mobility, clean potential


Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.



Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration._

Needs to be in WvW only

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> @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher

> Why are you upping warrior ?


Maybe because Warhorn never gets used during combat?


> all to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.

> Barrier on warrior is a bad decision, it has a high hp pool, toughness, mobility, clean potential


So you don't want more barrier from your warrior teammates? Also they seem to be reworking Tactics, so this may be tied to their rework.


> Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.

> Good


> Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration._

> Needs to be in WvW only


Why WvW only? I can see tons of reasons for the Resistance in FotM and more Concentration isn't bad for a boon giving weapon.



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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher

> > Why are you upping warrior ?


> Maybe because Warhorn never gets used during combat?


> > all to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.

> > Barrier on warrior is a bad decision, it has a high hp pool, toughness, mobility, clean potential


> So you don't want more barrier from your warrior teammates? Also they seem to be reworking Tactics, so this may be tied to their rework.


> > Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.

> > Good

> >

> > Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration._

> > Needs to be in WvW only


> Why WvW only? I can see tons of reasons for the Resistance in FotM and more Concentration isn't bad for a boon giving weapon.




I don't know, you see teammate, I see ennemies ; You see WvW, I see PvP. Warrior is already at a nice spot on each game modes.

Sure it seems very nice for PVE, but I can already see cancer builds on PvP.



> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> In regards to Purge Gyro getting a potential nerf: why nerf a skill that is exclusively built to deal with conditions? IMO Med Kit 3 is a much better candidate as it brings so much more value with it aside from just cleansing.


Still, medkit 3 is already far behind when you just casted it.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> In regards to Purge Gyro getting a potential nerf: why nerf a skill that is exclusively built to deal with conditions? IMO Med Kit 3 is a much better candidate as it brings so much more value with it aside from just cleansing.


ANet already said Purge Gyro will not be touched if they nerf anti-toxin rune. Please don't suggest more nerfs -.-


I rather they not touch anti-toxin rune, but knowing ANet, when more than a few topics in the forum called for a nerf to something, ANet will read these players as respresenting 80% of the player base. So yah, they will get their nerfs. Eventually.

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See, now you want to nerf stability on guardian. Remember when you gave a fix for that on rev’s Brutality? You looked for a solution against massive stacking stability and found one. That solution was an updated Brutality and it worked. Peeps wined that Brutality removed stacks that hurt their invincible zerg so you put a 1 sec cool down on it. Boo hoo but you did it anyway. Well here we are again. How about remove that cool down on brutality to make it useful again so something other than a kitten hammer rev can be usable and won’t have to nerf guardian stability.


Don’t get me started on those “can’t kill me” skills and passives that aren’t being addressed...

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Wow look at all those hot Elementalist changes.




Ok but really, most of these changes are good.


-Holo shockwave nerf might be overkill. Holo does need a nerf but that seems a bit heavy handed.

-I would hold off on all changes to condi clears until the changes to toxin are observed, not just purge gyro.

-More things requiring target facing is good. Target facing should honestly be a staple of any ranged offensive skill. Nerfing it for just mesmer is more of a bandaid fix to a larger problem.


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*Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.*

Also a good change, the range was so large before that even after evading or stun breaking with "riposting shadows" the revenant shiro stunbreak, you could get caught again at the end of the stunbreak by the same skill, which was just ridiculous.

*Deadly Ambition: Reduce the poison inflicted by this trait from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 2 seconds in PvP & WvW. Reduce the internal cooldown from 5s to 2s in PvP & WvW.*

I agree with this change, lowering the initial burst yet rewarding thieves for playing more aggressively is a good idea.

It's alot less damage overall though since most of the time a thief playing safe won't be able to continually get procs every 2 seconds. I'm assuming this was intended?

*Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities that is already on cooldown by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.*

This is fine, though very much underwhelming compared to it's previous. Maybe this trait should grant might as well?

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> Yesterday we fought 20vs20ish in WvW open field and cleansed 800 conditions in 60s.

> And our enemies were completely power-damage oriented.

> Can you please fix this absurd amount of incoming 13 conditions per second?

> Towards a lower number?

So uh... its not absurd that a 20 man power specced group could dump 800 conditions in 60s?


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> @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > > Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher

> > > Why are you upping warrior ?

> >

> > Maybe because Warhorn never gets used during combat?

> >

> > > all to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.

> > > Barrier on warrior is a bad decision, it has a high hp pool, toughness, mobility, clean potential

> >

> > So you don't want more barrier from your warrior teammates? Also they seem to be reworking Tactics, so this may be tied to their rework.

> >

> > > Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.

> > > Good

> > >

> > > Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration._

> > > Needs to be in WvW only

> >

> > Why WvW only? I can see tons of reasons for the Resistance in FotM and more Concentration isn't bad for a boon giving weapon.

> >

> >


> I don't know, you see teammate, I see ennemies ; You see WvW, I see PvP. Warrior is already at a nice spot on each game modes.

> Sure it seems very nice for PVE, but I can already see cancer builds on PvP.



> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > In regards to Purge Gyro getting a potential nerf: why nerf a skill that is exclusively built to deal with conditions? IMO Med Kit 3 is a much better candidate as it brings so much more value with it aside from just cleansing.


> Still, medkit 3 is already far behind when you just casted it.


What sort of cancer do you foresee? Now is the time for feedback so they can split it appropriately for PvP.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > > > Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher

> > > > Why are you upping warrior ?

> > >

> > > Maybe because Warhorn never gets used during combat?

> > >

> > > > all to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.

> > > > Barrier on warrior is a bad decision, it has a high hp pool, toughness, mobility, clean potential

> > >

> > > So you don't want more barrier from your warrior teammates? Also they seem to be reworking Tactics, so this may be tied to their rework.

> > >

> > > > Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.

> > > > Good

> > > >

> > > > Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration._

> > > > Needs to be in WvW only

> > >

> > > Why WvW only? I can see tons of reasons for the Resistance in FotM and more Concentration isn't bad for a boon giving weapon.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I don't know, you see teammate, I see ennemies ; You see WvW, I see PvP. Warrior is already at a nice spot on each game modes.

> > Sure it seems very nice for PVE, but I can already see cancer builds on PvP.

> >

> >

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > In regards to Purge Gyro getting a potential nerf: why nerf a skill that is exclusively built to deal with conditions? IMO Med Kit 3 is a much better candidate as it brings so much more value with it aside from just cleansing.

> >

> > Still, medkit 3 is already far behind when you just casted it.


> What sort of cancer do you foresee? Now is the time for feedback so they can split it appropriately for PvP.


Condi bunker build on PvP. With these additional concentration stats + more condi clean + Barrier.

Warrior already have too much survivability.



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> @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> > > > > Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in PvE and PvP and 10% in WvW in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher

> > > > > Why are you upping warrior ?

> > > >

> > > > Maybe because Warhorn never gets used during combat?

> > > >

> > > > > all to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.

> > > > > Barrier on warrior is a bad decision, it has a high hp pool, toughness, mobility, clean potential

> > > >

> > > > So you don't want more barrier from your warrior teammates? Also they seem to be reworking Tactics, so this may be tied to their rework.

> > > >

> > > > > Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.

> > > > > Good

> > > > >

> > > > > Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration._

> > > > > Needs to be in WvW only

> > > >

> > > > Why WvW only? I can see tons of reasons for the Resistance in FotM and more Concentration isn't bad for a boon giving weapon.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I don't know, you see teammate, I see ennemies ; You see WvW, I see PvP. Warrior is already at a nice spot on each game modes.

> > > Sure it seems very nice for PVE, but I can already see cancer builds on PvP.

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > In regards to Purge Gyro getting a potential nerf: why nerf a skill that is exclusively built to deal with conditions? IMO Med Kit 3 is a much better candidate as it brings so much more value with it aside from just cleansing.

> > >

> > > Still, medkit 3 is already far behind when you just casted it.

> >

> > What sort of cancer do you foresee? Now is the time for feedback so they can split it appropriately for PvP.


> Condi bunker build on PvP. With these additional concentration stats + more condi clean + Barrier.

> Warrior already have too much survivability.




The survivability is halved in PvP though, and besides they are changing tactics, so these warhorn changes need to be taken with a grain of salt until we see the tactics rework.


I do see where you are going here. Sword/horn + Longbow, Tactics, Arms, Discipline, plague doctor's stats or something similar. Defiant Stance, Endure Pain, Shake it Off, Balanced Stance, Rampage or Battle Standard. Maybe swap out a skill or two for another, maybe swap longbow for x/shield for the block. Not something that would outright kill someone else, but can sit on the node just fine while applying enough pressure that a +1 can clean up.


Not sure if that rises to the level of Cancer with just the warhorn changes, but like I said it is hard to tell without knowing how else they are changing tactics.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"godofcows.2451" said:

> > Cmon guys, 5 years ago this would be 30 pages on the first day. A couple of years back, maybe 15ish?

> >

> > I mean...this is sad. LmAo.


> There is another thread which was the first iteration of this. It is at 9 pages currently I believe.


Ahhh that makes it a little better then.

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > > Do we expect a 'final' comprehensive list before Tuesday?

> >

> > And a list of the Tactics rework please! the suspense is killing me...


> Tactics rework?


> How are we to give feedback without the full context?


One of the original posts alluded to it, but its been edited and I can't find the reference anywhere now. Perhaps it is still a work in progress and won't roll out at the same time as the warhorn changes.

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