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Please explain wvw to this to the nub


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I finally decided to try wvw last night and to say I feel completely let down by what I experienced would be an understatement. I really hope that its a combination of bad luck at joining a group of completely inept wvw idiots and being a wvw noob myself.


I've done large scale pvp in other games and there were always a few people communicating what to do and attempting to direct others. And there was just no one like that....


1. Where was everyone? Friendlies didn't usually show up on the map. Every now and then they did. Every now and then the commander tag would become visible somewhere. I've had better luck finding Waldo in Times Square.

2. Map chat? Apparently that's for Dad jokes. Is there a different channel people are actually exchanging combat-relevant info on? Like where to group up? What we intend to push for? Where they saw enemies?

3. While dead, are your only options wait 5 minutes or go back to the waypoint and do the long walk of shame back to where you were? I'm not putting "get rez'ed by friendly" as an option because every large group I did start following got steamrolled in under 3 minutes and everyone died.

4. What were people trying to doing? or maybe supposed to do? I read what's on the wiki but it sort of implied that other people were acting intelligently... and I didn't see anything like that. I would occasionally find people, usually when we respawned at the waypoint and follow them, but then we got steamrolled... I got no sense of coordination or cohesion.

5. How are you supposed to escape wvw? After 45 minutes of pointless wandering and dying and seeing no one make an effort to do anything tactical or strategic I decided I had enough, but I couldn't find a way to leave. Nothing clearly said "Exit here" or "Lion's Arch this way" on any asura gate. I tried logging off, switching characters, but still nope. I ended up just porting back to my guild hall as a way of getting . That can't' be the right way to do it. What did I miss?

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People communicate from all three maps on Team chat. Callouts for help and commanders announcing they are tagging are made on there. Team Chat is the red writing. Map chat is only seen in the map u are on. It is usually mainly "chat" but some callouts for that map are made there.


To find out if there is a commander running u can ask in Team chat or just pop around to the maps and look for a tag.


While dead u can wait for a sympathetic soul or waypoint. Its not a walk of shame the ppl in wvw have died thousands of times lol


You will need a Warclaw mount to get around. The Warclaw guy is near spawn. Warclaw mastery is at the bottom of rank and abilites. Easiest way to get it is to buff ur gear for speed, find a tag and just do u best to follow. We all had to do it, so dont sook about it lol


In wvw ppl cap camps, towers, keeps, look after dolyaks to upgrade stuff, build siege inside keeps/towers for defence, kill enemies, some sit in keeps and scout or some scout the enemy. Some run in zergs, some go alone. Some run around in small "havoc" groups. U can do what u want.


Escape from the horrors of wvw is at the bottom of the thingy that opens when u click the wvw icon up top left of the screen.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> I finally decided to try wvw last night and to say I feel completely let down by what I experienced would be an understatement. I really hope that its a combination of bad luck at joining a group of completely inept wvw idiots and being a wvw noob myself.


> I've done large scale pvp in other games and there were always a few people communicating what to do and attempting to direct others. And there was just no one like that....


> 1. Where was everyone? Friendlies didn't usually show up on the map. Every now and then they did. Every now and then the commander tag would become visible somewhere. I've had better luck finding Waldo in Times Square.

> 2. Map chat? Apparently that's for Dad jokes. Is there a different channel people are actually exchanging combat-relevant info on? Like where to group up? What we intend to push for? Where they saw enemies?

> 3. While dead, are your only options wait 5 minutes or go back to the waypoint and do the long walk of shame back to where you were? I'm not putting "get rez'ed by friendly" as an option because every large group I did start following got steamrolled in under 3 minutes and everyone died.

> 4. What were people trying to doing? or maybe supposed to do? I read what's on the wiki but it sort of implied that other people were acting intelligently... and I didn't see anything like that. I would occasionally find people, usually when we respawned at the waypoint and follow them, but then we got steamrolled... I got no sense of coordination or cohesion.

> 5. How are you supposed to escape wvw? After 45 minutes of pointless wandering and dying and seeing no one make an effort to do anything tactical or strategic I decided I had enough, but I couldn't find a way to leave. Nothing clearly said "Exit here" or "Lion's Arch this way" on any asura gate. I tried logging off, switching characters, but still nope. I ended up just porting back to my guild hall as a way of getting . That can't' be the right way to do it. What did I miss?


lol, sounds thoroughly disappointing.

Tonight is usually a hectic night to get together and follow groups if you are new.

Since Friday nights are wvw reset night...many commanders (guild or pug) will get together with grps in Lion's arch, get in discord, form parties, then port to a specific borderland. Once you get to know a few commander's you can add them on your friend's list to see where they are.

As for getting server discord info, you may have to ask in /m or /t chat.....open tags generally prefer you to get in discord then they will add you to party.

If all else fails...your best bet is just try to start flipping enemy camps and stay near local towers and keeps watching for enemy movements and post in /m chat if something is under attack.

Again, if you can find and follow an open tag....just try to watch and learn. Some lead without discord and actually type in /s chat or /squad chat. If it is truly open you can just click on the tag and join squad that way to see the /squad chat if it is available.

Once reset settles down things will be less chaotic.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > which server are you?

> Borlis Pass


It's sad, but you came too late.


BP used to have a supportive & close knit community.


Long story short...BP lost its server identity due to World Linking.


I miss laughing at/with a player named Monkey...who was the BP resident troll...where it was a rite of passage to be called a Stupid NOOB.


Our organized Guild community imploded & we eventually lost even our resident troll.




Most of the WvW players that I know or knew...often fought to protect our "Home" server. Some BP veterans are still trying, but we've lost many of our Guilds due to burn-out despair fighting for nothing, or them moving to a "Host" level server. It's ironic that BP recently became a Host server for a brief moment, but has since gone back to being a Guest server.


World Linking took away our ability to "Own" our Home server. We became mercenaries fighting for a Host server that systematically keeps changing.


Only thing left nowadays is to play WvW for yourself, or if you're lucky...join a Guild that is still motivated to do anything.


You do have the option to transfer to a different server if you're not satisfied with the BP community.


Any how...hope you find a nice place to transfer to if you do decide, or come to terms with how things are.


I've only changed server once...and BP has been my home since.


*whispers an old BP battle cry* - For the Pass!


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"Diku.2546" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > which server are you?

> > Borlis Pass


> It's sad, but you came too late.


> BP used to have a supportive & close knit community.


> Long story short...BP lost its server identity due to World Linking.


> I miss laughing at/with a player named Monkey...who was the BP resident troll...where it was a rite of passage to be called a Stupid NOOB.


> Our community imploded & we eventually lost even our resident troll.


> ----


> Most of the WvW players that I know or knew...often fought to protect our "Home" server.


> World Linking took away our ability to "Own" our Home server. We became mercenaries fighting for a Host server that kept changing.


> Only thing left nowadays is to fight over the bitter SALT that World Linking has turned BP into, or to cling to the hope that somehow things will get better.


> You do have the option to transfer to a different server if you're not satisfied with the BP community.


> Any how...hope you find a nice place to transfer to if you do decide, or come to terms with how things are.


> *whispers an old BP battle cry* - For the Pass!


> Yours truly,

> Diku


> Credibility requires critical insight & time.


i think he played prior to reset; so no ppl. i mean now checked wvw - lots of ppl from blue team in t3

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@ Sovereign.1093

The details that EmmetOtter.8542 gave in the original post above is a pretty accurate description of BP.


Only thing that I might add is that BP has a toxic cycle of sometimes having an unlucky streak of winning enough to get into T1.


@ EmmetOtter.8542

Tip - Lion's Arch Gate found at farthest North Waypoint - It's called Citadel Waypoint. Make sure to use your Home Server's Citadel Waypoint.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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1) There's not always going to be a tag to follow. If there's no tag people usually just roam (look for small fights or gank), flip camps, sentries, maybe low level towers.


2) Most combat-relevent info is going to be in voice comms or squad chat. Try joining a tag and ask if they have discord. Not every tag is going to be open to pugs. Sometimes guilds run closed raids, so don't take it personal if you aren't accepted into a squad.


3) Brand new players are unfortunately disadvantaged because you don't have the ability points to max out gliding or mount masteries. Mounts were meant to make the "walk of shame" less of a hassle, but you have to unlock the mount first, which takes hours.


4) It really depends on who is tagged up at any given time. Some groups are way more organized than others. Sounds like you might have just seen a public tag with no voice comms.


5) I leave through the WvW menu (B by default). Or you could just go to character select and when you log back in, you'll spawn where you left off in PvE.


I can understand why you might have had a bad time as a brand new player. Just try to keep in mind that WvW is a 24 hr game mode. Organized groups will usually tag for a few hours at a time, but there is always going to be a lot of down-time. Hope it wasn't awful enough to keep you from ever trying it again. We can always use players.

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Some general remarks:


- most communication in wvw is via external voicechats (teamspeak or discord) beside the map channel there is a team channel /t for chatting across all 4 wvw maps


- there is an Exit button on the front panel of the wvw-Dialog (bottom right) and there are Portal to LA (and to the other 3 wvw-Maps) near every spawn wp. If you fall back to login-screen you also exit wvw.


- even if wvw is 24/7 online the action depends strongly on the time (and the server link you belong to).


- if you loose most fights then any strategy is lost as well.


On websites like http://gw2stats.com/matchups/skirmish/8866 (skirmish 1 is Friday evening on match-reset, exact time depends on your timezone)

you can browse the history of your server and identify stronger and weaker times of your server. Joining on a stronger time may give you a completely different picture.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> What is meant by an "tag" and "open tag"?


Open tag is free to join, just any random pug zerg. Click on the tag on the map/minimap and join.

Closed tag is usually a guild raid.


Protip: Blue chevron is generally agreed upon by the community to always be open tag and the primary zerg on the map. Yellow is normally closed raids such as guild, though there will be other colors if there are multiple guilds. Cat tags are often smallscale/scouts.


That is, assuming they run visible.

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Tag: Commander and Catmander tags you see on map. They are squads. Open tag is anyone can join.


The objective is to capture and hold as many land or stuff as possible and upgrade them.


Every Camp, Tower, Castle, etc has a tier connected to it... hover over the cicle icon on the map or minimap will tell you if an objective is Tier 1, 2 or 3. A tier 3 Tower for example as upgraded defenses and is harder to take.


As for moving around, check the Wiki on the Warclaw, it will make your life much easier once you obtain the mount.



Mastery Points in WvW: Every time you level up, you get 1 point. You can use your points in the WvW panel. (B) at the bottom of the 4 tabs to the left. Put your first point to the Warclaw to open up the collection. And I highly recommend to put your second point towards War Gliding Mastery.


Side notes:

- You can only obtain gliding if you own HoT

- You can only get the warclaw if you own PoF


Also do not hesitate to ask questions in mapchat. Sure, some will comment badly, but there's always someone around willing to give you a serious answer.

I only recently (like a month or 2 before Warclaw) started WvW and had the same feelings you had at first. It takes time to get farmilliar with the language, the objective, the people... give it some time... once you get the hang of it, and you know more people and they know you, it becomes easier and more fun.




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> @"Lady Sapphirah.6234" said:

> While dead u can wait for a sympathetic soul or waypoint. Its not a walk of shame the ppl in wvw have died thousands of times lol


I want to emphasize this - if you ain't dyin', you ain't tryin'. Don't be stupid, but don't be silly cautious. Learn your limits, swap skills and traits, and so on.


I suspect in your case that timing is everything. Get online at reset, squeeze into your home BL or EB, and you'll likely find 2 or 3 tag, one of which at least is a pug tag. Many servers use voice chat and will verify you so you can listen.


Off-hours you'll need to be patient. One of the best ways to learn is retaking camps and towers with other players, so scan the maps for those opportunities, and try to answer calls for help.





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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> In addition to what others have said, most servers have a voice server you can get on, and that's probably the best way to experience WvW. Getting into a group with one of the commanders on voice.


To echo this: it is not rare that the commander just wants to know you are on discord. Not all of them need you to talk for those that are shy/uncomfortable/unable etc to speak in Discord. But hearing their commands and directions is very helpful. Especially if you are new.

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On Borlis Pass look for Shamira Wolfstride. She’s a total text based pugmander, fun to run with. She pretty much always has a decent size group to run with as well.


Also, look for a guild tagged MoB. Real fun people who like to help new folks. I’m not on BP anymore but that’s a couple groups that are diehard BP to check out. Tell em Tim sent you.

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@ OP

Hope you don't get turned off to WvW. It might take a little more effort on your part to find your niche given the current state of WvW.


@ DemonSeed.3528

Heheheh...good to hear Monkey is still alive & yelling at the stupid NOOBS.



@ Balthazzarr.1349



Haven't seen Shami on too often...if not rarely, but when she tags up & puts on the Blue dorito commander hat...she pugmands like there's no tomorrow. Just need to have Min Min join us in this discussion, but Min Min is probably too busy defending BP in-game.



@ ANet

At the very least...please remove World Linking & give us back our Server identity. Veteran WvW players need something they can own & call home. Server identity was the one endearing part of WvW that created an ecosystem where players cared. As it stands...World Linking is killing off any chance of the small fry commanders being able learn their craft without being thrown in with all the player Sharks that expect them to do everything right when they tag up.


Also, Server Identity allowed Long-Term communities to find a niche to survive & care for their own...where noobs could ask for help on map chat & long-term residents would respond because there's a sense of community. Let these non-commander player sharks that feel their server is "dead" transfer themselves to any higher ranked server on their own. This is how WvW survived for so long without any real development being done for the mode. Population levels were a lot more stable before World Linking...imho.


This is a prime example of why WvW is floundering & has a Long-Term population declining trend that recently had a sharp increase...because of your decision to make World Linking a feature for this game mode. New players & New Commanders find it hard to find a niche to survive & have a chance to grow into a regular WvW player.


Viscous cycle of the Veteran Shark players gobbling up the Noob players...eventually only Sharks are the only things left in ALL your fish tanks.


In nature...when you damage an ecosystem...if you're lucky...removing the things that are harming it...will give it a chance to recover. Once it recovers...it's critical to implement changes that will support & nurture the ecosystem so that it can thrive.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"Potato PC William.2583" said:

> At what certain point are you ready for WvW? are there requirements? do you need ascended gears?, a must to join a guild? what's a poor mans build for roaming and for zerging (follow a tag) staying alive longer, than being one shotted?.


Ascended helps but it is not completely necessary, especially if you are new. Learning how to position yourself is more important. If you end up standing where the enemy group is bombing - you are going to die in any level of armor. You don't have to join a guild, but if you are looking to get more into the game mode, it's the best place to start.


Poor man's build for just getting into zerging might be something like this https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Power_Curses . Necro has high HP pool, barrier, and you can build it with some toughness and HP while still doing good dmg. Firebrand is way tankier, but Minstrel gear is not budget gear. Also like I mentioned - getting used to positioning in zerg fights is more important than actually being tanky attributes-wise.

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