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Lvl 80 Boosts and Mounts, good or bad for new players?


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> I wonder how many of you who clicking "bad" have seen what it's like as a completely new player in this game over the past 6 months.

> Have you seen hard it is to tag mobs in events with all the veterans players around spamming mount engages and depriving new players of XP while they level ?

> I guarantee many of you would change your minds.

> I also guarantee many who clicked "Bad" are doing exactly that and just finding very creative ways of saying "L2P Noob".


This only happens during the prime time at "event completer" maps, and even ppl with mounts sometimes can't get their hits for the event credit.


I still level all ny characters old way, no mounts in combat or to move around, so other ppl mounts aren't that much of a problem

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Bad for new players.

> Lv80 boosters should not be available to people who don't have a lv80 character, yet. Nor have played less than 2 months.


Exactly this.

Lvl 80 boost is fine. If you have 1 character leveled up to 80 on your own..


Also i voted bad for mounts. Because i think that if you give them too quickly to new players that the experience we had would be destroyed. Most pre PoF maps and events arent designed for mounts..

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Without the boost ppl wouldn't be able to get mounts early on, so mounts are not the issue


If anet wants to help ppl getting to 80, they could just give them a 20 hours 100% experience buff, that's more than enough to hit 80


This way ppl would have at least 10 hours played with a class before getting to "end game"


Then after that yeah, they can get their 80 tomes and after 1 100% map completition they could get their mounts in core tyria

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I basically think it's ok for new players to have access to mounts, but personally I think everyone should have to level their first toon naturally, or at least time gate levels so a person on their first experiences in the game can't go from lvl 1 to lvl 80 in minuets, after the first toon yes I don't think hours in-game should have a bearing on being a lvl 80.

It's odd to see people in WvW chat saying they just started playing the game a few days ago...and complain that they have to jump a few hoops to get a warclaw..., wait till they want a griffon! lol

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:


> Then after that yeah, they can get their 80 tomes and after 1 100% map completition they could get their mounts in core tyria


good way to make people quit....

I've played this game for 7 years, (well minus a 1 year break) ans I still haven't completed core Tyria... And you know what I probably never will. Locking mounts in core because of that is rediculous.

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Probably a less popular opinion: I think level-80 boosts are fine as there's nothing in GW 2 that can be gained by playing a lower-level character except artificially limiting yourself (due to the New Player Experience). Playing through the game (even the starting zones) as a complete character is actually going to teach you better.

Mounts are sorta-bad (but not REALLY bad) in pre-PoF areas because they make it somewhat harder to see some brilliant map designs, but it's mostly a matter of preference.

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Like rock climbing.


You get ontop of a mountain with a helicopter, but the helicopter is a one off, and it doesn't help you get back down. You get the initial feeling of "Oh cool, I'm up the mountain now" and then the "Now what" sinks in, and you have no clue how to get back down and you're most likely still extremely bad at rock climbing

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Depends on the player, really. It's a complicated game but the process of levelling up doesn't teach you any more than you would learn at level 80. You can easily get to level 80 without learning all that much at all.


As you need to be level 80 to unlock gliding or mounts so the second part is largely irrelevant.

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I boosted a character just to get a mount asap. Still decided to level my first character normally tho. Regret doing that.

It didn't teach me much like I expected. Because elite spec changes your skills and you stop fighting trash mobs so you gotta learn new stuff anyway if you want to be good at using your class.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > I wonder how many of you who clicking "bad" have seen what it's like as a completely new player in this game over the past 6 months.

> > Have you seen hard it is to tag mobs in events with all the veterans players around spamming mount engages and depriving new players of XP while they level ?

> > I guarantee many of you would change your minds.

> > I also guarantee many who clicked "Bad" are doing exactly that and just finding very creative ways of saying "L2P Noob".


> This only happens during the prime time at "event completer" maps, and even ppl with mounts sometimes can't get their hits for the event credit.


> I still level all ny characters old way, no mounts in combat or to move around, so other ppl mounts aren't that much of a problem



A friend of mine started playing the game 4 months ago. She of course started with no mount. So I, as I played with her, levelling her first toon did not use mine. Here are just a few examples:

Any point defense that includes having to run between two entrances will have players raptoring up, canyon jumping past other players and using the overpowered engages.

Any large groups of mobs are generally nuked down before new players can get tags in.

Veterans use mounts to get to bosses in OW events and often melt them before those without mounts can get a hit in.


This is not just on "event completer" nights. This is every day, all day long.

Unbind your mount key and go complete 3-4 core maps.


The meme that this "only happens on event completer" maps is just gatekeeping.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > I wonder how many of you who clicking "bad" have seen what it's like as a completely new player in this game over the past 6 months.

> > > Have you seen hard it is to tag mobs in events with all the veterans players around spamming mount engages and depriving new players of XP while they level ?

> > > I guarantee many of you would change your minds.

> > > I also guarantee many who clicked "Bad" are doing exactly that and just finding very creative ways of saying "L2P Noob".

> >

> > This only happens during the prime time at "event completer" maps, and even ppl with mounts sometimes can't get their hits for the event credit.

> >

> > I still level all ny characters old way, no mounts in combat or to move around, so other ppl mounts aren't that much of a problem


> Untrue.

> A friend of mine started playing the game 4 months ago. She of course started with no mount. So I, as I played with her, levelling her first toon did not use mine. Here are just a few examples:

> Any point defense that includes having to run between two entrances will have players raptoring up, canyon jumping past other players and using the overpowered engages.

> Any large groups of mobs are generally nuked down before new players can get tags in.

> Veterans use mounts to get to bosses in OW events and often melt them before those without mounts can get a hit in.


> This is not just on "event completer" nights. This is every day, all day long.

> Unbind your mount key and go complete 3-4 core maps.


> The meme that this "only happens on event completer" maps is just gatekeeping.


lol. I have about 5 hours of gameplay in my youtube channel leveling up my mesmer with no mount and nothing of this happens, like the other guy said, you kinda lucky if there's anyone else doing events with you

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > I wonder how many of you who clicking "bad" have seen what it's like as a completely new player in this game over the past 6 months.

> > > > Have you seen hard it is to tag mobs in events with all the veterans players around spamming mount engages and depriving new players of XP while they level ?

> > > > I guarantee many of you would change your minds.

> > > > I also guarantee many who clicked "Bad" are doing exactly that and just finding very creative ways of saying "L2P Noob".

> > >

> > > This only happens during the prime time at "event completer" maps, and even ppl with mounts sometimes can't get their hits for the event credit.

> > >

> > > I still level all ny characters old way, no mounts in combat or to move around, so other ppl mounts aren't that much of a problem

> >

> > Untrue.

> > A friend of mine started playing the game 4 months ago. She of course started with no mount. So I, as I played with her, levelling her first toon did not use mine. Here are just a few examples:

> > Any point defense that includes having to run between two entrances will have players raptoring up, canyon jumping past other players and using the overpowered engages.

> > Any large groups of mobs are generally nuked down before new players can get tags in.

> > Veterans use mounts to get to bosses in OW events and often melt them before those without mounts can get a hit in.

> >

> > This is not just on "event completer" nights. This is every day, all day long.

> > Unbind your mount key and go complete 3-4 core maps.

> >

> > The meme that this "only happens on event completer" maps is just gatekeeping.


> lol. I have about 5 hours of gameplay in my youtube channel leveling up my mesmer with no mount and nothing of this happens, like the other guy said, you kinda lucky if there's anyone else doing events with you


enjoy your gatekeeping then

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:> unlike linear progression games where all you care about is spamming skills and managing the resource pool> >

> > GW2 is about learning the mob mechanics, dodging, build setup base on the mobs you will be fighting, so there's a big learning curve> > and Anet doesnt do a good job at teaching players, can you believe people still doesnt know how to do breakbars?> it seems like Anet approach to people who are unwilling to learn and complaining about 'OMG! it's too hard, nerf or I will quit!' is giving more firepower, creating power creep, then have flow on effect to other areas of the game like PvP and WvWThis is the general problem, and why the 80boost is paradoxical in practice. For most games the early game and end game is only differentiated by "numbers". Stats on gear, number skills and talent tree stuff, size of parties, how much damage you do, and how much damage you can eat before dying.GW2 is largely the same on the surface.... but theres many more concepts that are utterly abstract or non-existent in the WoW format, that this game gives you active control over. Evasion, Blocks, One-shot boons and conditions, and an extremely consistent rate of lethality through most of the game. HOT requires you to understand these upfront, but Core doesn't teach you the skills, because the way core content blocks were designed, it rarely mattered. POF suffers this same issue, but in a different way. Which is why most players think POF is better, because you die less. You can't tank and spank your way to victory, and the game's buildcraft goes beyond skill stacking and rotation spamming. But whats frustrates both ends of the spectrum is that the game has progressively started presenting itself as a WoW alternative, attracting a player base now notoriously casual and afraid of discomfort. They come in on the presumption that "every game is like WoW with different graphics, and this game does nothing substantial to teach them important game mechanics; This was true at launch, and even more so now that new concepts are now baked into the baseline, but Core maps/missions rarely updated to reflect those. The only tutorial I can think of is the Dodge one in the starting zone.... which you have to stumble on by accident, and by then you're already used to simply soaking damage and healing over it. **That should be either IN the Prologue , or right AFTER it as the first thing you see hitting open world.** I came across a player who spent roughly a minute trying to figure out how that tutorial worked, and I said in chat "you have to dodge through it"...... He dodged backwards once (because you do that when standing still), and then dodged forward. All of 5 seconds to teach a player that a critical game mechanic exists. This was a month ago....The NPE/Leveling redesign does nothing to help this situation either. At best it sort of "tells" you things exist, but doesn't give you a reason to use it. It also really bad that several highly visual mechanics are metered out through this process, when its existence can be made and understood immediately upon encountering it; but then players misunderstand it, since disabling it until later levels makes it "inconstant" from what was previously established. Downed State is the biggest one. Weapon Skill bar unlocking only starting with auto attack, since AA on starting weapons have no sense of dynamics. The layout of Core-Trait/Skill unlocks of most classes following a power curve, but many early skills not being striking in terms of "limited buildcraft". This is on top of the fact that Traits don't make sense in the current system until you have at least 2 trait lines with Grandmasters. The Vet players also get frustrated (as collateral damage) in light of changes made to simplify the system for broader appeal. The 3-trait line system has always been frustrating due to the Dev's ongoing struggle load balance power within it, and how classes are wildly inconstant in how their cross-line synergies are laid out. Ranger and Rev are incredibly aggravating in how single threaded you have to be, to get anywhere with them. Mesmer is the opposite, where you have you have too many build critical traits in constant competition with each other. Engineer gets too much force multiplication from single lines, leading to performance shutout (abilities not worth using) without them. A 3-line system is not bad unto itself... but the designers don't make the best use of it. Players have to learn all this stuff on their own, Externally to the game..... and that runs at direct odds with the type of audience they're shooting for now. Boosting ironically broadcasts the idea that leveling is a long, drawn out task; and thus bypassing that "to get to the good stuff" is desirable. But the normal leveling route is also a struggle, since learning the game mechanics doesn't help accelerate the process. Its an odd conflict to have, since drawing out F2P play to get players overly invested is one goal.... but once they're on the pay side, rushing them to the end game with no knowledge of system quickly backfires. And ultimately this can't be solved via the current "we don't waste time updating old content" mindset, despite Core Tyria being the optimal place to do this in.

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With the lack of tutorials for specializations and the freedom to change and what works best with what class, a level 80 boost can be a nightmare. but to someone who actually cares to read up on everything their class does and wants access to everything to play with it all, it certainly is a great thing. Especially since the major game features don't open up until level 80.

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So much of the game is discovered over time. The level 80 boost is one of the most incompatible concepts to ever hit GW2. This game levels fairly quickly compared to many other MMOs and frankly, it's more dangerous with a boost. Imagine a new player getting gunned down by Itzel Shadowkittens. Or worse! Pocket raptors and Hydras! It's a nightmare scenario.


Mounts are an incredible incentive to go beyond the main story, but man, the way things are organized and the way vanilla exists... I'll be surprised if people don't just skip it.

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I recommend new players do it once without boosting and without jumping ahead for mounts and gliders. Experience it at least once the way it was intended. I dragged a friend into the game, and I ran on foot with her until she reached gliding and mounts naturally. Now she's leveling a new character and can't believe she did without a mount before. lol It's a good experience. I still go on foot sometimes. Especially on my asura dragonhunter. She can kill anything that might jump her, and it amuses me to see things from her tiny perspective. Often I can't hardly see through the grass. :p

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> I recommend new players do it once without boosting and without jumping ahead for mounts and gliders. Experience it at least once the way it was intended. I dragged a friend into the game, and I ran on foot with her until she reached gliding and mounts naturally. Now she's leveling a new character and can't believe she did without a mount before. lol It's a good experience. I still go on foot sometimes. Especially on my asura dragonhunter. She can kill anything that might jump her, and it amuses me to see things from her tiny perspective. Often I can't hardly see through the grass. :p


I see your point, but you forget an important difference between the past and now: **Now you are surrounded by people using mounts**

I would rate it a totally frustrating experience, if I am forced to

- be much slower than everyone else, such that I never reach events before they are done

- cannot party others, as they always run away,

- party a newbie as mentor, that is painfully slow

- have to spend a lot of time to climb vista, while others jump or fly up in a second

- ...


Mounts are now in core Tyria, either they should have been never added or the must be given to all that want them.


Just read the threads about the warclaw acquisition in WvW, to get an impression how bad such a 2 class system is.

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