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How to fix dps/elitist check on raids


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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> just remove downed stats from raids, that will bring a new level of difficult also will punish players that go full dps and don't bring healers and tanks with them


What makes you think people want to subject themselves to playing a game where they are punished? Do you even understand why this game exists and why it's successful? It's definitely NOT because there is only one way to do things.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> What makes you think people want to subject themselves to playing a game where they are punished? Do you even understand why this game exists and why it's successful? It's definitely NOT because there is only one way to do things.


Huh, it's you again XD


Why do you think soulsborne games are so popular? It's not because those are fun, it's because you 'challenge yourself and emerge victorious.'

Performing kaishaku on Isshin is WAY more satisfying than 'heh, we killed Gerent, here's my 2 rare items, yay'


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> @"shejesa.3712" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > What makes you think people want to subject themselves to playing a game where they are punished? Do you even understand why this game exists and why it's successful? It's definitely NOT because there is only one way to do things.


> Huh, it's you again XD


> Why do you think soulsborne games are so popular?


I don't know and doesn't seem all that relevant anyways. Frankly,, nothing you said there means much at all. If you have a point, just say it.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> Then they can also allow addons where u can see others gear and traits too


Yep, which is a significant in pvp and wvw.. but thats not all it does.. it actually does more, *hint imagine being the raid boss.. >___~"


I admit i was baited by OP's title but the solution doesnt make much sense to me.. :/

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If ANET wants DPS meters in their game they should/would implement it, so it actually does what its supposed to without giving hack-level advantages to em !?## ne'er-do-wells..


come to think of it, they already did on the practice golem, cept it wasn't what abusive people had in mind cuz they couldn't carry it around and smack people with it. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Allow each player to ban+blacklist+delete other characters with a single button .

2) The boss will takes specific amount of damage per player , every 5 sec .

Every Boss will take 5.000/s x5 sec = 25.000 damage from that specific player in a 5 sec lifespan .

The rest of the damage goes to overflow = straight into the Bin , or increase your chance for rewards .

Regadles of how much damage the dps addons is showing


Or every 5 sec , the Boss will take selfdamage , boosting/equalizing all damage across the dps charts . Let it show as if each player where using Fire or Lighting Sigils.

Edit: Or the next damage spec , also triggers a xxx (for example5.000) amount of damage done to the boss , to be more equal in the dps addons .


3) Allow to switch weapons in combat , or buy weapons from a NPC that have the same effect

4) The bosses , every 10 sec becomes Vulnerability to a specific type of weapon , boosting your total dps by 10% . So dance like a monkey , switching constantly weapons.

5) The more danceweaponing you do => more chances to get better rewards

6) PPL that have already Legendary , get increased Reward

7) Ban whoever plays Smite


edit2: you know , what ? just make every single auto attack to do OVER 9.000 damage...

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> @"Solitude.2097" said:

> 1) Allow each player to ban+blacklist+delete other characters with a single button .

> 2) The boss will takes specific amount of damage per player , every 5 sec .

> Every Boss will take 5.000/s x5 sec = 25.000 damage from that specific player in a 5 sec lifespan .

> The rest of the damage goes to overflow = straight into the Bin .

> Regadles of how much damage the dps addons is showing


> Or every 5 sec , the Boss will take selfdamage , boosting/equalizing all damage across the dps charts . Let it show as if each player where using Fire or Lighting Sigils.


> 3) Allow to switch weapons in combat , or buy weapons from a NPC that have the same effect

> 4) The bosses , every 10 sec becomes Vulnerability to a specific type of weapon , boosting your total dps by 10% . So dance like a monkey , switching constantly weapons.

> 5) The more danceweaponing you do => more chances to get better rewards

> 6) PPL that have already Legendary , get increased Reward

> 7) Ban whoever plays Smite



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Solitude.2097" said:

> > 1) Allow each player to ban+blacklist+delete other characters with a single button .

> > 2) The boss will takes specific amount of damage per player , every 5 sec .

> > Every Boss will take 5.000/s x5 sec = 25.000 damage from that specific player in a 5 sec lifespan .

> > The rest of the damage goes to overflow = straight into the Bin .

> > Regadles of how much damage the dps addons is showing

> >

> > Or every 5 sec , the Boss will take selfdamage , boosting/equalizing all damage across the dps charts . Let it show as if each player where using Fire or Lighting Sigils.

> >

> > 3) Allow to switch weapons in combat , or buy weapons from a NPC that have the same effect

> > 4) The bosses , every 10 sec becomes Vulnerability to a specific type of weapon , boosting your total dps by 10% . So dance like a monkey , switching constantly weapons.

> > 5) The more danceweaponing you do => more chances to get better rewards

> > 6) PPL that have already Legendary , get increased Reward

> > 7) Ban whoever plays Smite


> Funny.



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DPS checks and kicking players who do low damage as 'DPS' is entirely justified, I don't see an issue with it. It's not elitist to expect the Druid to provide might, fury, spirits, healing and CC. Nor is it elitist to expect Boon Chronomancers to provide high amounts of quickness and alacrity. Why should it be elitist to expect people to deal reasonable damage? If people don't pull their own weight irrespective of their role, then kicking them is entirely justified. So in summary, there isn't anything to fix.

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