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Which Pof Profession Would You Nerf?


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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> Mostly everything?

> Yolosmith, too high sustain for that damage + abudant amount of boons.

> Weeber, dumb mix of thief and mesmer, passive gameplay and being on offence while also being defensive need to go.

> Firebird, dumb amount of heals, boons, etc., access to these on Firebird need to be cut by a lot.

> Denteye, just remove it, too high access to stealth AND damage AND counter to counter which is dumb.

> Migraine, just remove it, too high evasion uptime, same with Weeber, being on offence while also being defensive need to go + additional annoyance with clusterkitten on screen, better version of teef with teef guild elite.

> Soulburp, still a bit too high burst damage, far too high access to boons, Longbong need a LoS back on it asap.

> Sponge, after so many years of PoF release, I still wonder if deathcircle spammer should be called "support spec", too much AoE pressure, boon corruption, condi application, just pure annoyance that need to be reworked from scratch.

> Spellbork, beside annoying elite(far too low cd) that removes boons, looks pretty balanced... somehow... though core need nerfs either to damage or sustain or both.

> REEEEEEEEEEE, can't really say anything about that spec, it doesn't seem "op" or "strong", but it's probably just overshadowed by other PoF memes. If everything else will get proper nerfs (XDDDD), then perhaps condi application may be too strong.


Maybe you should just find a nice patch of rabbits or rats or something, seems like player characters aren't on your list of acceptable builds.

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Scourge, since this is the WvW forum, but I should clarify that. In roaming, small fights, 1v1s, etc. Scourge is totally fine - maybe even underpowered


In large fights though, it warps the entire meta with its massive non-projectile boon-corrupting 10-target aoes.


After that, probably Firebrand.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

>**I'd like to see scourge's F2 (Nefarious Favor) recharge increased from 5 to 10-12 seconds at a minimum** unless Abrasive Grit is used (which means life force isn't as readily acquired other than via camping staff), along with the sand shades being toned down in strike interval. Scourges literally break the game as the AoE conditions strain the server more than power damage. Sand Savant usually isn't used over Demonic Lore in PvE so I don't understand why there is hesitation on changing it.


f2 is in wvw already on 10 sec base cd.


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In small scale:


* Boon Beast is ridiculous.

* Condi Mirage is still absurd.

* Fire based Guardian variants are chaining too much D in a burn package. Blow Up DH is borderline.

* Shadow Art changes have revived a set of builds nobody but trolls wanted to see back. Perma Stealth Condi DeadEye and Malicious Backstab need to go extinct.

* Holosmith/Scrapper stealth is too long.


These are the only builds I am running into in duels and roaming that are clearly too strong in the current meta. Passive boon application needs a serious adjustment and every class needs to get a ton of reveals to compensate for the still oddball adherence to the broken stealth design in this game.


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I don't care about large scale. I have fun with it regardless and I've always found fights manageable. Until I feel like I can't avoid death, I'm pretty well fine with how ever it ends up. I also don't GvG though and I know more hardcore/co-ordinated fights are a lot more difficult. I've participated in more than my share of organized fights and that's a different story. Otherwise, I'm fine with the meta.


So in regards to small scale, which is what I care about most, I still have issues with Mirage. I don't like to request nerfs unless I feel something is completely out of line and I try to avoid complaining about classes or builds, especially if I don't fully understand them. I prefer practice, practice and practicing some more until I'm comfortable with deciding either my skill is lacking or the build/class is over performing.


Although Mirage is less common in the roaming scene than it used to be, it's still incredibly powerful and _extremely_ difficult to punish. I don't think I have enough understanding of Mesmer as a class to suggest proper adjustments ( because I don't play it ), but I do know that after many, many encounters, I'm certain it still needs some kind of change. A well played one is borderline unkillable on top of having the potential to nearly one shot you with condition stacks.


I can usually handle them with enough patience, but even the bad ones are an incredible pain. It won't be the end of my world if they don't get adjusted, but so long as they remain as they do I'll continue to avoid fighting them. I've fought more than enough different builds to know no matter what they're playing it's not worth my time.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> I don't care about large scale. I have fun with it regardless and I've always found fights manageable. Until I feel like I can't avoid death, I'm pretty well fine with how ever it ends up. I also don't GvG though and I know more hardcore/co-ordinated fights are a lot more difficult. I've participated in more than my share of organized fights and that's a different story. Otherwise, I'm fine with the meta.


> So in regards to small scale, which is what I care about most, I still have issues with Mirage. I don't like to request nerfs unless I feel something is completely out of line and I try to avoid complaining about classes or builds, especially if I don't fully understand them. I prefer practice, practice and practicing some more until I'm comfortable with deciding either my skill is lacking or the build/class is over performing.


> Although Mirage is less common in the roaming scene than it used to be, it's still incredibly powerful and _extremely_ difficult to punish. I don't think I have enough understanding of Mesmer as a class to suggest proper adjustments ( because I don't play it ), but I do know that after many, many encounters, I'm certain it still needs some kind of change. A well played one is borderline unkillable on top of having the potential to nearly one shot you with condition stacks.


> I can usually handle them with enough patience, but even the bad ones are an incredible pain. It won't be the end of my world if they don't get adjusted, but so long as they remain as they do I'll continue to avoid fighting them. I've fought more than enough different builds to know no matter what they're playing it's not worth my time.


Tbh mirage has an inherently broken mechanic in the ability to dodge without an animation, which means they can basically ignore CC etc. A bad mirage will be a pain, but a good mirage will be untouchable if they predict right. I feel bad for them actually as they keep getting nerfs to try and balance something that's just crazy op in the right hands, which has resulted in mesmer being a bit of a niche class again.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > I don't care about large scale. I have fun with it regardless and I've always found fights manageable. Until I feel like I can't avoid death, I'm pretty well fine with how ever it ends up. I also don't GvG though and I know more hardcore/co-ordinated fights are a lot more difficult. I've participated in more than my share of organized fights and that's a different story. Otherwise, I'm fine with the meta.

> >

> > So in regards to small scale, which is what I care about most, I still have issues with Mirage. I don't like to request nerfs unless I feel something is completely out of line and I try to avoid complaining about classes or builds, especially if I don't fully understand them. I prefer practice, practice and practicing some more until I'm comfortable with deciding either my skill is lacking or the build/class is over performing.

> >

> > Although Mirage is less common in the roaming scene than it used to be, it's still incredibly powerful and _extremely_ difficult to punish. I don't think I have enough understanding of Mesmer as a class to suggest proper adjustments ( because I don't play it ), but I do know that after many, many encounters, I'm certain it still needs some kind of change. A well played one is borderline unkillable on top of having the potential to nearly one shot you with condition stacks.

> >

> > I can usually handle them with enough patience, but even the bad ones are an incredible pain. It won't be the end of my world if they don't get adjusted, but so long as they remain as they do I'll continue to avoid fighting them. I've fought more than enough different builds to know no matter what they're playing it's not worth my time.


> Tbh mirage has an inherently broken mechanic in the ability to dodge without an animation, which means they can basically ignore CC etc. A bad mirage will be a pain, but a good mirage will be untouchable if they predict right. I feel bad for them actually as they keep getting nerfs to try and balance something that's just crazy op in the right hands, which has resulted in mesmer being a bit of a niche class again.


It's really only Condi Mirage that is the offender here. Sure Mirage Cloak is still ridiculous and never should have existed in the first place, but Power Mirages will run out of steam and lose pressure. Condi Mirages don't. It's not hard to be a good Condi Mirage.

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The Chronomancer was nerfed as a boon-supplier, because it was too perfect. Then came the Firebrand, which is Chronomancer with extra steps. They replaced one overpowered master of everything with another. Spread the useful/powerful abilities among more classes instead of concentrating everything on just a few.


I am currently working on a Quickbrand myself and I am on the final steps of completing the gear. In 10/10 cases, that is the moment when things get balanced. The journey is the goal.


Note: I am quite amazed, although this is a PoF only poll with PoF only classes, people still ask for further Scrapper nerfs.

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LMAO weaver with 0 votes? Weaver is one of the top contenders that needs nerfing. This post is for all of those people that love the truth and that know what I am talking about, so lets discuss why weaver is the top contender for a nerf. Weaver has everything in one build and those who are smart enough to know what that build is will recognize this:

* barrier

* healing

* Evades

* A healing skill that heals with every attack

* projectile blocks

* complete immunity for 4 seconds

* Permanent boon spam (permanent protection and regeneration)

* Defensive boon regeneration

* Defensive boon protection (-33% damage reduction)

* Defensive condition weakness (-50% damage reduction)

* Food that reduces damage by -10%

* Frost Aura that reduces damage by -10%

* Woven Earth -20% damage reduction

* Geomancer's Training -10% damage reduction

* Stone Heart immune to critical hits.


So, lets calculate the effective damage reduction:

(1 - 0.33)(1 - 0.50)(1 - 0.10)(1 - 0.10)(1 - 0.20)(1 - 0.10) - 1 = -0.80

**This means the effective damage reduction is -80%**


So, lets assume that you are a 100% berserker class with everything set at max damage. Your max critical hit damage is about 270%, lets calculate how much damage you will deal to this **"poor innocent weaver."**


(1 - 0.33)(1 - 0.50)(1 - 0.10)(1 - 0.10)(1 - 0.20)(1 - 0.10)(1 +1.70) - 1 = -0.47

**This means that the effective damage is -47%**


That is correct! YOU ARE A FULL BERSERKER CLASS WITH EVERYTHING MAXED TO DAMAGE and weaver still manages to get a -47% damage reduction!

Did I take into account the barrier damage reduction? OF COURSE NOT!


In reality, damage reduction is way, way, way more that -80%; with barrier in the equation, it could easily reach the -90% damage reduction.

Weaver is stupidly overpowered.

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I have an idea; nerf mirage to the ground, bring glamour trait back with a duration buff and remove the limit of null field. Then lets see if all these boons would fly in the air or not. Mesmers would be accepted into squads, boon meta would take a heavy blow, and everywhere would be pink again! Ta daaa.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > I don't care about large scale. I have fun with it regardless and I've always found fights manageable. Until I feel like I can't avoid death, I'm pretty well fine with how ever it ends up. I also don't GvG though and I know more hardcore/co-ordinated fights are a lot more difficult. I've participated in more than my share of organized fights and that's a different story. Otherwise, I'm fine with the meta.

> > >

> > > So in regards to small scale, which is what I care about most, I still have issues with Mirage. I don't like to request nerfs unless I feel something is completely out of line and I try to avoid complaining about classes or builds, especially if I don't fully understand them. I prefer practice, practice and practicing some more until I'm comfortable with deciding either my skill is lacking or the build/class is over performing.

> > >

> > > Although Mirage is less common in the roaming scene than it used to be, it's still incredibly powerful and _extremely_ difficult to punish. I don't think I have enough understanding of Mesmer as a class to suggest proper adjustments ( because I don't play it ), but I do know that after many, many encounters, I'm certain it still needs some kind of change. A well played one is borderline unkillable on top of having the potential to nearly one shot you with condition stacks.

> > >

> > > I can usually handle them with enough patience, but even the bad ones are an incredible pain. It won't be the end of my world if they don't get adjusted, but so long as they remain as they do I'll continue to avoid fighting them. I've fought more than enough different builds to know no matter what they're playing it's not worth my time.

> >

> > Tbh mirage has an inherently broken mechanic in the ability to dodge without an animation, which means they can basically ignore CC etc. A bad mirage will be a pain, but a good mirage will be untouchable if they predict right. I feel bad for them actually as they keep getting nerfs to try and balance something that's just crazy op in the right hands, which has resulted in mesmer being a bit of a niche class again.


> It's really only Condi Mirage that is the offender here. Sure Mirage Cloak is still ridiculous and never should have existed in the first place, but Power Mirages will run out of steam and lose pressure. Condi Mirages don't. It's not hard to be a good Condi Mirage.


Oh yeah, that's definitely true. Still, it's not a healthy way to design and balance a class.

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Too many POF specs need a shave so it was a little hard to vote.


Spellbreakers balanced solo but imba in small-large scale fights.


Weaver needs a damage boost but a sustain nerf.


Boonbeasts can only be fought reliably if there is a necro around to corrupt their boons. Otherwise good luck trying.


Holos will be in a good spot with the upcoming balance changes.


Scourge needs nerf to their large scale potential. The upcoming updates doesn't really address this and Scourge will still be potent in large scale fights but their small scale presence is going to become monumentally weaker.


Power mirage is fine. Condi mirage is fine too. Just need to use the right builds to fight either.


Renegade is rarely seen so I would suppose they need a buff.


Firebrand should have their outgoing support and healing reduced. Boost their burning damage so they are a firebrand. not a support brand.


Deadeye I'm not sure what is wrong about them, but its just a necro's gut feeling that if there was one POF spec that requires a nerf, it would be them.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Deadeye I'm not sure what is wrong about them, but its just a necro's gut feeling that if there was one POF spec that requires a nerf, it would be them.


Why though? According to some other person in another thread here, Necro's can kill DE's super easily and no DE should ever be able to kill an equally skilled Necro!

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