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[not so serious topic] What if you could choose a gw2 profession for IRL ?


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I'd go for Ranger, specifically Druid. I don't really have to fight in real life so offensive skills would be useless to me. On the other hand, healing skills could be incredibly useful, and Druid seems to have the best ones. Unlike most weapons, staves are readily available in real life and you wouldn't get arrested for carrying one. Plus Ancestral Grace would be useful for crossing busy roads!


The downsides are that I'd always have to wear a trenchcoat and have an animal following me around at all times.


Also, (it's not profession-specific but) it would be really annoying needing a sickle to pick blackberries!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd take Warrior. Now, let me explain:


There's an odd quirk with my current disease, and that is the day of power. Now, normally, it hurts terribly to exert myself and I have no energy. Easily, 99% of the time, it is like this. It's all terribly prohibitive. However, randomly and with no explanation, all of that pain and weakness just goes away. On these rare days, I feel like a superhero. It isn't just in my mind, either. I.E. on an average day I struggle to do about 5 push-ups. It feels like my muscles are being torn off of my bones, my blood-pressure raises so high as to give me a throbbing headache, my whole body hurts for the rest of the day, and I can only squeeze out 5. On a strong day? 25, fairly easily, with no odd side-effects.


I know what it's like to use Endure Pain IRL is what I'm getting at. I'd love to have the strength of competence at all times, let alone the strength of an Olympic weightlifter. I don't much care if I lose out on all that flashy magic and super powers of the other professions, so long as I can have my strength.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > > Mesmer, no contest. As long as pink butterflies aren't mandatory. Playing with perceptions would be the best way to get people off your posterior.

> >

> > Pink butterflies are the payoff for being that OP


> only if you've got bad taste


You just jeelly cuz I be Fabulous!!!

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Let's see...

* Engineers, while interesting in the GW Universe (mainly due to contrast) , do not really bring anything new to the table compared to what Earthern Engineers IRL could do. Hell, even in the GW Universe, the Engineer Skillset and their Gadgets seem pretty much inferior to what the Pact or the Iron Legion created (making them seem more like hobby tinkerers than Engineers, tbh). I would rather get another profession and learn Engineering the normal way.

* Warriors: Same thing. Being a Warrior would probably make me physically fit, but their tools and abilities are ohterwise pretty much useless in a modern warfare context, and i don't think i could find a use for the extrafitness in everyday life.

* Guardians: Supernatural Abilities, including Heal. Unfortunately it would be hard to avoid exposing yourself when using them, I think.

* Thief: Stealth and Shadowssteps are nice, but the physical abilities may as well be learned IRL. Mesmer could do the same and more.

* Ranger: Treehugging Hippie with a good connection to Nature and Animals. Nothing special except for the Healing, but just as with the Guardian, that would be harder to hide when in usage. Okay, maybe it would be good for farming / cultivating plants, but that's not something I would be terribly interested in...

* Revenant: Dunno. Pretty versatile, but not up my ally.

* Necro: Summoning the dead would be fun. It would also really attract Attention from third parties.

* Elementalist: Probably my 2nd choice for everyday use, if it would allow for the use of elemental magic without having to use the spells we know. Being able to create Water everywhere (and heal) seems useful, doing digging work with Earth Magic is a plus, being able to warm yourself during winter is also nice, and all of it might be hidden with enough care.

* **My Choice:** Mesmer. The ability to create Copies of yourself would be helpful (depending on how well they can be controlled), and illusionary disguises (as seen in some story arcs) would be a good way to hide either your abilities, or at least **who** possesses them from the government or other parties that might be interested in using you. Bending time and space, teleporting, becoming invisible and turning people into birds has it perks as well.

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> @"Eodh.8529" said:

> Hello there,


> Let's imagine that you could pick a gw2 profession for the real life.

> Which one would you choose and more important why ?



I would choose Chronomancer so I can just manipulate spacetime and never be late to work or have to be stuck in traffic. But as of July 16th, I need to generate clones first and that means getting jailed for having my look-a-likes assault pedestrians.

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There are many good points for Mesmer, like invisibility, clones and accelerating or decelerating time...

But I don't think they beat summoning your own personal mini-volcano in your backyard. You have it nice and warm in winter, cold in summer and you can heal people by splashing around with some water.


And don't forget the elemental glyphs! Now excuse me while I take my snowman for a walk.

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For my career, I'd say mesmer (almost finished with Law school).

For the rest of my life, I'd go for Ranger, specifically Druid. Am always out hiking and whatnot. I started bringing my cat out to hikes too! Also I'm often worried about surviving in a post-apocalyptic war, so I feel ranger would come in super handy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I could pick any class of Gw2 for rl.


(I love something like that. Played DnD for 20 years ++)


My choice is: Necromancer.



1. Get necro.

2. Study

3. Become undead (Lich or something)

4. Explore this strange state called un - dead. Many, many questions about this state in detail.. but also very much time for research.

5. Use the gifted time.


I m sure it will not get boring but on the other hand no need to do anything in universe fast.


So, enough (i could endless talk about possibilitys), nice 5 minutes daydreaming.

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Necro hands down. Do what you want cause no one will dare approach you. That annoying kid now has a bright future as an athelete after your minions helped him run 10 miles a day. And hell i'll take being an immortal, aging and sickness free Night King any da...night over being a loved sheep walking into the slaughterhouse/plantation like most of men. Normality's overrated, fuck the system!


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