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What is the point of a squad place on WvW?


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Commanders will use squad chat to more effectively tell people what is up. (so people don't miss out because they are out of say range)

And some commanders will use markers to tell people where to stand or where to focus attacks for strategy.


I am assuming you are talking about squads where commanders don't want meta builds in their squad. I know that boons and healing prioritize people in the same squad so they might want to make sure the best players are getting the support. People could take offense at not being in the squad because it seems to imply they aren't good enough.


That being said, commanders can just put meta people in subs so they still get priority so I don't know why they don't just let people into the squad as long as they aren't full.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target.


happens the same out of the squad


> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> Commanders will use squad chat to more effectively tell people what is up. (so people don't miss out because they are out of say range)

> And some commanders will use markers to tell people where to stand or where to focus attacks for strategy.


the commnaders of my server only say:


waypoint x


then they start running and everyone follow like a sheep

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target, you will also get more buffs and healing which will help keep you alive and do more damage.


Being in the squad doesn't increase loot at all. There is no party/squad kill sharing. You would get the same amount of loot as if you were not in squad with the same people around attacking the same things.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target.


> happens the same out of the squad


No it does not. Sure if you are on a strong power build you can get a lot of bags playing solo, but there will still be kills you do not get credit for that you would have in a party.



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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> why people are mad of not getting in the squad if you can just follow the commander around the map?


Priority for boons, heals and participation are all bassed around party membership, squad membership and range. Being outside of squad directly leads to less support.


Not sure if that warrants complaints, but it certainly is a reason why players want to be in squad.

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> @"Blanger.3162" said:

> Squads also allow the commander to see how much supplies each member, and the group as a total are carrying, this helps in knowing if enough supplies exist in the group to build the necessary siege or if a trip to a depot, keep, or tower is necessary for resupply before taking on a objective.


this is true, but is only good for the commander, but why some people get mad if they don't get in?

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Blanger.3162" said:

> > Squads also allow the commander to see how much supplies each member, and the group as a total are carrying, this helps in knowing if enough supplies exist in the group to build the necessary siege or if a trip to a depot, keep, or tower is necessary for resupply before taking on a objective.


> this is true, but is only good for the commander, but why some people get mad if they don't get in?




> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > why people are mad of not getting in the squad if you can just follow the commander around the map?


> Priority for boons, heals and participation are all bassed around party membership, squad membership and range. Being outside of squad directly leads to less support.


> Not sure if that warrants complaints, but it certainly is a reason why players want to be in squad.


And this:> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target, you will also get more buffs and healing which will help keep you alive and do more damage.


These are the most likely reasons.


Also, if a tag is communicating in squad chat (and not only in discord) as to where they are heading, people miss out. (Which borderland etc)

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target.

> >

> > happens the same out of the squad


> No it does not. Sure if you are on a strong power build you can get a lot of bags playing solo, but there will still be kills you do not get credit for that you would have in a party.




Is there documentation anywhere about the loot tagging? I’ve never been able to find out for sure what counts as “kills” that grant love loot. If you can share a source please that would be nice

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target.

> > >

> > > happens the same out of the squad

> >

> > No it does not. Sure if you are on a strong power build you can get a lot of bags playing solo, but there will still be kills you do not get credit for that you would have in a party.

> >

> >


> Is there documentation anywhere about the loot tagging? I’ve never been able to find out for sure what counts as “kills” that grant love loot. If you can share a source please that would be nice


Difficult to find a source. But running as a havoc-Er and popping in to assist tags (while on a support heavy build) I have hit the lord for damage and not gotten a bag, yet, been on the same build, with a tag, with less damage and have gotten a bag.


There likely is an element of the team aspect in play where they want people working together, so assisting your ‘team’ I.e. party/squad likely adjusts the threshold needed for kill credit.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > > Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target.

> > > >

> > > > happens the same out of the squad

> > >

> > > No it does not. Sure if you are on a strong power build you can get a lot of bags playing solo, but there will still be kills you do not get credit for that you would have in a party.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Is there documentation anywhere about the loot tagging? I’ve never been able to find out for sure what counts as “kills” that grant love loot. If you can share a source please that would be nice


> Difficult to find a source. But running as a havoc-Er and popping in to assist tags (while on a support heavy build) I have hit the lord for damage and not gotten a bag, yet, been on the same build, with a tag, with less damage and have gotten a bag.


> There likely is an element of the team aspect in play where they want people working together, so assisting your ‘team’ I.e. party/squad likely adjusts the threshold needed for kill credit.


the same will happen out of the squad, you should try it

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > > > Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target.

> > > > >

> > > > > happens the same out of the squad

> > > >

> > > > No it does not. Sure if you are on a strong power build you can get a lot of bags playing solo, but there will still be kills you do not get credit for that you would have in a party.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Is there documentation anywhere about the loot tagging? I’ve never been able to find out for sure what counts as “kills” that grant love loot. If you can share a source please that would be nice

> >

> > Difficult to find a source. But running as a havoc-Er and popping in to assist tags (while on a support heavy build) I have hit the lord for damage and not gotten a bag, yet, been on the same build, with a tag, with less damage and have gotten a bag.

> >

> > There likely is an element of the team aspect in play where they want people working together, so assisting your ‘team’ I.e. party/squad likely adjusts the threshold needed for kill credit.


> the same will happen out of the squad, you should try it


I imagine you didn’t read what you quoted or you would know that I do. ?


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The primary reason is that team support prioritizes party members. So whoever said boons and heals was right.


The question about loot is more difficult to say. There has never been any confirmation on how the system works and it is not as clear-cut to test it (anyone can see that playing alone gives you less boons and heals even if you sit ontop of a group), but loot is somewhat likely to work like this: Loot is qualified by tagging and tagging is achieved by doing a small but not insignificant amount of damage (classes with damage do tag more than noodle classes even if the noodles have 5-target cleave, so damage matters but only to reach some low qualifying numbers, eg., 1% or w/e) and tagging through healing involves healing another player to a sufficient degree that does a sufficient amount of damage.


That also means that squad/party makes it easier for support to qualify for loot through supporting but that qualifying through damage is likely unaffected by joining a squad or party beyond whatever damage modifiers fed can help you meet the minimum required damage.


Then again, the original reason as to why squads were made is different from why players complain about not being allowed to take part in a squad. Squads were obviously first and foremost made to help commanders organize more easily. They were introduced at a different time in the game, where even if they probably had the ease of joining into the mode in mind, that was hardly such a focal point as it is today. The playerbase and climate has changed.

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I don't join squads or groups much but besides groups buffs the commander can size up supply and builds that will be around them and sometimes I'll group up with other wanders who are mostly hitting up the same stuff to hear placement markers, quick target heads up, and other map/mini map pings even if we're only loosely floating around each other. The in game tools are actually nice to have.

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I'd guess that if a commander is being extremely selective about who they let into their group, then they are trying to pull off more complicated tactics. Personally, I'd leave them alone and go find another group. I wouldn't get upset about NOT being able to join them...it's their game to play, too. They aren't responsible for my entertainment.


There are also people that can take advantage of getting participation credit if they are in a squad but not actually with the squad--those working on getting their wvw mount, or scouts that are either out roaming or sitting in a keep or tower. It's nice to be able to join a squad for those reasons, but again...I wouldn't get upset if it didn't happen.

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> @"Lupini.6938" said:

> I'd guess that if a commander is being extremely selective about who they let into their group, then they are trying to pull off more complicated tactics. Personally, I'd leave them alone and go find another group. I wouldn't get upset about NOT being able to join them...it's their game to play, too. They aren't responsible for my entertainment.


> There are also people that can take advantage of getting participation credit if they are in a squad but not actually with the squad--those working on getting their wvw mount, or scouts that are either out roaming or sitting in a keep or tower. It's nice to be able to join a squad for those reasons, but again...I wouldn't get upset if it didn't happen.


That... wasn’t his question.


The OP is basically asking why people care to get into a squad as the OP sees no value in it.

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Players have a need to feel like they belong to something & are valued.


Aside from the boon share & squad chat reasons.


Players want to be in the squad because they want to participate & belong to something where they're valued.


WvW lost this endearing aspect when they made World Linking a permanent feature.




It’s almost equivalent to people going to the same tavern, bar, or pub.




Ok…Pandora’s Gennie in a Box has been opened.




ANet still doesn't understand what really motivates players to play their WvW game mode.


ANet tore down & is in the process of gutting our WvW version of the "Cheers Bar" to replace it with Server & Alliance Linking.


ANet expects & is betting the "Farm" that Guilds will be able to take over the responsibility in providing a Long-Term & Stable ecosystem that Servers previously provided for years.


All the poor decisions are beginning to take its toll on the Long-Term population levels of WvW...saw this coming a long time ago.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.




Where everybody knows your name...


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You get detailed infos about the status of your sub-group -> heal, stab, prot, cleanse, rezz on point when necessary. Otherwise you just throw around boons and heals randomly, and don't get any from the squad for yourself.


Some coms mark their SpBs so you can easily see when they push in and where they will place their bubble.


You can see the squad comp, its just a nice-to have info. E. g. if there is only one SpB in squad you don't have to wait for a second bubble to pop up.


But in the first place, as Diku said, its more about the feeling, that you're part of the team and that your contribution is valued. Nonetheless, you still get some amount of heals and boons outside the squad, and you can still use their combo fields.

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> @"Diku.2546" said:

> Players have a need to feel like they belong to something & are valued.


> Aside from the boon share & squad chat reasons.


> Players want to be in the squad because they want to participate & belong to something where they're valued.


> WvW lost this endearing aspect when they made World Linking a permanent feature.


> ---


> It’s almost equivalent to people going to the same tavern, bar, or pub.

> 2016-05-28

> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Linking-Beta/page/8#post6177416


> Ok…Pandora’s Gennie in a Box has been opened.

> 2016-06-11

> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-6-June-World-Linking-Schedule-CLOSED/page/5#post6197744


> ANet still doesn't understand what really motivates players to play their WvW game mode.


> ANet tore down & is in the process of gutting our WvW version of the "Cheers Bar" to replace it with Server & Alliance Linking.


> ANet expects & is betting the "Farm" that Guilds will be able to take over the responsibility in providing a Long-Term & Stable ecosystem that Servers previously provided for years.


> All the poor decisions are beginning to take its toll on the Long-Term population levels of WvW...saw this coming a long time ago.





perfectly put... and i also saw this coming..... linkings was the last thing wvw needded... yet str8 after it happnd all the idiots thought.. "wow this is great,, lots of ppl in wvw now" but now no communities can be built.. no server pride.... nothin.... just a pointless game mode with nothing to show.. 8 weeks of tryna mix with diffrent ppl knowing theres little meaning to it because at the end we start again....

however.... there are plenty other things anet got wrong even before linkings...and after.... literally evrything they introduced starting with desert bl.....


i still enjoy wvw, but it could..and should have been so much more than it is.... im just glad i got to play it for those 1st 3 yrs.. before it went downhill .... and ye..it maybe took awhile to get to the bottom of the hill.... but here we are.

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