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Current state of warclaw balance


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > > > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > > > > At 1:26 you ate a Chaotic Release in an open field 1v1 while you had full endurance - I think you've shown us all exactly why you struggle to dismount people on Warclaws.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Btw, I've been dismounted by condi rev multiple times more than by a ranger.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Like you've said, this game should not cater to bad players.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I didn't even bother to try tbh, i knew i could just stack torment and do whatever, killed them earlier lol.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also i literally made this rev today so i am mainly trying to learn my own skills and how it works, reacting isn't easy when i am trying to remember what my utilities do, also like i said they were bad so i didn't bother with counterplay, its the sole reason im playing rn as ive said ive quit the game basically before this. I don't really know what im doing here as its my first time rev ever.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > > > Anput... you'll get more people on your side if you advocate all the broken stuff you can do with mounts.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > make a video where you pick on newer players using the mount or better yet... play a long and start telling everyone who doesn't zerg that they are (insert insult) and to adapt because this is anets vision.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I mean what isn't blatantly broken about this? Most forum poeple don't care about broken, just what is in their favour and isn't.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is a clip that shows how overtuned it is and instead of a sidegrade it is pure powercreep without counterplay, what else do you need? Any serious PvP community would have agreed already.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I run around for 40 minutes to kill 1 reaper last night like how is that any fun?

> > > > >

> > > > > Because it's ZeRg OnLy now and you need to AdApT hehe...

> > > > >

> > > > > I think your mention of the PvP community hits it on the head though... WvW isn't about PvP anymore with this new direction Anet are going. I think from the looks of it, WvW will be moulded into something similar to PvE to be used as downtime for PvE players waiting on more PvE content instead of this usual approach we've had for 6 years where they only come back for the day to speed run content and leave again.

> > > > >

> > > > > You know how it goes... "OnLy PvE plAyeRs SpEnD mOnEy On GaME"

> > > >

> > > > Yeah if you know what i mean then what was your complaint exactly?

> > > >

> > > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > > > Nice, you played 10 minutes for the 1st time in months and made the same thread as no forum reg knew your opinion on the topic. Welcome back.

> > > >

> > > > Well, seems like the game is still a kitten-show. Also i didn't give my opinion, i just showed off how balance is still completely broken.

> > >

> > > There wasn't a complaint lmao maybe try reading it again :bleep_bloop:

> > > it did seem weird you got over defensive at nothing to be honest.

> >

> > Did it seem like overly defensive? To me it just seems like you are agreeing yet trying to make another point? It often confuses me.


> Take in all the complaints that have been brought up since Warclaw and what the population hates most then use it back on them to extreme levels to make them complain instead of you is what I was getting at.


> EG: Unfair to be ganked by 1 person without a mount, so use 5 people to gank that same person and ask them if that was any more fair than before when it was only 1 person.

> Play a super spikey zerker build that 1 shots the mount and player on it, soooo many complaints about being 1 shot and yet it's the encouraged playstyle to engage mounts.


> It's main reason I play CeleReaper at the moment actually.... By using the mount, I take away any advantage other classes previously had over me with range or mobility essentially nullifying that players class advantages. Also due to how the mount works, I can chose my own fights... So naturally I pick all the fights that I know I can win... "Oh look, how cute, he's not even bronze rank yet" or "free ele kill, dont mind if I do!".... And there's nothing anyone can do about it because they can't even dismount me.


> I used to hate the imbalance (I still do) but I've aDaPtEd to using its powercreep for abuse. The more experienced players who do that, the more others might complain about the unfairness of the imbalance it has brought or lack of interaction with those players due to not having a dismount skill.


> I don't think it's fair I get to chose my own engagements in an open world pvp environment and naturally I'm only going to pick the winning fights... Does it sound like fun for the other player? Probably not, but let them complain about it.


Why would it be unfair to attack someone 1v1?


I am bored and tired of my longbow ranger.


It is still way, way less fun even if you try to abuse it.


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > What am I supposed to see in this video? Seems like just a melee focused build struggling to hit something that moves.


> Apparently, you are supposed to see a whole bunch of stuff that convinces you Warclaw is the worst thing ever ... because that's the OP's agenda. he's going to tell you about all the ways it's ruined WvW ... for him. And that should mean it's ruined it for you too ... because if Warclaw hasn't ruined your WvW experience, it's because you must be a scrub and you don't count anyways. Just don't forget to ignore what it does bring for people. Then you will be on the bandwagon ... the bandwagon that doesn't get that the game has moved on.


> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > That's like *the* most pathetic attempt at a dismount I've ever seen.


> Yeah ... but don't worry, Op assures it's not an L2P issue. it's just that the Warclaw is broken. The problem is that the OP and others appeal to 'fixing' Warclaw via a balance argument. The problem is that it wasn't implemented as a balance issue in the first place, so that appeal doesn't make sense. Nothing in this game is balanced; why would Warclaw be THE thing that does?


> People argue around the idea that Warclaw doesn't have the intended effects ... really? How so? Like Anet didn't think a CC immune, fast moving, lots of HP mount wouldn't give these effects to players? The whole discussion is VERY dishonest IMO. Until these people come to the same level of understanding of other reasonable people, their complains will continue to make little sense.


> There is a reason the OP simply posts a video ... because he know's he can't defend his position with words. It's already been explained to him numerous times. He's somehow convinced himself Anet should be targetting the 'hardcore good WVW players' with their changes .. that shows a direct lack of understanding about how this game works and why.




I am showcasing objective overperformance and unbalance, nothing more. Just because *you* don't care about balance in a multiplayer PvP game doesn't mean *others* don't.


As a competitive PvP game player how can i even take your opinion seriously? Can you somehow explain how this is perfectly balanced?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> The introduction of WvW Mounts made lots of sense. It was to address a flaw in WvW but brought another issue to the table.


> I told you all in another thread on how they should properly fix both issues, the WvW Flaw and the Mount issue.


> We need a new Reviving system in WvW other than the Waypoint system. This way Mounts wouldn't be as needed and then you can apply a better system to dismount players such as a smaller break bar or a CC counter and even a number of hits counter for dismounting as well as Traps that dismount.


> We need the revival system revamped so people wouldn't have to run so much to get back to the fights. I talked about this many times here on this forum. We need rez system like FPS games do it. Timers and Dedicated capturable rez locations.


Personally I don't like this because I never saw the fact that have a long walk back after death as a flaw. In my view its a good thing. If you die, then there should be consequences. Adds more thrill to the fights knowing you need to take a long walk back if you lose. Makes it more fun. I used to adore fighting in the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle for this reason. Death was punishing. If I didn't want to start the puzzle from the beginning then I'd better win.


But I don't know maybe I'm weird. I used to play on a minecraft pvp server that banned you for 30 mins whenever you died, and I loved it. Same sort of feeling playing dayz too. The thrill of trying to stay alive and beat other players is second to none when you know there are consequences for losing. But now who cares if someone kills me? I can just wp and jump on my untouchable tank kitten and be back to ganking people almost immediately.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> As a competitive PvP game player how can i even take your opinion seriously? Can you somehow explain how this is perfectly balanced?


It's not perfectly balanced, but it never will be anyways, so it's not a reason to change it. It wasn't balanced BEFORE the Warclaw was released either ... I didn't see you complaining then. That's because saying it's about balance is dishonest ... it's about getting what you want.

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Before making any comments consider other POV, not just yours.


Mounts appear to be mainly introduced as a source of revenue, but they also gave people a choice to pick their fights.


I understand your being frustrated to get a decent fight, but in all honesty, that will rarely happen, and not just because of the claw. The game is too gimmicky in general and most builds out there are just trolls, like full Minstrel FB + full Trailblazer Scourge that, in a pair, easily pick on groups of 4 - 5 due to outsustaining damage and damaging way much in return.


You have to fight cheese with cheese until ANet come to their senses. Sorry, IF...

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> I am showcasing objective overperformance and unbalance, nothing more.

By using the absolutely worst case scenario eqvivalent of running around in circles flailing your arms trying to yell the enemy to death?


We can all play that game.



What this video *objectively* shows:

- Contested camps is a dead giveaway to enemy presence, that's OP

- Stealth is OP

- The mount is weak as all kitten

- Soulbeast is the weakest class in the game

- Core engineer is the most OP class in the game


Wait, no, that would be *objectively* stupid. The mount could use a nerf sure. But we already know that.

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just look at how many players are left playing wvw now... its not only warclaws...its evrything for the last few years that anet have done..to make this mode more casual... and less pvp challenge...or skill based.... they only cater to the blob style of play.... which if anyone didnt notice is driving players away....


Even with linkings wvw seems empty alot of the time.... roaming is terrible right now.. compared to anything in the past..

guilds are leaving, roamers are leaving... and there are still ppl that say stuff like warclaw is fine... wake the feck up ppl. wvw is no fun without the playerbase to support it..


So even if somehow u have a biased view toward ur own playstyle.. or type of gameplay.... just admit that wvw is approaching (actually is in ) a dire state of affairs...


The worst thing about it is theres nothing we can do about it, nobody can agree on anything... (this thread and every other thread is proof of that.. but the numbers of players playing dont lie )


Anet seem to not care, or like someone above said..maybe they are doing this on purpose, altho i cant think of a good reason why they would... even if they cater to pve players, and those that want to just mindlessly karma train... surely they can see that this approach is not gaining more players...infact the opposite.... meaning less income for them...


my opinion is the more of a challenge ur faced with in a game, the better it is... seems warclaw is just the latest bad implementation of something added to the mode, that only benefits those that dont want to fight... whats wrong with giving it 1hp.. u can get where you need to go.. get back to the fight etc.. u just cant prance around enemies on it... or just plain remove it.. and while ur on ..remove red bl... remove merc camps...skritt and centaur.. and anythin else irrelevant.. these few simple steps would be a start in the right direction atleast....


perhaps one of the worst things to happen to wvw was the actual linking system, id much rather have less servers in order to condense the player base... atleast communites could be a thing again... and we as players could work toward making our servers better at wvw... a goal.. a purpose...... right now there is nothing to work toward ...


anyhow... another pointless rant.... because..as we all know.. none of the above will happen... and not only that..but literally..nothing will happen.. anytime soon..






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> @"Inoki.6048" said:


> Mounts appear to be mainly introduced as a source of revenue, but they also gave people a choice to pick their fights.


Reducing the amount of pvp in a pvp mode portrayed as a good thing. I'd counter the walking safe space was a content reduction, and it takes warped sensibilities to see that as a good thing.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > What am I supposed to see in this video? Seems like just a melee focused build struggling to hit something that moves.


> Mobility tools that are broken to the point they basically grant invulnerability most of the time.


Incorrect. Listen everyone. What BONUSES you have on your character translates BONUSES to the mount. Including all Boons. On majority of characters without boons, I can range people right off their mounts, and keep a pressure on catching up to them for nearly 4 minutes from one side of the map, all the way to the other side. However, you put Boons, players Bonuses, Nourishment buffs on yourself, BEFORE YOU MOUNT...they all translate to the mount. I take damage from retaliation, those with speed buffs, actually are able to pull away from me in time, and those with armor bonuses are nearly impossible for me to knock off their amount, even with the tactics I built up to get them to dismount. The video showed a player not using a properly ranged weapon, that would have hit further, the damage was quite low which allowed the mounted player to watch and learn to see what the dismounted player had for skills and damage. I was half expecting the Revenant to get destroyed. But it looks like the other player either had a false belief of superiority or was just fooling around half heartedly. Either way the wrong type of weapon was used to range down the mounted player, and the damage was far to low. Between Smokescale and Rapidfire I can dismount most players in under 3 to 4 SECONDS if their not properly booned or tanked up to begin with before mounting.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > As a competitive PvP game player how can i even take your opinion seriously? Can you somehow explain how this is perfectly balanced?


> It's not perfectly balanced, but it never will be anyways, so it's not a reason to change it. It wasn't balanced BEFORE the Warclaw was released either ... I didn't see you complaining then. That's because saying it's about balance is dishonest ... it's about getting what you want.


It is about relatively balancing, before warclaw it was balanced, because every meta build offered something worth enough it to pick them and most things had counters, i mean except firebrands scourges and deadeyes but. Balance=/=doing the same. The mount is just very overtuned right now, how can you say it isn't with a straight face?


> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> Before making any comments consider other POV, not just yours.


> Mounts appear to be mainly introduced as a source of revenue, but they also gave people a choice to pick their fights.


> I understand your being frustrated to get a decent fight, but in all honesty, that will rarely happen, and not just because of the claw. The game is too gimmicky in general and most builds out there are just trolls, like full Minstrel FB + full Trailblazer Scourge that, in a pair, easily pick on groups of 4 - 5 due to outsustaining damage and damaging way much in return.


> You have to fight cheese with cheese until ANet come to their senses. Sorry, IF...


I played everyday and had constant fights every day, i come back after months to try it with a rev and i walk around 40 minutes to kill 1 whole reaper, that just makes zero sense, i had little complaints pre mount.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > I am showcasing objective overperformance and unbalance, nothing more.

> By using the absolutely worst case scenario eqvivalent of running around in circles flailing your arms trying to yell the enemy to death?


> We can all play that game.




> What this video *objectively* shows:

> - Contested camps is a dead giveaway to enemy presence, that's OP

> - Stealth is OP

> - The mount is weak as all kitten

> - Soulbeast is the weakest class in the game

> - Core engineer is the most OP class in the game


> Wait, no, that would be *objectively* stupid. The mount could use a nerf sure. But we already know that.


"But we already know that." well apparently not, because many seems to think it is fine as it is, some saying it is balanced and others just blatantly admitting it isn't but they don't care as it works in their favour.


Remember this?





> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> >

> > Mounts appear to be mainly introduced as a source of revenue, but they also gave people a choice to pick their fights.


> Reducing the amount of pvp in a pvp mode portrayed as a good thing. I'd counter the walking safe space was a content reduction, and it takes warped sensibilities to see that as a good thing.


Exactly this, how much of a ktrainer do you need to be to agree with this? Literally the only poeple i personally know that like mounts are the PvE players that just want to farm pips or get legendary armor.





> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > What am I supposed to see in this video? Seems like just a melee focused build struggling to hit something that moves.

> >

> > Mobility tools that are broken to the point they basically grant invulnerability most of the time.


> Incorrect. Listen everyone. What BONUSES you have on your character translates BONUSES to the mount. Including all Boons. On majority of characters without boons, I can range people right off their mounts, and keep a pressure on catching up to them for nearly 4 minutes from one side of the map, all the way to the other side. However, you put Boons, players Bonuses, Nourishment buffs on yourself, BEFORE YOU MOUNT...they all translate to the mount. I take damage from retaliation, those with speed buffs, actually are able to pull away from me in time, and those with armor bonuses are nearly impossible for me to knock off their amount, even with the tactics I built up to get them to dismount. The video showed a player not using a properly ranged weapon, that would have hit further, the damage was quite low which allowed the mounted player to watch and learn to see what the dismounted player had for skills and damage. I was half expecting the Revenant to get destroyed. But it looks like the other player either had a false belief of superiority or was just fooling around half heartedly. Either way the wrong type of weapon was used to range down the mounted player, and the damage was far to low. Between Smokescale and Rapidfire I can dismount most players in under 3 to 4 SECONDS if their not properly booned or tanked up to begin with before mounting.


Ok now try this on a non-ranger. If you use longbow you can't say dismounting is easy lol, as it is the only relatively consistent tool we have atm. What about the melee and nonranged ranger players, or the nonglass players? Heck, even as ranged player, how do you kill a mount in open field where they just bolt in their territory? say in the middle of alpine BL? You can't catch anyone with half a brain and if they do decide to walk past you you need to be a longbow soulbeast. Play some spellbreaker or condi rev or sword weaver or whatever to see what it is like for non-LB rangers.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > As a competitive PvP game player how can i even take your opinion seriously? Can you somehow explain how this is perfectly balanced?

> >

> > It's not perfectly balanced, but it never will be anyways, so it's not a reason to change it. It wasn't balanced BEFORE the Warclaw was released either ... I didn't see you complaining then. That's because saying it's about balance is dishonest ... it's about getting what you want.


> It is about relatively balancing, before warclaw it was balanced, because every meta build offered something worth enough it to pick them and most things had counters, i mean except firebrands scourges and deadeyes but. Balance=/=doing the same. The mount is just very overtuned right now, how can you say it isn't with a straight face?


Meta builds ALWAYS have something worth to pick them because they change with how the game changes. Meta changes based on game state. Warclaw is irrelevant; it's just another change that affected Meta ... as any reasonable player would expect to happen.


Overtuned or not is irrelevant because this game has NEVER been balanced; there have ALWAYS been overtuned things so the premise that detuning Warclaw to get back to a balanced state is nonsense. You aren't looking for balance anyways, you are looking for the game state that favours your idea of how this game should work. Whether that's balanced or not is just a matter of opinion. Considering the lack of balance that has always existed, your just appealing to change warclaw based on a falsehood.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > > As a competitive PvP game player how can i even take your opinion seriously? Can you somehow explain how this is perfectly balanced?

> > >

> > > It's not perfectly balanced, but it never will be anyways, so it's not a reason to change it. It wasn't balanced BEFORE the Warclaw was released either ... I didn't see you complaining then. That's because saying it's about balance is dishonest ... it's about getting what you want.

> >

> > It is about relatively balancing, before warclaw it was balanced, because every meta build offered something worth enough it to pick them and most things had counters, i mean except firebrands scourges and deadeyes but. Balance=/=doing the same. The mount is just very overtuned right now, how can you say it isn't with a straight face?


> Meta builds ALWAYS have something worth to pick them because they change with how the game changes. Meta changes based on game state. Warclaw is irrelevant; it's just another change that affected Meta ... as any reasonable player would expect to happen.


> Overtuned or not is irrelevant because this game has NEVER been balanced; there have ALWAYS been overtuned things so the premise that detuning Warclaw to get back to a balanced state is nonsense. You aren't looking for balance anyways, you are looking for the game state that favours your idea of how this game should work. Whether that's balanced or not is just a matter of opinion. Considering the lack of balance that has always existed, your just appealing to change warclaw based on a falsehood.


It is certainly objectively overtuned for what it offers and how much risk and cost/tradeoff is associated with it. Also yes this game has quite the unbalance but that should also be fixed lol.


As youve said yourself, it didn't change the meta, it changed the whole *gamestate* by being broken. As ive said before, it is overtuned in what it offers compared to the downsides (none, anyone can dismount before a stun happens). The way you want the game to work is a big trashual pve ktrain i assume? Because anyone that holds that opinion shouldn't be taken seriously when it comes to pvp content anyways.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> Remember this?



Oh I remember that and to quote my response in that thread and something just as valid for this thread:


> No it shows how a warrior got baited into doing something utterly futile and pointless. Whether they had been on foot or mounted wouldnt have made any difference - they baited, he swallowed it hook line and sinker. He didnt need to be there at all fighting them and its quite obvious they where not really interested either. Nothing would be gained for either side no matter the end result. If you want to "seek fights" as a "roamer" against other "roamers", then you're going to want to threaten objectives because that will get people to dismount and fight.


> Also this is literally zero difference from how high mobility classes used to troll people pre-mounts. And well, still do.


> A PvP community maybe dont understand that, but the WvW community should after all these years.


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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> The way you want the game to work is a big trashual pve ktrain i assume?


Unlike you, I have a more realistic view ... I realize what I want isn't relevant so I'm not going to discuss it. I also realize that you aren't going to justify nerfing Warclaw into oblivion because you can't L2P. It';s overtuned? Maybe ... but even if Anet changes it to something more reasonable... you still aren't going to be able to deal with it. Therefore, arguing to change it is being dishonest.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > The way you want the game to work is a big trashual pve ktrain i assume?


> Unlike you, I have a more realistic view ... I realize what I want isn't relevant so I'm not going to discuss it. I also realize that you aren't going to justify nerfing Warclaw into oblivion because you can't L2P. It';s overtuned? Maybe ... but even if Anet changes it to something more reasonable... you still aren't going to be able to deal with it. Therefore, arguing to change it is being dishonest.


Anput seems to know how to play, he did win the fight in the video and kind of showed bad players need mounts as a crutch for survivability ?


Nothing unreasonable about mounts that have a 1 hit dismount feature either. More players aside from the bad ones would probably be ok with that as a middle ground to having them in the game.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:



dunno what ur doing wrong but when i ran the trololo torment build i already got more torments off on people moment i jumped off my mount then u did in whole 2? minute video..


o btw, u can delete whole warclaw if it was up to me so im not deffending the mount but ur either horrible at playing rev or u have crap build or ur trolling in hope to get warclaw changed. I hope u succeed at getting it nerfed but anet loves mounts and it will never be gone..


instead we get some shitty dismount that every1 will dodge :).

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> @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > The way you want the game to work is a big trashual pve ktrain i assume?

> >

> > Unlike you, I have a more realistic view ... I realize what I want isn't relevant so I'm not going to discuss it. I also realize that you aren't going to justify nerfing Warclaw into oblivion because you can't L2P. It';s overtuned? Maybe ... but even if Anet changes it to something more reasonable... you still aren't going to be able to deal with it. Therefore, arguing to change it is being dishonest.


> Anput seems to know how to play, he did win the fight in the video and kind of showed bad players need mounts as a crutch for survivability ?


> Nothing unreasonable about mounts that have a 1 hit dismount feature either. More players aside from the bad ones would probably be ok with that as a middle ground to having them in the game.


I don't get it ... what's he complaining about then ... Warclaw can't be broken if he manages to win the fight. ?


I guess that's even more evidence this isn't about balance ... it's just about getting what he wants.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > > The way you want the game to work is a big trashual pve ktrain i assume?

> > >

> > > Unlike you, I have a more realistic view ... I realize what I want isn't relevant so I'm not going to discuss it. I also realize that you aren't going to justify nerfing Warclaw into oblivion because you can't L2P. It';s overtuned? Maybe ... but even if Anet changes it to something more reasonable... you still aren't going to be able to deal with it. Therefore, arguing to change it is being dishonest.

> >

> > Anput seems to know how to play, he did win the fight in the video and kind of showed bad players need mounts as a crutch for survivability ?

> >

> > Nothing unreasonable about mounts that have a 1 hit dismount feature either. More players aside from the bad ones would probably be ok with that as a middle ground to having them in the game.


> I don't get it ... what's he complaining about then ... Warclaw can't be broken if he manages to win the fight. ?


> I guess that's even more evidence this isn't about balance ... it's just about getting what he wants.


Gonna give you a while to think about what you just said.


Critically think on how what you just said had you reach that conclusion. That just because a player can beat a bad player who is joking around, off of a mount that takes more then a minute to do is good balance or healthy game design for a PvP mode.

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I didn't claim it was either of those things .. but I'm not going to pretend that fixing Warclaw addresses bad balance or unhealthy game design either. There isn't anything honest about putting out the message that we have bad balance or unhealthy game design JUST because of Warclaw. You know what I see when I watch that video? I see someone baiting the OP and I wonder how the OP is contributing to the success of their server in WvW by chasing him for all that time. Is the goal of WvW to waste time being baited? I'm pretty sure it's not. I don't have a problem if that's how someone wants to play, but doing an activity like that doesn't demonstrate to me unhealthy game design, it demonstrates misaligned game play.


The fact is that this thread is just another attempt to nerf Warclaw, period.


I think the MOST telling part is where Sephiroth explains how he has successfully used Warclaw to do what it was obviously intended to do; allow players to choose their engagements. That doesn't sound like bad balance or unhealthy game design to me. I get that offends people own expectations of an 'open world PVP environment' so be. If people's expectations don't align with the game, they have choices to make. People can meme 'Adapt' all they want ... but it's a reality of any MMO I've ever played. OP simply doesn't want to face that reality.

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I really don't think the Warclaw's attacks should scale with power. it's just kinda silly I can land a 6k attack with a power class. That's not the biggest hit in the world, but it's effectively free.


Oh I should watch the video. Honestly the other person could probably just walk away lol. They were just running in circles because they were bored which is the real reason why they died.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> >

> > Mounts appear to be mainly introduced as a source of revenue, but they also gave people a choice to pick their fights.


> Reducing the amount of pvp in a pvp mode portrayed as a good thing. I'd counter the walking safe space was a content reduction, and it takes warped sensibilities to see that as a good thing.


I never said it's a good thing per se, I only said it's what it is. There's far too many things that make roaming unfun these days, and it's not just the claw. One positive to the cat that I can think of is that it's a somewhat effective counter to ganking / grieving. Like everything, even the cat has positives next to negatives. If they wanted to counter grieving there would be ways, but again, it is what it is. The mount (sadly) isn't going away, and something tells me they'll want to generate more revenue, which could mean more mounts if they introduced new maps that required them. It's the Mists after all and who knows why Alliances are taking them so long. Maybe it's not just a system, maybe it's also maps. We don't know because they never tell what exactly they are doing and we don't get to publicly test anything.


Let's see.

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