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Mounts unhealthy for core player experience ?

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Cristalyan.5728 said:


> > Exactly this. I'm worried about this also.

> > But it seems that the others are not. They **bought** the expansion to have an **advantage** over the others (but this is not pay to win). To keep this advantage they don't care about the future. Even if this is the future of the game they play.


> What advantage do people have with mounts over those without mounts? Come on, tell me an example... Not just an imaginary one, a real one.

> People didn't buy PoF to have an advantage over f2p players, they bought it because most of them already did the content you're complaining about now (and are enjoying for free while the majority of the players had to pay for what you're playing free now). So since most players already did 100% map completion in core tyria and probably also HoT, they bought it for some new game content which happen to be mounts among other things. They certainly didn't buy it just to "win" at core tyria maps.


There is actually an advantage .. it's much easier to get around and do map completion. Remember all those hard to jump to vistas? Not anymore ... just break our the Rabbit. Remember the days when Guardian had to take Traveler's runes? not anymore, any mount get's you whereever you want fast.


It's also super easy to avoid areas in OW packed with mobs with mounts. Running through some places was just not an option, now mounts ignore immobilize, etc.... you can go whereever you want with impunity.


Don't get me wrong though ... even though there are advantages, i don't think the OP is correct in thinking they shouldn't be available outside a paid expansion.

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I have mount now, still feel same as i did when I didn't have one and other people did. I still kill everything I see. Cause thats what i like doing. With all due respect, I'm pretty sure jealousy is bad for your health lol. If anything I think mounts will be good for the game long term, as maybe the free players will finally step up and support the game just to have a mount. Because lets be honest thats what it all comes down to. You see somebody with something you want, but are either to cheap to support the game or i cant say to poor im pretty poor I still managed to get PoF. I didn't get it the day it released I got it half a month later.


So is it unhealthy for core players? Naw they get what they pay for...... You like the game support the devs. Show them you like the game, i mean $30 all any free player needs to spend you'll get more content and a mount.


Really isn't that much of a advantage even if you just running through maps. i could whip out my ranger never get on a mount with full time 25% move speed run the entire map get hit no more or less than i would riding a mount. Mounts have health and not that much at that, they take damage and can die from falling to far aswell. Sure you can shortcut a few things, but those with them paid money to ride them. So in reality a free player is the one with the advantage over a mount user, because us game supporters are what keeping you able to play free. So be happy for that. Be grateful you get the core game entirely free. I bought gw2 before it went F2P, still showing my support for the game. Something the free players should consider, if it wasn't worth it would you see so many doing it?

Like i said, you get what you pay for, real life is no different.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> If they leave then good riddance. The turnover rate for mmo's is always high...for every person who left another takes their place. And that newcomer may like the game enough to invest. No real loss if F2P leave.


Tasida, your statements in this post have been glorious.

Your matchbox one was my favourite <3

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @Cristalyan.5728 said:

> >

> > > Exactly this. I'm worried about this also.

> > > But it seems that the others are not. They **bought** the expansion to have an **advantage** over the others (but this is not pay to win). To keep this advantage they don't care about the future. Even if this is the future of the game they play.

> >

> > What advantage do people have with mounts over those without mounts? Come on, tell me an example... Not just an imaginary one, a real one.

> > People didn't buy PoF to have an advantage over f2p players, they bought it because most of them already did the content you're complaining about now (and are enjoying for free while the majority of the players had to pay for what you're playing free now). So since most players already did 100% map completion in core tyria and probably also HoT, they bought it for some new game content which happen to be mounts among other things. They certainly didn't buy it just to "win" at core tyria maps.


> There is actually an advantage .. it's much easier to get around and do map completion. Remember all those hard to jump to vistas? Not anymore ... just break our the Rabbit. Remember the days when Guardian had to take Traveler's runes? not anymore, any mount get's you whereever you want fast.


> It's also super easy to avoid areas in OW packed with mobs with mounts. Running through some places was just not an option, now mounts ignore immobilize, etc.... you can go whereever you want with impunity.


> Don't get me wrong though ... even though there are advantages, i don't think the OP is correct in thinking they shouldn't be available outside a paid expansion.


That is not an advantage, that's a "quality of life" improvement if anything. There are no unreachable areas on core Tyria that require mounts. Some are even designed to not be reachable easily to make it fun to look for paths to them. That's what we did when we had no mounts and everyone did map completion regardless of mounts. I did mine a week or two before i actually bought the expansions. It's not hard to youtube a vista or something you don't know how to get to and look at the path instead of jumping to it with a rabbit.


You can also go wherever you want in core Tyria too. Running is an option, aggro radius is not that huge like in PoF. And if some earea is giving someone trouble then perhaps they're not leveled enough or geared enough to be there yet. So instead of using mounts, those players could go level some more. That's the game's way of telling people "yo, level or gear up or you'll have your ass handed to you in later content". If they bypass that with mounts, they'll never learn. :wink:


An advantage would be if players with mounts have get bigger XP, karma and loot rewards for using mounts in events and map completion over those that don't. Since the rewards are the same for everyone, there's no advantage to speak of there. Mounts in core tyria are just a QoL improvement for people that already did that content.


If i'm being honest, i'd personally lock mounts and the whole PoF if you didn't finish your personal story and are lvl 80. That way core Tyria still has relevance (if people think it's not relevant anymore) and no one can QQ that someone has cool toys and they don't.

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I personally wouldn’t mind seeing a heart or event that allowed you to borrow a mount (only for the duration or range of said event/heart). It could be something silly like "ride this tiny goat around and ranch and use it to dash (like a lesser raptor leap) and headbutt obstacles/predators/bandits" or something. There’s already a bunch of "help ranchers/farmhands with whatever-task" hearts, so maybe anet could just modify an existing heart? Core and F2P players could sort of try out mounts within a limited area (get bucked off by a grumpy goat once out of heart/event range), decide if they like the feel of mount movement, and then decide if it’s worth buying the expansion for full access to proper mounts.

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> @"Hvitr Hrafn.5147" said:

> I personally wouldn’t mind seeing a heart or event that allowed you to borrow a mount (only for the duration or range of said event/heart). It could be something silly like "ride this tiny goat around and ranch and use it to dash (like a lesser raptor leap) and headbutt obstacles/predators/bandits" or something. There’s already a bunch of "help ranchers/farmhands with whatever-task" hearts, so maybe anet could just modify an existing heart? Core and F2P players could sort of try out mounts within a limited area (get bucked off by a grumpy goat once out of heart/event range), decide if they like the feel of mount movement, and then decide if it’s worth buying the expansion for full access to proper mounts.


Sure maybe in a year or 2 from now. Anet does it this early they'll catch alotta heat from those that throwed down $ just for the mount and best believe many did for just the mounts. Mounts have been one of the biggest requests from the day gw2 released. The content PoF brought was just a bonus to people like that.

I bought PoF in hopes I'd get some new solid content to play, so far I've been let down a bit, only thing keeping me from regret of purchase at this moment is mounts and new elites, I honestly dislike admitting that. First time in all of my guild wars history including expansions from gw1 that I actually feel tad bit regret with.

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As the Core Tyria experience is a PvE one it is pretty safe to say that there is no inherent advantage/disadvantage to some players having mounts and others not having them due to the fact that they are not in competition with each other for anything. Sure, players with mounts may be able to do certain things easier than players without however, outside of the player without thinking "wow, that's so much easier with a mount... maybe I should buy PoF so I can do that too", there is no competitive advantage/disadvantage present.


This is the reason why mounts are not utilized in PvP and WvW. In those instances, because players are directly competing with each other, players without access to mounts would be at a distinct disadvantage.

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> @Llethander.3972 said:

> As the Core Tyria experience is a PvE one it is pretty safe to say that there is no inherent advantage/disadvantage to some players having mounts and others not having them due to the fact that they are not in competition with each other for anything. **Sure, players with mounts may be able to do certain things easier than players without** however, outside of the player without thinking "wow, that's so much easier with a mount... maybe I should buy PoF so I can do that too", there is no competitive advantage/disadvantage present.


. . . That's exactly what an advantage is.

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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > @Llethander.3972 said:

> > As the Core Tyria experience is a PvE one it is pretty safe to say that there is no inherent advantage/disadvantage to some players having mounts and others not having them due to the fact that they are not in competition with each other for anything. **Sure, players with mounts may be able to do certain things easier than players without** however, outside of the player without thinking "wow, that's so much easier with a mount... maybe I should buy PoF so I can do that too", there is no competitive advantage/disadvantage present.


> . . . That's exactly what an advantage is.


You don't seem to understand the difference between an advantage that doesn't affect other players and one that does.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @"Hvitr Hrafn.5147" said:

> > I personally wouldn’t mind seeing a heart or event that allowed you to borrow a mount (only for the duration or range of said event/heart). It could be something silly like "ride this tiny goat around and ranch and use it to dash (like a lesser raptor leap) and headbutt obstacles/predators/bandits" or something. There’s already a bunch of "help ranchers/farmhands with whatever-task" hearts, so maybe anet could just modify an existing heart? Core and F2P players could sort of try out mounts within a limited area (get bucked off by a grumpy goat once out of heart/event range), decide if they like the feel of mount movement, and then decide if it’s worth buying the expansion for full access to proper mounts.


> Sure maybe in a year or 2 from now. Anet does it this early they'll catch alotta heat from those that throwed down $ just for the mount and best believe many did for just the mounts. Mounts have been one of the biggest requests from the day gw2 released. The content PoF brought was just a bonus to people like that.


Yeah, for sure. It does seem like it would take way too much development time for something really minor like this anyway.


Maybe one day, perhaps as a seasonal mini game, or something (like Halloween 2018)? Wishful thinking, but I would love if it they’d give veteren players new holiday content that utilized gliding or mounts, and lets non-expansion owners borrow a basic glider/mount only for instanced minigames (cannot use in core tyria at all). Actually, I’d be really happy if they just brought back some of the old Halloween games, but I digress.

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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > @Llethander.3972 said:

> > As the Core Tyria experience is a PvE one it is pretty safe to say that there is no inherent advantage/disadvantage to some players having mounts and others not having them due to the fact that they are not in competition with each other for anything. **Sure, players with mounts may be able to do certain things easier than players without** however, outside of the player without thinking "wow, that's so much easier with a mount... maybe I should buy PoF so I can do that too", there is no competitive advantage/disadvantage present.


> . . . That's exactly what an advantage is.


That's exactly what an advantage **isn't**. Advantages and disadvantages exist wherever there is a competition. Core Tyria is not a competition.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Halandir.3609 said:

> > Playing a different game solved this problem completely! (Yes I am serious.)


> Good for you.


Thanks! It is.

While I miss what GW used to be, I am fine with passing on what GW now seems to be. Enjoy what you asked for: But don't expect me to co-fund it!


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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> The maps certainly seem a lot smaller with mounts. I ran my friend through a few zones unlocking some dragon way points and he could tell strait away there's no point coming to core Tyria at all now with his mounts unlocked. He's only been playing a week too.


I mean if you're not into exploring and doing random things on maps, that's their choice.

Probably WvW and PvP is for them.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> The maps certainly seem a lot smaller with mounts. I ran my friend through a few zones unlocking some dragon way points and he could tell strait away there's no point coming to core Tyria at all now with his mounts unlocked. He's only been playing a week too.


How does a mount make Core Tyria pointless?

Is there nothing to do on the maps suddenly?

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > The maps certainly seem a lot smaller with mounts. I ran my friend through a few zones unlocking some dragon way points and he could tell strait away there's no point coming to core Tyria at all now with his mounts unlocked. He's only been playing a week too.


> How does a mount make Core Tyria pointless?

> Is there nothing to do on the maps suddenly?


I think you can just go through the map like it's nothing.

Kind of like what people do with waypoints since.... whenever.


I never use waypoints unless I truly needed to get somewhere fast or the map is mega frustrating.

Now I use waypoints almost never because of mounts.


So to me mounts added more to do on the maps than less.

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HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

> Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

> I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!


Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there.



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> @Taygus.4571 said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

> > Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

> > I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!


> Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there.




Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.

Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount.

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> @AdFinitum.1976 said:

> Personally I suppose the best solution to this problem would be to have a basic mount ( slightly slower than the other mounts and with no special abilities ) available even to core players. This might also solve the no mounts in WvW problem ( unless the reasons for this are technical issues ).


I have suggested the same weeks ago, but so far there has been no official response on it. One can only hope that ANet will take this idea to heart and implement a core Tyrian mount.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @AdFinitum.1976 said:

> > Personally I suppose the best solution to this problem would be to have a basic mount ( slightly slower than the other mounts and with no special abilities ) available even to core players. This might also solve the no mounts in WvW problem ( unless the reasons for this are technical issues ).


> I have suggested the same weeks ago, but so far there has been no official response on it. One can only hope that ANet will take this idea to heart and implement a core Tyrian mount.


As i told another in here, might happen in a year or 2. I wouldn't expect it so soon, only been half a month since release of mounts and PoF. I still believe before i even bought PoF and even after I got it, I still strongly believe the mounts are the biggest selling point for PoF, if they did as suggested nobody would buy PoF lol. (lets say not as many would, some still would I probably still would have)

Don't expect mounts to hit core anytime soon if ever, just because of that reason.


If they did it so soon they would catch massive back lash from people that bought PoF for that specific reason. I'm sure alot did. Even people that didn't specifically buy it for mounts, would be very upset because it was part of the new content can't really do it without mounts. Give it time to fit into play for a core sided mount(s). Pretty sure some people was upset 3 years after GW2 core went f2p, because they bought core gw2. Personally, i didn't care i got my money worth from it by time it went f2p.

Now if they would have made core f2p half month after release, all those people including myself that paid for it. I would have been pretty ticked off and I bet you would have been to. But 3 years down the road i didn't see a problem with it, nor did many others.


Bottom line it is impossible to make everybody happy in an MMO. To many perspectives. To many people that feel entitled, to many that get jealous, to many that feel cheated, to many that feel at disadvantage, to many that feel left behind, so on and so on. It is a never ending cycle, If you want a mount buy the expansion. It is a whole 30$. Save your allowance, go mow a few yards, maybe haul some ones garbage off. $30 pretty easily obtained not like 1910 where $5 bought you a nice gun and a nickel to buy a soda pop. The time most of you wasted in this thread you could have already made 1/2 the cost of the expansion, maybe even enough to buy it depending how active you are.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @AdFinitum.1976 said:

> > Personally I suppose the best solution to this problem would be to have a basic mount ( slightly slower than the other mounts and with no special abilities ) available even to core players. This might also solve the no mounts in WvW problem ( unless the reasons for this are technical issues ).


> I have suggested the same weeks ago, but so far there has been no official response on it. One can only hope that ANet will take this idea to heart and implement a core Tyrian mount.


A dolyak mount would be perfect, but they could make a full roster of racial mounts if they wanted to.


[some ideas here.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10052/mounts-could-be-much-much-more)

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