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Upcoming Balance Notes - 10/1/2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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> @"RoxasUchiha.7584" said:

> Although it seems as war can be a support now, let's not forget, that it will still be bad. Like what are those warhorn changes? You still won't use warhorn if you want condi cleanse, much better to use a fb, especially if the past cooldowns are kept. You won't even use it for boons, cause well, they are a bit useless. Nice to see some love for tactics, but they still seem a bit useless, maybe only the cd reduction, but still discipline much better. Can mostly speak about PvE, but even in WvW or PvP I can't find any usefulness than we already have on a much better form from other classes. Necro is just "Oh, there is a problem there, here is how we are going to fix it. We will just remake a traitline that makes no sense to something that makes sense but it's useless"... Nerfing scepter on guardian? Like why? It's not even the thing that does most of the damage. Buffing ranger at 1500 range, like just give all the people who play that more reason to not use their brain. Won't even talk about the rest. Overall, personally speaking, just delay the patch 1-2 more weeks and actually think better about everything, now it's just wasted all your work...


I don't think warrior changes are bad. I think someone told me that you can get up to 60cleanses per minute per person with these changes. That's up to 600cleanses in one minute, which is absolutely insane.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88472/thief-upcoming-balance-notes-10-1-2019#latest

> > > According to Thief Profession upcoming balance note; Anet is going to buff Condition Thief in tomorrow's balance patch

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/AoVYm0h.gif "")

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I like that clip. Can i have a link to it? It's so funny :D


> Indeed it is very funny


> https://media.giphy.com/media/10yXFkBJ0MwGQ0/giphy.gif


Not the gif. I want the video :D Thanks anyway ^^

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"RoxasUchiha.7584" said:

> > Although it seems as war can be a support now, let's not forget, that it will still be bad. Like what are those warhorn changes? You still won't use warhorn if you want condi cleanse, much better to use a fb, especially if the past cooldowns are kept. You won't even use it for boons, cause well, they are a bit useless. Nice to see some love for tactics, but they still seem a bit useless, maybe only the cd reduction, but still discipline much better. Can mostly speak about PvE, but even in WvW or PvP I can't find any usefulness than we already have on a much better form from other classes. Necro is just "Oh, there is a problem there, here is how we are going to fix it. We will just remake a traitline that makes no sense to something that makes sense but it's useless"... Nerfing scepter on guardian? Like why? It's not even the thing that does most of the damage. Buffing ranger at 1500 range, like just give all the people who play that more reason to not use their brain. Won't even talk about the rest. Overall, personally speaking, just delay the patch 1-2 more weeks and actually think better about everything, now it's just wasted all your work...


> I don't think warrior changes are bad. I think someone told me that you can get up to 60cleanses per minute per person with these changes. That's up to 600cleanses in one minute, which is absolutely insane.


I like the warrior changes aswell, but i dont see how you manage to get 60cleanses on a single person in one minute.


Warrior has good cleanses for big condi overloads, they can easily clear such things completely almost instantly from their group, they are not that good at cleansing single condis over longer periods of time

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> Don't forget weavers. We get minor barrier, less than 1k, from every dual attack. Which is about every 5 sec.

> With this patch, warriors could completely remove weavers from being a side node for pvp


Impact savant has no cooldown, though. So if the warrior stands in a ticking field or gets auto-attacked, in principle every hit of him gets the 50% boost. In extreme cases even 100-blades could get the full +50% boost, not only heavy shots every 5s.

With weaver you have the advantage that the barrier is gone after getting a large hit, while even support-scrapper will have barrier back within 1/2s if not camping med-kit.

And it will only get worse once conditions will give barrier, too. From poison we get 3 HP barrier, bleeding 2HP barrier per stack as heal scrappers (if we play with p/s).


Since I'm mainly on WvW I don't know the current PvP meta...

At least in WvW no warior was running tactics.

So, this at least not a bomb on heal-scrappers, but more like a time-bomb that sets off, once they boost/nerv other traits for warriors.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88472/thief-upcoming-balance-notes-10-1-2019#latest

> > > > According to Thief Profession upcoming balance note; Anet is going to buff Condition Thief in tomorrow's balance patch

> > > >

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/AoVYm0h.gif "")

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I like that clip. Can i have a link to it? It's so funny :D

> >

> > Indeed it is very funny

> >

> > https://media.giphy.com/media/10yXFkBJ0MwGQ0/giphy.gif


> Not the gif. I want the video :D Thanks anyway ^^


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Ferelwing.8463" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > This whole thread is just one big kitten lol

> > > Its so fun seeing ppl cry about scrappers, necros whine about their shades, ppl bashing on warrior, eles saying that they get oneshot by everything and their grandma.

> > >

> > > And the patch isnt even out yet, thats the funniest part, why cant you just wait for it to roll out?

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"Ferelwing.8463" said:

> > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > >

> > > > > In my experience, having played both and many other's, Scourge takes a lot more skill than Holo and such.

> > > > > Not in terms of skill activations, but because Necro just doesn't have many good tools there aside from damage, so just in terms of positioning in which regard it's probably the most tactics intensive thing to play.

> > > > >

> > > > > While other classes get plentiful get out of jail free cards, be it full directional blocks, Invulnerability, burst movement, blocks, stealth and on and on, coupled with ridiculous resustain, when you get focused/stunlocked as Necro, you are dead.

> > > > > So rather than being able to rather brainlessly charge in with those tools and spam CC while nuking everything down, you already needed to position yourself incredibly carefully and kite around to not get deleted instantly.

> > > > >

> > > > > Shade around Scourge was the bare minimum of counter pressure available should let's say a Thief shadowstep on you to start tearing you apart, along with pretty much everything else having vastly superior mobility to catch you off guard.

> > > > >

> > > > > To say Scourges need to use their brain just now is both ignorant and wrong.

> > > > > They had to before, but now there isn't really anything to use their brain on left, as when they get jumped, they are just straight up dead with no counterplay.

> > > > >

> > > > > To suggest the Scourge could just "tactically" place down a Shade to stand in while attacking from range with how much a Scourge needs to kite around terrain and be in constant movement is a joke too. And by the time someone jumps on a Scourge, they will be CC'ed and dead before they can even think about placing a Shade.

> > > > >

> > > > > Seeing Necros on the enemy team was already satisfying to me, knowing I could just easily tear them apart as long as I baited them to waste the Shroud around them. Now Scourge is just a genuine free kill.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I have to agree here. I have played all of the classes and I quit playing Scourge because there are no re-positioning tools, if you screw up even once you are dead and useless. I have more deaths on my scourge than on all of my other toons combined. So I just stopped playing scourge and moved to classes where I could re-position quickly. It is absolutely not a face roll class in WvW. In fact I would argue that because of it's lack of mobility it is the least "face roll" of the classes that I've played. I agree that the condi spam and absolute zone control provided by Scourge was a real pain especially in close quarters but it was a harder class to play.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > And to you i can just say that you are blatantly lying, take a look at fleshwurm, spectral walk, sand swell and finally trail of anguish, those are all repositioning tools, 3 of them being teleports

> >

> > .... You return back to your "initial position" not to a different position ie: the direction your entire zerg went to vs say when I play ele and I just mist form directly to where my team went or as a firebrand where I use merciful intervention to shadowstep to my closest ally and provide "healing". Spectral walk is a tether, it takes me precisely back to where I started from when I initially cast it. While I suppose on a "technicality" you could call it a re positioning tool, and under some circumstances it could be useful.. IE: I cast it before the zerg starts the fight and then I use it's ability because my zerg ran towards the exact location I was when I cast it. Because it only takes you to the precise place you were when you cast it, in reality it's not a particularly useful one. Fleshwurm is the same skill as spectral walk, I guess it could be used if you're doing jumping puzzles? In WvW though, spectral walk and fleshwurm are super telegraphed and easy to counter. So why you'd recommend that? Not sure, also why Necro has 2 of the exact same mechanic I have no idea either, but there ya go. Sand swell, is a short range portal that doesn't even compare to any other portal, I could see a basic argument for using it but due to the short range of it and the whole "condi-spam" problem of other classes plus the massive aoe's (which scourges contribute to) again, it's not really as viable except when you're running to somewhere. Yes, it allows short "re positioning" but it has to be within a certain range and when you're in a zerg you're rarely running it, you use trail of anguish instead because it offers stab and speed. Out of all the skills mentioned only trail of anguish is really useful.

> >

> > But yeah sure, I guess on a technicality you could remotely call the other two "teleports". Do I use them? Did I use them? Not really because I was usually dead before then but again that boils down to my lack of skill at proper positioning when playing a necro vs being able to do the same as my firebrand or ele. I have better skills and more leeway with those two classes. I spent a lot of time dead as a necro. My experience of course isn't the only experience out there and I'm 100% sure there are necro's out there who did not have the problems I did but, saying a class is a "faceroll" class because it has AOE spam ignores the skill of the people who had to focus on their rotations and positioning. Scourge isn't an "easy beginner class" to play in wvw unless perhaps you've already played classes that had even more tricky rotations and positioning issues... I suppose if that's your experience then perhaps I could see it being "easy" or "faceroll".


> yikes dude, ill just leave this here (even with timestamp), see for yourself how to use those things, this guy has more videos were he showcases it

> your answer shows that you did not put alot of time into the class, or rly tried, you just gave up.

> spectral walk and fleshwurm are completely different, this just shows that you never even tried fleshwurm, i assume you think its cast on the position where you are standing ? WRONG, it can be cast anywhere in a 1200 range




> (edit: timestamp for some reason doesnt work, go to 3:44min)


great video indeed ...even if it showcases none of the original poster's arguments since it is a roaming video and the OP describes BvB situations ...

in Blob fights Spectral walk acts as a stun break you can't teleport back because you teleport back to the enemy bomb and teleport away from your commander ...

fleshwurm is not a stun break and is 1,5 sec cast and this is a lot in a blob fight ,if you survive the heralds' phase smashes and cast(even harder now without the self barrier) your commander will be 1,5 sec away from your port so you are still out of position ...and of course you can't precast it because then its spectral walk and will teleport you away...

sand swell is also completely unreliable since you need to SIT STILL for 1,5 sec not to mention accidental ports of teammates away from your commander's position....

you can't compare these skills to blink,lightning flash and merciful intervention because these skills teleport you TO your commander ...


in blob fights there is only 1 position and that's you commander's position .

if for any reason as a necro you miss your position you're dead because you can't go back to your commander where your Firebrand is ...


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> @"Leeco.6705" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Ferelwing.8463" said:

> > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > This whole thread is just one big kitten lol

> > > > Its so fun seeing ppl cry about scrappers, necros whine about their shades, ppl bashing on warrior, eles saying that they get oneshot by everything and their grandma.

> > > >

> > > > And the patch isnt even out yet, thats the funniest part, why cant you just wait for it to roll out?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > @"Ferelwing.8463" said:

> > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > In my experience, having played both and many other's, Scourge takes a lot more skill than Holo and such.

> > > > > > Not in terms of skill activations, but because Necro just doesn't have many good tools there aside from damage, so just in terms of positioning in which regard it's probably the most tactics intensive thing to play.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > While other classes get plentiful get out of jail free cards, be it full directional blocks, Invulnerability, burst movement, blocks, stealth and on and on, coupled with ridiculous resustain, when you get focused/stunlocked as Necro, you are dead.

> > > > > > So rather than being able to rather brainlessly charge in with those tools and spam CC while nuking everything down, you already needed to position yourself incredibly carefully and kite around to not get deleted instantly.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Shade around Scourge was the bare minimum of counter pressure available should let's say a Thief shadowstep on you to start tearing you apart, along with pretty much everything else having vastly superior mobility to catch you off guard.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To say Scourges need to use their brain just now is both ignorant and wrong.

> > > > > > They had to before, but now there isn't really anything to use their brain on left, as when they get jumped, they are just straight up dead with no counterplay.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To suggest the Scourge could just "tactically" place down a Shade to stand in while attacking from range with how much a Scourge needs to kite around terrain and be in constant movement is a joke too. And by the time someone jumps on a Scourge, they will be CC'ed and dead before they can even think about placing a Shade.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Seeing Necros on the enemy team was already satisfying to me, knowing I could just easily tear them apart as long as I baited them to waste the Shroud around them. Now Scourge is just a genuine free kill.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I have to agree here. I have played all of the classes and I quit playing Scourge because there are no re-positioning tools, if you screw up even once you are dead and useless. I have more deaths on my scourge than on all of my other toons combined. So I just stopped playing scourge and moved to classes where I could re-position quickly. It is absolutely not a face roll class in WvW. In fact I would argue that because of it's lack of mobility it is the least "face roll" of the classes that I've played. I agree that the condi spam and absolute zone control provided by Scourge was a real pain especially in close quarters but it was a harder class to play.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > And to you i can just say that you are blatantly lying, take a look at fleshwurm, spectral walk, sand swell and finally trail of anguish, those are all repositioning tools, 3 of them being teleports

> > >

> > > .... You return back to your "initial position" not to a different position ie: the direction your entire zerg went to vs say when I play ele and I just mist form directly to where my team went or as a firebrand where I use merciful intervention to shadowstep to my closest ally and provide "healing". Spectral walk is a tether, it takes me precisely back to where I started from when I initially cast it. While I suppose on a "technicality" you could call it a re positioning tool, and under some circumstances it could be useful.. IE: I cast it before the zerg starts the fight and then I use it's ability because my zerg ran towards the exact location I was when I cast it. Because it only takes you to the precise place you were when you cast it, in reality it's not a particularly useful one. Fleshwurm is the same skill as spectral walk, I guess it could be used if you're doing jumping puzzles? In WvW though, spectral walk and fleshwurm are super telegraphed and easy to counter. So why you'd recommend that? Not sure, also why Necro has 2 of the exact same mechanic I have no idea either, but there ya go. Sand swell, is a short range portal that doesn't even compare to any other portal, I could see a basic argument for using it but due to the short range of it and the whole "condi-spam" problem of other classes plus the massive aoe's (which scourges contribute to) again, it's not really as viable except when you're running to somewhere. Yes, it allows short "re positioning" but it has to be within a certain range and when you're in a zerg you're rarely running it, you use trail of anguish instead because it offers stab and speed. Out of all the skills mentioned only trail of anguish is really useful.

> > >

> > > But yeah sure, I guess on a technicality you could remotely call the other two "teleports". Do I use them? Did I use them? Not really because I was usually dead before then but again that boils down to my lack of skill at proper positioning when playing a necro vs being able to do the same as my firebrand or ele. I have better skills and more leeway with those two classes. I spent a lot of time dead as a necro. My experience of course isn't the only experience out there and I'm 100% sure there are necro's out there who did not have the problems I did but, saying a class is a "faceroll" class because it has AOE spam ignores the skill of the people who had to focus on their rotations and positioning. Scourge isn't an "easy beginner class" to play in wvw unless perhaps you've already played classes that had even more tricky rotations and positioning issues... I suppose if that's your experience then perhaps I could see it being "easy" or "faceroll".

> >

> > yikes dude, ill just leave this here (even with timestamp), see for yourself how to use those things, this guy has more videos were he showcases it

> > your answer shows that you did not put alot of time into the class, or rly tried, you just gave up.

> > spectral walk and fleshwurm are completely different, this just shows that you never even tried fleshwurm, i assume you think its cast on the position where you are standing ? WRONG, it can be cast anywhere in a 1200 range

> >

> >

> >

> > (edit: timestamp for some reason doesnt work, go to 3:44min)


> great video indeed ...even if it showcases none of the original poster's arguments since it is a roaming video and the OP describes BvB situations ...

> in Blob fights Spectral walk acts as a stun break you can't teleport back because you teleport back to the enemy bomb and teleport away from your commander ...

> fleshwurm is not a stun break and is 1,5 sec cast and this is a lot in a blob fight ,if you survive the heralds' phase smashes and cast(even harder now without the self barrier) your commander will be 1,5 sec away from your port so you are still out of position ...

> sand swell is also completely unreliable since you need to SIT STILL for 1,5 sec not to mention accidental ports of teammates away from your commander's position....

> you can't compare these skills to blink,lightning flash and merciful intervention because these skills teleport you TO your commander ...


> in blob fights there is only 1 position and that's you commander's position .

> if for any reason as a necro you miss your position you're dead because you can't go back to your commander where your Firebrand is ...



You can use sand swell and wurm oo teleport to your commander aswell...


Also the original poster was claiming that necro has no movememt skills at all, which is simply not true


And because he was talking about getting outplayed when using those skills i was assuming he also meant smallscale, because in a zergfight nobody cares about a single fleshwurm


Anyways, since he didnt even know how wurm Works there is no real point about arguing about that, because clearly he didnt put alot of time and effort into the class and claims, to know how hard to play it is

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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88472/thief-upcoming-balance-notes-10-1-2019#latest

> > > > > According to Thief Profession upcoming balance note; Anet is going to buff Condition Thief in tomorrow's balance patch

> > > > >

> > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/AoVYm0h.gif "")

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I like that clip. Can i have a link to it? It's so funny :D

> > >

> > > Indeed it is very funny

> > >

> > > https://media.giphy.com/media/10yXFkBJ0MwGQ0/giphy.gif

> >

> > Not the gif. I want the video :D Thanks anyway ^^





Thank you! That laughter... lol


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Lich King.1524" said:

> > Dear Arenanet, the buf 50% damage to Warrior against targets with a barrier is unhealthy idea.

> >

> > Look how Warrior hits weaver with protection today. And you want to increase it by 50%?

> >

> > https://b.radikal.ru/b10/1909/a9/cedc04cbe90b.png

> >

> > May suggest to apply 50% of damage increase to the size of barrier only if you still want to buff Warrior


> That screen doesnt say anything, we dont even know what stats you were using, probably something glassy aswell.



If you know Weaver, then you know that he has 1000 toughness in both main builds (Fire Sage and Mender), so what you mean glassy?

It was Fire Weaver, 1000 toughness + protection buff. One-shot from Warrior after the stun, and this may be "glassy" warrior has twice more toughness and HP without any investments to stats, so I see not need to buff Warrior even more.



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> @"Lich King.1524" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Lich King.1524" said:

> > > Dear Arenanet, the buf 50% damage to Warrior against targets with a barrier is unhealthy idea.

> > >

> > > Look how Warrior hits weaver with protection today. And you want to increase it by 50%?

> > >

> > > https://b.radikal.ru/b10/1909/a9/cedc04cbe90b.png

> > >

> > > May suggest to apply 50% of damage increase to the size of barrier only if you still want to buff Warrior

> >

> > That screen doesnt say anything, we dont even know what stats you were using, probably something glassy aswell.

> >


> If you know Weaver, then you know that he has 1000 toughness in both main builds (Fire Sage and Mender), so what you mean glassy?

> It was Fire Weaver, 1000 toughness + protection buff. One-shot from Warrior after the stun, and this may be "glassy" warrior has twice more toughness and HP without any investments to stats, so I see not need to buff Warrior even more.




1000 toughness on main builds tells me this: Weaver doesn't need toughness, because it has enough ways to mitigate dmg.


But I agree.


There are some classes clearly outperforming or at least very good in all game modes.

Such as

Outperforming I think are:

Guard and warrior

Very good:

Ele and thief


While the other classes are kinda meh in at least one gamemode

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > I like the warrior changes aswell, but i dont see how you manage to get 60cleanses on a single person in one minute


Assuming enough condis are present:

Warhorn 4 will clear 15 movement conditions in 1 minute

Warhorn 5 will clear 12 conditions in 1 minute,

Shrug it Off will clear 4 (with trooper runes and in WvW/PvE) in one minute

Shake it Off will clear 21 (with trooper runes and in WvW/PvP) in one minute

FGJ and OOM will clear 3 each (with trooper runes) in one minute

To The Limit will clear 2 (with Trooper Runes) in one minute.


So that comes out to 60 condis cleared per person per minute without alacrity present, with alacrity more can be cleansed. But I doubt that level is actually achievable in practice. Shrug it Off will cause each of those to heal, though we don't know that amount until the patch hits. If its 500 hp per condi and assuming that realistically 30 condis can be cleared in a minute, that comes out to 250 hp/sec. If the heal is larger and/or modified by healing power, then it might get up to 1,500 hp/sec realistically, 3,000 hp/sec tops.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Ydeirt.3905" said:

> > When this balance drop? I can't wait to try the new S/D ranger. I've been a loyal S/D user even tho it was bad. Its Oct 1st now, is it delayed?


> I’ll assume 4h more hours.


Yeah, you got to remember that Anet is in the PST zone, so us EST folks get to wait until noon for them to get into work and activate the patch.

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> @"Lich King.1524" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Lich King.1524" said:

> > > Dear Arenanet, the buf 50% damage to Warrior against targets with a barrier is unhealthy idea.

> > >

> > > Look how Warrior hits weaver with protection today. And you want to increase it by 50%?

> > >

> > > https://b.radikal.ru/b10/1909/a9/cedc04cbe90b.png

> > >

> > > May suggest to apply 50% of damage increase to the size of barrier only if you still want to buff Warrior

> >

> > That screen doesnt say anything, we dont even know what stats you were using, probably something glassy aswell.

> >


> If you know Weaver, then you know that he has 1000 toughness in both main builds (Fire Sage and Mender), so what you mean glassy?

> It was Fire Weaver, 1000 toughness + protection buff. One-shot from Warrior after the stun, and this may be "glassy" warrior has twice more toughness and HP without any investments to stats, so I see not need to buff Warrior even more.




1000 toughness is the standart value, 0 toughness added from amulet, the only thing sage gives is vita.

So yea, i call that glassy. Sure, youve got healingpower from that, but healing wont save you from burst, its good to heal back up, but doesnt lower the dmg


That warrior with full zerker amulet has 1000 toughness aswell, and even loses 300 armor when going into berserker mode


So they have about same the amount of armor, when hes in berserk mode and 2k more hp.

Definately not twice as much armor and hp, those are blatant exaggerations.



Edit: i dont see protection on that screen, so yea, i say you didnt have it at the moment of those hits :)

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Ydeirt.3905" said:

> > When this balance drop? I can't wait to try the new S/D ranger. I've been a loyal S/D user even tho it was bad. Its Oct 1st now, is it delayed?


> I’ll assume 4h more hours.

Ah kk, midnight Oct 2nd for me then.


> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Ydeirt.3905" said:

> > > When this balance drop? I can't wait to try the new S/D ranger. I've been a loyal S/D user even tho it was bad. Its Oct 1st now, is it delayed?

> >

> > I’ll assume 4h more hours.


> Yeah, you got to remember that Anet is in the PST zone, so us EST folks get to wait until noon for them to get into work and activate the patch.


Yea, i know they are PST. Still weird imo since the last LS drop was actually at the same time that was announced even with the timezone difference.

But yea, probably they are planning some stuff. I just can't wait for better S/D i've been waiting for these past years.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> Warhorn 4 will clear 15 movement conditions in 1 minute


Thanks for the explanation!

Though, the cited skill is highly situational. Cleansing all 5 conditions on all 5 targets every 15s is unlikely.

Also, please note that the cleanse is not spread out. Since you grant swiftness I would assume, those people would get the cleanse, regardless of their conditions.

The dmg-buff of 10% in WvW will be nice, though. ^^

The same is true for warhorn-5, but luckily not for "Shake it Off". That one can actually be used to overcleanse into other groups.

It would be interesting to see how good that would work in practice.


It might be competing with heal-scrapper in WvW squads, providing bubble, dmg-buff, and strips instead of superspeed, dmg-reduction, and condition-conversion.

However, if the engi cleanses first, the warrior heal will drop and if warriors cleanse first, the group will loose on engi's boons, right?

Sadly, we need to wait for the patch to get a feel for the heal-numbers to compare. ^^

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > Warhorn 4 will clear 15 movement conditions in 1 minute


> Thanks for the explanation!

> Though, the cited skill is highly situational. Cleansing all 5 conditions on all 5 targets every 15s is unlikely.

> Also, please note that the cleanse is not spread out. Since you grant swiftness I would assume, those people would get the cleanse, regardless of their conditions.

> The dmg-buff of 10% in WvW will be nice, though. ^^

> The same is true for warhorn-5, but luckily not for "Shake it Off". That one can actually be used to overcleanse into other groups.

> It would be interesting to see how good that would work in practice.


> It might be competing with heal-scrapper in WvW squads, providing bubble, dmg-buff, and strips instead of superspeed, dmg-reduction, and condition-conversion.

> However, if the engi cleanses first, the warrior heal will drop and if warriors cleanse first, the group will loose on engi's boons, right?

> Sadly, we need to wait for the patch to get a feel for the heal-numbers to compare. ^^


Well, like I said it is highly unlikely to be getting that many conditions in 1 minutes time. But that is the theoretical maximum with out taking into account alacrity or Martial Cadence reducing the Warhorn CDs, although frankly if you were going for this you would use Vigorous Shouts for the healing, which could lower the shout CDs enough to get an extra cast each on the utility shouts.

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I guess today I will check out each of my charactes and determine which elite remains the most viable after the patch, and that will be my main until the next patch again forces me to change to another character. I really wish they would put chrono back to pre-hot at least. Futher nerfs... really? Chrono is a support class, I get that they killed it and druid because they wanted other classes to be able to compete for support slots in raids - but now fire-brigade is the standard. My commander's chrono wasn't out-DPS'ing anyone, it was just a support, and I miss it. You didn't have to nuke chrono - you just had to make the other classes feasible enough in raids to be included in the meta. WVW - the scourge lines made that a waste of time, and for all of your scourge nerfing you just made them more powerful by increasing the number of targets while making scourge suck in open world and PvP. I hate to say it, but I think your balance team is focused on all the wrong things. I get that balance is hard because the vast majority of players don't min-max their builds so those nerfs are even worse for the people running around geared sub-optimally. The continual nerfs just wear on people, it's frustrating, and it sucks the joy out of the game.

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tbh i hoped it actually would be a buff for the herald.... with the screwed up Hammer 2 in pve too (Its damage remains split between game modes.*) and the fcked up Gaze of darkness its a complete disaster. Please undo everything and give us our old bad stuff back...

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