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Upcoming Ranger Changes - Extremely Sad


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I really try to understand people on this forum. What's the point of asking to nerf xyz class powercreep and at the same time defend the powercreep of your main class? Like really? I'll write this, every single class and spec in gw2 need massive nerfs, what ranger got was just a small poke to the hand "you are a very, very bad boi" and nothing beside that. There's still a lot of thingies that need nerfs on core ranger, soulbeast and druid aswell, a lot.

People somehow got used to this unbalanced kitten stuff and think that it was intented since the beginning of the game and abused it with no end, but when a-net FINALLY decides to fix that some people just go nuts and start QQ "my class is unplayable" or "xyz class was deleted". Guys? What is wrong with you? Just because something was in the game since release, it doesn't mean that very specific behaviour of abc skill/trait was intended, it could be just overlooked, after all there is a kitten load of possible interactions with each traits/skills so it was really easy to do so. I'm pretty sure that even now, some people keep finding broken interactions, even though that things were in the game since release.

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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> I really try to understand people on this forum. What's the point of asking to nerf xyz class powercreep and at the same time defend the powercreep of your main class? Like really? I'll write this, every single class and spec in gw2 need massive nerfs, what ranger got was just a small poke to the hand "you are a very, very bad boi" and nothing beside that. There's still a lot of thingies that need nerfs on core ranger, soulbeast and druid aswell, a lot.

> People somehow got used to this unbalanced kitten stuff and think that it was intented since the beginning of the game and abused it with no end, but when a-net FINALLY decides to fix that some people just go nuts and start QQ "my class is unplayable" or "xyz class was deleted". Guys? What is wrong with you? Just because something was in the game since release, it doesn't mean that very specific behaviour of abc skill/trait was intended, it could be just overlooked, after all there is a kitten load of possible interactions with each traits/skills so it was really easy to do so. I'm pretty sure that even now, some people keep finding broken interactions, even though that things were in the game since release.


I hear you, but an ongoing balance is needed. What if they nerfed just a few classes to the end goal power level and left 4 obscenely monster builds for 3-6-9 months. That's the reason why people cry against nerfing X class, combined with their player bias (ie: my class is fine)

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I agree with everything in this thread. Power stab is one of my favorite skills on Ranger, and losing on a ranged cripple will seriously nerf the weapon.


I'm at least curious to try the sword changes, although I'm not sure I like them, I'm a little more open to trying them, since I see some scenarios which will benefit from the changes and some that won't. For the GS, the change to skill 4 not auto-attacking on melee block is great, but everything else shouldn't stick.


Sadly, I'm nearly 100% positive, this change will go through given the expected patch date being October 1st. At the minimum, I hope that this new enduring strike will generate 45 endurance on 3 targets... Going to be sad to see GS losing so much viability.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> > I really try to understand people on this forum. What's the point of asking to nerf xyz class powercreep and at the same time defend the powercreep of your main class? Like really? I'll write this, every single class and spec in gw2 need massive nerfs, what ranger got was just a small poke to the hand "you are a very, very bad boi" and nothing beside that. There's still a lot of thingies that need nerfs on core ranger, soulbeast and druid aswell, a lot.

> > People somehow got used to this unbalanced kitten stuff and think that it was intented since the beginning of the game and abused it with no end, but when a-net FINALLY decides to fix that some people just go nuts and start QQ "my class is unplayable" or "xyz class was deleted". Guys? What is wrong with you? Just because something was in the game since release, it doesn't mean that very specific behaviour of abc skill/trait was intended, it could be just overlooked, after all there is a kitten load of possible interactions with each traits/skills so it was really easy to do so. I'm pretty sure that even now, some people keep finding broken interactions, even though that things were in the game since release.


> I hear you, but an ongoing balance is needed. What if they nerfed just a few classes to the end goal power level and left 4 obscenely monster builds for 3-6-9 months. That's the reason why people cry against nerfing X class, combined with their player bias (ie: my class is fine)


This is an interesting talking point that I've not really seen in the PvP sub forum. Would you prefer to see sharp power nerfs akin to what happened with chrono that eventually make it through all HoT then PoF elite specs or a gradual reduction over time.


Part of the last option would be exactly what should be addressed and when? What criteria do you use for selecting what gets changed? When it becomes a problem? Throw darts in a board? When it's complained about? When a component becomes highly represented in the classes builds?


I'm in the camp of it's unlikely to happen because there isn't the demonstrated will to tackle the power creep given we've seen buffs to aspects that would be fine at a significantly reduced power level meta.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > You what IS a kitten bug? The entire mirage profession.

> > > >

> > > > Dodge while cc'd? Sounds like a kitten bug to me. How about you remove _that_ Anet?

> > >

> > > exploits@arena.net

> >

> > Way to dumb down the game.


> 1. Instead of throwing a tantrum like a five year old. Make a constructive complaint and send it to ArenaNet if you don't agree with their decisions.

> They have made *many* questionable decisions in the past year. From buffing Holo to nerfing core guard and druid. Leaving mirage cloak unchecked, and Mercy signet in the game.


> 2. I understand you don't want your main class nerfed, I understand how that feels.

> 3. But at the end of the day, this wasn't intended behavior and should never have existed in the first place.


> 4. And ranger GS is already very strong without it, having gap closer, evade, block, hard cc and burst all in the same weapon is a boon very few classes has access to.

> 5. Many classes have seen nerfs this patch, so it's only fair that ranger gets theirs



1. I already gave them [feedback](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1054362#Comment_1054362) in the balance thread.

2. No, you misunderstand me. I am perfectly fine with nerfing builds like Sic Em ranger, bunker boonbeast, and oneshot soulbeast. In fact, I think I have a pretty good idea on how to fix them.

What I _have_ an issue with is the fact that Druid has been consistently gutted and now they're nerfing two core ranger weapons because... ? Like ranger has it's problem builds but even those aren't as big of an issue as some of the other current meta specs. But we consistently receive nerfs while others are left relatively untouched or even buffed every patch.

3. It's been in the game since release. It's been used in tournaments and many tutorial videos have been released showing how to execute higher level techniques like these. If it wasn't intended behavior, it would've been patched out a long time ago. Instead, Anet is removing it because of "randomness" which is faulty reasoning. The evade on the auto isn't random. If that's the reason they give, the change shouldn't go through.

4. Yeah, sure. On paper it might _look_ pretty strong. It's a balanced weapon but very easy to punish if you know what you're doing. The auto attack chain can be kited and interrupted before Power Stab. Maul is easy to CC and punish. Swoop has a windup on the first half that isn't an evade. So, it can be interrupted pretty easily if you're paying attention to stop the ranger from running away. Counterattack can be purposefully triggered and the Kick interrupted. Hilt Bash can be walked away from. But the auto evades are extremely important in a lot of matchups at a high level and now that those and Crippling Throw is getting removed, we're going to have an even harder time fighting on point and chasing down enemies.

5. Why is it fair? Greatsword isn't even an overperforming weapon and it's getting nerfed. It's like Druid 2.0.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Power stab is a 1s evade and has no cool down.

> I can't believe people are defending this :joy:


No cooldown? It's not like Power Stab _is_ the greatsword auto and I can just spam it nonstop.


There are two attacks that come first that can be interrupted or kited.


Imagine defending a 20k instant oneshot from stealth but thinking a 1s evade with a buildup is too strong. :joy:

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > Power stab is a 1s evade and has no cool down.

> > I can't believe people are defending this :joy:


> No cooldown? It's not like Power Stab _is_ the greatsword auto and I can just spam it nonstop.


> There are two attacks that come first that can be interrupted or kited.


> Imagine defending a 20k instant oneshot from stealth but thinking a 1s evade with a buildup is too strong. :joy:


The "CD" on GS auto is a daunting 1s (1/2s cast on the 1st and 2nd skill), that's less than if your skill gets interrupted. And for every 1s you can evade for 2s if your goal is total defense on greatsword.


I'm gonna miss the evade as much as the next ranger, but to say it's not ridiculously strong, or frustrating to deal with as the opponent is just silly. The only real issue with the change is that we're just getting a pitiful compensation of 15 endurance for a 1s cast attack. Now if what someone else said above if it's 15 endurance per target hit? Then oh boy this thing is going to be fucking fantastic, but i'm not gonna hold my breath on that.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > Power stab is a 1s evade and has no cool down.

> > I can't believe people are defending this :joy:


> No cooldown? It's not like Power Stab _is_ the greatsword auto and I can just spam it nonstop.


> There are two attacks that come first that can be interrupted or kited.


> Imagine defending a 20k instant oneshot from stealth but thinking a 1s evade with a buildup is too strong. :joy:


Power Stab is a 1s evade. FACT.

Power Stab has no cool down. FACT.


Nothing I said was incorrect, imagine discussing semantics when I stated FACTS. :joy:


Proof: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Stab

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> The "CD" on GS auto is a daunting 1s (1/2s cast on the 1st and 2nd skill), that's less than if your skill gets interrupted. And for every 1s you can evade for 2s if your goal is total defense on greatsword.


Hum what you said seemed weird to me because in game it takes way longer and is not a 50% evade. The greatsword aftercast are super long. It is 2.5s minimum. (I also checked in game 12hits in 10s so 4chains in 10s)



> The only real issue with the change is that we're just getting a pitiful compensation of 15 endurance for a 1s cast attack. Now if what someone else said above if it's 15 endurance per target hit? Then oh boy this thing is going to be kitten fantastic, but i'm not gonna hold my breath on that.

This part I fully agree with. It needs way more. The theorical full auto chain spam is already something that is not working in sPvP so 15 endurance is nothing.


Edit : In case anyone thinks I want a mirage playstyle I direct you to this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1054855#Comment_1054855 where I say that ranger just does not have the tools to stay in close combat.


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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> I really try to understand people on this forum. What's the point of asking to nerf xyz class powercreep and at the same time defend the powercreep of your main class? Like really? I'll write this, every single class and spec in gw2 need massive nerfs, what ranger got was just a small poke to the hand "you are a very, very bad boi" and nothing beside that. There's still a lot of thingies that need nerfs on core ranger, soulbeast and druid aswell, a lot.

> People somehow got used to this unbalanced kitten stuff and think that it was intented since the beginning of the game and abused it with no end, but when a-net FINALLY decides to fix that some people just go nuts and start QQ "my class is unplayable" or "xyz class was deleted". Guys? What is wrong with you? Just because something was in the game since release, it doesn't mean that very specific behaviour of abc skill/trait was intended, it could be just overlooked, after all there is a kitten load of possible interactions with each traits/skills so it was really easy to do so. I'm pretty sure that even now, some people keep finding broken interactions, even though that things were in the game since release.


Tell me, what nerfs does druid need?

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > Power stab is a 1s evade and has no cool down.

> > > I can't believe people are defending this :joy:

> >

> > No cooldown? It's not like Power Stab _is_ the greatsword auto and I can just spam it nonstop.

> >

> > There are two attacks that come first that can be interrupted or kited.

> >

> > Imagine defending a 20k instant oneshot from stealth but thinking a 1s evade with a buildup is too strong. :joy:


> Power Stab is a 1s evade. FACT.

> Power Stab has no cool down. FACT.


> Nothing I said was incorrect, imagine discussing semantics when I stated FACTS. :joy:


> Proof: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Stab


Here, let me help you understand why you still don't make any sense.


- When you're talking about abilities that have cooldowns, it's fine to mention what they do and how long it takes for them to recharge.

- When you're talking about an auto attack chain, it makes no sense to say that the third part of the chain has no cooldown, thus making it sound like it can be spammed nonstop.


That's like saying [Mind Spike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mind_Spike) deals 8k damage and strips 3 boons to 3 people with no cooldown.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > Power stab is a 1s evade and has no cool down.

> > > I can't believe people are defending this :joy:

> >

> > No cooldown? It's not like Power Stab _is_ the greatsword auto and I can just spam it nonstop.

> >

> > There are two attacks that come first that can be interrupted or kited.

> >

> > Imagine defending a 20k instant oneshot from stealth but thinking a 1s evade with a buildup is too strong. :joy:


> The "CD" on GS auto is a daunting 1s (1/2s cast on the 1st and 2nd skill), that's less than if your skill gets interrupted. And for every 1s you can evade for 2s if your goal is total defense on greatsword.


> I'm gonna miss the evade as much as the next ranger, but to say it's not ridiculously strong, or frustrating to deal with as the opponent is just silly. The only real issue with the change is that we're just getting a pitiful compensation of 15 endurance for a 1s cast attack. Now if what someone else said above if it's 15 endurance per target hit? Then oh boy this thing is going to be kitten fantastic, but i'm not gonna hold my breath on that.


Yeah I understand what you're saying. It looks strong on paper and is effective in the game. Also, the evade can go to 2.99 seconds. However, you can interrupt during the first two parts of the chain and the stow after the first and second Power Stab cancels.


Either way, if Power Stab was simply "a 2.99 second evade with a 1 second cooldown" you'd see invincible rangers running around 1v4 at the mid node. It doesn't work like that though. You can maybe get a max of one or two cycles off in a team fight before you're _forced_ off from the damage you're eating during the non-evade frames. Also, if you get cc'd, running straight back in to start your autos will result in your death if you've got multiple people attacking you.


If it's frustrating to deal with for an opponent, they need to pay attention more to CC them. You also never see anyone except for experienced rangers ever using this technique so it's not even something you'd see below plat 2 most of the time.


Out of all of the times I've fought other top tier rangers like Eura, Kraalle, Saethe, Stawk, you, etc. etc. it's rare to see any of us spam into a gs auto evading ranger. It's also harder to get off against a player that doesn't just stand there and let us hit them (which is also why Crippling Throw was extremely important for letting us stick to targets).

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Sadly the devs think that people playing rangers are too stupid that they cannot work out how their weapon works, so they simplify the game and the skill ceiling just as everything else in this game is being simplified. The changes to sword and greatsword are one of the most senseless changes that I can think off. The concept behind the change seems to be, "we need to change something for the ranger, so lets change x,y,z." The explanations for the change are lazy. When we have elementalists out there who have no problem switching between 4 weapon slots, anet trys to explain this change by telling us they want to "simplify" or make things easier. I have only played gw2 because of its combat and pvp. After this senseless change, I will start looking at other games where good play is rewarded rather than frowned upon. After the release of the zerg fest that was Djinn's dominion and the rather bad rework to eternal Colosseum, I am not confident that the pvp team have the staff of the knowledge to make good decisions regarding competitive play. Anet had a great team that gave us elite specs, the current PvP maps, combat etc. Sadly it is not the company that it once was.

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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> I really try to understand people on this forum. What's the point of asking to nerf xyz class powercreep and at the same time defend the powercreep of your main class?

Powercreep? What nerfs to powercreep were there for ranger?


The reason for the nerf wasn't because the skill was too powerful. Anet's reason for the sword and the gs changes were to "make the combat easier". In the process of doing that they ruined 2 weapons. Ill explain.


The sword:

The sword is a utility weapon used to move around the map. It is not a dps weapon. Typically the sword was used to leap out of combat by leaping back and then turning the camera 180 degree and leaping forward. Chaining the leaps took all in about 8 seconds and after that you could do it again.

Serpent strike is another sword skill used to evade and position for the leap.


Now with the proposed changes, the leap back is 15 seconds instead of 8 (almost double the time). so the mobility is sacrificed. Second they hid the readily available serpent strike behind the forward leap which is just an idiotic thing to do. So basically now if i want to evade, I need to waste an 8 second skill to use the serpent strike. I mean WTF are the devs even thinking. My conclusion is that the devs think the sword is a dps weapon, so they have designed it in such a way that now, the ranger must leap into combat, then evade with serpent strike, then leap out, hope the hornets leap lands on the enemy and recharges the forward leap, then turn the camera 180 degrees and leap out. I mean the greatsword is a better dps weapon and if you wanted to engage in melee combat, no one will pick the sword over the greatsword.




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Yeah it's sad that at 2000 range and with skills like rapid fire and the soulbeast modifiers that they didn't nerf all the lb's dps across all its skill as it should be :) lb given its range and the safety it puts ranger in hits way to hard. Theres some great rangers out there that can fight great but the way ranger is now due to it's crazy ranged dps it promotes sitting back and just pew pew pew pew pew pew pew lol resulting in players being carried which is unhealthy for the game. Like alot of things are in this game lol.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Yeah it's sad that at 2000 range and with skills like rapid fire and the soulbeast modifiers that they didn't nerf all the lb's dps across all its skill as it should be :) lb given its range and the safety it puts ranger in hits way to hard. Theres some great rangers out there that can fight great but the way ranger is now due to it's crazy ranged dps it promotes sitting back and just pew pew pew pew pew pew pew lol resulting in players being carried which is unhealthy for the game. Like alot of things are in this game lol.


It's not longbow that's the issue.


The issue is the stacking of % damage modifiers. If they reworked modifiers for Sic Em to like just a straight power increase, it would be a lot more balanced. Similar to a thief's [Assassin's Signet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Signet).

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Yeah it's sad that at 2000 range and with skills like rapid fire and the soulbeast modifiers that they didn't nerf all the lb's dps across all its skill as it should be :) lb given its range and the safety it puts ranger in hits way to hard. Theres some great rangers out there that can fight great but the way ranger is now due to it's crazy ranged dps it promotes sitting back and just pew pew pew pew pew pew pew lol resulting in players being carried which is unhealthy for the game. Like alot of things are in this game lol.


> It's not longbow that's the issue.


> The issue is the stacking of % damage modifiers. If they reworked modifiers for Sic Em to like just a straight power increase, it would be a lot more balanced. Similar to a thief's [Assassin's Signet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Signet).


To a degree but even without modifiers it's too rewarding for a ranger to sit outa combat and pew pew with autos spam and rapid fires right now as even without the dps modifier's lb does too much dps for its type of weapon. DE does as well tho ranger destroyed DE when melee's concerned lol. I love their version of ranger in this game especially slb but the ranged pressure is just too much. Druid though needs love bad, such a waste of what coulda been :( fb can go kitten themselves taking all the suport limelight.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Yeah it's sad that at 2000 range and with skills like rapid fire and the soulbeast modifiers that they didn't nerf all the lb's dps across all its skill as it should be :) lb given its range and the safety it puts ranger in hits way to hard. Theres some great rangers out there that can fight great but the way ranger is now due to it's crazy ranged dps it promotes sitting back and just pew pew pew pew pew pew pew lol resulting in players being carried which is unhealthy for the game. Like alot of things are in this game lol.

> >

> > It's not longbow that's the issue.

> >

> > The issue is the stacking of % damage modifiers. If they reworked modifiers for Sic Em to like just a straight power increase, it would be a lot more balanced. Similar to a thief's [Assassin's Signet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Signet).


> To a degree but even without modifiers it's too rewarding for a ranger to sit outa combat and pew pew with autos spam and rapid fires right now as even without the dps modifier's lb does too much dps for its type of weapon. DE does as well tho ranger destroyed DE when melee's concerned lol. I love their version of ranger in this game especially slb but the ranged pressure is just too much. Druid though needs love bad, such a waste of what coulda been :(


Longbow is very bad in melee range. If you close the distance on the ranger, he's basically using a single weaponset for the majority of the fight.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > Yeah it's sad that at 2000 range and with skills like rapid fire and the soulbeast modifiers that they didn't nerf all the lb's dps across all its skill as it should be :) lb given its range and the safety it puts ranger in hits way to hard. Theres some great rangers out there that can fight great but the way ranger is now due to it's crazy ranged dps it promotes sitting back and just pew pew pew pew pew pew pew lol resulting in players being carried which is unhealthy for the game. Like alot of things are in this game lol.

> > >

> > > It's not longbow that's the issue.

> > >

> > > The issue is the stacking of % damage modifiers. If they reworked modifiers for Sic Em to like just a straight power increase, it would be a lot more balanced. Similar to a thief's [Assassin's Signet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Signet).

> >

> > To a degree but even without modifiers it's too rewarding for a ranger to sit outa combat and pew pew with autos spam and rapid fires right now as even without the dps modifier's lb does too much dps for its type of weapon. DE does as well tho ranger destroyed DE when melee's concerned lol. I love their version of ranger in this game especially slb but the ranged pressure is just too much. Druid though needs love bad, such a waste of what coulda been :(


> Longbow is very bad in melee range. If you close the distance on the ranger, he's basically using a single weaponset for the majority of the fight.


Lb is too good at range is what I mean and it's good that it's bad in melee. Ranger has great melee options as well for second weapon set so having lb dps nerf for the range it has and a great melee option as well well puts ranger in a healthier spot.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > Yeah it's sad that at 2000 range and with skills like rapid fire and the soulbeast modifiers that they didn't nerf all the lb's dps across all its skill as it should be :) lb given its range and the safety it puts ranger in hits way to hard. Theres some great rangers out there that can fight great but the way ranger is now due to it's crazy ranged dps it promotes sitting back and just pew pew pew pew pew pew pew lol resulting in players being carried which is unhealthy for the game. Like alot of things are in this game lol.

> > > >

> > > > It's not longbow that's the issue.

> > > >

> > > > The issue is the stacking of % damage modifiers. If they reworked modifiers for Sic Em to like just a straight power increase, it would be a lot more balanced. Similar to a thief's [Assassin's Signet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Signet).

> > >

> > > To a degree but even without modifiers it's too rewarding for a ranger to sit outa combat and pew pew with autos spam and rapid fires right now as even without the dps modifier's lb does too much dps for its type of weapon. DE does as well tho ranger destroyed DE when melee's concerned lol. I love their version of ranger in this game especially slb but the ranged pressure is just too much. Druid though needs love bad, such a waste of what coulda been :(

> >

> > Longbow is very bad in melee range. If you close the distance on the ranger, he's basically using a single weaponset for the majority of the fight.


> Lb is too good at range is what I mean and it's good that it's bad in melee. Ranger has great melee options as well for second weapon set so having lb dps nerf for the range it has and a great melee option as well well puts ranger in a healthier spot.


So there's risk/reward when playing longbow. If you remove the reward, there's no reason to use the weapon.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > Yeah it's sad that at 2000 range and with skills like rapid fire and the soulbeast modifiers that they didn't nerf all the lb's dps across all its skill as it should be :) lb given its range and the safety it puts ranger in hits way to hard. Theres some great rangers out there that can fight great but the way ranger is now due to it's crazy ranged dps it promotes sitting back and just pew pew pew pew pew pew pew lol resulting in players being carried which is unhealthy for the game. Like alot of things are in this game lol.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's not longbow that's the issue.

> > > > >

> > > > > The issue is the stacking of % damage modifiers. If they reworked modifiers for Sic Em to like just a straight power increase, it would be a lot more balanced. Similar to a thief's [Assassin's Signet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Signet).

> > > >

> > > > To a degree but even without modifiers it's too rewarding for a ranger to sit outa combat and pew pew with autos spam and rapid fires right now as even without the dps modifier's lb does too much dps for its type of weapon. DE does as well tho ranger destroyed DE when melee's concerned lol. I love their version of ranger in this game especially slb but the ranged pressure is just too much. Druid though needs love bad, such a waste of what coulda been :(

> > >

> > > Longbow is very bad in melee range. If you close the distance on the ranger, he's basically using a single weaponset for the majority of the fight.

> >

> > Lb is too good at range is what I mean and it's good that it's bad in melee. Ranger has great melee options as well for second weapon set so having lb dps nerf for the range it has and a great melee option as well well puts ranger in a healthier spot.


> So there's risk/reward when playing longbow. If you remove the reward, there's no reason to use the weapon.


Ur right but I'm just saying the reward is too much as it stands regarding its dps and range. A ranger can sit back and pew pew out of the reach of any other class and reap multiple downs with little risk, I kno cuz I've done it and yeah it feels cheesy but effective. Instead of being able to delete a hp bar fully from range maybe if lb soften targets a bit to give ranger a slight edge in melee as well as being on a dps level that would require an opponent to be in a 2v1 situation where the ranger is ranging them with a bit of dps on top of their aly's dps etc to get the kill. Right now it's very easy to just kill newer players from 1500+ range for new rangers and vets and if the rangers seasoned it's also possible for them to down other seasoned players from a range that's not accessible by the opponent unless they to are a ranger which is never healthy in pvp. Keep in mind I'm talking strictly pvp here. Lb for its range should more or less cause small bits of dps to a opponents hp bar not literally strip half or 3/4 of it in one rapid fire or half of it in 4 or 5 autos lol.


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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> I really try to understand people on this forum. What's the point of asking to nerf xyz class powercreep and at the same time defend the powercreep of your main class? Like really? I'll write this, every single class and spec in gw2 need massive nerfs, what ranger got was just a small poke to the hand "you are a very, very bad boi" and nothing beside that. There's still a lot of thingies that need nerfs on core ranger, soulbeast and druid aswell, a lot.

> People somehow got used to this unbalanced kitten stuff and think that it was intented since the beginning of the game and abused it with no end, but when a-net FINALLY decides to fix that some people just go nuts and start QQ "my class is unplayable" or "xyz class was deleted". Guys? What is wrong with you? Just because something was in the game since release, it doesn't mean that very specific behaviour of abc skill/trait was intended, it could be just overlooked, after all there is a kitten load of possible interactions with each traits/skills so it was really easy to do so. I'm pretty sure that even now, some people keep finding broken interactions, even though that things were in the game since release.


What is even the level of reference in this MMO for your nerf campaign?


You want to nerf everything down to which class level exactly? This game has 9 classes , 3 different HP tier and armor, so how would you balance everything?

By logic alone, the professions with lowest HP and armor should do the highest dmg and the most bulky ones should do the least dmg....but that's not the case, in GW2 heavy/medium armor classes have more dmg/sustain and mobility than the rest

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > Power stab is a 1s evade and has no cool down.

> > > > I can't believe people are defending this :joy:

> > >

> > > No cooldown? It's not like Power Stab _is_ the greatsword auto and I can just spam it nonstop.

> > >

> > > There are two attacks that come first that can be interrupted or kited.

> > >

> > > Imagine defending a 20k instant oneshot from stealth but thinking a 1s evade with a buildup is too strong. :joy:

> >

> > Power Stab is a 1s evade. FACT.

> > Power Stab has no cool down. FACT.

> >

> > Nothing I said was incorrect, imagine discussing semantics when I stated FACTS. :joy:

> >

> > Proof: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Stab


> Here, let me help you understand why you still don't make any sense.


> - When you're talking about abilities that have cooldowns, it's fine to mention what they do and how long it takes for them to recharge.

> - When you're talking about an auto attack chain, it makes no sense to say that the third part of the chain has no cooldown, thus making it sound like it can be spammed nonstop.


> That's like saying [Mind Spike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mind_Spike) deals 8k damage and strips 3 boons to 3 people with no cooldown.


I don't think you understand yourself, these are factual statements, do you disagree the you have a 1s evade with no cool down?

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