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Appeal of the Russian-speaking community Guild Wars 2


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It would be great if the game was supported by the Russian Cyrillic alphabet, not to mention the localization, or at least modifications with the Russian folk language.

I have been playing for a long time, but this is the first game where I went through the storyline from the wiki. At first I read the translation of this page in Google, like a book, then I opened the game and went through. And still I say that I like this game. I don’t like MMORPG games and I don’t like fantasy games, because I am a supporter of games like Starcraft, but guild Wars 2 has changed my mind about fantasy and it still remains my favorite MMORPG game, I don’t have any more.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"WizarXD.9602" said:

> > We demand an answer!


> Pretty sure they have already answered this request previously.

> It likely does not offer a viable financial return on the time and costs associated to bringing this to fruition.


> Could they utilise a some kind of 3rd party or player driven alternative, most likely , but that could risk opening a can of worms they just don't want to have to then jump in and sort out.


> Does it suck - yeah I guess it does for those affected

> Does it make sense from a business perspective - Unfortunately yes it does also.


GW2 does not support Unicode, which is very strange in 2019 (or 2012 for that matter). I do understand that the game engine is dated. I also suppose that they use some custom libraries and have limited fonts. However, it would do the game a lot of good if developers used some of their time to add Unicode support.


Unicode support allows to write and render texts in many different writing systems, including but not limited to Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese and Chinese symbols. It might be a very good and cost-effective solution considering that GW2 is distributed in many countries around the world.



Вам может быть проще добиться результата, если вы попробуете объединить усилия с людьми из стран, где используются алфавиты не построенные на латинице. Юникод в чате был бы оптимальным решением для всех.

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The lack possibility of communication in your native language - very slows the dynamic gameplay... You are all understand - how sometimes important the speed reaction and rapidity action. But for some players to write something on "translit" - need to stay in place, and continuously look at the keyboard when they typing.


Arena.net, please make us a New Year present - give the opportunity to typing text on cyrillic ^.^

(suspire) And ... sorry for my perfect english ^.^

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Im all for this, if theres an option included to automatically block / filter cyrillic out.

This is a western MMO, and while this is going to sound mean, that is not the intent.


while you hate having to talk in english, we hate having to look at hieroglyphs that make zero sense to anyone in the west who isnt born in or around russia.

I had enough of that back in League of Legends, and you'll find that this is infact a western MMO, not a russian MMO, you've played well with others for this long, i see no reason to split the community now by entering in a lanquage alot of us simply don't understand.


I know that sounds like a double standard, but i'll remind people again, this isn't a russian MMO, and Cyrillic was left out for a reason.

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> @"Exstazik.5847" said:

> NOBODY asking for a full game translation, please read the topic...People just ask for cyrrilic alphabet support so they can type in chat on their native language. Like german, french and spanish players do.


German french and spanish share the same alphabet, there in lies the difference.

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I dont use cyrrilic, but I personally can very well understand that not being able to use the Symbols to communicate within cyrrilic based languages is an issue. Translation is complicated, but making symbols available to type should not. I hope the devs lend you their ear. There is a non negligible population in Europe that does use Cyrrilic alphabet.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Because the letters are the same. Cyrillic letters look different than Latin letters. And if they would add Cyrillic they should also add Arabic and Hebrew. And then we have a map chat full of different alphabets. That would not be nice. So better not start with Cyrillic.


Why would it "not be nice"? Particularly since there's already support for Hangul and (to some extent) traditional Chinese?

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While I get the point of adding non Latin alphabets, I think it may bring quite some issues on the backends. As players will then also use different characters (as in letters/symbols) for player characters and guilds then (which most ppl cannot type easily). Not to mention LFG can also be flooded with letters nobody else can read (and we shouldn't exclude players that are not Russian from group content do we). It would also need a lot of dev work if it is even possible. And as someone mentioned the game is created by an American company which uses the Latin alphabet (with only NA/European servers).


So I think you can better search for a solution outside of the game. A party like Discord could be a good one as it also has an overlay. I do not know if those do Cyrillic but I assume the Russian community may know of a similar thing that does support it. It can be used to chat with each other while playing the game and outside and you can use the speech as well. And it can be set up for the whole Russian community or for a guild seperatly. For the rest you would have to remain to English I am affraid. In most games this is a similar thing unless you have a server dedicated to Russia only (which is also out of scope financially and dev wise I think).

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Just add unicode (UTF-8) support to the chatbox, and make sure it is using a font supported by the OS for unicode.


Any existing text, just make sure to convert it to unicode before displaying and filter out any of the exotic characters that can mess up multiple lines of text, or any other character you don't like and call it a day.


If one is worried about the word filter, I'm sure one can look up a list of look alike characters, and update the filter to detect substitute letters as well. I mean, they should be doing that even if the chat was only ascii, because you aren't going to keep track of every word that you can replace 'S' with '5' are you?

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well, if the engine only supports iso-8859-15 (which covers almost all of western europe and latin america), adding support for other encodings can be pretty hard. utf8 is not just a sed job. Things break.


And if the russian player base is not bringing in a ton of money, the work and risk is just not worth it.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> And how do you propose to cover for the increased cost in support personel to read any request of support or accusation of harasment in Cyrillic?


LOL! The alphabet does not matter, the language does. Since there is already Spanish and German support, it would be a matter of adding support personel that speaks Russian, regardless of the fact that the language uses its own alphabet (there are many variations of the Cyrillic alphabet across Eastern European countries, e.g. Bulgaria - [where Cyrillic originates from](https://www.foreigner.bg/bulgarian-alphabet/ "where Cyrillic originates from") - uses a slightly different alphabet than Russia, yet the languages differ a lot more than their alphabets, just like English isn't German, although we both use the Roman alphabet etc).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > And how do you propose to cover for the increased cost in support personel to read any request of support or accusation of harasment in Cyrillic?


> LOL! The alphabet does not matter, the language does. Since there is already Spanish and German support, it would be a matter of adding support personel that speaks Russian, regardless of the fact that the language uses its own alphabet (there are many variations of the Cyrillic alphabet across Eastern European countries, e.g. Bulgaria - [where Cyrillic originates from](https://www.foreigner.bg/bulgarian-alphabet/ "where Cyrillic originates from") - uses a slightly different alphabet than Russia, yet the languages differ a lot more than their alphabets, just like English isn't German, although we both use the Roman alphabet etc).


Ofcourse it do, its not supported now so is a 100% extra cost in personel.

If someone report a player writing in cyrillic the people at anet looking at said report must understand what the player is typing right?

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