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Let the Jousting begin! New Dismount Ability - Lance


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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > ah edit:

> > i never said that i dont want to fight.

> > I fight 1-5 hours a day but not when someone forces me to.

> > I decide when i WANT to fight.

> > And i personally i do not care about the new skill because i walk 80 % without


> WW II, enemies are pushing, youre pewpewpewing with your rifle, oh god no ammo, start yelling „WAIT WAIT GUYS, LET ME RELOAD, I DONT WANNA FIGHT RIGHT NOW”


> Dude its „open world PvP”. Its like playing PvP server in WoW and complaining because you get attacked and cannot grind in peace. Everytime you get out of keep/tower/spawn you should be ready for a fight, if not then dont leave it. And mounts caused situation where you could move your „safe zone” wherever you wanted.



you must playing some different game.


i explain WvW on my server

1) i see enemy

2) enemy running at me

3 ) enemy dismount ( on me )

4 ) enemy attack me

5) enemy run away from me

6) enemy run into some tower / keep

7 ) enemy comes out of the house -- until ~ 50 % hp

8) enemy hides back in house..

9 ) repeat 6-8

10 ) i walk bored away....

11) repeat 1-10



And for you, i will repeat a last time:

"This new mount skill does not affect me, it affects low - medium players." It favors the servers which more players ( bigger groups )

See my example on site 1





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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > ok you won gankers.

> > you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.

> > nice anet

> >


> Stay in pve, if you "dont want to fight"

> This is soo painful to read in a subforum for a gamemode thats all about fighting open world.


> Fights are part of wvw, how can you not see that?


read my comments.

i fight ~ 70-80 % in my playtime

the other 20 % are duels in armistice bastion.


You can always duels me @ armistice bastion when you are on [ EU ] server.


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > ok you won gankers.

> > you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.

> > nice anet

> >


> Stay in pve, if you "dont want to fight"

> This is soo painful to read in a subforum for a gamemode thats all about fighting open world.


> Fights are part of wvw, how can you not see that?


Stay in PvP or GvG mode if you really want to fight. The real fighters and pvp gods are there. There are only gankers in WvW that picked on support build players for bags.


WvW is all about small group and zerg fights. Get it right. This is indeed so painful to read.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> ANet really did it. Gave us a mount for roamimg and running back to zerg safely and then slowly nerfed it over 6 months and now the final blow to cripple it. Glad that i waited to buy that Stardust skin.

Yeah its a heavy blow for the roamers now being able to dismount 1 out of 50+ zerglings running back. Both roamers and zerglings cry in dismay.


In other words, the WvW community: *The mount will kill WvW, we cant dismount enemies!*


Also the WvW community: *We can now be dismounted from the mount this will kill WvW!*


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > ANet really did it. Gave us a mount for roamimg and running back to zerg safely and then slowly nerfed it over 6 months and now the final blow to cripple it. Glad that i waited to buy that Stardust skin.

> Yeah its a heavy blow for the roamers now being able to dismount 1 out of 50+ zerglings running back. Both roamers and zerglings cry in dismay.


> In other words, the WvW community: *The mount will kill WvW, we cant dismount enemies!*


> Also the WvW community: *We can now be dismounted from the mount this will kill WvW!*



Lets break this down a bit shall we...


Mount will kill WvW - was said by the players who populated the game mode for 6 years and understood that WvW was open world PvP that catered to all playstyles and builds.


Dismount skill will kill WvW - Was said by the newer players over the last 9 months who believe that WvW is zerg only.

The same players who say to other players to play another game or another game mode for killing people in open world PvP...

The same players who told everyone to eff off and adapt once they were given indemnity from PvP in an open world PvP area.

The very same players who label people as "gankers" just because they were killed...

The same players who criticize and belittle players for killing another person in an open world pvp environment.

There's a pattern here and it's basically players who care about themselves and not the health of the game or the game mode....





> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > > ok you won gankers.

> > > you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.

> > > nice anet

> > >

> >

> > Stay in pve, if you "dont want to fight"

> > This is soo painful to read in a subforum for a gamemode thats all about fighting open world.

> >

> > Fights are part of wvw, how can you not see that?


> Stay in PvP or GvG mode if you really want to fight. The real fighters and pvp gods are there. There are only gankers in WvW that picked on support build players for bags.


> WvW is all about small group and zerg fights. Get it right. This is indeed so painful to read.


Your post was painful to read, took the words right out of my mouth actually.


PvP - It's a conquest game format, you have to stand in little circles and play decap and back cap roles, most often you can win on thief by just decapping and recapping without the need to fight a single person. The amulet system is extremely limited and so are build choices and stat choices.

Due to the terrain and restricted areas to engage, there's multiple advantages and disadvantages for classes. (Thief on Khylo for example, LB ranger on Nhifel)


So PvP isn't really a place to "fight"... If you do, you're not playing the mode right as it's a conquest format. A Capture and Hold system.


GvG - What's the difference between a zerg v zerg and a GvG?

Zerg v Zerg is all pugs and random builds but a GvG group have dedicated roles and builds, synergy and organisation.

GvG is an organised small zerg essentially.


so here is where my head hurts just from reading your contradiction... "WvW is small scale and zerg only" > "Stay in PvP or GvG mode if you really want to fight"...




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Having had a day to think about it - I think this is a good change and once again puts a premium on roamers keeping good positioning, avoiding detection to the greatest extent possible, and overall maintaining situational awareness. Before, the mount was a "get out of jail free" card, even if caught in opposing territory. The lance shifts some balance back to the defenders. An example - I encountered a mounted enemy approaching north camp on BL. RI is expired and he was going to flip the camp. Before, there's really nothing I could do about it, sure I could have dismounted and hope to dmg enough to dismount, but chances are he would get away on mount. I could run around and play hop tag while we're both mounted, but that is dumb and accomplishes nothing. So my previous alternative was to sit there babysitting camp while /sleep or go away and basically let him flip camp. But the opponent was the one who got caught "behind enemy lines". Previously with no lance there was no consequence, now there is - I still need to hit lance and then win a fight, but there's a better chance to run off an out-of-position/discovered attacker than there was before.


As far as the 1v20 discussion - if you are caught by a zerg 1vAll, you're probably going to die and that's probably how it should be if you're in that bad of a spot. Groups patrolling the road/runback lanes is part of the strategy, and can be avoided by changing up your own strategy (go around/take another path near your owned objectives/run together with others). Previously it would be a thief or other mobile class to get you in combat while their group came and finished you, it really is no different with mounts now.

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I don't want to know how newbie will feel.

1) phase: **no mount** - hard to following

2) phase: **with mount** - without abilities point (against e.g. roamers Lance + Superior Battle Maul + extra stamina bar)

I would have preferred: _Superior Battle Maul cancel and replace it with Lance_ ;)




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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Mount will kill WvW - was said by the players who populated the game mode for 6 years and understood that WvW was open world PvP that catered to all playstyles and builds.


> Dismount skill will kill WvW - Was said by the newer players over the last 9 months who believe that WvW is zerg only.

The first post of the one I quoted was 2012-10-13.


Sorry I just thought that was funny.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Mount will kill WvW - was said by the players who populated the game mode for 6 years and understood that WvW was open world PvP that catered to all playstyles and builds.

> >

> > Dismount skill will kill WvW - Was said by the newer players over the last 9 months who believe that WvW is zerg only.

> The first post of the one I quoted was 2012-10-13.


> Sorry I just thought that was funny.


It says october 2nd 2019 to me?


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They should implement a wvw map where a large area around each commander is a fighting area that way blobs can fight each other as well as players in the fight zone surrounding blob but the rest of the map is a safe zone for players to afk in groups, have a tea party or go do daily's against npc without any threat of danger. Of course the area around the blob would have to be significant enough to allow for flanking and other outlier type strategies.

This way standard wvw can go back to being a open world pvp zone where the only safe spots are inside ur home keep.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > Mount will kill WvW - was said by the players who populated the game mode for 6 years and understood that WvW was open world PvP that catered to all playstyles and builds.

> > >

> > > Dismount skill will kill WvW - Was said by the newer players over the last 9 months who believe that WvW is zerg only.

> > The first post of the one I quoted was 2012-10-13.

> >

> > Sorry I just thought that was funny.


> It says october 2nd 2019 to me?


You can search on the user names in the archived forums. On this I see 2017.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > Mount will kill WvW - was said by the players who populated the game mode for 6 years and understood that WvW was open world PvP that catered to all playstyles and builds.

> > > >

> > > > Dismount skill will kill WvW - Was said by the newer players over the last 9 months who believe that WvW is zerg only.

> > > The first post of the one I quoted was 2012-10-13.

> > >

> > > Sorry I just thought that was funny.

> >

> > It says october 2nd 2019 to me?

> >

> You can search on the user names in the archived forums. On this I see 2017.



still says October 2nd 2019 to me lol but I dont see any other quote besides Mils... meh

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As someone that doesn't do WvW much, I don't see the issue here. So WvW is basically a big open world PvP map. It is a huge warzone. In this warzone players group together in large armies and fight for territories. Other players form small squads or roam solo and protect supply lines and smaller objectives and pick off enemy reinforcements.


Now to me, this sounds like WvW presents an opportunity for many strategies and interesting battles. When the Warclaw first came around, I thought it was great because now you didn't have to build for speed to keep up with a group or catch up to the zerg. But it also made anything outside of zerg fights boring since roaming enemies would just run around staring each other down from the safety of their mounts. I found it to be really boring when I would get on to flip camps.


Now with the dismount skill, you can still keep up or return to the zerg without changing your build, but now there is still a risk when you run into enemies as there should be.


Why would people complain about being ganked by roamers? They are simply doing their job. The real question is, why would you place yourself in a position to where you can be ganked by roamers? If you were in a zerg and died, then you shouldn't just have safe passage back to your zerg. That doesn't make any sense. If you can sneak back to your zerg, cool. If you can't then wait for other zergers to respawn and then move out as a group. We have this same problem in sPvP where our team loses the mid fight, and instead of regrouping and attacking together, people will trickle back in to the mid fight 1 by 1 taking on 2 to 4 enemies and just constantly feeding the enemy team free kills.


I don't know, this is just my opinion as an outsider looking in.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > Oh look!! Here comes the cavaly of gankers in shiny armours.. Shiny! :D

> >

> > Don't bother to flame me, i don't read them xD


> You are one of the most ignorant and selfish person ive seen on here, unbelievable.


> I love how you put everybody in a set category without a doubt.


Wait, isn't that what you did first?

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> 1500 range. Like come on. 40 lances from a mile away is such a great idea. Should be 600 maybe.


As a roamer/havoc, 1500 might be a bit long but will have to play it a bit more. Was expecting it to be a bit more like 900-1200. What will end up happening now is we will be back to the port days. Smaller group knows they will be run over by zerg, port out. Where there was some scatter and regroup in play. 600-900 would have also still allowed more scatter regroup play, but 1500 not as much. 1500 though is meant more for 1v1 but what we have is 1v6 or 1v24. So we might need some adjust here in the next few weeks. Problem is there is no good measure here outside of forum hearsay unless they have more developers playing all three roles in WvW; solo, havoc and zerg play to get a feel on the range and if it fits.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > > ok you won gankers.

> > > you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.

> > > nice anet

> > >

> >

> > This is a strange complaint ... Anet tolds us about 2 weeks after Warclaw was released they were making a dismount skill.


> I feel like I've established that I don't care what the rules are. Mounts/no mounts, dismount skill/no dismount skill, it's all the same to me. Everyone is playing by the same rules, so just use whatever rules exist. But I can't help noticing how odd this decision is. What was the point of adding the mount only to add a dismount skill immediately afterwards?


That's easy to answer ... because mounts were probably NEVER intended to avoid combat. They were (at least to me) a way to get to where you want to be faster. I think the fact that you could be dismounted is an indication of what they were ... and were not meant to be.


> There seem to be so few players willing to adapt to either situation, everyone is entrenched in one camp or the other and I don't know how many ppl have really stopped to consider the motivations for it all . . .


This is an unfortunate sign of how MMO's cater to the newer generations now ... trying to appease everyone ... and resulting in appeasing no one. It will be a hard lesson for Anet to learn because fundamentally, this wasn't about not liking or hating mounts for players ... it was about the perceptions people have about what WvW is supposed to be. Yet again, Anet doesn't make a stand with their approach to developing the game and people are STILL left to guess and impose their own ideas of what it should be and for who. It's the same thing in PVE with raids ... game caters to group A ... Anet introduces Raids that don't suit the playstyle of group A ... WTH are they doing? Then they try and bridge the gap ... but for who?


This general wishy washy approach to the game philosophy is HURTING it, not fixing it.

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> @"Domey.9804" said:

> i cant use dismount skill, cuz no PoF....gg anet , the struggle goes on


I've been trying to bring the issue of non-PoF users not having an ability to dismount mounted players since they do not have access to a mount [and if they did have mount rentals, I doubt the dismount skill would be available making it moot]. My hope is that they will look into a mobile siege that can be bought from vendor that roots user for at least 1s while firing but it would need to retain 1.5k range and a lower cooldown than the mounts 30s lance skill as the player will be chasing on foot.


As a side note, if there were plans for mount rentals, they could put them in with all 1-4 abilities unlocked but "lesser" versions.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > > > ok you won gankers.

> > > > you have finally a stupid weapon which you can dismount players who dont want to fight.

> > > > nice anet

> > > >

> > >

> > > This is a strange complaint ... Anet tolds us about 2 weeks after Warclaw was released they were making a dismount skill.

> >

> > I feel like I've established that I don't care what the rules are. Mounts/no mounts, dismount skill/no dismount skill, it's all the same to me. Everyone is playing by the same rules, so just use whatever rules exist. But I can't help noticing how odd this decision is. What was the point of adding the mount only to add a dismount skill immediately afterwards?


> That's easy to answer ... because mounts were probably NEVER intended to avoid combat. They were (at least to me) a way to get to where you want to be faster. I think the fact that you could be dismounted is an indication of what they were ... and were not meant to be.


Okay, but if that was the case then why give them three dodges? Whey give them any dodges . . ?


I think a better explanation is that they were intended as a means to get where you were going faster, INCLUDING avoiding combat along the way. But they allowed you to avoid combat in all these other situations as well, smallscale, capping points, etc. and they've been nerfing those all along, either as a design philosophy or as a reaction to player response, so now it's mostly only useful for crossing uncontested space . . .


Anyway, it's just interesting to think about. What did anet intend the mount to do? When did they realize it needed to be changed? Why wasn't that need anticipated before release, etc. It's not really relevant to anything, just curious . . .

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