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Yet another condi thief thread

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I'm really salty for the CI removal. It was the bread and butter for my power chrono rupt build for a long time. CI and Power Block + chrono were the things that finally made rupt build a thing. And it got obliterated after being abused for a few weeks by the CONDI idiotic Mirage.


I never paid too much mind with anet's balancing because I can accept that it can't be perfect. But this CI solutionwas completely idiotic.

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> @"DavyMcB.1603" said:

> I'm really salty for the CI removal. It was the bread and butter for my power chrono rupt build for a long time. CI and Power Block + chrono were the things that finally made rupt build a thing. And it got obliterated after being abused for a few weeks by the CONDI idiotic Mirage.


> I never paid too much mind with anet's balancing because I can accept that it can't be perfect. But this CI solutionwas completely idiotic.

Dude. Look at it from that angle - chrono removed from the game, then more the only good traits for competitive game modes were deleted even if it was alrdy trash.

From being the most versatile and class with the highest build diversity it was grounded to all other classes to be trash and have only 1 build - condi mirage. \o/

But hey, condi bs is da wae now, except for scourge being given chrono treatment, a bit of it :)

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Wish condi had more....sparkle to their hard hitting skills. With power builds, at least they have a decent chunk of big animations for their important skills - holographic shockwave is extremely noticeable.


Meanwhile, we have condi thief applying the majority of its damage from a relatively quick gap closer that's pretty hard to see. Do they even lose stacks of their venoms if they miss? Where's the punishment if I dodge the initial engage?

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Wish condi had more....sparkle to their hard hitting skills. With power builds, at least they have a decent chunk of big animations for their important skills - holographic shockwave is extremely noticeable.


> Meanwhile, we have condi thief applying the majority of its damage from a relatively quick gap closer that's pretty hard to see. Do they even lose stacks of their venoms if they miss? Where's the punishment if I dodge the initial engage?


Yes, every evade or block consumes a venom stack.


And if you bother to look at the build:


Sword 2 applies 2 stacks of poison from the immobilize and 3 stacks from the strike procing Deadly Ambition, and 1 stack from the venom.


Lotus Dodge applies cripple, torment and bleed. The projectiles can also apply poison from venom stacks if they hit.


We should add steal in here but let’s keep it to what was stated above. 6-9 poison, 1 bleed and 1 torment with three buttons (utility venom, sword 2 and dodge).


If you are seeing a spike to 10+ poison then you want to cleanse. Less than that you can probably heal/dodge/profession specific ability to avoid initial application.


It’s pretty simple to fight them. Keep moving because the sword 2 immobilize triggers after the teleport which lags behind movement. Use projectile denial. Don’t panic cleanse. Kite towards their return point to limit their mobility. Ranged pressure them to put them on the defensive.

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When you fight somebody that actually knows how to play against a condi thief. You cant scratch them. You burst.. They cleanse, they heal and now we are back to square 1 with a fresh (insert job here) and a dwindled down condi thief.

Learn to play the new meta and quit crying about something that is EASILY countered. Anet is doing a great job balancing everything for everybody. Not just for YOU. always remember that.

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> When you fight somebody that actually knows how to play against a condi thief. You cant scratch them. You burst.. They cleanse, they heal and now we are back to square 1 with a fresh (insert job here) and a dwindled down condi thief.

> Learn to play the new meta and quit crying about something that is EASILY countered. Anet is doing a great job balancing everything for everybody. Not just for YOU. always remember that.


lost it when you said anet is doing gr8 job at balancing, while holo still didnt get its legs broken

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > When you fight somebody that actually knows how to play against a condi thief. You cant scratch them. You burst.. They cleanse, they heal and now we are back to square 1 with a fresh (insert job here) and a dwindled down condi thief.

> > Learn to play the new meta and quit crying about something that is EASILY countered. Anet is doing a great job balancing everything for everybody. Not just for YOU. always remember that.


> lost it when you said anet is doing gr8 job at balancing, while holo still didnt get its legs broken


that's YOUR personal opinion tho. most likely based on the class you play. Im sure quite a few people would disagree with you. Holo is the jack of all trades. But its not the greatest at anything like all the other classes. You put a Warrior or a Guard against a holo and that holo gets splatted pretty easy, right?

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > > When you fight somebody that actually knows how to play against a condi thief. You cant scratch them. You burst.. They cleanse, they heal and now we are back to square 1 with a fresh (insert job here) and a dwindled down condi thief.

> > > Learn to play the new meta and quit crying about something that is EASILY countered. Anet is doing a great job balancing everything for everybody. Not just for YOU. always remember that.

> >

> > lost it when you said anet is doing gr8 job at balancing, while holo still didnt get its legs broken


> that's YOUR personal opinion tho. most likely based on the class you play. Im sure quite a few people would disagree with you. Holo is the jack of all trades. But its not the greatest at anything like all the other classes. You put a Warrior or a Guard against a holo and that holo gets splatted pretty easy, right?


I play several classes, holo is simply overpowered, jack of all trades, master of most. I dont even have problems dealing with them, most players preety much bandwagoned onto holo so they suck, but when I do see proper good holo, and you see 3-4people unable to touch him, while he 1shots from stealth or burst down people to 20% hp... while being "bruiser" or more like a tank.

Everything needs a weakness, and worst of all holo can match what other classes do best while doing other things better then them.

that slight nerf to shockwave, means that stacking 3holomid and spaming aoe no longer instawins node. now you actually have to aim it.

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i didn't post so long for poison thief, but i recently saw some one who's completely trash at it and managed to lose against a warrior with only shake it off multiple times

yet he managed to stay in plat...i'm really really surprised...


also saw another one who literally don't know what heal is and he's gold 3 lol...i mean come on..

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> i didn't post so long for poison thief, but i recently saw some one who's completely trash at it and managed to lose against a warrior with only shake it off multiple times

> yet he managed to stay in plat...i'm really really surprised...


> also saw another one who literally don't know what heal is and he's gold 3 lol...i mean come on..


That's gw2 ranking at its finest

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> They seem to be able to kill the other problems (holo, spb).


> Nerf holo and spb, then nerf condi thief.


> Until then, nope.


> It is a needed element.


out of all the builds i play, condi thief is the only thing i can trust myself to win duel with holo/spb and by win i mean force them off node, becouse to actually kill them they would have to overstay anyways.

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> When you fight somebody that actually knows how to play against a condi thief. You cant scratch them. You burst.. They cleanse, they heal and now we are back to square 1 with a fresh (insert job here) and a dwindled down condi thief.

> Learn to play the new meta and quit crying about something that is EASILY countered. Anet is doing a great job balancing everything for everybody. Not just for YOU. always remember that.


Really, it make me laugh everytime someone says the "get gud" formula. :)


Sure, i enjoy playing againt condi thief in some professions and see them runing away or make the carpet on the floor BUT


you say that we have to clean, to heal and face the condi thief.... ok.


By the breasts of ishtar, do you really think everytime i gonna face a condi thief i have my cleans utility skills ready ?? my heal ready ? Noooo sir, do you think a thief Gonna say "Heyyyy, i'm comming to break ya neck" ?? a thief take u from behind :astonished: (no problem, it's he's job) but you don't have time to react that you have 15 stacks of poison in you and as i say, if you have no dodge and your utility skills in cd so...i can assure you, your done.


Other point, why in hell have i to change my build to counter just one build XD ???? there's 4 others players with him dude.


I dare to believe that you understand now even if i guess, your a thief main.

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> @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > When you fight somebody that actually knows how to play against a condi thief. You cant scratch them. You burst.. They cleanse, they heal and now we are back to square 1 with a fresh (insert job here) and a dwindled down condi thief.

> > Learn to play the new meta and quit crying about something that is EASILY countered. Anet is doing a great job balancing everything for everybody. Not just for YOU. always remember that.


> Really, it make me laugh everytime someone says the "get gud" formula. :)


> Sure, i enjoy playing againt condi thief in some professions and see them runing away or make the carpet on the floor BUT


> you say that we have to clean, to heal and face the condi thief.... ok.


> By the breasts of ishtar, do you really think everytime i gonna face a condi thief i have my cleans utility skills ready ?? my heal ready ? Noooo sir, do you think a thief Gonna say "Heyyyy, i'm comming to break ya neck" ?? a thief take u from behind :astonished: (no problem, it's he's job) but you don't have time to react that you have 15 stacks of poison in you and as i say, if you have no dodge and your utility skills in cd so...i can assure you, your done.


> Other point, why in hell have i to change my build to counter just one build XD ???? there's 4 others players with him dude.


> I dare to believe that you understand now even if i guess, your a thief main.


So you expect to win 1v1 fights with critical skills on cooldown against a fresh opponent?

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > > When you fight somebody that actually knows how to play against a condi thief. You cant scratch them. You burst.. They cleanse, they heal and now we are back to square 1 with a fresh (insert job here) and a dwindled down condi thief.

> > > Learn to play the new meta and quit crying about something that is EASILY countered. Anet is doing a great job balancing everything for everybody. Not just for YOU. always remember that.

> >

> > Really, it make me laugh everytime someone says the "get gud" formula. :)

> >

> > Sure, i enjoy playing againt condi thief in some professions and see them runing away or make the carpet on the floor BUT

> >

> > you say that we have to clean, to heal and face the condi thief.... ok.

> >

> > By the breasts of ishtar, do you really think everytime i gonna face a condi thief i have my cleans utility skills ready ?? my heal ready ? Noooo sir, do you think a thief Gonna say "Heyyyy, i'm comming to break ya neck" ?? a thief take u from behind :astonished: (no problem, it's he's job) but you don't have time to react that you have 15 stacks of poison in you and as i say, if you have no dodge and your utility skills in cd so...i can assure you, your done.

> >

> > Other point, why in hell have i to change my build to counter just one build XD ???? there's 4 others players with him dude.

> >

> > I dare to believe that you understand now even if i guess, your a thief main.


> So you expect to win 1v1 fights with critical skills on cooldown against a fresh opponent?


there is a difference between winning or having any chance whatsoever of surviving.

if you dont have a cleanse its 0,5s you dieed lol lol you died.

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condi thief is absolutely ridiculously OP right now, in 1 steal and dodge it can apply up to 6 different conditions and forces you to burn through most of your condicleanses while they just port back with sword 2 just to come back in again, i mean who at Anet thought that this didnt deserve a BIG nerf???? Hell I'd rather have CI mirage over this garbage. Makes me wonder if Anet actually wants pvp to die cus they're going in the good direction!

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