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POLL : Strike missions

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I personally like (... this ONE we got) and I found myself doing it daily since it's easy to organize, quick to do, hard to fail and has cute...ish rewards

I would also like if they would reuse some story bosses and add a Strike mission to LW Season4 maps ( for Strike trains for some more fun currency farming).

What are your opinions ?

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I like them more than I expected bc they are easily pugable, you can just fit it in between metas. I agree it is far too easy, and the rewards are probably too great for the effort, but if it got too hard to pug I'd probably stop doing it so idk what the answer would be there. The idea of introducing them to past episode bosses is appealing as well, with the usual caveat that it may not be the best use of dev hours . . .


Another thing I'm wondering is whether the new episodes will introduce new missions, or just expand on the existing mission so that the existing boss will just be the first boss along the path once the full saga is complete . . .

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I did it once. Don't know if I will did it again. It's not the rewards or difficulty it is just a bit boring.


Anet is all over the place with group content.

We have meta events which are I guess the main focus and are great, the best thing about this game imo. The most important thing is that they are easy to get into. No dps, gear pressure, no looking for group. You just show up and play.

Than we have dungeons, fractals, raids and now strikes. Three alternative group modes in development is just to much especially with focus on metas. They are trying to find a mode appealing to broad audience and do these small format and difficulty tweaks while the problem is not in that. The problem is accessibility.

Handle it like WoW. Not with constantly new formats but with a good tool for access and easy difficulty level for existing raids. With Wow LFR you queue, play whatever you are playing and suddenly you are in a raid/dungeon. No waiting for a group to fill up, no gear or dps or achieve check. And it is easy mode so you seldom fail.

With focus on less modes you can make existing better, more detailed.

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They're okay, could be a little bit more difficult though as you can power through them with scourge barrier or any form of minor incidental heals on mix-matched gear. The reason I say this is because everyone I've seen in party has said the same thing when doing it, including those that do not raid or do anything other than openworld content.The first few days people that raided would claim to clear it with 5 people armor-less , which is a bit extreme. I feel as though if you have more than 5 people that it could have a bit more damage output or CC since you can afford resurrecting or support classes with that number of people.


The Frosty dungeon that was added for Wintersday would probably be a good baseline , or even the single player storymode after HOT.


I would compare the current iteration to T1 fractals but easier. The good thing about ease is that there is no request for composition or class discrimination as the difference between 10-15% more damage is moot when there's no enrage timer or time limits (unless you are aiming for the timed achievement).


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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> Did it once, saw the JP involved, finished it because a kind person activated the Way Point and never went back again due to the JP...


> Edit: I would rather fight 10 mobs that gave no loot than deal with a JP just to get to the boss.




That happens every time, just so you know. Beacon is active once one person reaches it . . .

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They are okay, I guess? Something to do at the end of guild missions, or inbetween the meta, but if anyone is even remotely possible remotely thinking of them as a substitute for Raids, instead of a quick thing to do before reset, they should (insert a few suggestions that would probably get me banned).

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> @"Jemmi.6058" said:

> Voted don't like them, but the only thing I don't like is the rewards. I felt that I wasted my time the few times I went in there. It was OK to check out, but so no reason to return.


The rewards aren't lucrative unless you get the big payoff, but I'm not sure it can be argued they are out of line with the amount of effort required to obtain them . . .

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Obviously this one is the first, so it started off small - one boss, and with mechanics that you can learn quickly, or choose to ignore and still succeed. I expect the next few to get harder until we hit a balance where this is maybe the second hardest content after raids and arguably high level fractals. It could be another somewhat challenging encounter for raiders or an upper limit for casual players

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They're OK, this one is currently very simple but the rewards are the usual boring affair. I would like to get the shoulders but that seems unlikely to happen from the strike mission itself so I'll probably end up buying them on the TP, a much less exciting way of getting them.


I wish they had their own currency and more unique rewards like the beetle races do, I also hope that they will put some long term rewards here.

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Since there is only one, it is a bit hard to say. But since I do not like the one we have - I had to vote 'don't like them' (it).


I hate jumping puzzles, but appreciate the teleport (now that a player told me it existed). But it is simply one jumping puzzle and a crazy easy fight, against the last boss we just fought. I am sure they will improve over time, but this was a pretty lame beginning.


There does seem to be some potential in the system... :)

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I do like them as concept and wish to see them expanded upon, but this debut was uninteresting, too easy, not executed as well, with small or pointless rewards.


I also wish it wasn't just a JP and then the scaled up story boss in the end, and I feel like they could go a lot further with reusing these painfully easy and therefor often fairly uninteresting story instances to create good both 5 and 10 man instanced content from it, to basically in a sense bring dungeons back in that single path format where applicable (Story missions like Fahranur, the First City), with the boss instances being turned into Strikes.

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The one we got now is garbage on every possible level. It has less challenge than the open world, even worse rewards, absolutely no mechanics, no teamwork, no group composition, nothing. Every T1 Fractal and any dungeon path is more complex and interesting than this boss, even easier/early level ones like Lieutenant Kholer and the Spider Queen in Ascalonian Catacombs. The Wintersday boss Freezie was more complex than this and it required some brain power and team work with actual mechanics, simple mechanics, but they existed, the strike boss has none. Balthazar, Mordremoth and other story bosses were more interesting fights than this boss that required some player attention, this is a challenge not to fall asleep.


A veteran smokescale, an itzel shadowleaper, a mushroom queen, a water/air/fire/earth djinn, an awakened abomination, a hydra, are all regular mobs found in the open world and they offer more of a challenge than this "legendary" boss.


All that said, I like the idea of Strike Missions and want to see more of them added to the game, provided they aren't like the first one. If future missions are planned to be like this absolute joke, then I'd rather the Raid/Fractal team that's stuck developing it stop and go do something productive with their time. Let the living world team craft future Strikes, after all they make far more interesting and challenging content than this garbage.

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Its not that I don't like them. In fact, I love the concept. I dislike the 'execution' thereof. The rewards are low, but matching the difficulty, equally low.

This isn't a challenge, it's not preparing the playerbase for anything, and I got all the achievements on the first run with an incomplete pug of randoms

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What has already been said. The concept is kinda okay, missed the quick daily dungeon type things but there's hardly any people for those. The rewards are low and the chances for the actual rewards are garbage. Since the boss counts as a giant I've been tracking the times I've done this and in the last 49 times I've gotten none of them. I was more fond of the achievement rewards in the past story lines, grind here and there, do some challenges and eventually you can get the new skin or whatever. There's plenty of complaints of how rare these things are. And the simplicity of this mission makes the rarity absurd. Enough so that if this style keeps up with the following stories I'm just not gonna play them. And using this as a raid stepping stone... well no, I'm not intrigued based on this. And yes, I know what raids are. I'm gonna try few more times and if not I'll just forget the whole reward thing, not worth the time/effort. But hey, atleast the giant achievement is going up faster.

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I like the idea of them, but I don't think it was executed well. I would like the rewards to scale with the number of players. I'm already finding it difficult to pug for a group outside of daily reset time. I've been in a couple of groups now that just start as soon as we are able to (5 players) because we have already waited for too long. Additionally, due to using the public system as opposed to the LFG tool, we must physically wait inside the instance instead of just setting up an LFG and doing other things while waiting for it to fill. Because of this, sometimes I really struggle to hit all 3 daily chests even though I am an experienced raider and know I am doing loads of DPS. Feels bad when you are carrying a group and fail to hit all the chests simply due to not having enough players. This doesn't promote players to try to improve or run more optimized builds in preparation for raids, it's just another "more players = win" typical in PvE.

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I really enjoy it. It's the first one, it doesn't need to be super difficult. It encourages stacking and shows players kinda what it's like to be in a 10-man group. I wouldn't mind future ones being more difficult, but I feel they should focus more on introducing how mechanics and such work in raids rather than just being hard.

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