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This is actually the most build diversity I have seen ever!


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Sure there are still some outliers, but overall I have seen so many different builds actually working now! This is from a ~P1 perspective:


-Spellbreaker (might Dg/Sh GS)

-Core warrior horn/rifle

-Berzerker (seen it have less success but still see every now and then)



-Firebrand symbol hybrid

-Firebrand support

-Core guardian burst

-Core guardian burn

-DH (less success but still see it every now and then)




-Fire weaver

-Fresh air weaver

-Support tempest (Staff)

-Support tempest (dg/horn or dg/focus)

-Core ele staff burst (not as often but there are 2 people in P1 who run it consistently and win many matches)



-Blood scourage

-Cancer scourage

-Reaper (many different builds, some more success than others)

-Core necro



-Core ranger


-Power ranger SB

-Druid (less success but seen it ran both as hybrid support and node dueler)




-Unkillable metastatic cancer holo

-Protection holo

-Damage scrapper




-Sw/d - Sb core thief

-Sw/d Sb DD

-Cancer condi DD

-Burst DE

-Vault DD

(seen some Ps/Ps builds but not particularly impressed)



-Burst shiro/glint

-Condi mallyx/glint

(seen a few attempts at support renegade and/or ventari, but not been impressed so far)



-Cancer condi staff mirage

-Power shatter mirage

-Power shatter core

(seen some attempts to chrono, but not particularly impressed)


Overall thats 29 builds (not counting the ones with less success imo), which is quite a feat!


I'm sure I'm missing some, and there will never be an agreement on what are considered "worthy" builds in this meta, however, I'm just **reporting** what I have seen in this season after 600+ games in P1-P2. Honestly I'm having a blast knowing that every game is unlikely to be the same time after time.





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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> Sure there are still some outliers, but overall I have seen so many different builds actually working now! This is from a ~P1 perspective:


> -Spellbreaker (might Dg/Sh GS)

> -Core warrior horn/rifle

> -Berzerker (seen it have less success but still see every now and then)



> -Firebrand symbol hybrid

> -Firebrand support

> -Core guardian burst

> -Core guardian burn

> -DH (less success but still see it every now and then)




> -Fire weaver

> -Fresh air weaver

> -Support tempest (Staff)

> -Support tempest (dg/horn or dg/focus)

> -Core ele staff burst (not as often but there are 2 people in P1 who run it consistently and win many matches)



> -Blood scourage

> -Cancer scourage

> -Reaper (many different builds, some more success than others)

> -Core necro



> -Core ranger

> -Boonbeast

> -Power ranger SB

> -Druid (less success but seen it ran both as hybrid support and node dueler)




> -Unkillable metastatic cancer holo

> -Protection holo

> -Damage scrapper




> -Sw/d - Sb core thief

> -Sw/d Sb DD

> -Cancer condi DD

> -Burst DE

> -Vault DD

> (seen some Ps/Ps builds but not particularly impressed)



> -Burst shiro/glint

> -Condi mallyx/glint

> (seen a few attempts at support renegade and/or ventari, but not been impressed so far)



> -Cancer condi staff mirage

> -Power shatter mirage

> -Power shatter core

> (seen some attempts to chrono, but not particularly impressed)


> Overall thats 29 builds (not counting the ones with less success imo), which is quite a feat!


> I'm sure I'm missing some, and there will never be an agreement on what are considered "worthy" builds in this meta, however, I'm just **reporting** what I have seen in this season after 600+ games in P1-P2. Honestly I'm having a blast knowing that every game is unlikely to be the same time after time.






I fully agree, oftentimes I see each team have compleatly different builds, and 1 of each class.

there are still some games with 3-5 thiefs, 3-5holo 2-4warriors or 2-4mirages but for the most part its evened out.

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I also feel people are more comfortable with playing with whatever they want. There is less meta dictatorship. That is a good thing. It's even common to have 2 thieves in each team without anyone saying "one thief reroll". Of course whenever you lose, the offmeta builds are the first ones to get the blames.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> I also feel people are more comfortable with playing with whatever they want. There is less meta dictatorship. That is a good thing. It's even common to have 2 thieves in each team without anyone saying "one thief reroll". Of course whenever you lose, the offmeta builds are the first ones to get the blames.


I have been on the receiving end of that when I play tempest or DH.


As of late I have been playing almost exclusively core guard and core warrior, and what I'm most impressed about, is that Anet actually has made some core builds viable (some by buffing them, some by nerfing what countered them).

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > -Damage scrapper


> Sure that's [not just me](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89244/surprise-mechanic-drunk-scrapper-variant-got-some-serious-buffs "not just me")?


Could be, there is also Cuilan. If you played damage scrapper today a few hours ago then it might have been you.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > -Damage scrapper

> >

> > Sure that's [not just me](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89244/surprise-mechanic-drunk-scrapper-variant-got-some-serious-buffs "not just me")?


> Could be, there is also Cuilan. If you played damage scrapper today a few hours ago then it might have been you.


Ah yeah, definitely not me then.

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I main fa ele. But have yet to try anything out on it. I don't think the changes to ele was that substantial compared to other profressions. Specially to fa play style.

However I have been doing warrior supportshout sw/w-burn bow and having some fun with that. Successful? I'm only gold3. This game is so dependant on team mates but team play is discouraged. No mic support and no 5man TEAM que. When 4 people go far and I watch as 2 enemys go to our home. I ping the map I talk in team chat. But all 4 die at far. What am I supposed to do? Like my team mates? Approve of there decisions while I get pumalde and outnumbered hard as there all on respawn. This happens way to often to the point I don't solo que anymore at all. I either partner up to play this TEAM based game properly or not at all.

This game has so much potential. Gw1 was coordinated af. This should be as well. Gezz this turned into something different.sorry.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Ouk.5914" said:

> > more then 80% of those specs are completely kitten and useless for conquest. They'll do more harm to the team then help.


> guess we will just have to keep nerfing metas then...and necros


or.... maybe instead of just "nerfing" we bring those other specs/classes inline with the others? Just maybe?

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> @"Ouk.5914" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Ouk.5914" said:

> > > more then 80% of those specs are completely kitten and useless for conquest. They'll do more harm to the team then help.

> >

> > guess we will just have to keep nerfing metas then...and necros


> or.... maybe instead of just "nerfing" we bring those other specs/classes inline with the others? Just maybe?


no, bring overperformance down to druid and renegade levels.


all they have done is go up, need to go down.


no doubt.

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I don't want to burst everyone's bubble, however…


I think maybe a big reason why we are seeing such diverse build representation isn't because of actual viable diversity, but rather because the population is lower now. 1600s are now seeing 1300s and 1200s in games nowadays. Which of course means those 1600s are going to start seeing things like DHs, and Condi Druids, and Berserkers with rifles, ect ect.


When you join ATs with a 1600 team and go against another 1600 team, you don't see DHs or Condi Druids or Berserkers with rifles.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Yo I sort of agree but honestly who is using horn/rifle core warrior? Sounds like a nice way to get farmed.


Working for me:

![](https://i.imgur.com/MIwIWDO.jpg "")




![](https://i.imgur.com/AUG2Z99.jpg "")



This is from last night. There were games with 3 core warriors running this in the same game. I know of at least 4 distinct players beside me who also use (in fact, i only started playing it because I was getting owned by them).

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Like I said, I'm just reporting what I'm seeing and the success it is having in P1-P2 matches, not going into whether these builds are good or not. No one will EVER agree on whats good and whats not, mostly because of their personal experiences with 1-2 bad/good players playing these classes you dont see often. But I have been playing PvP nonstop these past few days since I'm having a IRL break, and the amount of diversity is astonishing tbh. (seriously, vigorously penetrate holos, condi thieves and condi mesmers with a cactus where the sun doesnt hit)

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Yo I sort of agree but honestly who is using horn/rifle core warrior? Sounds like a nice way to get farmed.


> Working for me:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/MIwIWDO.jpg "")




> ![](https://i.imgur.com/AUG2Z99.jpg "")



> This is from last night. There were games with 3 core warriors running this in the same game. I know of at least 4 distinct players beside me who also use (in fact, i only started playing it because I was getting owned by them).


Interesting, but isn’t it just a one trick pony? If killshot misses?


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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Yo I sort of agree but honestly who is using horn/rifle core warrior? Sounds like a nice way to get farmed.

> >

> > Working for me:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/MIwIWDO.jpg "")

> >  

> >  

> >  

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/AUG2Z99.jpg "")

> >

> >

> > This is from last night. There were games with 3 core warriors running this in the same game. I know of at least 4 distinct players beside me who also use (in fact, i only started playing it because I was getting owned by them).


> Interesting, but isn’t it just a one trick pony? If killshot misses?



The rifle is the afterthought, you wil spend about 20-30% of the time in rifle, the rest in one-handed weapon of choice/horn. Make no mistake, you are a support using marauder/demolisher, you go on rifle if you get a chance to finish someone off, hopefully you can set it up with horn 4 before that.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> long live bunker rev lol


I honestly haven't seen it have much success being something other than a meatball who can only eat damage if the enemy team decides to focus him first for whatever reason.


Maybe you can share your build/screenshot/people playing it successfully/video or idk so i can form a more informed opinion on it, because I rarely come across it and when I do, they perch at our home, but my team [mostly] plays far and mid then, since it is a 4v5 everywhere else.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > long live bunker rev lol


> I honestly haven't seen it have much success being something other than a meatball who can only eat damage if the enemy team decides to focus him first for whatever reason.


> Maybe you can share your build/screenshot/people playing it successfully/video or idk so i can form a more informed opinion on it, because I rarely come across it and when I do, they perch at our home, but my team [mostly] plays far and mid then, since it is a 4v5 everywhere else.


I don't have a working build its just fun to play. the new salvation trait line is pretty damn stronk.

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