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Jumping on that GW3 Bandwagon !

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Dear Fellow Guildwarians !


With the recent departure of MO and the speculation articles that his team could've been working on GW3 a thread of what you would like to see in GW3.




- No cosmetic armor restrictions, mechanically it's fine, imo, it could even play a larger role than now, maybe in the way of restistances / stamina?

- Damage type weaknesses, remember how plants took extra damage from fire in GW1?

- All weapons available to all classes from the start, with different skills right of the bat, not unlocked through specializations.

- Skill split between pvp and pve

- Build savings

- Fishing, Housing, Races, Polymock, the ability to dye weapons, more costumization and non-serious gameplay.

- More variety in utility skills.


As far as Races go:



*Hylek / Frogmen




While I like the idea of combo's I think they could be even larger in effect, for instance; Freeze / Shatter combinations - like a freezing skill followed by an earth 'shatter' skill.


A split between conditions and hexes like we had in GW1, boons and weapon skills / shouts and ofcourse the ability to remove them.


Keep the jumping, dodging, mounts and all the fun stuff gw2 gave us, but it could be a bit more like GW1.


Maybe I'll think of more these next few days. Let us know what you think !

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I sincerely hope they won't make another mmorpg any time soon. GW2 has a lot left to explore and a lot of room for improvement and it is by no means time to stop developing GW2 or put ressources somewhere else, especially after the lay offs. GW2 has improved a lot lately from my point of view and I think it is time that they work harder than ever to release better and better content and balance updates in the future (don't rush it, put more time and effort in it! I prefer quality over quantity and most people will agree!... Hopefully, not sure about reddit... ).

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So far what we've seen, or atleast in my p.o.v have experienced is a cast and forget type of release style, release something new, go unto the next thing; i.e. dungeons -> fractals-> raids eventhough fractals do see some semblance of development.


WvW / PvP nothing really new since release, maybe a few maps but nothing fundamentally different.


IN regards to having to start anew, coming form 50/50 HoM before GW2 release, it's actually not that bad to start fresh sometimes... again my own experience.


As far as so much left to tell, true, however a new game could mean new perspectives as well, Centaur and Tengu stories are far from told, imo.


For instance the Trees the Centaurs gather around, their culture, maybe even inspire a shaman class, thinking of a Ranger / Druid / Elementalist-hybrid.


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The only thing I think is important for a GW3 is an improved the graphics engine; GW2 feels like your playing a cartoon on a watercolour painting.

FI its what gives ESO such an edge over GW2, if it wasn't for the graphics I would take GW2 every time.

Next after graphics some new storylines. Oh and update crafting so its meaningful for levelling players.

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> @"Sriep.5718" said:

> The only thing I think is important for a GW3 is an improved the graphics engine; GW2 feels like your playing a cartoon on a watercolour painting.

> FI its what gives ESO such an edge over GW2, if it wasn't for the graphics I would take GW2 every time.

> Next after graphics some new storylines. Oh and update crafting so its meaningful for levelling players.


Im pretty sure thats what GW2 is supposed to look like(and IMO why i love it so much). They moved away from the realistic look on purpose.

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> @"Sriep.5718" said:

> The only thing I think is important for a GW3 is an improved the graphics engine; GW2 feels like your playing a cartoon on a watercolour painting.

> FI its what gives ESO such an edge over GW2, if it wasn't for the graphics I would take GW2 every time.

> Next after graphics some new storylines. Oh and update crafting so its meaningful for levelling players.


Gw2 art style is the least of its concerns. It finds a nice middle ground between cartoony and realistic which gives it a ageless look. Meanwhile ESO is already showing its age more than gw2 in some of its older zones.


Ofc the older zones of gw2 arent that good looking but you can still find stunning vistas in core, hot and pof.

GW2 problems are systemic and engine related. All of wbich would be smoother to solve if you started in a clean slate.


Like for example their effects are attrocious and we dont have the option or they the capabilities to tone them down and rework them. A new game in a much more evolved engine could more easily achieve that.

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At this point I'd love to see GW3 - the sooner the better.

For me GW2 has enough room for maybe 1 more expansion and that's it. I'd also like them to fix the mistakes they did overall - with pvp, lootboxes and I certainly want better and more interesting story (I'll give them points for some moments in HoT and PoF but 100% of story should be like that. LS2 was such a pain to go through, personal story in most races was no better).

I'd als like to see combat roles from the beggining - I liked that they tried the whole "no trinity" thing, but I can honestly say I enjoy trinity more than "who has bigger dps" parties. Good there were roles in raids/t4 fractals at least.

Of course - improved graphics too - but I like the current style. I feel like a little bit cartoony graphic ages better than realistic one.


Isn't plan for GW3 scrapped though? I felt like all the layoff s and abandoning new projects they were working on, inclined that there will be no GW3 :<.

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> @"Kas.3509" said:



> Isn't plan for GW3 scrapped though? I felt like all the layoff s and abandoning new projects they were working on, inclined that there will be no GW3 :<.


From what i know they still have more people at the company than they did at the start of Path of Fire. (290 now vs 220 then). Granted nobody but anet knows what everyone is working on.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> I think if there is any GW3, it should not be a MMO. It's easier to refactor the whole engine than to make up for all the missing content.


> Unless you design the system to do procedural content, that is.


I mean, every mmo starts from smaller world and builds in time, doesn't it? Compare GW2 base game and GW2 now - like two completely different games. No one would want to just remake GW2 into new engine and deliver copy paste GW2 but newer. I think if GW3 happens it will be after/before the times in GW2 with different story and it will evolve over time like every other mmo does.

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> @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" said:

> Dear Fellow Guildwarians !


> With the recent departure of MO and the speculation articles that his team could've been working on GW3 a thread of what you would like to see in GW3.


Yes, _that_ makes sense after the development of GW3 had come to a halt when the people working on it were pulled off all those side projects. :+1:

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At this point, I don't want a GW3.


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> You'll find alot of ppl who want a guild wars 1.5.


Just about every veteran of GW1 wants a GW1.5. And I'm seeing a TON of people expecting Mike OB's Manaworks to be making a GW1.5.


In all honesty, I'm in the camp of wanting a GW 1.5, and am only in the camp of "hoping" for Manaworks' game to be a GW1.5 (I doubt it will be though).


> @"Kas.3509" said:

> Isn't plan for GW3 scrapped though? I felt like all the layoff s and abandoning new projects they were working on, inclined that there will be no GW3 :<.


You can't scrap what never existed in the first place. What we know - or rather, what we suppose we know - is:


1. There were two+ undisclosed projects being worked on behind the scenes that got scrapped by NCSoft during the layoffs.

2. One of said projects was in the GW IP. (According to "gaming news" anonymous sources; so could be fake.)

3. One of said projects was a mobile GW game. (An artist "accidentally" leaked art for this.)

4. Another of said projects is _hinted_ at being a game for a console (IP unknown). (According to position requirements on ArenaNet hiring pages.)

5. GW3 was not a greenlit project (e.g., at most, GW3 was merely talked about happening, and no work went towards it). (According to "gaming news" anonymous sources; so could be fake.)


People see point 2, ignore point 5, and presume GW3 was in pre-production, even though points 2 and 3 were very, very likely the same exact project.

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First of all, we're Tyrians.

Second, now is not the time for a sequel game. Though far from it's apex in general popularity, Guild Wars 2 is *very* steady for an MMO. Messing with that by releasing a direct competitor only hamstrings both projects.


However, since the plastic generation gets bored with things more and more quickly, here are a few ideas on how ANet can expand their brands *without* cannibalizing GW2 directly:


1. **Make a new Guild Wars game.** This may seem contradictory, but I'm not talking about "Guild Wars 3". I mean a completely different game, ideally not an MMO at all. It can take place at any time along Guild Wars' time lines, and tell "elsewhere" stories (perhaps even relive stories like Ghosts of Ascalon, if they're feeling cheeky). This type of game can expand and deepen the Guild Wars lore, as well as offer unique and differing perspectives depending on the characters involved. The biggest benefit here is this type of content is virtually unlimited; they can make as many alt-line games as they want in series, and all of it is movement in the same direction as Guild Wars 2. (with the potential of expanding Guild Wars 2 itself, by introducing characters and side stories, as well as assets, they could pay off in the "main" game). The down side here is this risks becoming "Disney sequel"-tier content, feeling inferior and secondary to the "main" stories.


2. **Make an entirely new game.** Again, ideally not an MMO, but additional titles in ArenaNet's roster could serve to bolster their reputation and repertoire. Many here claim ANet has lost some of their creative mojo, and a fresh project unrelated to Guild Wars could be the thing for them to stretch their creative wings and flex some creative muscle. Again, this could tie back in to the "main" game, creating or inspiring a bevvy of strange tangents for elsewhere stories, self-references, and micro-crossover potential. The downside here is this would split ANet's focus. A new project does not gel specifically with Guild Wars 2, nor does it advance GW2 in any meaningful way (other than the ways previously mentioned: stretch creativity, deepen experience, recycle assets, crossover content, etc., etc.)

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> @"Kas.3509" said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > I think if there is any GW3, it should not be a MMO. It's easier to refactor the whole engine than to make up for all the missing content.

> >

> > Unless you design the system to do procedural content, that is.


> I mean, every mmo starts from smaller world and builds in time, doesn't it? Compare GW2 base game and GW2 now - like two completely different games. No one would want to just remake GW2 into new engine and deliver copy paste GW2 but newer. I think if GW3 happens it will be after/before the times in GW2 with different story and it will evolve over time like every other mmo does.


That's the problem, though. A new MMO, starting from a smaller world, has to compete with the existing MMOs that have many years of content. Just being newer is no longer enough on its own.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Just being newer is no longer enough on its own.


Exactly. Had they stayed in tune with what they did in GW1, they would have had the coolest, most unique MMO out there right now. GW2 might still be unique in some aspects, but it just lacks the many great things GW1 had going for itself. They strayed away too far from their own game model with its fantastic skill and dual-class system, its super exciting PvP game modes, and its tense and mature story-telling.

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I would prefer they keep working on GW2, as there's plenty of topics and areas that haven't even begun to be explored yet (Cantha, DSD, Tengu) or are still hanging (replacing killed elder dragons, Lyssa's involvement in the story).


If there were a GW3, I would like to explore areas outside of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona, as exploring the same areas 3 times in a row would just start getting boring.

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