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Should arena net start working on a Cantha Expansion for GW2?

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> @"magic fly.2041" said:

> Shing jea island and the Jade Sea were my favorite places in GW1.


> Factions is the GW1 campaign I played the most.


> I would love to see the canthan continent re-appear in GW2.


> (Except for the echovald forest. That forest was just plain bland. I don't care to see it again.)


Well, you'd be disappointed...the Jade Sea is no longer as you remember it, it's returned to it's former self as an actual sea and Echovald Forest is green again, no longer petrified. As for those saying it would have to be moved, it doesn't, it's already on Tyria...it would easily fit in the existing map...on the other side of the Unending Ocean, why do you think it's there in the first place?


Having said that, no, we don't need to go to Cantha...we should go further East and West from the existing world.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Yes to Cantha. No need for the poll to be private lol. None of the above appear to be shy about their votes.


With the recent controversy Blizzard has with the Hong Kong situation, I doubt Anet want to get caught up in that by doing a Cantha expansion.


Just look at this thread on Reddit on how easily Cantha will spark anger in some higher up Chineses officials and get the whole game banned in China.

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It's a fantasy world. Don't really know what else there is to say. Give us a GW2 Cantha. I don't care if the entire theme changes. I want this part of the world fleshed out just as much as I want the rest of the Tyria map to become playable. Leave out culture references for easily offended cultures and incorporate elements from cultures with thicker skins or make up something completely new. Just don't leave the Cantha part of Tyria blank.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> It's a fantasy world. Don't really know what else there is to say. Give us a GW2 Cantha. I don't care if the entire theme changes. I want this part of the world fleshed out just as much as I want the rest of the Tyria map to become playable. Leave out culture references for easily offended cultures and incorporate elements from cultures with thicker skins or make up something completely new. Just don't leave the Cantha part of Tyria blank.


"Give us Cantha.... but not."

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > It's a fantasy world. Don't really know what else there is to say. Give us a GW2 Cantha. I don't care if the entire theme changes. I want this part of the world fleshed out just as much as I want the rest of the Tyria map to become playable. Leave out culture references for easily offended cultures and incorporate elements from cultures with thicker skins or make up something completely new. Just don't leave the Cantha part of Tyria blank.


> "Give us Cantha.... but not."


If that is what it takes then yes.

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Look what is going in with Blizzard/nba/apple right now. Clearly china is censoring western games with thier market share. If you believe that Cantha can exist in China without painting its xenophobic authoritarian Dragon emperor into an asian messiah, i have a bridge to sell you.

Cantha has already been censored out of divinity reach for the korean market which never materialized, ncsoft will avoid the area to avoid all their games being censored in China.

Any attempt to write an story in that region will either offend western audiences for glorifying a dictator probably worse than joko, or offend Chinese officials for painting their government in a negative light.

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While I voted for "Should" I strongly agree with the idea that Anet simply lacks the "could" capability at this point. Sagas are a structural tool for a company that is trying to stay afloat. Could we see Cantha in the future? Sure, but I think it would come area by area over a long amount of time if the studio can keep the lights on.

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xpacs should have been at set intervals. the game franchise could have laste a long long time while performing well. but so many mistakes by anet. informing players of upcoming things. not doing those up coming things. not informing players. introducing things players never asked for. it's just kind of like what are htey doing? people say its 7 years old but look at WoW. at a decade they were still going strong. I see gw2 in the same light. there's a whole map of uncharted territory we have yet to venture into. Gw2 has many more areas to delve into. whether they want to rehash old content for nostalgia or create new content and go places they never went in GW1. Now this new content or new areas would that be GW3? Doesn't have to be. GW2 should check all that stuff out first.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Yes to Cantha. No need for the poll to be private lol. None of the above appear to be shy about their votes.


> With the recent controversy Blizzard has with the Hong Kong situation, I doubt Anet want to get caught up in that by doing a Cantha expansion.


> Just look at this thread on Reddit on how easily Cantha will spark anger in some higher up Chineses officials and get the whole game banned in China.



Cantha doesn't have aspects of merely china nor korea, alone.


The assassin profession is actually japanese, and the ritualist resembles thailandese culture; so I'd say keep it at those two, and we're green.


To me, it looks like the Kurzicks are more of Thailandese culture, and Luxons are around bangladesh.


Only Kaineng city has the appearance of being china. But like everything in GW2. Most of it has changed.


Make it so the emperor, guards, citizens, etc resemble Japanese, and Thailandese; or even Mongolian.


I do totally understand your point.

But why would a game project would not go ahead because of some other countries problems?

Surely people have matured enough to see that a fantasy videogame is merely fantasy, and just about being only inspired by real life, but nothing at all to do with it.

I don't see queen Elizabeth saying to ANet "How dare you represent medieval England and Europe in your games?"


I suppose you're right to a certain extent though. Anet doesn't want to take the risk.

Still, as I mentioned; Japan and Thailand are a way to go. It's an option.


The Orient is gigantic.

It starts in Mongolia, passing through Japan, Nepal, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, even partial India shares oriental roots.

Why does it have to be based on china or korea at all?

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In my country, we have a saying.

"It's 8 or 80 to you"

Meaning, there's no happy medium, no middle ground for you?


If people want cantha that badly, they're just going to have to accept the changes that ANet will have to do.

But I personally think that it's better to have anything, than nothing at all.


There are a few aspects of the game that I don't like or disagree with, but hey, here I am.


For instance, PoF dragon should have been the "Fire" Dragon primordious.

Human story should have started in the fields of ruin against the charr, and in fact, fields of ruin should have been ascalon.

Kamadan should have not been taken over by joko, and we should have access to the entire island of istan, including Latenda Bog, instead of making up an entire new island.

Kralkatorik should have fallen just east of scavengers causeway.

That’s what the purple volcano is there on the first place.

Why didn't we get Nundu Bay?

So much stuff... I can't count...


But my personal taste and oppinion means precisely squat to ANet.

They have paid, and qualified staff for those purposes.


All we're doing is speculate, but they can well contact the chinese government and ask if it's ok to make a continent based on china , even though we already established that GW1 cantha had a lot more other oriental cultures than china.

Again, Assassin being Japanese, Ritualist being Thailandese, etc...

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

>Assassin being Japanese

Assassins didn't strike me a Japanese-themed at all.

If anything, I'd consider them Arabic, based on etymology alone.

But people stabbing others "from the shadows" always existed in all cultures around the globe.


> Ritualist being Thailandese, etc...

Why would you associate this with Thailand specifically?

I'd rather associate them with China, as Jiang Shi (Chinese Zombies/Vampires) are death-related and often depicted with there eyes covered by Talismans (analog to Rtualists head pieces covering the eyes).

That aside, the adjective is Thai. I don't think 'Thailandese' is a real word.


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> >Assassin being Japanese

> Assassins didn't strike me a Japanese-themed at all.

> If anything, I'd consider them Arabic, based on etymology alone.

> But people stabbing others "from the shadows" always existed in all cultures around the globe.



...which leads to my point exactly that cantha is more than china.

We all know the ninja assassin has the rep to be Japanese... but yes, Arabia also had its share of assassins from early ages.

Still, let Arabs remain in Elona, if you can.


> > Ritualist being Thailandese, etc...

> Why would you associate this with Thailand specifically?

> I'd rather associate them with China, as Jiang Shi (Chinese Zombies/Vampires) are death-related and often depicted with there eyes covered by Talismans (analog to Rtualists head pieces covering the eyes).

> That aside, the adjective is Thai. I don't think 'Thailandese' is a real word.



If you look up thailandese culture, you will see the resemblance to ritualist clothing, adornments, tatoos, and dance moves.

Also Nepal has a very similar culture.

Put your rit to dance and see.





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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> We all know the ninja assassin has the rep to be Japanese...


And there is the problem with that.

Assassins weren't even depicted as Ninja. In fact, despite 'common knowledge' from modern fantasy media, Ninja actually were no Assassins (other than very few specific individuals like the alleged demon Fuuma Kotarou).

There were based on the general "unseen" murderers, with only the name having any specific connection to Asia, only vaguely resembling the original word.

Even the Wiki entry says they basically were murderers.

Unlike Ninja, they weren't spies, scouts or soldiers.

Not even the skills resemble anything Asian, other than the occasional mentions of Lotus (which allegedly also grows in Northern parts of Australia) and Assassin. You could replace all mentions of Lotus with Poppy and all mentions of Assassin with hired knife; suddenly you have a perfectly German murderer.

If I had to choose, I'd say GW1 Assassins are closer related to Western Rogues in WoW than the Ninja in FF14.


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > We all know the ninja assassin has the rep to be Japanese...


> And there is the problem with that.

> Assassins weren't even depicted as Ninja.

> There were based on the general "unseen" murderers, with only the name having any specific connection to Asia, only vaguely resembling the original word.

> Even the Wiki entry says they basically were murderers.

> Unlike Ninja, they weren't spies, scouts or soldiers.

> Not even the skills resemble anything Asian, other than the occasional mentions of Lotus (which allegedly also grows in Northern parts of Australia) and Assassin. You could replace all mentions of Lotus with Poppy and all mentions of Assassin with hired knife; suddenly you have a perfectly German murderer.




Yeah. In short, you have a very valid and logic point.


Make Cantha, change the names slightly, and voila.

Everyone is happy.

No WW3, and ANet can live a long and fruitful life.

Come on GW3.

Bring it on.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> Seems like the Cantha meme just doesn't die.


> Also. Why Cantha? Why another human centric expansion, after we had a LOT of focus on the humans for 2 Living Story Seasons and an entire expansion? First we need something for the Norn, Charr and Asura before going back to Humans again.


You know what.

Not to contradict myself, but I actually agree with you.

Let other races get their well deserved highlight.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> Norn, Charr and Asura


Norn and Charr are currently getting their story in LS5.

Asura probably get their story afterwards, when we deal with Primordius,

hopefully in an expansion to the subterranean tunnels and old Asuran cities.


After that, with only Bubbles left, it could be time for a Canthan expansion, possibly in 10 years.


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