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¿What mounts you need in Guild Wars 2?

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Guild Wars have many official artworks with mounts. This mounts can have special powers not available today inside Guild Wars 2. Choose your prefered mount and power from this list :)


1.- Siege Devourer - official Artist - Doug Williams - Power: Catapult Commander

![Official Devourer](https://www.mundogame.com/images/rocketlauncher/frontpage/roksprocket-mosaic/devoradormontura.jpg "")

With this mount trained by the Charr Legions you can be catapulted and Glide to distant zones.


2.- Junundu - official Artist - Mattew Barret - Power: Tunneling and Far sight

![Official Junundu](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/1/14/%22Sandworm_Side%22_concept_art.jpg "")

With this mount from the deserts of Elona, you can travel below the floor. Additionaly you can see far distances. To an example of the Far Sight and official art, Jade Maw, from Katy Hargrove

![Official Jade Maw](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/017/209/930/large/katy-hargrove-xkraken-01.jpg?1555052546 "")



3.- Undead Camel - official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: Special Auras

![Official Undead Camel](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/370/566/large/carlyn-lim-mummycritter1.jpg?1512334908 "")

With this mount trained by Palawa Joko, you can have special Auras beyond your imagination.


4.- Asura Golem - official Artist - Samantha Rogers - Power: Pvp combat

![Official Asura Golem](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/005/797/501/large/samantha-rogers-scruffy1.jpg?1493835215 "")

With this mount you can start a PvP Duel in pve, with the autorization of another player with this mount. You can fight with or without this mount.


5.- Horse - Official Artist - Levi Hopkins - Power: Sprint Run

![Official Horse](https://www.mundogame.com/images/rocketlauncher/frontpage/roksprocket-mosaic/ruinasdeascalongw2.jpg "")

With this mount you can walk o run in races, with turbo.


6.- Giant Beetle - Official Artist - Jamie Jones - Power: Natural Light

![Official Giant Beetle](https://www.mundogame.com/images/rocketlauncher/frontpage/roksprocket-mosaic/monturaescarabajo.jpg "")

With this mount you can walk slowly, but can see in obscure zones.


7.- Quaggan - Official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: Friend Help

![Official Quaggan](https://www.iamag.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Guild-Wars-2-Path-of-Fire-38.jpg "")

Many mounts are designed for Guild Wars 2, but yet not included. This is a good example for a mount. Small, not only for travel, but with the ability to call friends to Glide, Run or another cool things. (Quaggan, Penguin, Vulpi, Ladybug, Beaver, Yellow Bird)


8.- Dolyak - Official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: MvM Party

![Official Dolyak](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/370/327/large/carlyn-lim-dolyak-mounts1.jpg?1512333751 "")

You can jump in this mount with other people in MvM, start a music band, and walk on top, fighting from distance against your enemies.


9.- Moa - Official Artist - Carlyn Lim - Power: Sonic Shock

![Official Moa](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a9/0c/1c/a90c1c359379fb0a671215a887b08ff7.jpg "")

With this mount you can travel with your friend, and your moa stun your enemies with the Sonic Shock.


10.- Underworld Beast - Official Artist - Doug Williams - Power: Run and Jump

![Official Underworld Beast](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/0/09/Mount_concept_art.jpg/482px-Mount_concept_art.jpg "")

With this mount you can run and jump, similar to the movement system of charrs but more high and fast.

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I prefer my own headcannon idea for a devourer mount :p (yes... I've been giving this a lot of thought :P )


1 = Dismount and lob a small sticky poison field infront of you (think chak acid)

Space = Use Devourer tunnels

v = Burrow for a short distance (1.5 sec)


Masteries =

1 Learn to use Devourer tunnels to quickly traverse the map (like the tunnel system used in HoT)

2 Toughened Carapace - Your mounts tough carapace bounces attacks back at your foes. Gain Retaliation (3 secs) upon dismount.

3 Coming Through! - Your mount can now knock foes out of it's path whilst burrowing. (like Chak Garat)

4 You can now burrow through cliffs to find hidden caves. (Similar to the roller beetle wall smash, but whereas those can be used by anyone once opened for a short while, these are only accessible with this mount and mastery, giving it a unique purpose.)

5 Your other mounts now benefit from Toughened Carapace.


Edit, Oh and this mount can't Jump but does have higher health that the other mounts. (consider it the mount equivalent of a tank.)

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> @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> spidermount


Spiders is another mount Arenanet use in the beta phase of mounts, this mount can climb walls for example. Official Art from Katy Hargrove:

![Official Spider](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/0/04/%22Spider_Giant%22_concept_art.jpg "")

Arenanet rejected this mount, for Arachnophobia problems or creepy versions.


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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Underwater mount, but that's about it. After Skyscale, we don't need any more mobility options.


We have another arts for underwater mounts in the Guild Wars Saga, for example this Jellyfish, with the Official Art of Carlyn Lim.

![Official Jellyfish](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/370/356/large/carlyn-lim-quick2.jpg?1512333861 "")

This forums have and ankward system to include images inside polls, and i cant include more options to vote.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> None of the above, only reasonable mount that's left is an underwater speed mount. Maybe a coolness factor argument for a multi-person mount, but there's not really much demand or need for it atm.


The initial plans in Arenanet for Muti-person mounts are same mobile towers. You dont travel in your chair same in the rest of the mounts. You can walk along the mount in your travel. This can have apropiate strategic elements, for example in World vs World.

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Cool a devourer... Just picked that because it's close to scorpion. Not fan of being catapulted.... No sense. None of those feel vital for the game. We already have enough of mounts... See roller beetle, useless, just for races. Skyscale? Just fusion between springer/gryphon. Warclaw? Dunno if it really had a positive impact on WvW..... Eventually an underwater mount, but useless, underwater combat is a mess. Only the 5 core are really "vital".


EDIT: OMG just got a vision where the player is siting on the shoulders of the golem mount and doing a race. Hilarious.


PS: Your Junundu big text is bugged OP. Error of punctuation surely.

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Other: shark or similar, for underwater.

And for the last time, there are no horses in tyria.

The only mentions of horses are paintings, so they may very well be their equivalent of unicorns. Or necrotic horses, and we already know Joko stitches bodies together.

Hence horses don't exist. Never have

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> @"Forty Keks.9620" said:

> I have been begging and pleading with them for a horse mount since i first heard mounts were coming to the game. or even a skin to make the raptor or jackal a horse. still nothing. the devs have a phobia of horses or something.


Horses doesnt exist in tyria. Dolyaks is the main transport animal.

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I also don't see any appeal with those voting options. We all know we need only one more mount and that's one that makes underwater travel much faster. They don't even need to make a new mount, just rework the Skimmer to dive under water with a special skill.


Edit: yeah, not cool that you didn't provide a "None" vote option.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Forty Keks.9620" said:

> > I have been begging and pleading with them for a horse mount since i first heard mounts were coming to the game. or even a skin to make the raptor or jackal a horse. still nothing. the devs have a phobia of horses or something.


> Horses doesnt exist in tyria. Dolyaks is the main transport animal.


yes they do exist. they are referenced several times and were used in cantha. check the wiki if you don't believe me.

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