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Reaper Shouts and the Ammunition System


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The shouts are balanced. They become extremely good when Augury of Death is picked.


- YSIM! is the best heal for Reaper (4700 HP + 8% LF every 17s in a 1v1 and 5000HP + 20% LF every 13s in a 5v5 (or vs. a mesmer) - you can basically use it after every shroud and it's almost impossible to interupt).

- CTTB! is strong and on top of that allows mind games like dodge baiting.

- SUFFER! has only minor effects but plenty of them, so the shout is extremely versatile (10 to 13% damage boost, condi transfer, CC, good to setup or prevent kiting).

- NCSY! is a hardcounter to the whole guardian class and in general a nice 12% damage and 24% crit chance boost when Decimate Defenses is picked.

- RISE! is a bit overnerfed (used to have a 40s cooldown in every game mode and a 50% damage reduction) and only niche these days but still great for minion masters.

- YAAW! is situational but can be a life saver (low cooldown stunbreak + weakness). It should have a 20s base cooldown to be in line with the other shouts. When Blighter's Boon was a thing the LF generation was nice.


YSIM! and CTTB! + Augury of Death are a must pick in every single reaper build I use and I call viable. Consume Condition Reapers are freekills for every decent player. I do often use SUFFER! or NCSY! right next to Spectral Armor and Spectral Walk as 3rd utility skill.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The shouts are balanced. They become extremely good when Augury of Death is picked.


> - YSIM! is the best heal for Reaper (4700 HP + 8% LF every 17s in a 1v1 and 5000HP + 20% LF every 13s in a 5v5 (or vs. a mesmer) - you can basically use it after every shroud and it's almost impossible to interupt).

> - CTTB! is strong and on top of that allows mind games like dodge baiting.

> - SUFFER! has only minor effects but plenty of them, so the shout is extremely versatile (10 to 13% damage boost, condi transfer, CC, good to setup or prevent kiting).

> - NCSY! is a hardcounter to the whole guardian class and in general a nice 12% damage and 24% crit chance boost when Decimate Defenses is picked.

> - RISE! is a bit overnerfed (used to have a 40s cooldown in every game mode and a 50% damage reduction) and only niche these days but still great for minion masters.

> - YAAW! is situational but can be a life saver (low cooldown stunbreak + weakness). It should have a 20s base cooldown to be in line with the other shouts. When Blighter's Boon was a thing the LF generation was nice.


> YSIM! and CTTB! + Augury of Death are a must pick in every single reaper build I use and I call viable. Consume Condition Reapers are freekills for every decent player. I do often use SUFFER! or NCSY! right next to Spectral Armor and Spectral Walk as 3rd utility skill.


I don't agree on the need for AoD, but will agree shouts are overall solid, and anyone not taking YSIM+Suffer and at least doing a tiny bit to spec around YSIM is nerfing themselves. These shouts are absolutely bonkers and are either improved upon easily or easily improve upon the reaper in so many ways.


CCon is overrated, especially if taking Spite and opting for a CV build with higher crit. 5400 heal + condi cleanse + damage/proc option + shorter cast time and cuttable aftercast + huge LF + lower cooldown on reaper of all specs is an absolute monster of a skill.


Generally the weak shouts (Rise and YAAW) are only weak because their cooldowns are too long as a whole rather than the effects being too weak to justify spamming. Rise would be broken if it didn't depend on squishy minions being alive or if there was less AoE nuking in the game, as its potential stacking with other damage reduction options is wild on paper but less so in practice.


Edits: Typos/grammar

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The shouts are balanced. They become extremely good when Augury of Death is picked.


> - YSIM! is the best heal for Reaper (4700 HP + 8% LF every 17s in a 1v1 and 5000HP + 20% LF every 13s in a 5v5 (or vs. a mesmer) - you can basically use it after every shroud and it's almost impossible to interupt).

Dont agree on a few points, it not the best heal as offers 0 condi clear and considering repaers life force cost has increased since this shout entered the game and its life force gains on use have not i cant agree. In terms of a mesmer which is likely a mirage their condi pressure will melt every bit of hp you get back in the middle of a fight before you even even finish the after cast if not more (under confusion)

Generally YSIM is good in pve in pvp/wvw its pretty so so... generally the meta is too condi saturated for it right now.

> - CTTB! is strong and on top of that allows mind games like dodge baiting.

True i feel like just a tiny bit of QoL would make it better though.

> - SUFFER! has only minor effects but plenty of them, so the shout is extremely versatile (10 to 13% damage boost, condi transfer, CC, good to setup or prevent kiting).

Overall its not that great, reapers chill application is pretty low unless you heavily invest with curses and runes the damage bonus you are counting here is kind iffy and thats from a trait when looking at the shout itself and talking about the balance of it... its not very good. ITs chip damage with some condi clear that said its not uncommon to use this in a team fight and still not clear all condis on you as its max targets is 5 and its easy to have more than 5 condis on you at any given time.

> - NCSY! is a hardcounter to the whole guardian class and in general a nice 12% damage and 24% crit chance boost when Decimate Defenses is picked.

The cast time makes it pretty bad if the cast time was cut from this shout it would likely be used alot more. With it having a cast time it makes it hard to make its unblock-able effect actually usable on most other classes. Note if a shout is only good against 1 class then its not that great. Even so you once again applied a trait which is not part of the shout itself. Overall this shout could use some love and QoL. Most other unblockable skills/ attacks are pretty much instant for the event of countering sudden blocks. For someone to start using a block, you precive they are doing this and react (Which takes time no matter how fast you are) then start to use the skill which has a cast time then mount an attack simply takes too much time. Most blocks will have expired or nearly expired by this time. The only reason this does not apply to guardian is because their blocks have longer durations than most and their blocks come from a boon which often has a long duration. The idea that you in most cases need to throw this skill out semi blindly in guess that your foe might try to block makes it too situational and lowers its value in a utility slot. Its great if you guess right but oddly pointless if you guess wong against all other classes. Because of its design not allowing it to be an on reaction style skill its just not as good as you are making it out to be.

> - RISE! is a bit overnerfed (used to have a 40s cooldown in every game mode and a 50% damage reduction) and only niche these days but still great for minion masters.

Pointless shout in pvp, decent in pve still even if you are not a minion master. Ive use this to sustain heavy damage in t4 fractals when healing was a bit on the low side.

> - YAAW! is situational but can be a life saver (low cooldown stunbreak + weakness). It should have a 20s base cooldown to be in line with the other shouts. When Blighter's Boon was a thing the LF generation was nice.

This shout is average not good not bad just "good enough" Once again dont count traits as a part of the shout itself. ITs simply weakness, breakstun, and some might thats all.


> YSIM! and CTTB! + Augury of Death are a must pick in every single reaper build I use and I call viable. Consume Condition Reapers are freekills for every decent player. I do often use SUFFER! or NCSY! right next to Spectral Armor and Spectral Walk as 3rd utility skill.


Dont agree you will get melted by condi burst builds if you do this. With condi mirage and theif and firebrands all running strong condi specs right now its unwise to pinch all your clear on spectral walk alone.


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> @"InFamouz.4097" said:

> I was just wondering, why dosent Reaper shouts have the ammunition system like other classes, i mean Warriors have shake it off!! you guys think that the reaper shouts are too strong for that?


I think only a few of them could use ammo but not all of them. Suffer, you are all weaklings, and perhaps Nothing can save you provided its going to keep its cast time. The other shouts Rise, Your soul is mine, and Chill to the bone would be too strong for ammo i think.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"InFamouz.4097" said:

> > I was just wondering, why dosent Reaper shouts have the ammunition system like other classes, i mean Warriors have shake it off!! you guys think that the reaper shouts are too strong for that?


> I think only a few of them could use ammo but not all of them. Suffer, you are all weaklings, and perhaps Nothing can save you provided its going to keep its cast time. The other shouts Rise, Your soul is mine, and Chill to the bone would be too strong for ammo i think.


Ammo rise sounds so fun though...10 minion bananza

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