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New mount idea: The Spraider


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After wing 1-4 getting over 3 years old now...They get filled with webs around the areas and new creatures called the Spraiders ™ arrive. But because you and your group are awesome and eat bosses for breakfast, are going to kill King Spraider V to get rid of the infestation. You challenge the King (who btw is as hard as a boss) and when you are ready to strike the final blow, he surrenders asking to spare him and gives you his daughter, Spindesa, to do with her whatever you want. You now are able to make a treaty and the new race can now live peacefully in the sky and on the ground in the empty space next to Mathias. Special abilities of the Spraiders - shooting webs, making it able to skip some annoying pre-events (no more twisted castle if you are not seeking the legendary insight, no more river of souls if you don't want the divination etc.), maybe even skip a boss, going directly to another. You can even use auto-webbing that shoots you directly on the boss when all are ready... helpful on Twin Largos, Souless Horror. Basic skill 1 usage like Oakheart's Essence.

And there you go folks... now even raids have dedicated mount! You are welcome! ;)

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Devs didn't liked my spider princess picture so they deleted the post. :astonished:


If I'm not mistaken, Anet scrapped the idea of a spider mount, already, due to how widespread arachnophobia is. Unlikely, that they would get back on the idea and probably that's why they 'didn't like' your picture, either.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > Devs didn't liked my spider princess picture so they deleted the post. :astonished:


> If I'm not mistaken, Anet scrapped the idea of a spider mount, already, due to how widespread arachnophobia is. Unlikely, that they would get back on the idea and probably that's why they 'didn't like' your picture, either.


Yet at the same time you have this in Deepstone fractal


surrounded by other spiders around it.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > Devs didn't liked my spider princess picture so they deleted the post. :astonished:

> >

> > If I'm not mistaken, Anet scrapped the idea of a spider mount, already, due to how widespread arachnophobia is. Unlikely, that they would get back on the idea and probably that's why they 'didn't like' your picture, either.


> Yet at the same time you have this in Deepstone fractal

> https://66.media.tumblr.com/3c55bea2f8542ee16580efe416ee2e06/tumblr_pcdqxueb0O1whvitvo1_400.jpg

> surrounded by other spiders around it.


(I was already editing my previous comment, didn't expect this fast a response...)


It may very well be a copyright issue, given how the image shows an asset from another game, specifically WoW.


But whatever the reason for deleting your post may be, the fact remains that Anet will not create a spider mount. I'm not saying they won't make one for raids, but definitely not the one you are proposing.


Although, why anyone would want a mount in raids is beyond me. But since I don't do raids, in that regard it's a solid "whatever" from me.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > Devs didn't liked my spider princess picture so they deleted the post. :astonished:


> If I'm not mistaken, Anet scrapped the idea of a spider mount, already, due to how widespread arachnophobia is. Unlikely, that they would get back on the idea and probably that's why they 'didn't like' your picture, either.


A foolish decision imo.


I can't stand spiders in reality, but that doesn't translate to games.. I don't know anyone who can honestly say they get triggered by spiders in video games even if they freak them out in real life.


Gw2 already has large spiders and other arachnid/insectoid creatures as both ally and enemy so there's no reason the game can't have a spider mount, it's a silly excuse to blame arachnophobia for the mounts exclusion..

I myself am thalassophobic.. should anet remove all the water content from the game and NEVER!! create ocean maps for the Water Dragon story?


I'm seriosuly looking forward to getting there in Gw2, my thalassophobia if anything makes that kind of content even more exciting for me to play.

I've also been a vocal advocate for more underwater content and weapons for years!.


Subnautica is one of my favourite games released in recent years and that one did trigger my thalassophobia big time.. but it only added to the experience and made the experience of beating the game feel like more of an achievement.

Doesn't effect me anymore though due to familiarity with the game but the sequel game of which i'm not familiar with still does.

Arachnaphobes if anything will benefit from familiarity with spiders etc in video games, it certainly made me lesse freaked out by them even though I still don't like being too close to them.

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The next mount if anew one comes needs to be one that can handle the cold climate of the north.

The debuff from the strike disables mounts because it says its too cold for them. This makes me thing the next mount will be something we have never seen thats local to the far north only.

I dont think a spider of all things is the best choice

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> The next mount if anew one comes needs to be one that can handle the cold climate of the north.

> The debuff from the strike disables mounts because it says its too cold for them. This makes me thing the next mount will be something we have never seen thats local to the far north only.

> I dont think a spider of all things is the best choice


War dollyaks just saying.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > The next mount if anew one comes needs to be one that can handle the cold climate of the north.

> > The debuff from the strike disables mounts because it says its too cold for them. This makes me thing the next mount will be something we have never seen thats local to the far north only.

> > I dont think a spider of all things is the best choice


> War dollyaks just saying.


LOL only if a charr can fit on it properly :'D

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