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It's time to end the mixed server links experiment


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I feel that enough time has passed, we had 2 or 3 (can't remember exactly) bi-monthly world linking that have been mixed between the national and international servers.

The result of it is quite catastrophic, it's easy to see how the majority of national servers have completely depleted and hang about in the bottom tiers, while the international servers are losing activity due to players being stuck on servers they cannot communicate on.

With the next world linking around the corner, the situation at hand is that there is a 50% chance that me and my guild will be forced to transfer away from our linked server should it reach a national. This is the reality for most guilds that are on linked worlds.

Having experienced playing on a national server for a few months, the communities are nice and open but yet they serve (as they should) their own community by speaking their native languages in public squads, essentially leaving out a large part of the linked server.

Ending this will benefit all sides, so please let's get this experiment done and over with.


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> @"spindom.7865" said:

> The result of it is quite catastrophic, it's easy to see how the majority of national servers have completely depleted and hang about in the bottom tiers

... you mean the same majority of national servers that have hung around the bottom tiers for the past 1-2 years?

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> @"spindom.7865" said:

> I feel that enough time has passed, we had 2 or 3 (can't remember exactly) bi-monthly world linking that have been mixed between the national and international servers.

> The result of it is quite catastrophic, it's easy to see how the majority of national servers have completely depleted and hang about in the bottom tiers,


which has always been that way for the last - how many years? Always?


that said, my international server had been linked to two different german servers and the results have been quite pleasant. Communication not being a problem - everybody knows English. Or English AND German.


maybe you should be more specific about your complain? Because at the moment I do not see your problem AT ALL.


Btw, linked servers losing population to the host has always happened - and sometimes in the other direction has happened too. So again, I do not see your problem.

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> @"SloRules.3560" said:

> Spin... Why even bother?




Many players like Spin are trying to save their Long-Term EU ecosystem from collapsing. Our NA ecosystem has already collapsed & is currently experiencing an increased decline in population than normal. The EU ecosystem is on the same road to where the NA ecosystem traveled down. They say History repeats itself when we remain ignorant of our past.




The WvW game mode survived for long despite being starved of development because of the unique & separate ecosystems that were allowed to develop without Server/Language Linking.


I agree...Server/Language Linking needs to stop.


This kind of Linking only benefits the Sharks that get fed the "Baby Fish" in an effort to create a zerg-based feeding frenzy. In the end...the immature commanders/players get eaten alive & the natural ecosystem that took years to find a niche...collapses.


Don't try to indirectly fix our WvW game mode by creating "Better Teams" to fix this broken Fixed 3 way Match-Up design.


Instead, we need to fix the broken Match-Up design directly by replacing the Fixed 3 way fight model that only encourages the 800 pound Gorilla in the room scenario.


I know there's another way to fix our WvW game mode. A solution that saves Long-Term Communities & encourages Healthy Competition through a better Match-Up design with a different fight model.


Yes...please stop this vicious cycle that only encourages a faster population decline within our WvW ecosystems.




You can keep feeding the sharks & 800 pound Gorilla in the room, but you'll end up with a tank full of selfish veteran sharks feeding off each other & an 800 pound Gorilla in the room that continually begs to be opened in the Long-Term.


ANet needs to realize that their own prosperity & revenue will mirror this long-term declining population trend as the players that daily visited WvW stop coming & their gem purchases follow them out the door.


*Vicious & Un-Healthy cycle for the game mode.*


Yours truly,




Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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ill be pug manding more for nsp during sea time, but until 4pm server time.


so that gives me 2 to 4 hours of good wvw raid daily.


my work as upper mgt requires me to play with my irl pugs. =p


the solution to this game is instead of relinks. seasons.


think diablo 3. ppl can make a season character class. so players joining wvw seasons can duke it out hardcore.


they go to server a then fight b and c. so ppl not joining the seasons can continue with their pve etc.



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It's time for EU servers to be more tolerant. Stop being so racist and more accepting of the various cultures that inhabit EU. Why do you hate against the Spaniards, French, or English? Are they nazis? No they are humans like you and I! FREE EU, FREEDOM FOR ALL WVWERS!

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"spindom.7865" said:

> > The result of it is quite catastrophic, it's easy to see how the majority of national servers have completely depleted and hang about in the bottom tiers

> ... you mean the same majority of national servers that have hung around the bottom tiers for the past 1-2 years?


It was never as bad as it is now

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really? I seem to remember that before the national-link-only system was broken up, the only german speaking server who ever got out of T5 was Riverside? There were even threads back in 2017 about all the german servers being stuck at the bottom. And the french did not do too well either. BB ever got away from T5 hell because of their insane night capping.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> It's time for EU servers to be more tolerant. Stop being so racist and more accepting of the various cultures that inhabit EU. Why do you hate against the Spaniards, French, or English? Are they kitten? No they are humans like you and I! FREE EU, FREEDOM FOR ALL WVWERS!


Im no wacist, i just hate everybody equally.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> when u transfer because of game design flaws u are paying Anet to continue their mistakes.


I have to agree with this statement.


Also far as the new "Restructure" goes. I honestly think ANet is flat out lying about it at this point. If they are not lying about it. Then I expect to see it maybe after Star Citizen releases. If GW2 and ANet is even still around then.


Far as realistic hope goes. We are waiting for a group of Devs. to start a Realm v Realm Kickstarter project. Other than that, RvR is just a nice thing of the past that is no-loner supported by any current gaming company.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> +1 for ending. It only has decreased the player count and increased the toxic-feeling by +300%


hm, don't see any increase in toxicity. In fact, the links with dzagonur and kodash have been the least toxic links we had in AGES. Compared to those two, most previous links to other 'international' servers have been forced marches through hell. Destination: salt mine.


Maybe the lack of toxic chat behaviour is a reason why wvw is at least enjoyable at the moment. I would not mind to be linked with a german server again. Another round of Kodash? Maybe Elona? I do not care actually. Or maybe a link with Baruch? Try the french?

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