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Daily Raid Rewards

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What are some thoughts from other raiders about a raid daily system similar to what fractals has? What should it look like? How should the rewards be?


Currently the game’s rewards are inversely proportionate to the effort needed. Brain dead, face roll content such as Dragonfall and Lab are highly rewarding whereas you get blues/greens after you’ve already killed the boss for the week. You’d think the most challenging content in the game would be among the most rewarding but it’s currently among the least rewarding.


While this won’t solve the issue with the lack of new content, it could alleviate the issue in not feeling rewarded enough to do raids after you’ve already obtained all of the other rewards. Raids currently feels like what fractals would be if you couldn’t earn as much gold from it.


I’m just trying to think of ways to get players to do raids after they have no desire for Legendaries as well as to continue doing raids throughout the week after they’ve already gotten their kill.




Edit: Another potential issue would be the need to reset the clear status of a wing (not the weekly rewards). This way if someone has cleared wing 5 on Monday, they can reset that clear status so it can be cleared again without having to find an opener.

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This would breed "elitism". If raids had dailies that means you want to perfect your speedruns with no space for mistakes and learning. Something this community despises. Sure I would be fine with it since I had reason to login into this game more than once a week. But would everybody else be happy with it? They removed precursor drops from raids for the same reason they didn't implement weekly CMs or dailies. God forbid earning too much gold from doing raids.

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> This would breed "elitism". If raids had dailies that means you want to perfect your speedruns with no space for mistakes and learning. Something this community despises. Sure I would be fine with it since I had reason to login into this game more than once a week. But would everybody else be happy with it? They removed precursor drops from raids for the same reason they didn't implement weekly CMs or dailies. God forbid earning too much gold from doing raids.


No more elitism than T4 fractals. There’s the LFG for those that don’t want to be ultra efficient as they can create their own group.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > This would breed "elitism". If raids had dailies that means you want to perfect your speedruns with no space for mistakes and learning. Something this community despises. Sure I would be fine with it since I had reason to login into this game more than once a week. But would everybody else be happy with it? They removed precursor drops from raids for the same reason they didn't implement weekly CMs or dailies. God forbid earning too much gold from doing raids.


> No more elitism than T4 fractals.

Full raid clear takes a lot more time than t4 dailies do - and the time differential between a good group and an average one (to say nothing of those below average) is also much greater in raids than fractals.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > No more elitism than T4 fractals.

> Full raid clear takes a lot more time than t4 dailies do - and the time differential between a good group and an average one (to say nothing of those below average) is also much greater in raids than fractals.



That depends on how many wings will be in the "daily" and then of course which wings. And since the suggestion is about those that got the other Raid rewards already, to keep them playing the game in the long run, I see no problem with group skill. Groups taking advantage of this would've already finished the Raid wings anyway. Maybe even unlock this new reward system -after- someone gets at least one set of legendary armor? And by rewards meaning something that makes Raids more rewarding in general, no unique skins or things like that. Because once you get the unique rewards, Raid rewards are beyond horrible.


As for the suggestion itself, since Raids reset weekly, it might be better to have a "weekly" instead of a daily, like select a few wings every week to give some extra rewards.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > This would breed "elitism". If raids had dailies that means you want to perfect your speedruns with no space for mistakes and learning. Something this community despises. Sure I would be fine with it since I had reason to login into this game more than once a week. But would everybody else be happy with it? They removed precursor drops from raids for the same reason they didn't implement weekly CMs or dailies. God forbid earning too much gold from doing raids.

> >

> > No more elitism than T4 fractals.

> Full raid clear takes a lot more time than t4 dailies do - and the time differential between a good group and an average one (to say nothing of those below average) is also much greater in raids than fractals.



Yes a full clear would require more time as you’re having to complete significantly more content than what’s required for fractals. With having to do much more, it’s no surprise that the disparity of different skilled groups in completing the content will vary more.


What does this have to do with my post you quoted or this thread?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> As for the suggestion itself, since Raids reset weekly, it might be better to have a "weekly" instead of a daily, like select a few wings every week to give some extra rewards.



It gives 2g extra on each boss kill and not sure if it gives anything else, so perhaps it could be buffed

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > No more elitism than T4 fractals.

> > Full raid clear takes a lot more time than t4 dailies do - and the time differential between a good group and an average one (to say nothing of those below average) is also much greater in raids than fractals.

> >


> That depends on how many wings will be in the "daily" and then of course which wings. And since the suggestion is about those that got the other Raid rewards already, to keep them playing the game in the long run, I see no problem with group skill. Groups taking advantage of this would've already finished the Raid wings anyway. Maybe even unlock this new reward system -after- someone gets at least one set of legendary armor? And by rewards meaning something that makes Raids more rewarding in general, no unique skins or things like that. Because once you get the unique rewards, Raid rewards are beyond horrible.


> As for the suggestion itself, since Raids reset weekly, it might be better to have a "weekly" instead of a daily, like select a few wings every week to give some extra rewards.


I suggested daily rewards simply to give players incentive to do raids beyond their initial clear of the week. Currently the only reward for subsequent clears are blues and greens. Weekly rewards does not offer a solution to this and they already exist.


My thoughts would be a single wing with bonus rewards if doing a CM. Another thought would be to just allow players to open a raid instance up to the boss of choice and then randomize three bosses to beat for the day. Or something else entirely. As it stands right now, raids are one of the least rewarding pieces of content beyond the initial clear or if you have everything compared to the challenge they impose whereas you have these open world farms that yields 25+ g/hr that only require a few brain cells to do and without any risk.

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Is the issue you are tyring to solve being "no reason to do raids more than once per week" or "no reason to raid at all"?


Dailies may help with the former, i doubt it will help with the latter unless the reward pool/system is changed from an extent ranging from higher currency cap, to complete revamp of raid reward system. The same unrewarding loot pool gives players no more reason to do it multple times per week, as it does any reason for people to do it only once (i don't know how to word this less confusingly so sorry if that doesn't make sense ^^; )


I personally don't think raids should be farmable, but i can see dailies yeah. Depending on implementation of restting instances, either 1 wing per day, or, a random cluster of bosses but prevents access to other bosses in the wing unless the first boss was chosen. (eg. daily gorseval, you clear gorseval and it counts for the weekly, but cannot do sabetha. but daily soulless horror, you clear SH and can go onto river just fine.) - I feel like in general we should have the option to choose instances for any boss we have already cleared that week, but i can see why anet might not want people to skip ahead to the wing boss without having done the other bosses first without intentionally agreeing to do so.


I think daily rewards should be another try at what little exclusive loot we have, tbh.

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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> Is the issue you are tyring to solve being "no reason to do raids more than once per week" or "no reason to raid at all"?


> Dailies may help with the former, i doubt it will help with the latter unless the reward pool/system is changed from an extent ranging from higher currency cap, to complete revamp of raid reward system. The same unrewarding loot pool gives players no more reason to do it multple times per week, as it does any reason for people to do it only once (i don't know how to word this less confusingly so sorry if that doesn't make sense ^^; )


> I personally don't think raids should be farmable, but i can see dailies yeah. Depending on implementation of restting instances, either 1 wing per day, or, a random cluster of bosses but prevents access to other bosses in the wing unless the first boss was chosen. (eg. daily gorseval, you clear gorseval and it counts for the weekly, but cannot do sabetha. but daily soulless horror, you clear SH and can go onto river just fine.) - I feel like in general we should have the option to choose instances for any boss we have already cleared that week, but i can see why anet might not want people to skip ahead to the wing boss without having done the other bosses first without intentionally agreeing to do so.


> I think daily rewards should be another try at what little exclusive loot we have, tbh.


The former but I’m sure any daily system that improves that aspect will ultimately improve the latter too.


Just look at fractals. What drives players to do them every day? It’s the daily rewards which allow them to make gold. That’s more or less what I’m suggesting and not a means to get existing rewards faster and then running out of reasons to do raids daily making the solution pretty much a non solution.

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well, if raids are going to have a daily system, the very first thing Anet will need to do is implement a system that allows you to open a raid instance even after you have already cleared it. Currently, after you kill a boss, the only way to fight that boss again is to have some other account open it for you.


This has been a problem for years, and Anet has never even bothered to address it despite the fact that with the existence of achievements and challenge motes it is a desperately needed system. Get that implemented first and then maybe Anet could try to make a daily system happen.


But I highly doubt you will ever get either. I mean, just look at cutscenes. After tons of complaining Anet finally made the story in wing 4 skippable, only to have completely reveresed that mentality by the time they made wing 7. It's clear Anet doesn't design raids with weekly clears in mind, let alone daily clears.

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They would have to change the very basic framework to allow for retrying instances before the weekly reset - after all you would need new characters everyday otherwise to open the instance.


With this in mind, I guess a separate chest from the weekly ones would be OK, it would generally have to [probably] look like the following:


- a **single** wing per day, so as to not alienate players and cause burnout from daily full clear attempts;

- meaningful gold-to-wing ratio that takes into account an actual average completion time and not what speedrunners would achieve (i.e assume this is the only daily content a medium-range player will be able to do at a given day - will this player actually want the attempt?);

- give out rewards per boss instead of a full daily chest at the very end. There is no preferred order of fighting bosses if players can leave groups and rejoin others that are in different stages of the wing, and the reward structure would have to follow this and keep daily chests contained to individual bosses;

- there is a magnetite/gaeting cap in place and so the daily raid chests would need to give other kinds of item. Perhaps valuable junk like fractal encryptions would do, but it would be interesting if we also had a chance to get any item available at the corresponding wing's merchant, as well as the usual chance for precursors and so on. Perhaps even make it so that _any_ item from every wing's merchants can be acquired alongside the sellable junk. Absolutely they should not give out collection items such as LI though.

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