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Boonbeast is god tier in Zergs


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I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.

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I mean. This has always been the case. The issue has always been that


1. Rangers don't scale with numbers. 20 rangers pew pewing a zerg is basically as effective as 2 or 3 is.

2. Rangers don't need the zerg, they can operate outside of the squad just as effectively. You self generate basically every boon you need, the only thing you really gain is some sustain to let you melee push which you don't have to do anyway (and other classes do happen to do better at).

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> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.


Yeah since they trash canned Cor I just been useless on burn dh. Just going to refuse to play rev and I encourage any other hammer revs to do the same. This is what they wanted, less hammer revs, let them complain about the next thing that kills their amazing facetank builds.


Just play stuff like burn dh, scourge, trap rangers, pistol thieves and any other garbage that you wanted to but we're told "hammer rev". And don't play it zerker, play it trailblazers, pvt, nomads and such, be as worthless as possible rofl.


Ya know, this is what it has come to, play what you want and hf. Equal opportunity means nothing to them.

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Weaver in zerg fights are one trick ponies with meteorshower.


They are far from dps classes.



Hammer rev is a boon bot with 3 good aoe ranged skills tacked on. (Hammer)


None of them have anything todo with dps.



And NOBODY says soulbeast is bad.


It takes alot more skill to play.


And 99% of rangers in wvw are absolute trash and would more usefull on easymode scourge.




But gratz on out dps ing 2 builds who main focus is short bursts.




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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> > I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.


> Yeah since they trash canned Cor I just been useless on burn dh. Just going to refuse to play rev and I encourage any other hammer revs to do the same. This is what they wanted, less hammer revs, let them complain about the next thing that kills their amazing facetank builds.


> Just play stuff like burn dh, scourge, trap rangers, pistol thieves and any other garbage that you wanted to but we're told "hammer rev". And don't play it zerker, play it trailblazers, pvt, nomads and such, be as worthless as possible rofl.


> Ya know, this is what it has come to, play what you want and hf. Equal opportunity means nothing to them.


People still QQ on Cor?


Rev Hammer is busted...cheesy and encourages bad gameplay

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> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.


You seem like you’re just emoting because of the change to CoR.


Rev has been, and still is, meta in wvw since launch, unlike any Ranger builds. Rev builds can bring more consistent boons to teams in wvw, plus can have a lot of damage to back it up. And if you think CoR (on a 4s recharge timer) hitting for a ton of damage (My buddy got hit with a 17k CoR before and we didn’t even see the skill effect) didn’t need a look at, then you are the type of person who doesn’t really care about balance or looking at the bigger picture. And I feel that’s the case considering your opening statement... “ I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such”.


Does Revenant need improvements in some areas? Sure they do, just like all professions, but you won’t get sympathy from the crowd that can be objective on the topic of rev hammer.

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> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.

Is this a meme?

Boonbeast is trash in zerg play.

- GS autos are very random and sluggish, you depend on maul every 5s to do melee damage.

- Axe is a projectile weapon as such gets reflected\blocked\obstructed most of the time.

- You only can use plasma when you are not in combat as you risk the enemy taking it.

- your boons are not shared and a simple corruption will destroy you as you depend on the existing boons to bounce them.


Like seriously where do you play?



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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > riffle berzerker <3 fun fun


> I made up a cheese build thats a 1 trick pony last night (intentionally) with rifle, and if/when I nail the burst, holy geebus that damage. Had to play in a small group so i'm a little less noticeable lol.


i do remember a condi build for rifle too, but i dont know if it will work still.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > riffle berzerker <3 fun fun

> >

> > I made up a cheese build thats a 1 trick pony last night (intentionally) with rifle, and if/when I nail the burst, holy geebus that damage. Had to play in a small group so i'm a little less noticeable lol.


> i do remember a condi build for rifle too, but i dont know if it will work still.


I vaguely remember...i believe it was a berzerker (Gun Flame). I miss the old condi LB build from yesteryears

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> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.


Lel. This post is full of salt.

Also, you prolly didnt even kill the weaver, downed him from max range, he vapors away and gets rezzed. Great support wow. Stating that you supported your zerg like that more than support firebrands do... Has to be a troll.

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> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.


I'll out DPS any player on any build by camping an AC, but am unlikely to down (nevermind defeat) the same number of enemy players as I could on my Herald. Total damage done is a meaningless statistic.


> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

>don't understand anything about the game mode.


This part of your statement would normally be highly ironic, except these are the ANET forums, so it pretty much just meets expectations.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:


> This part of your statement would normally be highly ironic, except these are the ANET forums, so it pretty much just meets expectations.


Have to agree

While theoretically a high support comp is very strong and some groups DO play extremely well, most pug support are there to _not die_ and aren't contributing much else.

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> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> I used to be a meta monkey

Everyone who follows the "Three Golden Rules of the Zergling" . . .

1. Com dictates your builds

2. Com dictates your movement

3. Com dictates your skill usage

. . . becomes a braindead meta monkey. Thats just natural, when you are told over and over again to do 1-3 above. (In fact its not that one dictatoresque Com that dictates 1-3, but the believe in an idealized Meta that doesn't really work in casual public zergs, but hey)


And this happens when you suddenly turn your brainses on again:

A) if you play a lot in zerg and fight guild, get lots of practise with Meta builds and your team mates

-> makes sense to play Meta, cause it works then

.B) if you just play from time to time and thus wont get on that level of A)

-> try alternate builds / tactics that work for you as a casual player, and work with you as a casual player for your team


> @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.

Uhhm, would say they just don't understand (or don't want to or just don't care about) the concept of casual play and how fundamental it is in an open-world WvW mode (even if you click in just for the fights).

Those Coms want to command, but one can't command a disperse cloud -> no use for rangers and such

They want to command, but one can't command a squad with 50 different builds -> no use for rangers and such

They want to improve and improve and improve themselves and their teammates -> but you can't reach the Top 10% with SlB and cloud and such


So I wouldn't count on Coms to tell you alternate builds, even if those builds work well in zergs (in small doses). Though, still worth it to at least give those meta builds a try, you never know, at least if your teammates are good enough to carry your loot-baggy-baggy-Scourge, while you roll your face over your keyboard :p


But something tells me that those problems will all disappear when alliances are let loose . . . :#


[*any content in this post that may imply that all Coms and Meta are pure evil may be left to the interpretation of the reader ;) ]

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This is why most people don't understand proper comps or builds, and just look at DPS counters. How much DPS you do can be meaningless to the other zerg, and someone who did half your DPS could be FAR more valuable to the group than you are. Why you ask? Well with support where it is, constant range attacks that are absorbed by the constant boons and healing mean nothing, as it gets no downs. However a single timed spike burst that gets 6 downs means far more than your extended over all DPS.


You can see this even in PvP where it gives you over all match stats where someone on a more support build has higher total damage than a burst spec, reason being is because the support build had extended fights as they were harder to kill and hitting the other player like a wet noodle the other player was able to heal through it, while the burst spec on the team, fights were instant or very short, so the only DPS seen is from the burst that downed someone in less than 5 seconds.


This is why a DPS meter without context does not mean ANYTHING in how effective a build or play style is. Because you can come out on top with highest DPS and highest healing in a match and still be the most useless person on the team.


Yes, Boonbeast 1vs1 is easy mode and very strong, but as someone else said, it does not scale well past a given point, big time with all of the random projectile hate.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Jakkun.4561" said:

> > I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.


> You seem like you’re just emoting because of the change to CoR.


> Rev has been, and still is, meta in wvw since launch, unlike any Ranger builds. Rev builds can bring more consistent boons to teams in wvw, plus can have a lot of damage to back it up. And if you think CoR (on a 4s recharge timer) hitting for a ton of damage (My buddy got hit with a 17k CoR before and we didn’t even see the skill effect) didn’t need a look at, then you are the type of person who doesn’t really care about balance or looking at the bigger picture. And I feel that’s the case considering your opening statement... “ I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such”.


> Does Revenant need improvements in some areas? Sure they do, just like all professions, but you won’t get sympathy from the crowd that can be objective on the topic of rev hammer.


Ya I remember how Rev was meta waaaaay before HoT came out. Practically carried the gamemode at launch. /s


Jokes aside wasn't it that rev started to become Meta like maybe a year after HoT when condi started to pick up. So everyone brought a rev because of resistance spam and then necros started targeting revs with epidemic. So Anet changed epi to not effect targets with resistance. Also hammer rev was never really a problem because nobody outside of KeK used it due to unstoppable melee ball aegis protection spam.


So actually I kind of got a question... if you could see the skill (CoR) coming and couldn't dodge or block it due to some error you made earlier how much damage would you find reasonable to take as punishment assuming you were full zerk or full minstral and the attacker was full zerker with no might at medium range. (average)

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