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7 Reasons I'm Done With Ranked After Playing Since Season 2

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Not saying that I am, nor encouraging people to quit the game. I'm just done with Ranked Arena. Even with long intermittent breaks it's just grown boring and mentally draining, and I cannot push myself to do it. Going to drop all the reasons I feel that way in the hope that maybe at least one of these change, and to get a sense of whether or not these are real problems or just me. Fair warning, it's a mouthful.


**1) Neglect**


No new content, low-rate meh-quality balance patches, and little to no communication back and forth between Arenanet and the community. I feel like Arenanet needs to be more open with what they're doing with PvP. Even if the answer is nothing, getting any answer at all is better than total radio silence. A stronger forum-presence would probably help with giving patch previews that the community actually has enough time to react to, and enough time to give feedback on. With a stronger presence, even if someone did get burned by something; an official developer response really does a lot to end potential conflict and toxicity before it starts because there really is no word as absolute as Arenanet's when it comes to _their game._


**2) Toxicity, No Competition, and Participation Awards**


I feel like Ranked as it is now encourages people to play as casually as possible to the extent that they don't even play at all a lot of the time. The pips towards chests attract a lot of people who couldn't care any less about the competition or the fact that it's ranked, but just snagging those pips towards chests. Even worse is the immovable manipulative top players, who exploit every tool at their disposal to ensure they never get matched against other top players, but against these casual farmers as often as possible.


I often feel like a sandwiched minority in that I don't claim to be super great at the game, but I still play with some expectation of fair skill-based matchmaking. I often see people in that same upper-middle level of play getting burnt out the quickest because they're stuck between two extremes that both share the quality of being totally apathetic to the competition. One by intentionally throwing games, and another by being exploitative and overly opportunistic.


One easy way to fix this would be to make pips a reward for winning rather than a participation award. Another is limiting some of the ways top players metagame to gain an in-game advantage which i'll go on to talk about.


**3) Egotism and Manipulation**


Huge killer for me in the end. Gw2's Ranked Arena is unique, in that i've never player a game that gave me a sense of there being a game played at a higher level within the game I was playing. It always seemed, and still seems like there's some vain power struggle going on in the highest ranks. I've even had someone throw a game I was in because a known wintrader, so infamous was on our team; that they wanted to idle solely to make that person lose rank. Unfortunately, that same person has like 5 other alt accounts all hogging top 10 spots, but that's a perfect example of why this is so wrong and so big.


Not saying that all top players do this, but it's blatantly obvious that at least a handful of top players owe their success to playing in the most dishonest exploitative ways possible, some of which; shouldn't even be allowed.


When people who average gold and low-plat ratings with even winrates suddenly jump up to snag top leaderboard positions with 80-90% winrates, then drop off the moment new titles come out; replaced by players with actual history, but very similar winrates, is that not even slightly suspicious? Is there any sort of investigation going on there? We can't tell if we don't get word back.


Also kind of unfair how people are getting banned permanently for match manipulation on EU, but there's been others on NA who have been temporarily suspended for doing the same thing. Don't get me wrong, a permaban was the right action; the best action, but It should be a perma ban either way for the amount of effort match manipulation takes just to ruin the game for other people. There is no reason for anyone to get away with an offense like that.


**4) Metagaming**


This does not mean playing a meta build. By metagaming _I mean going outside the game to seek an advantage within_. This goes back to manipulation and overly opportunistic predatory tactics that ultimately result in wins against the least competition possible.


Some ways people do this: Queing in the off-times, DuoQing for numbers, queue-dodging, alt accounts, class switching, DuoQing with someone leagues below you to bring down your Duo's average rating MMR. Pretty much anything that makes it easier to queue-snipe lower-rated players, and especially those mules I described earlier that play purely for the pip-rewards.


For other ways people achieve this, and for why this is bad for competition; Woodenpotatoes actually made a really informative video that goes into more detail called "Getting Rank 1 Legend & Leaderboard Worth"


I think that PvP should only be about PvP. These stat games being played just to massively inflate people's ratings are; in my opinion, ruining the game. I don't see the point in just queuing up to try my skill and improve when i'm consistently getting matched with people more concerned with queue-sniping and metagaming than they are with just playing the game.


I actually hate this stat game of shining up kitten and calling it gold so X's ego gets stroked, and X is left with every top title at the end of every season while the rest of us are pretty much forced to play into their intricate metagame where good players can choose not to be matched against other good players. This has not been a problem i've encountered in any other competitive scene and i've played a lot of competitive games where there was people or entire divisions above me. Something has clearly gone wrong with Gw2 to have it happening at this scale.


**5) DuoQ/Merged Queues**


_Enter DuoQ:_ This is the ultimate tool for match manipulation and metagaming. By removing DuoQ or splitting teams into their own separate queue from SoloQ(which I think is the better option), you would simultaneously remove most of, if not all the metagaming cheese that has ruined Ranked Arena.


Merged queues have no place in this game though. Some people prefer DuoQ, and I get that. There is a small number of people who really do only want to DuoQ just to play with friends. I'd say the amount of people who exploit DuoQ is actually really small in comparison, and that's why i'm for splitting the queues rather than restricting it again.


Not saying SoloQ is perfect; it's far from it, but when everyone is guaranteed a similar level of coordination, wintrading and metagaming become almost non-existent. With merged queues, the DuoQ always has the advantage. Two people can pretty much hand-select who they want in their game and on what team with the way Gw2 matchmaking works. With split queues, the only thing you choose is whether to queue into Solos or queue into Teams.


I have another thread talking about this here: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/84034/why-duoq-should-be-removed-for-season-18-and-never-come-back/p1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/84034/why-duoq-should-be-removed-for-season-18-and-never-come-back/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/84034/why-duoq-should-be-removed-for-season-18-and-never-come-back/p1")


**6) Ranked is Fundamentally Broken**


The way ranked operates is pretty dated and some things need updating such as:


•The way rating is awarded/taken away is total RNG when it should be skill based, represented by your contributions in a match. A player sitting in spawn having a tantrum shouldn't lose the same or even less than the 4 teammates left to 4v5.

•Win and loss streaks should be accounted for when rating is being added/taken away with winstreaks awarding more and loss streaks taking away more.

•The scoreboard should better reflect what actually goes on in a conquest game.

•There should be a limit on far apart two ratings can queue together. Right now the lowest rated player in the game could queue with the highest, and I shouldn't have to explain how that's broken. Contrary to popular belief, the game does NOT use the rating of the highest rated player in a Duo, but an average of the two ratings.

•The decay rate is pretty harsh. A week would be better than starting after 72 hours.


7) Balance


Not going to highlight this one.


The game is balanced poorly right now. That's really all there is to say until changes start getting polled to us, or we get some type of feedback. I know Arenanet can do better because they have done better in the past. I feel like the balance updates have been consistently bad on purpose to distract people from these other issues i've mentioned and which I consider to be more important.


I might get angry at something. I might consider what killed me just now to be overpowered, but what i'm most concerned with is the person sitting in my spawn saying "gg" after the first midfight, and a top 10 player DuoQ'd with some alt i've never heard of on the other team thinking "How did the matchmaker figure this one?" After all, balance has been bad for ages, but I didn't start worrying about the latter until the end of Season 12. I think if we were really all that bothered about balance, those that remain would have stopped playing ages ago.


That and I know people tend to get a little livid when debating about balance in this game. I'd rather see that energy go into making changes that'd benefit us al- Wait hold on. Just got killed by a Tempest. I need to go make another equally long thread on why Tempest is overpowered. Better wrap this up quick.




Ranked Arena is a manipulated mess of a gamemode right now.


I hope this resonated with some people. I hope more that some of these concerns actually get addressed so I can go back to playing and enjoying it instead of complaining about why I can't.









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I think that just obtaining any top 250 title is good enough it shows you are capable and is do-able from any decent player.. but of course people are going to obsess over the higher ones.


Anyways these points could be made over any other season of PvP every season has a huge handful of players complaining about the balance.


Personally I like ranked because it offers more of a thrilling toxic experience which somehow makes it addicting plus you get paired up with similar rating players which gives the matches a bit more of an exciting flare unlike unranked. The PvP mode doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be entertaining which is what you get even though there's an aura of toxicity when things go wrong but I don't mind it at all. The making gold is fine with me cause I really find PvE really boring as far as farming goes and the population has shrunk so we need that lure for new players.

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> @"Sovari.7246" said:

> I think that just obtaining any top 250 title is good enough it shows you are capable and is do-able from any decent player.. but of course people are going to obsess over the higher ones.


> Anyways these points could be made over any other season of PvP every season has a huge handful of players complaining about the balance.


> Personally I like ranked because it offers more of a thrilling toxic experience which somehow makes it addicting plus you get paired up with similar rating players which gives the matches a bit more of an exciting flare unlike unranked. The PvP mode doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be entertaining which is what you get even though there's an aura of toxicity when things go wrong but I don't mind it at all. The making gold is fine with me cause I really find PvE really boring as far as farming goes and the population has shrunk so we need that lure for new players.


Totally agree for the most part, that's why I say these things. Ranked is the main-stay hardcore mode. People only play unranked to test builds and joke around. It doesn't really give people much reason to commit to learning PvP. That's what purpose ranked is meant to serve.


And I think I know what you mean about that excitement from the inherent toxicity that comes with playing ranked in any game. I just isn't there with GW2, or at t he very least; isn't as brotherly. I don't know about you, but I don't find it all that thrilling when either team loses the first midfight and then that team has a very real chance of having a player quit and sit in spawn. Everything about that makes Ranked look terrible and unappealing.

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No new content - ? I want spit watch map also in ranked too.

this is pvp - people a content. Any new some map some machnic can only distrub.


balance patches a great, fun, some unpredictable. Also I have a rule - if I think that some class and build is overpowered - I play only wiht this class/build. In 100% have no luck(this eason is ended in silver) and again sure that balance is good.


Toxicity - now game on screen I see only Guild chat. white/map/team chat a disabled. Don't see any Toxicity.


>who exploit every tool at their disposal to ensure they never get matched against other top players

this is hard word, but not exploit. Welcome in mmp wrold.


Egotism and Manipulation - and this is normal last few thousend years. If you find for youself some parales in game - this is only shadow of life.


>When people who average gold and low-plat ratings with even winrates suddenly jump up to snag top leaderboard positions with 80-90% winrates, then drop off the moment new titles come out; replaced by players with actual history, but very similar winrates, is that not even slightly suspicious?

no suspicious, we should be happy that this is interesting for that person my opinion.


> Queing in the off-times, DuoQing for numbers, queue-dodging, alt accounts, class switching,//

What ??? don't see any bad in class switching. During que people as me open map, or do hearts, or ets. Waiting can be 1-10 minutes. Or you suggest that que time stand in Lion Arch ? No way. If you think that someone do class switching only hurt you - no, it is not for you in 99.99999999%.


> DuoQ/Merged Queues

I like DuoQ. Some people ask QuadQ. And QuadQ is not will be good I think. But may be QuadQ is good. This is MMO or single alone game? (this question you can include in most questions "why")



wvw is great.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:


> **6) Ranked is Fundamentally Broken**

> ---------------------------------------------------

> The way ranked operates is pretty dated and some things need updating such as:


> •The way rating is awarded/taken away is total RNG when it should be skill based, represented by your contributions in a match. A player sitting in spawn having a tantrum shouldn't lose the same or even less than the 4 teammates left to 4v5.

> •Win and loss streaks should be accounted for when rating is being added/taken away with winstreaks awarding more and loss streaks taking away more.

> •The scoreboard should better reflect what actually goes on in a conquest game.

> •There should be a limit on far apart two ratings can queue together. Right now the lowest rated player in the game could queue with the highest, and I shouldn't have to explain how that's broken. Contrary to popular belief, the game does NOT use the rating of the highest rated player in a Duo, but an average of the two ratings.

> •The decay rate is pretty harsh. A week would be better than starting after 72 hours.


I think one of the other problems is how points gain/loss is decided after a match.


My understanding of the system is that it compares the player's individual MMR against the average MMR of the enemy team to decide point loss/gain.


This means that you can have some games that are actually quite hard to win, which have a bad potential gain/loss ratio. If your team's average MMR is lower than the enemy team, but your MMR is higher, this generally means you've got a hard game on your hands: the expectation is that the enemy team is stronger than yours, and as one of the better players on your team (possibly the best) you probably need to be at your best to carry your team. However, if you succeed, you get a fairly mediocre gain, and if you fail, you can lose a lot. Conversely, in the reverse situation, you probably don't really need to play at your best to be carried to a win by your teammates, but you'll get a lot in the likely case that you'll win.


For those who _aren't_ playing the metagame, I think this is responsible for a lot of variation in skill levels within a tier. A string of games where you're expected to carry an uncarryable team can send someone into a lower division than they really should be (usually resulting in a relatively swift climb back up, but in the meantime, the players of that division who face them are going to have a bad time), while a string of games where someone is the weakest player in a team that carries them could pull them higher than they belong, becoming a burden on their teams.


As long as the other problems aren't dealt with, this does have the advantage of meaning that top players who play the "duoqueue with a friend's smurf account" game and do manage to lose get punished, but if that sort of manipulation could be stopped, I'd like to see gain/loss based on the comparison between team averages, not on the comparison of the player's rating with the other team's average.


(Incidentally, regarding your first point: Ideally, it should work that way, but the problem is finding a means of judging contribution that avoids people playing the algorithm without playing the game. Sure, staying in spawn is generally not contributing, but consider, for instance, sitting on a point your team owns when you're not currently under attack. I've seen games where that behaviour has won the game, and I've seen games where it's lost the game.)

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> ??? another qq post


Too predictable.


> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> If you're done with it since season 2, how come you're still here posting about it 15 seasons later?


You're reading it wrong. Done with ranked now, been playing since Season 2.


Unless that's meant to be a joke on "why am I still here?" Which, i'll give you that one. I don't have any solid answer to that, but that would also make me wonder why you're still here asking me the same question.


> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Wow, it took you some time bro, youre quite persistent one

> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> 15 season later to make a QQ post. Part of me believe you still play rank and only made this post to attempt to have the forum monkeys agree with you?


I waited because there's been points in time I wouldn't complain. I found the game pretty fun at certain intervals. Right when HoT was released was a pretty good time. I thought Seasons 9-12 were pretty decent too. Point being, I don't think the game was perpetually awful like most the people who still play it say. There's a point where the wave broke and started rolling back. I think that will differ for everyone, for me it was Season 13. So I really only ended up waiting 5 seasons, and I only ended up playing through like 2 of them all the way.

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> @"xenon.3264" said:

> I play ranked just for the reward . I do one or two matches a day and complete my dailies for 2 gold. PvP are one of the fasters to be completed

> I agree with you but the keyboa ignoring everyone


I can totally see why you do that, but I can't support that.


If those rewards were only given for winning in ranked, I wouldn't mind because it would force you to learn to play competitively or otherwise get nothing. I think unranked would be a better place for grinding out rewards and pips would work much better there. In ranked; where people are meant to be competing, I hope you can see how this isn't healthy having a bunch of people who don't care at all just farming away at rewards amidst people actually trying to climb the ladder.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> I think one of the other problems is how points gain/loss is decided after a match.


> My understanding of the system is that it compares the player's individual MMR against the average MMR of the enemy team to decide point loss/gain.


> This means that you can have some games that are actually quite hard to win, which have a bad potential gain/loss ratio. If your team's average MMR is lower than the enemy team, but your MMR is higher, this generally means you've got a hard game on your hands: the expectation is that the enemy team is stronger than yours, and as one of the better players on your team (possibly the best) you probably need to be at your best to carry your team. However, if you succeed, you get a fairly mediocre gain, and if you fail, you can lose a lot. Conversely, in the reverse situation, you probably don't really need to play at your best to be carried to a win by your teammates, but you'll get a lot in the likely case that you'll win.


> For those who _aren't_ playing the metagame, I think this is responsible for a lot of variation in skill levels within a tier. A string of games where you're expected to carry an uncarryable team can send someone into a lower division than they really should be (usually resulting in a relatively swift climb back up, but in the meantime, the players of that division who face them are going to have a bad time), while a string of games where someone is the weakest player in a team that carries them could pull them higher than they belong, becoming a burden on their teams.



Totally right, that's exactly how it works. It's super common that you get put into carry roles that often lead to really difficult and intense games because the population is pretty low, but the reward for turning those games around pretty much singlehandedly is a big fat +8 or +9; which immediately ruins the satisfaction. If you play often, you'll know from experience that losing a game like that would probably deduct anywhere from 14-16 rating.


Another thing I mentioned was win/loss streaks. It's incredibly difficult to string together wins in this game if you play honestly, yet when you do; you only increase your rating to put a larger skill gap between you and the population of players. Gw2 is probably the only game where you gain less for winning more which leads to a lot of people being in divisions they probably shouldn't be in which is turn, contributes to pretty bad match quality at the mid-upper levels, and a lot of resentment towards other players.


> As long as the other problems aren't dealt with, this does have the advantage of meaning that top players who play the "duoqueue with a friend's smurf account" game and do manage to lose get punished, but if that sort of manipulation could be stopped, I'd like to see gain/loss based on the comparison between team averages, not on the comparison of the player's rating with the other team's average.



That could really apply to a lot of things. Class-switching would be fine too if DuoQ didn't exist. Match manipulation would be incredibly difficult and unlikely if DuoQ didn't exist, and yes; the average rating of two teams would probably be closer if DuoQ didn't exist.


And that's just using it as intended. Top players who stack together attract 3 really bad teammates to fill in for the disparity their DuoQ creates between rating and population. Those 3 really bad teammates mean that the other team is probably going to have the same or close to the same thing, only they don't have the advantage of having a pro DuoQ. The advantage is always in favor of the DuoQ there. The fact that they can and do exploit it is just throwing salt in the wound really. When they swap to low-level alt accounts it only gets easier for them. If they actually lost, they'd lose like 30-40 points, but; check the LB. With 80-90% winrates, that clearly isn't happening.


> (Incidentally, regarding your first point: Ideally, it should work that way, but the problem is finding a means of judging contribution that avoids people playing the algorithm without playing the game. Sure, staying in spawn is generally not contributing, but consider, for instance, sitting on a point your team owns when you're not currently under attack. I've seen games where that behaviour has won the game, and I've seen games where it's lost the game.)


That; imo, is why I think the scoreboard needs some updating. It doesn't really reflect what goes in a conquest match. If said player was just standing on home point the entire match uncontested leaving his team 4v5 on the other points, then said player isn't putting in the same amount of effort as the other 4 players at the very least. Yet, if that player was holding a friendly or neutral node on home actually against people, then that's worth awarding points for.


There was another post from another player about a new scoreboard. It wasn't perfect, but it seemed a lot more accurate than what we have now. Don't think it's here anymore, but basically it revolved around nodes and wasting people's time. Which is honestly the bread and butter of conquest.

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That's about 16 seasons too much. After the wintrade wars began in season 5/6 that's when I said "nope not worth it" and I still stand by it. When every game / other game has a random Walker, afk, or "dc". It ruins the game. Sadly the competitive side of pvp here in gw2 never had a chance.


With the wintrade wars you also have to deal with circlequest as the only ranked option. That with the wintrading makes it not worth a minute of time.


Move on like I did and find tour fun. Stronghold has a great community and is waaaaay more competitive then standing on little circles getting aoe bombed.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > He's played every season since season 2 and now is finally done not he hasn't played since season 2. Comprehension is hard.

> >

> > Thats cuz he edited the title


> I didn't lul


I looked at the top after seeing all the pokes at this, but the thread is not edited.


1 - Multi


0 - Everyone else

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> That's about 16 seasons too much. After the wintrade wars began in season 5/6 that's when I said "nope not worth it" and I still stand by it. When every game / other game has a random Walker, afk, or "dc". It ruins the game. Sadly the competitive side of pvp here in gw2 never had a chance.


> With the wintrade wars you also have to deal with circlequest as the only ranked option. That with the wintrading makes it not worth a minute of time.


> Move on like I did and find tour fun. Stronghold has a great community and is waaaaay more competitive then standing on little circles getting aoe bombed.


Idunno. I don't think it was all bad, but i'm not about to start making excuses for the neglect.


I think if you took the time to graph the overall match quality of each season, the line on the chart would look all sporadic, a mixture of ups and downs. There has been some pretty fun seasons in my opinion. When ranked was in its infancy a lot of these problems and people that represent problems didn't exist. Seasons 9-12; even though they were probably the worst balance-wise, had way more accurate and less RNG matchmaking thanks to SoloQ which also removed a lot of these problems.


People probably think i'm crazy for saying that, but it's pretty simple. Law of averages. If top players represent about 0.01% of the population and you allow them to queue together the odds of that being even slightly accurately mirrored are incredibly low. If you force them to SoloQ they naturally get spread out, and if they tried to cheese the system by queuing at the same time; they would be much more likely to be matched against one and other rather than with. That's exactly why Arenanet restricted it before, and it had a pretty great impact on match quality and fun at the g3-plat3 levels that high level DuoQs often interfere with. But yeah, I don't regret those seasons so much, and I don't consider them as much of a waste of time.


> @"Koen.1327" said:

> You can watch top players on stream not duo queuing, queuing with low ratings, queuing off peak hours yourself so what you say is overblown.

> You keep crying about duo queue with your spellbreaker avatar as if solo queue is more fair for non duelist classes.


To get back to this, I already watched them on Twitch. You pretty much have to avoid them. I don't know what else to tell you besides the fact that most top players DuoQ. SoloQing into merged queues is not only a terribly frustrating experience, but it's a straight-up disadvantage that top players can't afford.


And, I hear that last comment a lot. People like to pretend classes like Scourge, Reaper, and Firebrand are unplayable outside of DuoQ, yet when DuoQ was restricted these were some of the most played classes. During the bunker meta on PoF's release you pretty much had to have a FB/Scourge to win, and during that time anyone above plat2 couldn't DuoQ. Even now, with DuoQ unrestricted top players prefer to stack side-noder classes that 100-0 bomb before SoloQ players can react. With a Spellbreaker avatar, you should be asking me why i'm complaining about DuoQ instead of finding a Holo partner to breeze my way up to top 25 with.


To be perfectly honest; DuoQ doesn't bother me on paper, i'd probably do it myself if it were separate from the SoloQ ladder because then everyone is playing at the same level. The way it's executed: unregulated in a small population game is where I find problems with it. If I wanted to stomp noobs all day to satisfy some weird power trip i'd go play something like ROBLOX where I can completely wreck people much younger than me playing on inferior consoles and phones. Don't ask me why I used that example.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > > He's played every season since season 2 and now is finally done not he hasn't played since season 2. Comprehension is hard.

> > >

> > > Thats cuz he edited the title

> >

> > I didn't lul


> I looked at the top after seeing all the pokes at this, but the thread is not edited.


> 1 - Multi


> 0 - Everyone else




Lets call it 1-1 because that seems like something i'd do too.

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here is a time line:


pvp is born

anet thumps chest and decides to go for gold in esports

everyone figures out the game is half finished, balance is bad plus skill effect overload makes it too hard to watch and understand

esports fails, anet wasted a bunch of money and now dehydration sets in

not enough people for team q anymore so anet gives people the "option" of getting rid of it

except the elo code fails hard with a bunch of solo q'ers on a 3 node map, rewards make it worse for competition but small pop boost so no one notices at first

pop boost likely anet letting plats q with silvers so they don't have to wait 10 min

water scarcity very apparent by now

enter the ladder and successive op elite specs

match manipulation gains ground as the ship sinks in quicksand cuz now water all dried up


blah blah blah and here we are.

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