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Can Reaper GS get some rework?


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After they changed Soul eater they removed the GS trait, would it be better if they gave some double bonus while wielding GS like the new policy on weapon traits maybe even make one of the abilities heal for a lot more when used.

Also Nightfall seems kinda bad with the slow pulse, it is supposed to be defense ability but it doesn't really do that much, on paper it sounds good but in practice is not that useful.

Grasping darkness feels better after it got some work done but it still seems to be off, i wish i was able to pull people perched on ledges, sometimes it hits sometimes it doesn't little bit too RNG for me.

Anyone else feel anything off about it?

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I agree with the trait section, but I'd say that the staff probably should be the reworked weapon… it is probably the most inconsistent weapon in the game.


4 single-pulse AoEs with seemingly large cooldowns that all SEEM to be focused around conditions, but an auto-attack that is focused around power.

Mark of Blood applies a modest bleed and very little power damage (critically hitting for roughly 1000 with 2400-power and 210% ferocity [basically, a berserker setup, built entirely for power-oriented offense]), hinting towards an offensive condie intent for the skill, but grants regeneration to allies within the pulse's AoE, which makes it into a hybrid condie-support skill?

Putrid Mark transfers conditions, as though it is meant to be an offensive condie application/removal but also deals a solid chunk of power damage (critically hitting for roughly 3000 with the same stats as mentioned before).

And Reaper's Mark deals very little power damage (critically hitting for 700 with the same stats as mentioned before), and applying a modest 1 second of Fear with a boggling 32 second cooldown.


I mean… whut.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Grasping darkness feels better after it got some work done but it still seems to be off, i wish i was able to pull people perched on ledges, sometimes it hits sometimes it doesn't little bit too RNG for me.


well for me it got worst after the patch due to longer cast time making it much more easier to dodge than before

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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> The only thing I would adjust about the greatsword is it's speed. Maybe bring it on par with warrior's. Otherwise I love the greatsword on Reaper.

That is really annoying issue when someone just walks way from hits, i think the chill and cripple(from Nightfall) was supposed to keep them in place but the chill and cripple output is not near enough to hold people close.


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The onslaught speed needs to be baseline and the trait should only grant the ferocity and the skill cooldown reduction. This will make the completely useless blighter's boon and deathly chill immediatly viable and increase build diversity (even condi reaper would be viable again).


GS does not need any further improvements. It's already one of the best weapons in the game. Burst, dps, CC, defense... it has everything. The huge telegraphs are great for mindgames or area denial and the GS5, skill cancel, GS2 combo is one of the best combos in the game.


Besides the gm trait issues reaper is in a good spot.


Core power necro could be an alternative for ranged power playstyes but is bad due to the lack of a viable elite skill. That's easy to fix: rework that crappy lich to something like the mallyx rev elite (but it should cancel when you enter shroud as it would be overpowered when reapers or scourges would pick such a skill)!


Scourge is just a mess and it would be a miracle if anet can ever fix this spec.

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I agree that gravedigger is problematic... the execution is so slow, that it isn't viable in competitive at all.

But the other, even bigger, problem in my oppinion is the bugged Grasping Darkness. It only works (most of the times) on absolutely flat terrain for me.

In general it only executes properly in around 50% of the time.

A known bug... long standing bug... but balancing the Reaper into the ground was more important than long standing bugs I suppose.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Do not see GS as being a problem right now.


> Would rather see dps scaling with full boons and stat's made steeper and higher for better peak dps in raids.


> Would be nice if Reaper had more chill uptime at short range (<=60) melee but I know that is a tough sell.

The can rework Deathly chill and axe the whole condition damage part about reaper, instead deathly chill pulses small packets of damage and applies chill while in Reaper form, maybe even increased chill duration on the trait so it feels like grandmaster. So in the end Reaper ends up full Power build that uses allot of control conditions, they can even drop a You deal less condition damage when picking reaper.


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