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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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> @"Nikal.4921" said:

> What would really sell me? Beautiful zones. Environments like you'd find in high fantasy- think medieval Europe with a magical touch. I am weary of thick, choking jungle mazes and of bleakness and desolation. I'd love to adventure in places I look forward to being in, rather grinning and bearing it just long enough to do what I need to do and then getting out. Why is it in so many games, that the further you get from home, the uglier the world becomes?


I completely agree one of the things I liked about POF was the desert environment . I've always been a fan of that setting, but I would also love to see environments like you describe :smiley: .

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> @"Nikal.4921" said:

> What would really sell me? Beautiful zones. Environments like you'd find in high fantasy- think medieval Europe with a magical touch. I am weary of thick, choking jungle mazes and of bleakness and desolation. I'd love to adventure in places I look forward to being in, rather grinning and bearing it just long enough to do what I need to do and then getting out. Why is it in so many games, that the further you get from home, the uglier the world becomes?


Yes, please! I love a couple of PoF's early maps and Verdant Brink/Auric Basin have some stunning scenery, but so much of the rest is desolate and soul-crushing.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Nikal.4921" said:

> > What would really sell me? Beautiful zones. Environments like you'd find in high fantasy- think medieval Europe with a magical touch. I am weary of thick, choking jungle mazes and of bleakness and desolation. I'd love to adventure in places I look forward to being in, rather grinning and bearing it just long enough to do what I need to do and then getting out. Why is it in so many games, that the further you get from home, the uglier the world becomes?


> Yes, please! I love a couple of PoF's early maps and Verdant Brink/Auric Basin have some stunning scenery, but so much of the rest is desolate and soul-crushing.


Yeah. Why do bad guys always live in ugly places :D

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Better class balance in PvP and WvW requiring a total overhaul of their condi system, and I mean really put in the work.


New WvW map that isn't crap on release and needs to be fixed over the course of the next 6 months.


Having a new system that balances WvW servers across different time zones. I've put in suggestions for that as have others over the years.


New PvP maps and modes.


Don't really care too much about PvE, but having new annual things, or at least different stuff than the same wintersday and halloween thing would be nice. I also liked the living world actually being living and changing the content permanently rather than all this instanced stuff. It's fine, don't get me wrong, just preferred it the old way.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > The top 5 expansion sellers features I want to see in Expansion 3 are currently for me:

> >

> > - New Elite Specs which implement for example 2 new Weapon Types - Chain Whips and Greataxes for the start, while Spears get reworked to Polearms, Tridents merged with Staffs and Harpoon Guns merged with Rifles, so that Rifle becomes a Base Thief weapon and Deadeye gets a complete redesign with Longbow in mind and a new better name and gameplay concept/ Rogue. The Whip could get introduced by the Ranger Spec as an Explorer, kind of like Indiana Jones, just with pet. The Greataxe would become introduced by the Warrior Spec, which is named Berserker then, while the original Berserker gets renamed to Vagabond or somethign else that fits better to the Torch, than Berserker to which a big 2h weapon like the greataxe should belong to better. Or instead of the range,r the Thief with Chain Whip as a kind of "Assassin" (Kusarigama/ Sickle & Ball Chain inspired gameplay from the Toukiden Series), but just with an other name, not Assassin, maybe Infiltrator


> Chain whips? Kusarigama? Yes, please!


> > like Spider Mounts

> Please no. :s



Why no to Spider Mounts? if its a phobia thing, then you should be already agaisnt all those spiders in the game that you can kill as enemies. Do they scare you as well? I guess not..

but a spider like mount, it doesnt even have to look really like a spider..call them crawlers with a different look would do the job as well. Just want a mont with the ability to run on walls, because that would be a nice unique ability to play around with in regard of world design.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > > > **What's the next expansion seller for me?**

> > > > It's free.

> > > > I'm so disappointed in HoT and PoF that I _will not pay_ for another expansion.

> > >

> > > I would reply with some ‘edgy teenager’ picture but I’ll leave that aside.

> > > If you dont like the way GW2 is goin, you dont have to keep playing.

> > > Games are made for entertainment and if you’re not entertained, feel free to leave and go do something else.

> > > Bashing for the sake of bashing things isnt really anything constructive at all

> > Edgy teenager? Go look at the "How old are you" poll...

> > Of course I'm free to go do something else. But there is nothing else out there; is there?

> > So. take your stupid "White Knight" comment and -- to use your terms -- "...feel free to leave and go do something else."

> > People other than White Knights are allowed to have opinions, and such opinions are not "bashing for the sake of bashing." HoT and PoF were not well done. Period. You like them? Great. I do not, for a whole lot of reasons. Fundamentally, they aren't in keeping with the original game; but there are a whole lot of additional flaws in the design beyond that.

> > So, take your entitled teenager mentality and harass someone else; okay?

> >


> The problem is you saying "it is bad" and not "i think it's bad". You make a statement as a fact and everyone disagreeing with you is a white knight. Of course you're allowed to have opinions, but saying there's nothing else out there is a hyperbole that puts the Himalaya to shame.


Distort much?

You are rationalizing your own bad behavior and distorting what someone else said to justify it. THAT is the hyperbole.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > > The top 5 expansion sellers features I want to see in Expansion 3 are currently for me:

> > >

> > > - New Elite Specs which implement for example 2 new Weapon Types - Chain Whips and Greataxes for the start, while Spears get reworked to Polearms, Tridents merged with Staffs and Harpoon Guns merged with Rifles, so that Rifle becomes a Base Thief weapon and Deadeye gets a complete redesign with Longbow in mind and a new better name and gameplay concept/ Rogue. The Whip could get introduced by the Ranger Spec as an Explorer, kind of like Indiana Jones, just with pet. The Greataxe would become introduced by the Warrior Spec, which is named Berserker then, while the original Berserker gets renamed to Vagabond or somethign else that fits better to the Torch, than Berserker to which a big 2h weapon like the greataxe should belong to better. Or instead of the range,r the Thief with Chain Whip as a kind of "Assassin" (Kusarigama/ Sickle & Ball Chain inspired gameplay from the Toukiden Series), but just with an other name, not Assassin, maybe Infiltrator

> >

> > Chain whips? Kusarigama? Yes, please!

> >

> > > like Spider Mounts

> > Please no. :s

> >


> Why no to Spider Mounts? if its a phobia thing, then you should be already agaisnt all those spiders in the game that you can kill as enemies. Do they scare you as well? I guess not..

> but a spider like mount, it doesnt even have to look really like a spider..call them crawlers with a different look would do the job as well. Just want a mont with the ability to run on walls, because that would be a nice unique ability to play around with in regard of world design.


Whenever I fight spiders, I take my glasses off! I'd love a spiders to bears mod. :p


If they are almost spiders, I can probably deal with it better. My main issue is the mouth area followed by the twitchy legs. I can't look at that. x.x I'd be in favor of a pseudo-spider mount. Running on walls sounds like fun!

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Dungeons and world bosses are what I liked in vanilla. They are the things that would get me back. Spent 2k hours doing them and would spent 4k more and 4 times the amount of money I used on vanilla if they went back.


Another thing I would love is if they allowed us to get legendaries the old way. Just farming mats instead of having to do the precursor thing for each and for the armor having to do raids (I don’t know if this has changed) to get them really pushed me away. I liked to spent money on anet every 2 weeks and farm dungeons and bosses until after hours and hours of work I was able to afford my legendary, it really gave me a sense of accomplishment. Sadly now they are locked behind the expansions. I don’t know, I just love to grind, but I was a casual that played hours each day so I get nostalgic. I missed when you could be a casual and get nice stuff with tons of work.


It’s just a dream and people like the way the game is now, so it doesn’t matter. I’m happy that people enjoy the game even if I can’t stand anet’s direction with it.



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• I'd love to wield a Spear or a Scythe hopefully on my Ele or Warrior.

• Retain the story team for PoF. I've never really cared about core and HoT story and I've never finished it as I find it boring. But PoF was the complete opposite. Loving every minute of the story. I have yet to complete it but hey, this is the first time in my 5 years of playing that I'm actually doing the story even if I'm doing it little by little.

• Another thing would be new faces in the Skills and Balance team who actually care about the PvP game mode.

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I think they'll need alot in the 3Rd expansion. Maybe bounties that take you back to the core game. Some added rewards for dungeons mayhap. New race or two would be well received. New zones that hit that sweet spot in activities between hot maps and pof maps. And player housing on top of it all. Maybe even a little pvp, wvw love too.


It's alot, but they're going to have to hit it out of the park with the next exp to keep people coming back and make new sales.

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I don't think players know what it would be like if player housing was added. It would most likely just be a smaller version of guild halls. With scribing needed to creat some furniture things but most can only be acquired through the gem shop. And placing of things wouldn't even work that great. (not like how its done in ESO, which is awesome but soo relying on their cash shop)


i think Tengu race would be nice but with the added thing that not ALL armor sets would work on Tengu yet. Or their armor could only be crafted by skilled craftsmen and is acc bound. Or some other way to limit the huge number or armor that they'd have to fit to the new model. Atleast when the expansion launched. Getting all the outfits to work would take long enough as is.

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I think new and deep minigames would add most to the game. Think GW1 Polymock expanded and with also a competitive side. Or some form of card game or brawl with special skills.


Most of the other points really would not be an expansion seller for me:

__New Playable Race:__ As much as I'd like to permanently bounce around as a Quaggan, I definitely would not play a copy of a profession I already have nor racechange one of my own.

__New Profession:__ I'd rather have well fleshed out e-specs than another profession complicating balance even more. And really the difference is not that huge.

__New terrestrial Weapon types:__ I think that's more of a sub-point of new e-specs once they start running out of options. Seeing as A-Net is bringing new "weapon types" out of the old ones (Staff as Battlestaff or Scythe) this is probably the better option.

__Player Housing:__ As others have already said: This would probably be super expensive, require scribe or some new discipline and be a gold mine for the gem store. And I'll 100% pass on another WoWesque farm or garrison that wants daily attention from me.

__Return of Dungeons:__ Seeing that fractals are the new dungeons and they are doing a decent job at it and offer a more open advance instead of the fixed dungeons with paths, I'd say stay with that. But I'm really no fan of speedrunning dungeons anyway.

__Return of Hardcore World Bosses:__ Just no, this would rather turn me away from the game. If you want challenging group content, raids are the way to go. Open world should be casual with meta events like Tarir that can be coordinated with Commander tags and have no hard failure requirements. Who really wants more world bosses that you have to be 30min+ early, join some TS and then still have a decent chance of failure?

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my dream expansion would be one that fixes many problems, things like adding dynamic quests, hair with helmets and hoods, professions balanced out so every single one of then are powerful from the core.

just a small list that i really want to see:


1. New armor sets: and not exclusive with yet another annoying currency, these are armor sets you can buy like normal armors and drop as often as every other armor.

it will also not just be 2 or 3 armor sets per weight, it will be about 10 sets all exclusive trough the expansion but all commonly treated.


2. Core weapon overhaul: all weapons for all professions are balanced and if needed changed, they will all be made in such a way that every single profession can compete.

it does mean that some will get nerved to the ground while others get a huge boost in power but if it balances things out then so be it, i rather want everyone have a chance then just a handful.


3. No hearts, new quests: one thing that bothers me more and more is the lack of quests, hearts do a horrible job in replacing them and dynamic events are getting really boring.

i think it is time for GW2 to get more then jumping hoops hearts, we need side quests and adventures that leads you to places you would otherwise ignore.

quests would also enhance the lore, letting you know the story of that ruined castle or that cave that looks suspiciously like an entrance o something bigger.


4. Environmental uses: we have a small taste of how it is to use stuff laying on the ground, what if it's more then just using stuff as a weapon.

what if we could hide in brushes, what if we could sit on chairs, what if we could even go to some animals and capture them to use as mount.

i want to see the touchable world, a place where you can almost feel the grass and smell the bear, a place where almost everything can be interacted in some way or another.


that's the small list i got.

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I'd love a new personal story that helps develop your own character with new choices, personalities and so on, with a new 'personality creation system' that you select a few choices and it leads to a certain story path. For example, your character meets a special someone (romantic or otherwise) and you team with them in some stories, they get kidnapped part way and the rest is seeking them out and saving them. That special someone goes to your home instance at the end. Just more development of your own character, growth, personality, and so on. I'd enjoy following my character through the next stages of their lives, not just the path of defeating dragons, and so on.

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