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Build templates one off payment Anet


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> You already have unlimited use of the ones that will be provided next week when they are released. I don't understand the point here?


all templates on all characters, unlocked with a one off payment, rather than buying eavh individual one.


Is what they want.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > Why not add a one off payment for unlimited use of build templates?


> Everyone seems to know whats best for build templates. Look this isnt 2006, a time when loot boxes was non existent and devs took pride in thier games before the corporate vultures decided to monetize everything.


So you support them now? lul

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> @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > > Why not add a one off payment for unlimited use of build templates?

> >

> > Everyone seems to know whats best for build templates. Look this isnt 2006, a time when loot boxes was non existent and devs took pride in thier games before the corporate vultures decided to monetize everything.


> So you support them now? lul


Not really i probably wont be buying any imo. Dont really need 2. 2 builds for each of 16 characters is more than enough for me

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > Why not add a one off payment for unlimited use of build templates?


> 30 euros . no gold>gems

> You cannot buy from the Gemstore , but from the Anet offcial site

> k?


Id pay 40€ for a one off payment, that unlocks all templates on every character and every future character.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > > > Why not add a one off payment for unlimited use of build templates?

> > >

> > > Everyone seems to know whats best for build templates. Look this isnt 2006, a time when loot boxes was non existent and devs took pride in thier games before the corporate vultures decided to monetize everything.

> >

> > So you support them now? lul


> Not really i probably wont be buying any imo. Dont really need 2. 2 builds for each of 16 characters is more than enough for me


Well I'm sure that given the choice you might refund 7 of those slots in exchange for unlimited build templates no?

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > > > Why not add a one off payment for unlimited use of build templates?

> > >

> > > Everyone seems to know whats best for build templates. Look this isnt 2006, a time when loot boxes was non existent and devs took pride in thier games before the corporate vultures decided to monetize everything.

> >

> > So you support them now? lul


> Not really i probably wont be buying any imo. Dont really need 2. 2 builds for each of 16 characters is more than enough for me


What do you mean 2 builds each? If you currently play all 3 modes you will have a net gain of 0 builds. The current templates for pve, pvp, wvw are no longer going to exist. They are getting ported as your first 3 templates. If you want additional you will have to purchase the 3 slots per character. If you only currently play 1 mode, then yes you can change the pre-loaded other mode templates and you will have "2 additional" templates.


I feel that most people are missing this.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Nick.5276" said:

> > Jeebuz You'd pay more than the cost of an expansion for a QOL? really? I'd pay $15 NZD and no more ever


> One could argue, Anet sells expansions too cheap.


troo. I'd have to see some seriously good content to be reassured their expansions are worth it for more though.


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Nick.5276" said:

> > Jeebuz You'd pay more than the cost of an expansion for a QOL? really? I'd pay $15 NZD and no more ever


> One could argue, Anet sells expansions too cheap.

Not really. 30-40€ is in line with expansions of other games and Anets expansions only come with elite specs + open world. Not even a set of dungeons, fractals, raids or anything pvp related except the new specs. Mounts were nice but also heavily monetized in gemstore. Not a single skin earnable ingame. The amount of players completing living story isnt even high enough to justify 90% of dev time and focus.


The reason why they don't add a one time payment to unlock the full thing is quite simple money. It's also p2w in wvsw since it allows instant swapping with a hotkey to counter specific builds.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Nick.5276" said:

> > > Jeebuz You'd pay more than the cost of an expansion for a QOL? really? I'd pay $15 NZD and no more ever

> >

> > One could argue, Anet sells expansions too cheap.

> Not really. 30-40€ is in line with expansions of other games and Anets expansions only come with elite specs + open world. Not even a set of dungeons, fractals, raids or anything pvp related except the new specs. Mounts were nice but also heavily monetized in gemstore. Not a single skin earnable ingame. The amount of players completing living story isnt even high enough to justify 90% of dev time and focus.


> The reason why they don't add a one time payment to unlock the full thing is quite simple money. It's also p2w in wvsw since it allows instant swapping with a hotkey to counter specific builds.


It does not allow hot key swapping in WvW. You can only swap in your keep, not in the battlefield


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I just really hope Anet doesn't actually go with the Bag/Bank Tab pricing and makes some last minute adjustments, as unlikely as that is at this point.

**400+600 Gems** per build, aka **12.5€ or ~380 Gold** is just way too much.


That's **3600 Gems (45€ or ~1400 Gold)** Per character and **32400 Gems (405€ or ~12600 Gold)** for one of each Profession.


Especially since that's then still way too limited templates, of which I'm sure they want to sell more slots of later.


If we extend that to much more usable 9 or 12 Slots later, we are talking about **6600 to 9600 Gems (82.5 - 120€, or ~2600 - 3700 Gold)** Per Character, or **60000 - 86400 Gems (742.5 - 1080€ or ~23400 - 33300 Gold)** for one of each Profession.


So yes, I'd much rather have a reasonable one time payment to unlock the whole system and all future Slots for my entire account, knowing I could use any slots I can get.


If not at the very least a much lower per slot price, or better yet Slot unlocks account wide, this really just should have been a ~20€ Account unlock at the most, but I suppose milking those 0.1% massive spenders is more lucrative, as I really don't see who this system at this price is aimed at, besides some few "Whales" with lot's of builds and/or compulsive harmful spending, needing to buy everything.


Casual players with one or two builds won't buy them and Hardcore players with many builds will look at the total cost of them and probably will not want to afford them/quit.

I really wonder whether the few sells here and there will be worth the damage, but I suppose the marketing team has concluded that it is..

It's just sad to see so many people who were once excited about this game, constantly trying to sell others on it, are now in the camp of warning others away to not get into it at this point and not spending a cent on the game anymore.


With those above mentioned prices for such a baseline game feature, I really can't blame them, not that I already wasn't leaning into that boat as well with how it's been going.


I gladly support the Devs for making great content and releasing good features, but having to drop 400€+ to still play less than half the builds I had in Arc is a hard no.

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Why would you think they would want to sell something to you once, when they could keep selling it over and over again, earning far much money in the process?. Just get used to it, because that's how the game will be looking from now on.


(notice, that the same principle works for expacs as well - why whould they ever think of making one, if they could sell a single feature, requiring much less work from them, for way more than a whole expac would cost.)

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Why would you think they would want to sell something to you once, when they could keep selling it over and over again, earning far much money in the process?. Just get used to it, because that's how the game will be looking from now on.


> (notice, that the same principle works for expacs as well - why whould they ever think of making one, if they could sell a single feature, requiring much less work from them, for way more than a whole expac would cost.)


Because we are victims of Hope, the cruelest flaw in human behaviour followed by belief

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So let me get this straight... You are 7 years late with a feature that SHOULD have been implemented from the very start AND you have the balls to make us pay for it to get it to a point that it is actually usable? Wow, what a dirty cash grab. Disgusting. You seriously want us to pay for saving strings of at most 50 characters to a database? Are you kidding?


This was free AND unlimited in GW1. I am disappointed in you, ArenaNET. Very much so.


> @"Ocean.1469" said:

> Why not add a one off payment for unlimited use of build templates?


Why pay at all for a save function? Just ridiculous.

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> So let me get this straight... You are 7 years late with a feature that SHOULD have been implemented from the very start AND you have the balls to make us pay for it to get it to a point that it is actually usable? Wow, what a dirty cash grab. Disgusting. You seriously want us to pay for saving strings of at most 50 characters to a database? Are you kidding?


> This was free AND unlimited in GW1. I am disappointed in you, ArenaNET. Very much so.


> > @"Ocean.1469" said:

> > Why not add a one off payment for unlimited use of build templates?


> Why pay at all for a save function? Just ridiculous.


No one is making you pay for anything .. you can choose to not use the feature ... such a ridiculous rant

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Why would you think they would want to sell something to you once, when they could keep selling it over and over again, earning far much money in the process?. Just get used to it, because that's how the game will be looking from now on.


> (notice, that the same principle works for expacs as well - why whould they ever think of making one, if they could sell a single feature, requiring much less work from them, for way more than a whole expac would cost.)


I dont think theres anyone saying i quit gw2 because no build tempaltes, or im not playing gw2 because it doesnt have them. Yes they will sell very well and all but i hear that far more often about expansions.

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So I am just going to jump in here for a minute because someone mentioned that the 0.1% who are whales and spend a lot make them more money. Well as one of those people (I don't have money issues, don't drink, don't do drugs, and don't date unfamiliar women) who has disposable income and doesn't mind spending it in a game I can assure you that I personally WILL NOT be buying additional templates and here are the reasons why.


1. I already have 2 of every toon class and so that is 6 build and 4 equip templates per class.

2. ARC templates worked out of combat just as long as you were in your own WvW controlled section, since they are going to limit it to being in a keep they can keep the templates because they are truly less than useless.

3. Their method of monetization is so overwhelmingly greedy that it is frankly insulting, I have disposable income not dumb income

4. it will be cheaper to buy a new character slot than buy the equivalent unlocks


So in the end unless they sell reduced rate bundles or sell them in 3 packs it will never be worth it.


the only place you can't reasonably swap out a character is when there is a queued map in WvW, and with the lack of new real content in that game type queues only happen on reset night.


Lastly I didn't like the tactic of having arc turned off a few weeks before they released their templates. I personally believe that they wanted to cause players who used it massive frustration so they were more apt to buy them. while that last statement may or may not be true they could have injected the code for templates on the 29th and let arc run until that time. So I find this behavior very suspect.


If there is someone in marketing reading this please remember to not cut off your nose to spite your face. This was the last straw for me as of last look my account has 200,000 worth of gem purchases on it and spend probably $150 to $250 a month on gems and I am done spending my money. I'll get back to spending it when you come out with some decent new content (the saga prologue was laughable as content) some new classes, races, mechanics that are not monetized to the point of being insulting.


I am actually predicting that Anet will put up the cost of a character slot to encourage purchases ( I would guess to the cost of a level 80 ticket) or get rid of them all together and make it so you buy the level 80 ticket and get the toon slot for free this would take the cost of the toon slot to 2k gems

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