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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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I think it's a way better solution than any plugin magic. You can use the same equipment with different build and vice versa. The only feature I missing is a build pingig to chat, or a build code or something to share it on forum, dc, etc.

The pricing doesn't bother me much. There always be discounts so if the price is too much for you now then wait for one, and buy it cheaper. Anyway, if you use that many build then you really play the game and earn many many gold to buy the gems for it.

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> @"Sumpfkraut.7195" said:

> Unlock all (6) templates for 9 Character (all preofessions) cost 10x more than the whole game. this must be a super bad joke...

> And you still have limited slots to store builds.


Ya it's crazy that a simple build template program and all the slots for 9 characters FAR exceeds the cost of both expansions and every dollar I have ever spent on gems(which is a lot). I am quite shocked actually. I don't even know if it is the Devs who set the prices(doubt it) but surely someone had to have said, "uh hey guys, there is going to be a sh*t storm over these prices". Seriously? I'm not giving up on the game by any means, but I am sure done buying anything with real money until you stop preying on your fan base. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Please fix this ANET.

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**Are you considering spending the money made on the templates to make a proper PBE server where you can actually have people test your features? **


Currently templates are cool for people who don't need them because they do everything with the same cobbled together gear and traits, and are either limiting or outright bothersome for people who would actually use those.

Right now, a mesmer main would have

* at least 2 wvw builds, at least for roam mirage and roam chrono

* at least 2 pvp builds

* dps chrono, tank chrono, offtank chrono, condi mirage, condi tank chrono


And it's just the main builds, not some niche things.


Gear templates are even worse. Ignoring utterly broken legendary gear (which was marketed as ultimate convenience a few years ago, but now is the only type of hear that is inconvenient in gear templates), mesmer - following the examples above - would have roughly:

* 2 wvw gear sets

* 5 pve gear sets

* one general use pve build


Neither of those things fit into your build storage limits.

The same goes for guardian, who has 5 pve builds alone, and wvw has different builds from pve.


And then there are legendary items, which happen to lose sigils, infusions and whatnot, the same goes for legendary runes and sigils themselves.


You didn't even playtest it properly.

But hey, we're getting a new chair.

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A huge improvement for many but a few questionable design choices :


1/ no more automatic build swapping between game modes


2/ legendary gear resetting runes/sigils/infusion to inventory when you exit the gear loadout they are slotted in.


3/ no more quick situational swapping of a weapon on loadout A if that weapon is used by gear loadout B



The core issue is advertising these as build templates when they have been designed as skills/traits and gear load outs. The only true templates we have are the account wide build storage. The other 2 features are loadouts and come with their fair share of pros and cons.


Keeping the auto swap per game mode and developing build storage to factor in gear (without freeing up inventory space) would have been a far superior solution in my opinion.


Plus it would have made monetization much easier : cheap account wide build storage / template with a higher limit than 24 but more expensive character loadouts (and only 1 loadouts available at start if Anet feels greedy)

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> @"Slyverine.7081" said:

> 1)Why only 2 gear templates? We should have had at least 3 to match the build ones.

You get one gear template for WvW and one for PvE. You get none for PvP because it gears differently and those templates (officially) are still work-in-progess.



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I'm happy to see a system like this go in and I'm looking forward to the more dynamic game play the hot-swapping feature will enable. I would love to have HUD elements always reminding me which of my character builds and which equipment loadout I'm using; something similar to the four equipment displays in the GW1 HUD would be nice.


Currently, any equipment or build changes you make to your loadout are automatically saved to the current equipment and build slots. So, when I make temporary changes to the build or equipment, I have to remember to change them back later or I'll have the wrong build/equipment next time. I think build storage is intended to make this process easier, but there isn't enough build storage space for my "default" builds on all characters. I suppose I could save off my build to storage before I make a change, then load it back later, but that disrupts game play and makes things more complicated. I wish I could make changes to my loadout on a character during a play session without having it affect the character's build/equipment slots. I don't think this feature fits with the current system design, but wanted to share the idea anyway.

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I like the speed of switching templates and the visual editor.

It's also kind of nice that the equipment is stored into the templates BUT this also means I'll have to create more templates instead of just switching weapon sets.

That being said, the limit in slots as well as the crazy price to bring it even close to the needs of a semi-professional player destroyes the gaming experience. Don't want to imagine how players feel/think about this that have 10+ builds per character. This limited feature in addition to removing the arc support goes heavily on costs of your loyal more professional players - which is pretty sad.

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I've played GW since Beta GW1. I'm happy that the templates are finally out, however, they could have been much better and there is need to improve them, and soon - see below:


1. The UI is clunky and you can easily change a completed build without realizing it. The save function is not very good. When creating a function in game programmers need to let a player who knows nothing of the system operate it. I've written checklists for military people. The first thing you do is give it to someone who has no clue what they are doing and see if they can run it without your help. A hamster should be able to do it. But this UI isn't self-explanatory.

2. The build template should not be changed by any external changes made while not in the Hero Panel. We should have a button to revert changes somehow.

3. Build and Equipment should be linked. Period. 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3(the equipment storage slot we should have been given), 4 to 4, 5 to 5, etc. Or we should have the option of linking them.

4. Build and Equipment Templates should have been linked in the purchasing to expand your slots. You buy the Build Template it automatically gives you a Storage slot. Thus the numbers of storage slots should have equaled the build template slots.

5. The "Build Storage" should not have been monetized or at least should have been at least separate for each class. i.e. I shouldn't see a Warrior build while I'm on a Ranger in the Build Storage slot. There should have been 24 build storage slots with the ability to expand, not 3 with the ability to purchase more.

6. The Equipment Storage should have left the gear alone when you go into a new equipment build. Let US change the runes, sigils and infusions that are on them. With everything getting stripped(Legendary equipment) it takes longer to change things out. I was doing my load out faster the old fashioned way. Sure, once you've finally figured out what your old build was it is set unless I change it.

7. There should be an easier way to remove items from the equipment storage. Or a "de-link" button so an item isn't seen in the list if we know it isn't going to be used anywhere else.

8. There should be more build template tabs to expand to. At least 10. I don't need that many, but I know of some people who surely do.

9. Switching between builds should be very fast. Not open Hero Panel, click on "traits" tab, click on build template, click on "equipment tab", click on desired Equipment load out tab.... So tedious - too many button pushes.

10. And finally, at least for now. Pricing - it has been mentioned MANY times. As much as I like to support a game by purchasing things, it starts to get on me that I have to purchase every little nook and cranny of a "feature" that should have been interlinked(i.e. each slot needed to be linked to the other). Having to purchase 2 separate items to make one build is ridiculous. And the other portion - build storage - should not have been monetized, or at least the open usable slots should have been much much greater. This is a major sticking point that players are trying to communicate to you. You have lots of loyal players, don't lose them by nickle and dimeing them to death.

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- free content now monetized in a ridiculous way

- does not have the same features as its previous version

- to put us in difficulty you have modified the build system in wvw and pvp forcing us to make the most of your st*p* * id templates

- everything previously said by other users especially the "bug" of the legendary equipment when you swap pieces


this is ridiculous

you no longer deserve my support and / or that of this community, what you deserve is this - s * 1ts torm

I'm out



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Needless and predatory pricing on what should have been a victory for the playerbase.

I will say that being able to share equipment between equipment templates was a pleasant surprise and a useful one for me, so thanks for that at least.

But overall, needless and predatory pricing, part of a continuous pattern that the devs are pulling from the worst facets of the games industry to prey on so-called 'whales'. I want anet to thrive but there's a good way and a frigging terrible way to get money, and they've continuously chosen the terrible way for a long time now.

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**- On feedback**

More? You literally accessed posts in which we expressed our opinions. Why do we have to write it all down again?



**- The templates**

The positives are undeniable - quick switches, free bank space - but some of the negatives make it seem like you didn't give this much thought or didn't properly test it.

- It is now harder to share equipment between characters, as it is bound to a character-bound template (e.g., ascended and legendary gear);

- The 3 character-bound templates are in fact pre-existing templates that corresponded to the 3 game modes. Except now they are not applied automatically when we travel between the game modes. It has to be done manually so it's an actual extra step.




**- Pricing**

It's fine to be in business for the money. Preferably, the profit would be directly linked to customer satisfaction. The prices around these templates convey the message that ArenaNet is in it for the money, not linked to customer satisfaction, but regardless of customer satisfaction. The message being conveyed right now is that you are trying to milk the most money out of players by indirect means, instead of the good old "having a good product that actually addresses customer's needs".

For anyone who puts a single minute of thought into this, it feels that you're acting like an airline: "Yeah there's a lot less legroom now. But you're free to book a LegPlus seat and have the same room as before for a price!".

The limiting is insane. 6 free slots per player? Even the most casual of casuals can run 2 or 3 slots in a character - especially when playing more than one game mode. So players have a new system that covers... 2 characters? Fractals and raids - content you made - encourage switching roles according to the encounter; how are 6 free templates enough?

So what are you telling players here? Pay up or keep doing what you've done so far and barely use this new system?


This is contrary to all your manifestos and personal expression of "love for the game and community", of this being "your passion" - all the things we hear from you in interviews.


So, either:


1. There's no "love for the game and community", and you're after profit; or,

2. That passion remains and NCSoft is making you meet a certain fixed profit that forces certain prices on templates.


In either case, I don't see how feedback will change anything.

Is this an empty gesture, a marketing or PR maneuver? If not, how far will you go to change things according to feedback?



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> @"Tsunami.4516" said:

> > @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

> > Almost $400 to max everything for one of each profession...

> >

> > LMFAO.

> >

> > Bye


> I am a huge fan of the game and bought all the equipment and build slots(just for my Mesmer) to be supportive of the dev team. Definitely happy with some aspects of the feature but the price is PREDATORY and I will not buy anymore by any means. I miss ARC templates.


I'll not spend a dime on something a team of 'professionals' eff'd up so bad. They want my money, then the'll have to work at earning it, not give us something a 10yr old could design better.

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This is ... not what players wanted. Since it's what we got, I'll limit my comments to this current system and its functionality:


1) Both builds and gear need the option to be " locked " so you can switch to an actual saved set. Not this current switching between last active loadouts. If I switch to a range weapon for the fight, I don't want a ranged weapon equipped the next time I use that "template". I want the original weapon i used when creating the template.


2) As a WvW player, this new system is a regression from what the game previously offered. We need the option to mark a gear and build loadout as our preferred WvW set and have that set auto equipped when entering WvW. Essentially give us back the functionality that was there before (or at least give us the option to recreate it).

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There is a lot to read here so if this has already been mentioned I apologize. Its not a major issue but it is one I have because fashion wars is real haha!


On Equipment Templates could the template save if we have selected to show/hide a piece of armor. I noticed this last night with my two templates. One i had the shoulders being hidden and the other template it is not. The way it is working now what ever you have toggled goes for both templates and is not impacted by the switch. Is this working as intended? One would think that would be unique to each template.

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My main issues are the use of the word "Template" and Pricing


**The naming of a product : Basic Consumer Psychology 101**


You have created 2 systems : One are the templates that you store in your account but then doesn't care about gear. The other are **LOADOUTS** (a system divided into 2 subsystems : traits and gear).


As a lot of people have pointed out, you have failed to understand what a template is : Something that once saved, cannot be altered without overwriting it manually.

It's small but it's very important for your customers.

Because you probably forced yourself to use a terminology that would appeal to GW1 veterans and to what the community was asking for, you have created your first problem.....People not understanding why their template isn't one.....


Naming your product correctly is fairly basic and avoids a lot of quiproquo.


**Course of action :** Make templates actual Templates (which I don't think will happen or should) OR rebrand Build and Gear Templates as loadouts


**Pricing : Compare your other offers and price accordingly**


My second main issue is something that almost everyone has touched on and it is pricing....specifically pricing of the great template tabs.


Now I understand that gear ~~template~~ Loadout also acts as a "bag slot" in a way and therefore you thought, let's put it at 500 gems! Bag slots are 400....add a little extra feature that it's a loadout and there you go!

As a consumer, I look at the gem store

500 gems : gear ~~template~~ Loadout

300 gems: build ~~template~~ Loadout

Ok so 800 gems for a complete Build Loadout


800 gems is a character slot so 2 gear Loadout and 3 build Loadout........The offer you are proposing isn't in line with what I could get from you for the same price....


**Course of action :** Make Gear loadout the same price as Build Loadout or If you want to keep it so high.....You should at least consider making these unlock account wide for 600 gems.


**Secondary Issue 1 : A build is Traits, skills AND GEAR. Why do we have 3 build loadouts but only 2 gear templates**


Oh but I know why...Because the missing gear template is the PvP one. I'm sorry but as a consumer, I do not see this as a valid excuse. I see it as a way to force me to spend cash or gold on a third loadout.

I am fairly certain a lot of people would lower the pithforks if you considered giving a third "free" gear loadout. You can retroactively reimbursed people who have already maxed out their loadouts. or other them more account templates if they can still purchase those.


**Secondary Issue 2 : Linking Build and Gear Loadout to a gamemode or to each other**


A few people have pointed it out but you should look into giving the ability to link certain tabs to load by default when entering a gamemode. You did take a feature away from us that was great....


Something else you could maybe introduce is simply the ability to share keybinds between build loadout and gear loadout.


**Secondary issue 3 : Legendary gear.**


I don't have a full set of Legendary gear but I can say 100% that I was currently working on gettting WvW tickets for it and they will now be better spent getting ascended stuff from the skirmish merchant.


A problem a lot of people seem to have is because they look to the inventory while they should start learning to look at the hero panel for changes. So I won't comment on that.

I will comment on the Fashion Wars complaints.


Issue is easy and is another feature that you could milk money from.... SKIN LOADOUTS (DO NOT USE THE WORD TEMPLATE)


I hope this is constructive enough for you and will be read....Which I'm doutful of (and as a client, that is not a good thing)


_Sidenote : Why can't Account wide template not include a summary of gear stats and runes, sigils etc?

This is an actual question? Why? I believe they should AND I believe now is the time to talk about technical aspects of the game with your customers so they understand why they can't have what they want.


I believe Account templates should have traits, skills and a summary of what gear should be used BUT not gear that would equip itself!Why isn't this possible? Is it only because some players are retarded and wouldn't understand? is it a technical issue?

Please let me know_


Have a good day

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Here we go.

The good first:

* We finally have official templates.


Unfortunately, that was already everything good I see about them.

Now the bad and my suggestions on how to fix it:

* Gear isn't shareable. We still need to rely on external websites to share the gear that we use. How to fix it? Make gear templates shareable.

* Templates are sometimes in weird locations. How to fix it? Create a separate page somewhere in the hero panel where all the gear/builds are listed, so we just need to select the wanted ones and don't need to swap between pages.

* The aggressive pricing. How to fix it? The problem deriving from the harsh pricing lies in the way templates are currently. Before (when nearly everyone used Delta's Templates) we just clicked 4-5 times so get everything we wanted, it worked between game modes and they were intuitive to use. The current problem is that the templates are not intuitive to use (at least for me) and, as mentioned above, we are unable to share gear. So templates limit players in using them, making them only marketable for a small number of people. Make them more accessible and role back the huge prices (sales will increase because more people will buy them).

* The amount of temples is not enough. For people that do not want to play this game casually and min-max every situation is it just not enough gear templates. Even having 10 is not enough. How to fix it? Increase the number of templates we can use drastically. If the server's storage capacity is not enough just turn them back to the client-side, not server-side.


tl;dr: take more inspiration from GW1 and Delta's templates and do not try to milk the money out of players. You will lose those who would invest money into the game they love therefore killing the game.

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> @"Rinn.2375" said:

> > @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > > @"Rinn.2375" said:

> > > Anyway, if you use that many build then you really play the game and earn many many gold to buy the gems for it.

> >

> > And since you clearly don't get it, ignoring the ridiculous prices; there aren't enough slots for those with "many builds across all game modes".

> >


> And no one pointed a gun to your head to buy all the build slots for every toon you have anyway. I know it's bizarre, but you have to think and choose :) I really don't see the problem.

> Use the external plugin magic, if you don't like it :)


Did I say anything about multiple toons? No. I said multiple builds.


My ranger alone got around 9-10 different gear setups and multiple builds across all game modes. Even if I was fine with throwing all the money in the world at them, it wouldn't be enough. The system limits me to 6 gear loadouts for my main character to use in PvE and WvW. IT IS NOT ENOUGH. If sharing gear wasn't such a hazzle, then sure, I could use a different character for each mode to work around the developer made "problem", but I can't do that without gearing it up or ruining the templates every time I need a piece of gear from a different character.


I know it's bizarre, but some people do more in this game than just hopping around in open world pve with only 2-3 builds and gear setups all day, every day :) :) :)

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Very disappointing. The tempaltes barely add any value to me.


Let's take the Guardian in PVE as an example. My frequently used builds are :

* Quickbrand

** Berserker | Scholar | Radiance+Zeal - Signet Share Variant [fractals]

** Viper+Sinister+Griefing | Balthazar | Radiance+Zeal [raid]

* Dragonhunter

** Berserker | Scholar | Radiance+Zeal - Signet Share Variant [fractals]

** Berserker+Assassin | Scholar | Radiance+Zeal - Signet Share Variant [raid]

** Berserker | Scholar | Radiance+Zeal [raid]

** Berserker+Assassin | Thief | Virtues+Zeal [raid]

* condi Firebrand

** Viper+Sinister+Griefing | Balthazar | Radiance+Zeal [raid]


All of them have either different Traits or Skills. So even by buying all possible build slots I can't save all variants I use. => Have to use ARC templates for that

As the quickbrand uses the same equipment as the dps variant, I need 5 equipment slots for that. But in fractals I change the sigills between combination of Force/Impact/Night/Serpent Slaying depending on the encounter. But a whole equipment slot is needed for a small variation like switching sigills. => Have to use ARC templates for that


Considering that the ARC templates still work perfectly, I can see only one use for the ingame templates: In fractals they can be used to carry an additional set with 100% Boon Duration for prestacking buffs.

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1) There should be a hotkey option to allow you to swap build & equipment with a single hot key (Maybe you can do this? I think if you assign two things to the same hotkey one gets deleted).

2) Fix legendary armor. In reality legendary armor was kind of a stop gap to the lack of templates. Now that you have templates, legendary armor has been made moot. Something needs to be done about this, whether this be unique powers, unique looks, unique special effects... they need something and I think that will help a lot of legendary complaints going on.

3) I felt what you were getting out of the equipment builds was essentially a smaller bag with added functionality, 500 seems steep for an 18 slot bag. it's nice added functionality but it's not even 18 slots for real considering that people often share equipment between slots (especially if they have legendary). 400 for a base 20 slot bag....

4) The package deal sucks. I would never buy heroic boosters or a makeup kit. The makeup kit seems really out of place in a build package. The reality is you spend 2000 gems for 2100 gems worth of stuff which isn't much of a bargain. I refuse to count makeup kit and heroic boosters as part of the savings. I was hoping for an honest discount on buying build and equipment slots together, but this doesn't feel like it.

5) an upgrade option for people who already invested in extra bags solely to store items for swapping would be nice. (Upgrade a bag slot to an Equipment build slot).

6) it has been said a million times over the last month since the announcement... six slots for builds and 24 slots for storage seems inadequate for some and a weird limit at that considering you guys get money for it.

7) It'd be nice if there was an auto-equip build functionality where if you enter PvP, WvW, or PvE, it automatically switches to a particular build by default (This kind of was being done automatically previously so I can't imagine there'd be a ton of extra coding to allow us to choose which build we want to load for what area). As an added aside, it'd be super cool if you could really drill down to default builds for raids, fractals, dungeons, even zones. This might be more of a technical nightmare, but it's this sort of feature that provides added value that might make templates as a whole feel more worth sinking money into as an end user. At the very least do PvP, WvW, PvE that used to sort of already be there.




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> @"Slyverine.7081" said:

> A bit dissapointed by them.

> 1)Why only 2 gear templates? We should have had at least 3 to match the build ones.

> 2)We actually have the same number of build templates as before, you have taken away the auto build per game mode.Someone who plays all modes is in the same potition as before and he actually has to change the build manually every time he enters a new mode.

> 3) You did the same "mistake" as bag slots.Additional slots shouldn't be per character but account wide for all characters. Then the price can be justified or even raised by an amount like 100 gems.

> 4) We should have a way to link a build and a gear template optionally.

> Also i hoped we could save gear like account wide in equipment templates so we could use it on other toons as wells, but guess i was just dreaming haha


I was gonna give my opinion here but Slyverine has pretty much summed it up.

My two biggest problems are having only 2 Gear templates with 3 Build Templates and the inability to link a build to a gear template. I don't have a single Build were I don't have different gear, even if its just a different weapon.

I also don't have any two builds that use exactly the same gear... I understand that we only got 2 Gear Templates because PvP didn't have any gear before, or more specificly no gear that matters anywhere outside PvP but still...

Maybe we should have gotten a "Build Template Release Box" where we could've chosen one Build/Gear-Template expansion thingy of our choice from the Trading Post instead of those useless 3 slots that probably don't matter to anyone, at least not for me, I don't really understand what I would ever need those slots for considering they don't even save the equipment, only the traits and utilities.... To me their only purpose is for the very rare case when I want to ping my build to a friend and can't be bothered to visit gw2skills.net or for the slightly more common case where gw2skills.net just isn't up to date. Also I'd imagine generating chatlinks from gw2skills.net is just around the corner now so there really isn't any purpose for those save slots...


I really didn't have high expectations but somehow I'm still disappointed, the templates really don't have much use for me at the moment, I have to put more effort into the game now by beeing forced to manually switch my build whenever I enter or leave WvW and the only advantage so far is that I can quickly switch my weapon via hotkey in escort events just so that I can buff swiftness... Such comfort, waow... (I hope you don't mind the dead meme).

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I won't go too much into the new template system aside from just saying that the new UI feels unpolished and has a rather poor UX (battling between the right click tab menu and the summary hover messages is a nightmare).


However, given the pretty steep prices for expanding the system would it be possible to reach a compromise between players and ANet and just add an additional equipment slot per character, raising the current number from two to three?


I run a trinity PvE setup on my main ele (D/W Tempest, S/F Weaver, Staff Weaver), which is something probably a lot of other eles run too, so having the number of equipment slots that matches the number of build template slots per character seems like a rather reasonable idea.


I don't mind paying for stuff in the game but 500 gems (almost 200g in ingame currency) for an equipment slot seems just a bit too much for me.

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My biggest problem is with the simple fact I have 27 character slots, consider this to be for the 9 classes and 3 play types, being DPS, Condi, or Healer. 27 characters, most of these characters have a build for open world PvE, 1 for instanced PvE, 1 for WvW and 1 For PvP even though I rarely play PvP. The simple fact I cannot even store all the main builds of my characters seems a weird issue. This equates to 27 builds. Actually saving all builds on these characters would be 81 builds using the old PvE,WvW,PvP storage system. Using my own system and considering my own builds I know by head and storing them would be roughly 108 +15% additional for some specialized support characters, say 125 builds in total I used to use. I can save 6 of those 125 builds.


This is ignoring I have several characters with 2 or even 3(+) armors. I'm not gonna buy templates for those. I have a character I tried to clothe in Legendary , arm wit legendary, my main focus has been to continue playing it to have goal to see it evolve, but now it feels increasingly clunky, to a point where I prefer just having ascendeds....


I have no clue how to use the templates, I honestly do not care. It 's not like GW1 where I could just swap on the fly between 4 builds per character. As such it feels clunky and ill conceived. And it costs a lot of cash as well, for basic operation. something which was free and easy in gw1.


If I cannot use these or swap 'm or store 'm in any form or fashion without added payment, I'd say the project to deliver has been a waste of time, a waste of effort, a loss in content. A grim failure in my vision.


I do not care about templates too much though, like I said: I have 27 slots to store the main builds I'm playing already. The alternate builds are mostly stored in my brain. I'll just again have to ignore the effort which went into this and have my view of GW2 again take a hit, find it fading once more and wait once more for LW S5.

I've been playing since 2012, played GW1 before. All parts. And I miss the time I was on the hypetrain, even if it didn't bring everything I wanted all the time. The Magic is fading, The Magic being Tyria, -ME- being IN Tyria! And the magic is definitively not the gemstore.


I've noticed my interest in this game waning as I prefer -content- over the maniacal focus on skins (outfits, armors, mounts, gliders, backs, mini's) in gems shops or QoL updates not providing me with actual QoL. I play a game to be entertained, not to be sucked dry with ever greater force & focus and having the feel I'm being told this needs to be done to continue making content, without seeing the frequency of releases improve or having the feel the content still being the main focus of the game, instead of gemstore products.


The game is great, but the feeling this game is alive comes from -actual playable content-, and -the people it attracts-, a.k.a. the playerbase!

If I feel I can play with people and see new content I feel happy and excited.


I do not feel rewarded by supposedly mandatory purchases from the gemshop's products. If I have to spell out on a forum I want content I'm sad, I feel ignored and I have negative emotions coupled with the game. Being sad doesn't improve my willingness to purchase more items in the game or spend more time in the game at all.


Just my opinion.



I have 27 characterslots, roughly said a healer, a condi and a power build for all 9 classes, some with additional WvW sets and or additional support sets. I have 6 save slots for builds. I roughly could use 81 build slots now and corresponding 81 equipment templates for armor. I have 1 character in leggy armor, leggy weapons, with leggy back and trinket I have no clue how to use this or where to start... I wonder why this gem store product has been so important over actual content again... I feel sad I see again a lot of attempted QoL investment, but no content, just more posts in the gemstore.

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