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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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As far as I'm concerned cost is one of the worst things about this system. The unlocks should be account wide. With the amount of alts people have, the cost is way too high with the existing implementation. Builds are not the same as bag storage. While the equipment tab is convenient, it wasn't really expected since most people have lots of bag storage so you're not really giving value there. That would go a long way to appease the hardcore players.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


Though I appreciate that you have given us this limited response I have a couple of issues.


You are in the marketing department and the whole purpose of the marketing department is to sell things and sell them at a price point that is acceptable to the general public and provides enough revenue to justify the time invested in bringing the content. So you are really not on our side you are on the side of the bottom line and your department has really screwed the pooch on this decision making process. Hardcore players are just going to use third party notepad apps and websites that you can copy and paste in shared builds they provide enough notes space to give weapons, armor, and upgrades for the equipment portion of the build so there is no longer any need for your equipment tab, build tabs, and build storage slots in any way shape or form. As personal notepads are not against your rules that you have set for sharing they are perfectly permissible. As a community its our obligation to disseminate information that can benefit that community and that has the best value and functionality. I actually want to thank Anet for being so greedy that they gave people the motivation to have 3rd party solutions to your greed in less than 3 days. I think you may have actually done us all a favor.



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> @"patrickmaciel.1876" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


> Thanks for the answer. We hope ANET could be more close to the community and listen us more frequently. We need you and you need us. We need to be partners not enemies.


> **About that build template:**

> I hope you guys release this feature for free, with a normal limitation, example: **10 equipment/set build + 10 skills/traits build per character for free**.

> if you want more than 10, than you pay.


> Im ok with pay IF I PAID FOR AN REALLY EXTRA feature, example: its normal to have 20 equipament builds? NOPE, its not. So if you want to be that crazy, pay for that. But have 10 builds its super normal. Everything that is "normal" it has to be free.


> 10 builds per character is a decent amount, because we have PVE, PVP and WvW. Most of us have minimum 3 builds for each mode. MINIMUM.

> The bests scenario is: 10 builds for each mode: 10 for pvp, 10 for pve, 10 for WvW. THIS IS REALLY WORKS.


> When I say "build" I mean equipment/set + skills/traits. So... equipment set + skill/trait build.


> Sorry for my terrible english.

That sounds like a super insane amount to me and 5+ builds further than "normal". I have lots of gear in the bank or on characters but having more than a couple "active" builds pre-templates was rare. Hell on some characters I have a single build, because it's for a single purpose (such as having a p/p DE for pewpewing open world PvE - if I feel like going into WvW with a thief... I have another set up for that). Having 30 builds in total *and taking into account you mean gear AND build* is just **straight up bonkers** level of commitment to different builds. I mean I'm sure some people still have that for some reason, but I would not consider it "super normal".

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> @"Samaruis Vulcan.7413" said:

> 3 Days and 10 pages later they finally acknowledge our existence. I have to say it's about time. I hope what we've said is taken into consideration Stephane, you guys kinda dropped the ball on this one. Here's hoping you can make it right.


Isn't it much more than 4 days and 10 pages, given that the feedback has more or less been the same since the blog post, just louder and more frequent now that we have actual price numbers and can test it real time?

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" This are issues I have with the current system:

- Since the original gear setup and build setup has been replaced with templates, you cannot change equipment or traits/skills without changing a template. I think this should be corrected ASAP, templates should be aside the original system, not replace it, what's the point of registering templates if every time you swap something (without wanting that change to be permanent) you are changing something that is supposed to be a stored setup?

- Beyond being able to setup buttons for swapping gear, I believe each gamemode (PvE, WvW and PvP) should have some sort of "memory" as to which template or setup you used the last time you entered that mode, so we don't need to manually change setups each time we swap modes (given that previously the system had this memory, it's easy now to forget that you need to re-select your build when you enter each mode, leading to annoying mistakes)

- I think that by this point is clear that I expect this new feature to add to what we previously had, without replacing it.


Additionally, things that I would like to see added or changed about the new system:

- The price is too high, I find no point for account-wide build storage, and the price of templates is just too high for what it is, while yes, you can compare a gear template with a bag slot, it has both pros and contras against just adding a new bag slot, on one side it allows you to quickly equip what you have stored, on the other hand, it can't be used for storage of any class of items, so I think that pricing it above a bag slot is bad, if anything, for good faith, it should be priced less. In a dream world, you could keep the price but make it an accountwide unlock.

- Build templates on the other hand have no reason to be priced so high, it is basically a macro, that offers no advantage at all beyond convenience, please consider pricing it fairly instead.

- what's the point of account wide build storage? the build templates are just a text, I don't understand this feature, I mean is nice to have it integrated, but at the same time, why are your charging for it?


That's it for now, I support you guys, but you should be more careful next time, you had an entire month to listen to the concerns of players, and you went with it anyways, of course people is pissed.

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> @"dmone.5631" said:

> I will preface this with the fact that I don't use templates, however my opinion on this issue:


> 1. ANet should allow for QoL add-ons and have a process to test and sign off on them to be officially sanctioned for use in game

> 2. ANet should reach out to the ArcDPS Build Template developer and purchase the rights to the code and make it an official GW2 add-on with the option to enable or disable the feature.

> 3. The number of templates and storage is quite horrid, based on the loyalty the community has to this game. Recommendation would be to give 2 templates and 2 storage based on the amount of years playing. Max 14 template and 14 storage, if more is needed past that then can be purchase from the gem store at the current price. On the birthday anniversary of the toons, grant 1 template and 1 storage as part of the package.





I like it



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It's far too expensive. People don't like the amount of templates that are available to buy, but they are still pointing out how expensive it is using this limited number of templates. As far as the design I like it. I don't have legendaries though, so I'm a little out of my depth on this "runes/sigils popping out" issue. Seems like you could just leave them in the last equipped item/setting if they become unlinked.

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So , my feedback is kinda confused, switches very quick between builds or gear sets , with both ascended or leggy sets, too bad , whenever you want to play another class with that leggy armor set, you gotta remove it from previous character template in order to deposit the leggy armor in bank, and all the template is gone

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First and foremost, the build (traits and utilities) templates should simply be unlocked and free. When you can use a simple text code, it pretty much invalidates the monetization of that particular feature. With that in mind, Anet probably isn't going to make a lot of money off of that particular feature as it is anyway, and just unlocking them for everyone would help lessen some of the current discord around this topic.


As it relates to gear - there are some really good recommendations in this thread, such as the "armory" concept on the previous page (Stryder's post - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1088677/#Comment_1088677 ). If you want to justify charging for more than two, then you need to bring a little more added value than you currently do. An armory where you could more easily swap gear between characters (and in the case of legendaries/ascended, potentially duplicate usage without having to unequip/reequip across characters) would be a very popular feature - and one many would likely be willing to buy gems to enhance. That said, I have little issue with the monetization of additional gear loadouts (even though they could use a little more value to warrant a 500 gem price tag).


As far as big picture, I think it is just a little too obvious that some of the decisions here were made solely for monetization reasons - that monetization rather than enticing gameplay drove the core concepts of the template system we ended up with. I fully support the gem store (and buy from it fairly regularly), but the development model needs to be design for the players first - and worry about how the game is monetized afterwards. That happened in the early days of the game and was a major reason GW2 became successful. Don't change that mindset now - and definitely don't deliberately make things harder for the players so you can charge to make them easier later (that is the trash system mobile games use and has no place in GW2).

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After having the free use of ARC, using this clunky piece of wonderment leaves an aftertaste of filth in my mouth; especially considering the astronomical costs anet has decided they want us to pay for a q.o.l. feature they knew we've been asking for since the game dropped. Massively Overpowered did the math:

> we pegged it at roughly $36 to max out a single character on build and equipment templates, plus another $37 to max out an account on build storage – it’d run you $360 to max everything on an account with one of every class. [https://massivelyop.com/2019/10/30/guild-wars-2-fans-are-super-unhappy-about-the-build-template-patch/](https://massivelyop.com/2019/10/30/guild-wars-2-fans-are-super-unhappy-about-the-build-template-patch/ "https://massivelyop.com/2019/10/30/guild-wars-2-fans-are-super-unhappy-about-the-build-template-patch/")


I've done my share of buying gem store purchases to support the game and keep it going, even though it's quite easy to farm gold and convert to gems to buy what you like. There is no way this side of **** I will be supporting this type of gouging, as there is no other way you can describe this. For that kind of money I could buy a whole lot of bags, alts, or even other entire games if anet persists in trolling this type of garbage to its customers. They've had years to develop templates, they had an outside party give them a working template code from front to back to even read through to get an idea of how one works. Yeah, it didn't work quite how they wanted it to, but don't tell me coders couldn't have dug some better ideas out of it instead of the "official" version they spewed out. You asked for opinions and suggestions, then promptly ignored each and every one of them. Then dropped a patently inferior, separated system and deliberately gave us less equipment templates than build templates so we'll have to buy multiples of them to have an equal amount of each for a toon, then charged fantastical costs for each one. And now you're back to solicit opinions again. Surely you jest.

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All in all, glad to have more versatility, and inventory space. I understand all the angry folks, but it strikes me as quite similar to the levels of hype whenever new stuff drops, so...grain of salt. My thoughts:

* Templates should be manually saved and loaded, not autosave at the literal drop of a hat. Like the name implies.

* Gear and Build templates should be linked. If I'm swapping gear, I'm swapping skills.

* Templates should auto swap for WvW and PvP. These slots should also be free.

* Legendary gear should allow different skins, runes, and sigils in different slots. Legendary gear wasn't "nerfed", but it is less functional than Ascended right now.

* Per character unlocks are dumb lol. I already wasted my free slot because I didn't expect this level of shill for 500 gems.


Anywho. Thanks for getting these out. Hopefully we can talk more, as community and devs. I think most angry players just want to be heard.

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Reminds me with the second class choice and not tied to weapon skills I had over 1500 assassin builds saved in the original game. Along with the pigeon holing with how elite specs work making it where usually one non-elite spec and the elite spec are mandatory so besides the current problems with the build templates. You've also got it where anet has screwed themselves over in a thousand directions on if they were determined to make money off this they had already failed in doing so where most builds are just copies over another build with one difference in the trait options. So I can see why O'brien left along with the greed with this template system it also goes against the very brand of Anet to play as you want more so on the way weapons work there really isn't any build diversity you know exactly what abilities your enemy has just by knowing what class they are elite spec doesn't really matter it just makes it easier to identify. So this template system just magnifies how badly the game has been managed and the balance is practically non-existent. So I hope you are listening you create a game that goes from over 1500 options for a single class down to practically 1 and you wonder why people quit over balance and such.


Edit: I hope they are doing something that is going to completely amaze me in the near future because as of the past 12 months a gear grinding mmorpg seems more fun. Might have to start calling this game Depression Wars 2.

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TL;DR of the biggest problems:

1. Since Builds do not auto swap between WvW/PvP/PvE anymore, the least that could have been done would be to give everyone three free equip templates instead of two.

2. There is no option in these templates to set them as the default for WvW/PvP/PvE. It should be noted that these first two problems means that this update results in a net QoL LOSS for people who play all three game modes and is a huge oversight. _Imagine QoL updates that remove QoL._

3. Bugs. Bugs everywhere. There are too many to list but a huge one is that trait templates cause your skills on Revenant to be randomly mixed up and reset positions. This bug is so particularly bad that it can result it Rev skills having the wrong skill icon, or even have skills from other legends appearing on legends they aren't supposed to.

4. The price in gems is simply not worth it in most cases. It costs less gems to just buy extra inventory space. Why is such a simple feature so expensive?

5. Build sharing doesn't properly include weapons. Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but regardless it makes the feature not as effective as it could be.

6. Legendaries don't remember Runes/upgrades. Again, not sure if bug or intended but it's bad.


It overall just seems like build templates were not ready for live deployment but got pushed out anyways due to mismanagement.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


Plenty of feedback was given to you throughout the process including likely issues with gear parity, concerns about cost and the implementation being too limited.


That feedback was not listened to, it seemingly wasn't considered at all and instead we had many frequent forum posters decry the very existence of the threads discussing problems because of an "I'm alright, Jack" attitude where they perceived they were gaining.


Regardless, I hope Arenanet actually start listening now so here is a little touch of feedback;


1) The price is astronomically too high for what you get. Loading out one character with six build templates and six equipment templates is 2900 gems which is far too costly for something that would be required on multiple characters. This is exemplified by the fact that purchasing a character slot gets you more in terms of build and equipment templates than what that purchase would gain if buying the templates directly.


2) The functionality is not enough and the number is too little. Six build + equipment templates means that I am able to have about half of the builds I would like as quick access for raiding. I can't save any WvW, PvP or Open World builds without eating into the account wide storage option.


3) The loadout functionality is frustrating. These aren't templates that we have been given and it shows as minor alterations around a base build are saved. I'd much rather be able to load into the standard build, and tweak as necessary, rather than having to remember to put traits and utilities back to where they were if minor changes are made.


4) The switching in of the account builds (which are truly templates!) is frustrating and the UI is unclear, often leading to builds being wiped over. There shouldn't be so much frustration in a paid for feature.


5) We didn't actually receive any free build templates. They are just the WvW and PvP loadouts made visible and usable in other game modes. While this might be nice for people that only play one mode, it is restrictive for anyone that plays a mixture of modes.


6) Legendary items are absolutely a second consideration in this template implementation and their worth is highly devalued. Many of us already pointed out that players using legendary gear would receive less QoL and benefits, gaining less storage space and missing out on fashion swapping features _despite paying exactly the same_. However, the situation is actually far worse. Swapping legendary items, particularly weapons, into a different set is painful as the legendary does not remember its previously equipped sigils/runes and infusions. Ascended items do, which is another mark in their favour. What this means is that if I want to swap in a legendary item, say to change from Rifle to P/P as a DE for different might stacking at the start of a fight, then _every time_ I need to replace the sigil and any infusions. This is _less convenient_ for weapon swapping than before templates (which were supposed to be a convenience feature) were even introduced!


I really hope you take some of this feedback into account. The price is too steep, the implementation awkward and shallow and the current system really devalues legendary items giving less QoL and making them difficult to use. I understand the need for monetisation given the model in which GW2 operates, but this shouldn't mean a feature being worse for the players that need it the most.

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I'm assuming that Anet will not change anything about the template system - not for a while anyway. So what we need is a way to make the best of what we have.

Having played with templates now I'm finding what I need more than anything else is a way to organise build and equipment templates properly - a way to bring them together to make changing a simple one click or one key event. One way to do this is to have an organiser UI: I'm going to call it the Loadout Menu to make it easy to refer to. It needs to be something easy to use like a drop down list of Loadouts (each capable of having a hotkey).


Players would assign the following:

* User Defined Name - so you know what the Loadout is for

* Character - to apply the Loadout to

* Build - which of the character build templates you want to use

* Equipment - which of the character equipment templates you want to use

* Default - selectable PvE, WvW, or PvP field. Setting this loads this Loadout when the character enters this game mode. If no default is set for a game mode, the current Loadout is used.


To use it, either:

1. call up the Loadout menu (single key press) and select the dropdown Loadout you want for your character. The UI should put current character Loadouts at the top of the list, sorted by used defined name.

2. press the hotkey for the Loadout you want to apply. This would be quicker but relies on remembering what you have assigned to each hotkey.


Since Loadouts simply **link** existing things (character, build template number, equipment template number, game mode) they can be stored locally and therefore can be free and unlimited in number.


TLDR - this idea provides the following benefits with minimal change to the existing structure:

* Defaults for specific game modes

* Links build and equipment templates

* Single hotkey swapping

* Helps players organise their options for builds and equipment in an easy to use way.

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1. Why 2 separate systems for build templates? It just seems weird. One, account wide system would do the job just fine. Sorted by profession - only logged profession builds available.

2. Three free builds per character and some account wide is just not enough. It's not even an improvement to what we had with builds for WvW, PVE and PVP just different. Build is just a short string of text that can be stored locally. You already have the system in place. Build templates should encourage people to try new builds, make more gear sets, make game more enjoyable. Now it feels like you purposely complicated the system so you can monetize it. Monetize gear templates, those are OK as they are new storage space and something new. Build templates should be limitless, easy to use and dirt cheap or free. Now they are none of that.

3. Gear templates are OK for me. But I don't share gear between characters, don't know how that works.

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Okay so I have a few points to make


a) The templates need to have a save button. If you want you can leave the existing functionality and make using the save button completely optional (with a button to wipe the save if people want to revert to this functionality), but not being able to make minor changes for a situation and then revert to your normal version of the build is a big failure.


b) Templates need to independently save whether you are showing helm, shoulders, gloves and backpiece. It would also be nice to be able to save whether you want an outfit toggled on for each template too.


c) You should be able to set templates to automatically be swapped to when entering pvp or wvw (maybe pve too, or you could just have it remember what you were on and toggle back?).


d) I have heard that apparently the current cap of 6 gear templates is because of performance issues, I really don't know how to say this other than... it's just not enough. There needs to be more. You need to have people spending time trying to fix this problem. I would say 10 is probably a good enough spot to have it in.


e) You need to be able to link a gear template to a build template so that equipping one will always equip the other. Possibly even make options for multiple pairing, eg I could imagine using the same build in a raid but swapping out between minstrels and say diviners or harriers depending on if you were tanking. Perhaps this could be a separate keybinding option.


f) This part is extremely minor but it seems to me that when swapping to a build template, surely it should default to weaponset 1 not weaponset 2?


g) Legendaries absolutely need to not forget their settings when they are unequipped/reequipped. They should remember the stats they were equipped with the last time they were used in that template, but you could also get away with them retaining whatever their current stats are when you equip them again if you implement the save button.


h) The elephant in the room... the monetization. As has been pointed out by others, the cost of outfitting one of each class with max templates (which we've established is not enough anyway) is similar to a 12 month subscription to an entire MMO. Templates are a function that is free in other games, including even the predecessor to this game, and was even in fact available freely within this game until a few weeks ago. In my opinion they should not be monetized at all, however while I could accept some amount of monetization, this amount is just absurd, and personally I will absolutely not be buying any like this. The build template and build storage expansions frankly feel like traps for people who don't think of creating a notepad document. If these must be monetized, it should be far, far cheaper, I'm talking like 20-30 gems per expansion and the build templates being made account wide upgrades. Expansions to the gear templates should also be account wide, and cheaper, like say 200 gems. A full set of gear templates then would work out to around $20usd still (if they were expanded to 10 max). At the moment it is literally cheaper and easier to buy a character slot and lvl up a new character to 80 if you want more builds which I think shows how out of touch this "convenience" feature is.


The more I look at this system, it's really hard to escape the conclusion that this entire system was built from the ground up with the idea that it was going to abusively monetized and needed some kind of justification, hence including the gear being loaded into it permanently instead of waiting in your bags so that inventory slots could be pitched as a benefit. That doesn't leave a great taste in my mouth. Personally if I wanted inventory slots, I would have bought inventory slots. I wanted build templates, and frankly feel in a far, far worse position now in regards to those than I was with the old fan-made arcDPS ones.

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Finally Build Templates! Sadly a little bit dissapointing :(


The great thing we can finally load and share builds easily :)


Let's come to the why it's a big dissapointment for me:

A.) I have to load my correct game mode build manually now when I switch between wvw and pve

B.) Build Template Tabs are totally unnecessary, just use Build Storage instead like in GW1 and load everytime from that menu. Why? You don't have to remember which number which build is or mouse over it for the name. Further a Build Template Tab Slot costs 300 Gems and is charackter bound, and a pack of 3 Build Storage Slots costs 500 Gems and is account bound. I don't see any benefit of using the Build Template Slots. It just makes it unnecessary complicated. Just remove it and give everyone 3 Build Storage Slots per Charakter for free. And of course lift the limitation of 24? build storage slots.

C.) Equipment Templates ... hmm I don't know, well it's a great idea that it takes lesser inventory space, but I just don't like the Tab System specially there are way to few Tabs and unintuitive to use with the numbers, can't be searched etc... Specially when i have only slightly different gear for two different builds like another weapon and two other trinkets I won't spend that valuable slot for it. Just use the existing slot and swap it manually every time. So basically i would use a slot for healer equipment, for moderate power equipment, for full berserker equipment, for a condi equipment and for a hybrid equipment etc only. That feels kinda shitty. An equipment storage would be more helpful for me where i can store all slightly modified versions.



So currently i only use equipment slot 1 for wvw and slot 2 for pve. I don't use build template tabs at all. I just use the build storage and load everything from there (Have to mention that i currently only store the templates of 1 char there)

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


I can honestly say, as a GuildWars(1) Veteran who spent 7 years never faulting in my support for that game, even today as it's - well, practically dead.


Aslong as:


Build templates and Build Storage isn't *FREE* .

Anyone who BOUGHT Build templates and build Storage Isn't *Reimbursed* .

Equipment Templates arrent updated to *WORK* properly with legendary gear.

Equipment Templates arrent *Accountwide* Purchases.


Equipment Templates arrent set to 30 max, with:

3 slots for a FreeToPlay account

5 slots for a base game account

7 slots for a base + HoT account

9 slots for a base + HoT + PoF account


Equipment Templates are priced at a *Reasonable* level.


This *Feature* that was free in The Original GuildWars, That should've shipped with Guildwars2 on *Day One*, will be a *Total Fkn Joke* and so will you.


At this point, with the way it is, you and everyone at *EArenanet* who doesn't strike to end this nonsense, is no better than the worst in the gaming industry:


Electronic Arts - Monetizing a RED DOT sight, and adding P2W weapons to lootboxes in games they promised wouldent even HAVE lootboxes.

Bethesda - GROSSLY mismanaging and screwing up Fallout 76, over 50 scandals tied to that one game alone.

Activision-Blizzard - Destroying their most beloved franchises using ANTI-consumer tactics and monetization for *Short-term-gains* .

Arenanet - Monetizing just about anything you actually make for a game. so far, more than 90% of all the ingame content made in the past 5 years, has been locked away in a cashshop - **No, gold > gems isnt a valid excuse to do this**


i wonder if you're actually proud to be on ^ that list, you are now. and you'll continue to be untill you get your act together.

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Equipment template links (chat codes)

Build Links for posting traits & skills are great but only half of a build.

I'm trying to suggest a similar method to convey the other gear related half of the build to other players for information purposes only.

The equipment template link should include:

- weapon types with sigils for the two weapon sets

- used runes

- points invested in the different basic stats from power to concentration (not derived stats like health, armor etc.)

-- since different stats are often chosen for the individual weapon sets this should be reflected. So maybe the stat points should be listed separately for weapon set one, weapon set two and the rest (armor and trinkets)

Note: Aquatic items could be excluded from this since under water combat is nearly irrelevant at the moment. Also Agony Resistance doesn't need to be listed as it is determined by the fractal level.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Sorry for my terrible english.

> That sounds like a super insane amount to me and 5+ builds further than "normal". I have lots of gear in the bank or on characters but having more than a couple "active" builds pre-templates was rare. Hell on some characters I have a single build, because it's for a single purpose (such as having a p/p DE for pewpewing open world PvE - if I feel like going into WvW with a thief... I have another set up for that). Having 30 builds in total *and taking into account you mean gear AND build* is just **straight up bonkers** level of commitment to different builds. I mean I'm sure some people still have that for some reason, but I would not consider it "super normal".


Look, I have my main ranger:

### PVE:

- open world solo: 1 set, 1 build

- meta event: 1 set, 1 build

- open world training/guide/farming (champs, etc): 1 set, 1 build

### Fractal

- condi duration: 1 set, 1 build

- dps: 1 set, 1 build

- healer/toughness/hydrid: 1 set, 1 build

### RAID

- condi duration: 1 set, 1 build

- dps: 1 set, 1 build

- healer/toughness/hydrid: 1 set, 1 build

### WvW

- roaming > condi x zerk: 1 set, 1 build

- roaming > zerk: 1 set, 1 build

- roaming > survival: 1 set, 1 build

- zerg front: 1 set, 1 build

- zerg middle: 1 set, 1 build


14 sets, 14 builds.


**Calm down, I will explain: In my real situation I have only 8 sets, not 14. Why?** Because its impossible to carry all the sets, so I need to keep back to bank to swap everytime = thats boring and stressfull.


"Oh Patrick, why you not share equipment?" = Because the runes and sigils are different and for differente purposes. Its impossible use same set condi, for fractal, raid, open world, solo, etc. For every situation, you have a different set, rune, sigil and build. And Im not a hardcore player Im very casual, but use the same build is terrible for a good experience (in my opinion of course).


And if I have 1 character for each type of build/game mode? (like I really have). Forget the main characeter, my main do everything in the game of course, lets talk about single purpouse characters:


## Soulbeast condition

### PVE:

- open world solo: 1 set, 1 build

- meta event: 1 set, 1 build

- open world training/guide/farming (champs, etc): 1 set, 1 build

### Fractal

- condi duration: 1 set, 1 build

- condi survival/hybrid: 1 set, 1 build (like if you need more dps or my vitality)

### RAID

- condi duration: 1 set, 1 build

- condi survival/hybrid: 1 set, 1 build (like if you need more dps or my vitality)

### WvW

- roaming > condi x dps: 1 set, 1 build

- roaming > full condi: 1 set, 1 build

- roaming > survival: 1 set, 1 build

- zerg front: 1 set, 1 build

- zerg middle: 1 set, 1 build


12 sets, 12 builds


This, for one type of "set", like: condition, zerk, healer, etc. I have this character that is focused only on condition (a soulbeast pure condition), and even focusing only on that, it still varies the equipment depending on the situation.


I like to play that way because the gameplay never feel the same for me.

Playing using the same set, same rune, same sigil, same skills and same traits is boring and you will get tired in a short time (my opinion).


So I never play in the same way. Every situation, game, mode, boss, etc, have a different set.




Other situation: **BALANCE PATCH**. When balance happens, set's change, build change, everthing change. In the first moment I cant destroy all my stuffs, I need to keep the same set and build and test the "new build with the balance patch".

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The funny part about equipment templates is that if you want to switch between weapons in a build for different scenarios you have three options.

* Either have an equipment template for each weapon loadlout, which is kinda silly.

* Open equipment template each time you want to switch weapons if they're linked between templates, which for legendaries means selecting stats, sigils and infusions.

* Have tons of weapons in your inventory, that can't be legendary, due to stat and sigil issue. And swap from inventory.


All of these defeat the gains that were described we gain with templates which are inventory space and convenience.

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