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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> Think they do as always...wait it out.... they sure will do the following maths: the players which do not bother giving feedback are fine with templates... the ones who buy this kitten either.. so in their eyes it is “only a small amount of players“ complaining so they keep going as always... should stop believing the consultant kitten ;)


You can only ride-out the goodwill of the playerbase for so long.

Things have a cumulative effect over time.

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I don't like the character-based nature of the build and equipment unlocks (or the bag slots for that matter). At 300 and 500 gems each, it costs 2900 gems to unlock all 6 build and 6 equipment slots per character. If a player wants to re-roll a character, you lose the entire investment. I would like to have a way to recover the bag, build and equipment slots if I re-roll a character. Ideally they should be account-based, i.e. adding a bag, equipment or build slot extends the item by one for all characters -- that is more customer friendly. The character upgrades could also be slot-based, i.e. the upgrade is for the slot in which the character sits, not the character itself, so that a re-roll on that slot leaves the upgrades intact. In summary, the fact that there is no way to recover the investment for these things makes me reluctant to upgrade any individual character.

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It was quite obvious on release that people didn't like the implementation. You could see it in gold to gem price.

Every time there's a new mount or anything cool or useful gold to gems jumps at least 10 if no 20g for 400 gems.

With introduction of "templates" the price was maybe 1-4g up max which tells you people weren't buying many gems with money or gold.


It's sad that this big of an issue is not getting a proper response.


And to make it worse in the introduction of new mastery in episode 1 they even go and mention "With Build and Equipment Templates, this exploration and experimentation is easier."

I mean cmon, can you rub salt into the wound more Anet!?


Just respond already, you're making this worse every day!


i'm losing trust in you Anet.

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So, after a few weeks of testing, I find myself mostly not using the system at all. A little bit with my elementalist in open world, but that's pretty much it. However, since then I haven't played sPvP anymore and less WvW than before. I would very much like to have my automatic switch loadouts back. Now, I'm always scared that I forget to switch something or that I accidentally changed one of the loadouts while in another gamemode. Oh, and I don't play my revenant anymore now.


The sad thing is that now we can't hope for Anet's own build templates to save the day anymore. Before, when switching things got on my nerves, I always had that in mind. That someday there would be a convenient solution, they were working on it. Now, that's no longer the case. This is what we have now. Maybe there will be some adjustments later, but most likely not a big overhaul that would be needed to make them actually a good feature.

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So, additionally to my [other suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1087624/#Comment_1087624) how to improve / reiterate the "~~templates~~ loadouts", I found something new (to me): I crafted a set of legendary runes and I can't seem to slot them via the equipment screen (select the gear slot, choose rune, done). I have to double click the rune and slot it in the armor piece of choice individually. Also, runes don't carry over to another gear loadout, I have to slot them manually - again.


Now it is:

double click rune - choose gear - select rune type - confirm - repeat ~6-7 times. (repeat for ever gear loadout slot you have)


It should be:

select gear slot in equipment - click rune - repeat ~6-7 times - chose rune type for all or individually afterwards.


I don't know if this problem existed before "~~templates~~ loadouts" or if it's new, but it's just as annoying as the rest of the "~~template~~ loadout" functionality.

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> I would very much like to have my automatic switch loadouts back. Now, I'm always scared that I forget to switch something or that I accidentally changed one of the loadouts while in another gamemode.


> @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> Hi, yes, can you make it so that builds change automatically from PvE, PvP and WvW as you change game mode like it used to.

These can't be repeated often enough.

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It's funny when they said that build templates will bring more build diversity.


What it did for me is that:

* i only use 1 template so i can use legendaries as i did before, which is better than using the new system.

* I don't go to PvP because builds don't switch and it just made everything more annoying. Feels like i need to make a char specifically for PvP now.

* and when i go to WvW i use PvE build because if i don't i will forget to switch and run around PvE with WvW build.


Yep build diversity. Before i played with 3 builds, now i play with 1 and i don't play PvP anymore.




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I'm a PvE player, and just started trying templates in order to switch specializations and weapons. Since my armor does not change, it's not quickly obvious which configuration my character is in.

I would like to have dye selections included in the build template so I could recolor something and "color code" the different builds.

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> @"Ampa.2749" said:

> I'm a PvE player, and just started trying templates in order to switch specializations and weapons. Since my armor does not change, it's not quickly obvious which configuration my character is in.

> I would like to have dye selections included in the build template so I could recolor something and "color code" the different builds.


Or i don't know....maybe display the name we can set for both build and equipment "templates" on the screen instead or in addition to "activating template"???


Why even let us set the name of equipment "templates" if you don't use it and we can't save them?


That "activating template" is so general! Like which "template", build, equipment, slot 1, 2, 3 of what????

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> @"skoda.4619" said:

> > @"Ampa.2749" said:

> > I'm a PvE player, and just started trying templates in order to switch specializations and weapons. Since my armor does not change, it's not quickly obvious which configuration my character is in.

> > I would like to have dye selections included in the build template so I could recolor something and "color code" the different builds.


> Or i don't know....maybe display the name we can set for both build and equipment "templates" on the screen instead or in addition to "activating template"???


> Why even let us set the name of equipment "templates" if you don't use it and we can't save them?


Yes, that could work too. When you switch configurations with a key bind, a small little box appears on the screen that says something, but it goes by too fast to read.


When I leave a character standing in a map somewhere, then log in the next day, it would be cool if I could tell what configuration the character is in by looking at it. I don't want to open the Hero window to check the configuration. Color coding "red boots" or "green boots" would do for me.


Using template names would be fine if I could perhaps hover the pointer over the Hero window icon and the active configuration templates would popup.

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Sticky this thread again, Anet. It should be obvious that this topic is not over with, and the community is demanding a response from you. The silence is deafening, and as usual, you are eroding trust. Please try to repair community relations. Start with some transparency and actual communication (not a "we have read your comments" dog bone). People will be so much more sympathetic if they feel they are being heard.

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Please keep in mind you are trying to sell an MMORPG here. This is not an article you just have to sell once to each customer, so to speak. You need your new players, sure, but you also need to keep the trust and loyalty of your existing players. It does matter what we think of you. Not just in reviews.

Making questionable and controverse decisions like releasing THIS build template system while also banning the alternative and then ignoring all feedback is not a very smart way if you want us to still trust you. This year was kind of rough anyways, with the layoffs and the underwhelming August announcement. I would have expected you to communicate more with the playerbase, not less, in order to keep us on your side. We would very much like to support you. Please don't make it too hard. :)

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> @"skoda.4619" said:

> It's funny when they said that build templates will bring more build diversity.


> What it did for me is that:

> * i only use 1 template so i can use legendaries as i did before, which is better than using the new system.

> * I don't go to PvP because builds don't switch and it just made everything more annoying. Feels like i need to make a char specifically for PvP now.

> * and when i go to WvW i use PvE build because if i don't i will forget to switch and run around PvE with WvW build.


> Yep build diversity. Before i played with 3 builds, now i play with 1 and i don't play PvP anymore.


> Nice!



I went from 20+ Builds with Arc on multiple characters to only playing one class anymore with 3-4 builds, which I awkwardly have to juggle with the account wide slots, and constantly having to swap one of the gear loadout slots around, since I refuse to buy into this system at this price, especially per character.


I also had 3 more legendary Armors from all gamemodes in the making, which I already didn't really need since I already have some for all my most played/build diverse characters, which are now just straight up worse and more annoying than Ascended Gear (of which I have 5 bank tabs full of stacks), so all my ingame goals are void too.


So yea, went from enjoying many professions in all gamemodes with tons of variety to barely playing the game anymore, and when I do am generally annoyed and frustrated about the limitations and clunkyness compared to what the game was with Arc.


Even the two horrible weeks after Arc Templates got killed with no "Template" system at all were slightly better than it is now with Anet's "templates" in place, especially for multi gamemode play.


Good stuff.

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Such a great feature we got...


1) Put some Mantras on your skillbar

2) Have a trait-build, save it in template slot 1, then change a single trait (nothing mantra-related) and save it in template slot 2

3) charge up your mantras

4) activate the 2nd build

5) yay - all your mantras are again uncharged, possibly even on cooldown

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"we've collected your feedback "


And ignored every single argument or talk about it, because, in the end of the day, $$$ is king.


Screw the feedback, I want money. Literally what all this infortaion boils down to.


I am 100% sure that the pug raid community will dissapear by the end of 2019 with this and the normal raiders that play in a pre determined group, with friends, will slowly and slowly begin to dissapear.

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> @"Condutas.3580" said:

> "we've collected your feedback "


> And ignored every single argument or talk about it, because, in the end of the day, $$$ is king.


> Screw the feedback, I want money. Literally what all this infortaion boils down to.


> I am 100% sure that the pug raid community will dissapear by the end of 2019 with this and the normal raiders that play in a pre determined group, with friends, will slowly and slowly begin to dissapear.

You know it'll take many more months, right?


Some weeks ago we got a dev note that the warclaw lance will be made unblockable due to how aegis still work while mounted. That's it. Setting a variable to 1 or true. A single line of code. Something that should be doable in minutes. It still hasnt happened and I would be surprised to see it on tuesday.


So how long do you think an entire template mechanic will take to adjust? Even something as simple as making it automatic on game mode?


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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"skoda.4619" said:

> > It's funny when they said that build templates will bring more build diversity.

> >

> > What it did for me is that:

> > * i only use 1 template so i can use legendaries as i did before, which is better than using the new system.

> > * I don't go to PvP because builds don't switch and it just made everything more annoying. Feels like i need to make a char specifically for PvP now.

> > * and when i go to WvW i use PvE build because if i don't i will forget to switch and run around PvE with WvW build.

> >

> > Yep build diversity. Before i played with 3 builds, now i play with 1 and i don't play PvP anymore.

> >

> > Nice!

> >


> I went from 20+ Builds with Arc on multiple characters to only playing one class anymore with 3-4 builds, which I awkwardly have to juggle with the account wide slots, and constantly having to swap one of the gear loadout slots around, since I refuse to buy into this system at this price, especially per character.


> I also had 3 more legendary Armors from all gamemodes in the making, which I already didn't really need since I already have some for all my most played/build diverse characters, which are now just straight up worse and more annoying than Ascended Gear (of which I have 5 bank tabs full of stacks), so all my ingame goals are void too.


> So yea, went from enjoying many professions in all gamemodes with tons of variety to barely playing the game anymore, and when I do am generally annoyed and frustrated about the limitations and clunkyness compared to what the game was with Arc.


> Even the two horrible weeks after Arc Templates got killed with no "Template" system at all were slightly better than it is now with Anet's "templates" in place, especially for multi gamemode play.


> Good stuff.



I was enjoying playing the game with Arc templates so much.

Had two sets of legendary WvW armour and was working on my third.

Now I can hardly be bothered with the game, I can't bear to use the ridiculous so-called 'templates' BS anet have forced on us. In fact I don't. I now have basically one build. It's killed the game for me really.

End game is not about exploring classes, options and builds anymore - Arc templates really opened that up for me and it was great fun. It's dead now.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Condutas.3580" said:

> > "we've collected your feedback "

> >

> > And ignored every single argument or talk about it, because, in the end of the day, $$$ is king.

> >

> > Screw the feedback, I want money. Literally what all this infortaion boils down to.

> >

> > I am 100% sure that the pug raid community will dissapear by the end of 2019 with this and the normal raiders that play in a pre determined group, with friends, will slowly and slowly begin to dissapear.

> You know it'll take many more months, right?


> Some weeks ago we got a dev note that the warclaw lance will be made unblockable due to how aegis still work while mounted. That's it. Setting a variable to 1 or true. A single line of code. Something that should be doable in minutes. It still hasnt happened and I would be surprised to see it on tuesday.


> So how long do you think an entire template mechanic will take to adjust? Even something as simple as making it automatic on game mode?



How long it takes doesn't matter as much as open communication. "We're talking to our superiors about lowering the price" or "We're working on changing this in the UI", or "we're working on raising the build cap on templates" etc etc


Something to make your hardcore players want to support you or come back. Instead most of us don't want to login and discourage anyone from playing this game except for the super casual. You're better off playing a different game.


At the end of the day all that matters is money and ~5-10% of the playerbase leaving probably won't make a dent in their wallet.

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"skoda.4619" said:

> > > It's funny when they said that build templates will bring more build diversity.

> > >

> > > What it did for me is that:

> > > * i only use 1 template so i can use legendaries as i did before, which is better than using the new system.

> > > * I don't go to PvP because builds don't switch and it just made everything more annoying. Feels like i need to make a char specifically for PvP now.

> > > * and when i go to WvW i use PvE build because if i don't i will forget to switch and run around PvE with WvW build.

> > >

> > > Yep build diversity. Before i played with 3 builds, now i play with 1 and i don't play PvP anymore.

> > >

> > > Nice!

> > >

> >

> > I went from 20+ Builds with Arc on multiple characters to only playing one class anymore with 3-4 builds, which I awkwardly have to juggle with the account wide slots, and constantly having to swap one of the gear loadout slots around, since I refuse to buy into this system at this price, especially per character.

> >

> > I also had 3 more legendary Armors from all gamemodes in the making, which I already didn't really need since I already have some for all my most played/build diverse characters, which are now just straight up worse and more annoying than Ascended Gear (of which I have 5 bank tabs full of stacks), so all my ingame goals are void too.

> >

> > So yea, went from enjoying many professions in all gamemodes with tons of variety to barely playing the game anymore, and when I do am generally annoyed and frustrated about the limitations and clunkyness compared to what the game was with Arc.

> >

> > Even the two horrible weeks after Arc Templates got killed with no "Template" system at all were slightly better than it is now with Anet's "templates" in place, especially for multi gamemode play.

> >

> > Good stuff.


> This.

> I was enjoying playing the game with Arc templates so much.

> Had two sets of legendary WvW armour and was working on my third.

> Now I can hardly be bothered with the game, I can't bear to use the ridiculous so-called 'templates' BS anet have forced on us. In fact I don't. I now have basically one build. It's killed the game for me really.

> End game is not about exploring classes, options and builds anymore - Arc templates really opened that up for me and it was great fun. It's dead now.

> GG


Yea, it's actually quite amazing how much Arc Templates transformed my experience with the game when I started using it over 2 years ago.

It really opened the game up in terms of playability, convenience and even ingame goals, adding so much value to things like Legendary Armor.

Actually kind of sad many players never got to experience the game with it, and even more so that now probably no one ever will again.

Such a massive loss for the game.


> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> Also, sticky this thread. Cowards.

> It has almost half as many comments and already More views than the QOL thread has in its lifetime. Perhaps there's some significance to that.


I'm pretty sure I saw this thread be at well over 1k Posts even as far back as a week ago.


> @"Wyverex.2409" said:

> Such a great feature we got...


> 1) Put some Mantras on your skillbar

> 2) Have a trait-build, save it in template slot 1, then change a single trait (nothing mantra-related) and save it in template slot 2

> 3) charge up your mantras

> 4) activate the 2nd build

> 5) yay - all your mantras are again uncharged, possibly even on cooldown


Yea, there are countless issues with this system, be it Mantras or Rev Legends getting mixed up, to sometimes Loadouts resetting to random builds, swapping places.. it's quite the mess, even at the best of times.


> @"MisterDapper.5984" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Condutas.3580" said:

> > > "we've collected your feedback "

> > >

> > > And ignored every single argument or talk about it, because, in the end of the day, $$$ is king.

> > >

> > > Screw the feedback, I want money. Literally what all this infortaion boils down to.

> > >

> > > I am 100% sure that the pug raid community will dissapear by the end of 2019 with this and the normal raiders that play in a pre determined group, with friends, will slowly and slowly begin to dissapear.

> > You know it'll take many more months, right?

> >

> > Some weeks ago we got a dev note that the warclaw lance will be made unblockable due to how aegis still work while mounted. That's it. Setting a variable to 1 or true. A single line of code. Something that should be doable in minutes. It still hasnt happened and I would be surprised to see it on tuesday.

> >

> > So how long do you think an entire template mechanic will take to adjust? Even something as simple as making it automatic on game mode?

> >


> How long it takes doesn't matter as much as open communication. "We're talking to our superiors about lowering the price" or "We're working on changing this in the UI", or "we're working on raising the build cap on templates" etc etc


> Something to make your hardcore players want to support you or come back. Instead most of us don't want to login and discourage anyone from playing this game except for the super casual. You're better off playing a different game.


> At the end of the day all that matters is money and ~5-10% of the playerbase leaving probably won't make a dent in their wallet.


I agree. Even if it may take way longer than it actually should to address any of the plenty issues with this system, the fact that it seems like they don't care about any of them at all makes it so much worse.

No communication about what steps they are going to take to improve it or even if they are taking any steps at all, and then unstickying this thread, especially after closing down or deleting any other topic on the subject, was just once again a chain of terribly moves.

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