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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:


> > ... I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a kitten. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

> To be fair, at this point nothing new has been generated in this thread for quite a while. There's nothing else here for Anet to read. They know the tenor and opinions of the players who have posted here. Repeating the same observations and complaints isn't getting anyone anywhere.


True. But then i do not believe they were interested in player feedback even in the beginning. The whole system was clearly designed to _not_ take player desires in regard, and its prime purpose was not to offer a QoL upgrade. The main goal was monetization, so from the very beginning, they weren't interested in any feedback that was not about them getting more money out of it.


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It has probably been said many times before but what bothers me is that the build templates are the same for pve and pvp (and wvw?). For equipment they’ve partly solved it as you use different gear for pvp and pve and only need to take care of the equipped weapons (doesn’t solve wvw though), but the current implementation of specialization templates kind of punishes you for playing more than one game mode on the same character as you pretty much need double the amount of templates. Oh, and even you don’t want to deal with this, it’s actually cheaper to get another character slot than buying 3 additional templates (amount of free templates) for different pvp builds

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> @"Black Storm.6974" said:

> Build Storage Expansion could be changed to give “3 slot per profession” (total number of professions available in the game), limiting the number of slot usable by every profession to 3 per “purchase”). So people using multiple professions wouldn’t be as penalised.


Well then people that only play 3 to 5 classes will complain, which is why I suggested about five times in this thread that the easiest way is to increase the amount per purchase from 3 to 9-10 or something higher. Retroactively providing everyone that actually paid for extras the appropriate higher amount while upping the maximum limit far beyond the 24 current limit would increase customer satisfaction. For example, if you bought one build storage for 500 gems you get 9-10 slots instead of 3 after such a change ; if you bought the maximum to reach the 24 limit (6x purchases if you don't include the 3 free slots , 7x if you include the 3 free) you'd have 54-60 or 63-70 slots plus the base amount (3 currently). 27 is the bare minimum to have one build per spec (core, HoT, PoF).


This would address both issues at once : the pricing and the 24 slot limitation while requiring zero refunds.


Expecting a sharp increase from 3 to effectively 27 per purchase is really wishful thinking as that's almost an order of magnitude, even more wishful thinking than what I proposed in the past. In addition, some people might have a few builds for some classes (notably thief , necro) but a ton of builds for others (guardian, ranger, elementalist , mesmer, revenant, etc). The past sale was 40% (1 slot = 100 gems) so any reduction more than that is already a stretch especially when that would effectively be lower than bank tab pricing (600 gems = 30 slots , or 20 gems a slot). At the inception of the entire system we were told to expect pricing in line with bag slots (equipment) and bank tabs , which the whole build part of the template system severely fell short on.


If your idea is implemented it would be better than what we have now, but I expect a one line change is more realistic (i.e. changing the 3 per pack to a larger number , and thereby increasing the maximum) , is far less work (i.e. dev time , which is money) and more in line with the pricing targets originally stated.


> @"Erzian.5218" said:

> It has probably been said many times before but what bothers me is that the build templates are the same for pve and pvp (and wvw?). For equipment they’ve partly solved it as you use different gear for pvp and pve and only need to take care of the equipped weapons (doesn’t solve wvw though), but the current implementation of specialization templates kind of punishes you for playing more than one game mode on the same character as you pretty much need double the amount of templates. Oh, and even you don’t want to deal with this, it’s actually cheaper to get another character slot than buying 3 additional templates (amount of free templates) for different pvp builds


Other than having slots designated for PvP / WvW by adding a tag at the front I can't see how they can do much about it without devoting dev hours to it. I agree with your sentiment as I play all 3 modes. I label my builds for WvW PvP using the build labels.

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The problem isn't build templates so much as they can be saved externally and setup within the 3 slots for during a game mode for hot-swap , its the equipment templates - where 6 and no ability to save more than that externally is a massive issue.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:


> > ... I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a kitten. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

> To be fair, at this point nothing new has been generated in this thread for quite a while. There's nothing else here for Anet to read. They know the tenor and opinions of the players who have posted here. Repeating the same observations and complaints isn't getting anyone anywhere.



> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> True. But then i do not believe they were interested in player feedback even in the beginning. The whole system was clearly designed to _not_ take player desires in regard, and its prime purpose was not to offer a QoL upgrade. The main goal was monetization, so from the very beginning, they weren't interested in any feedback that was not about them getting more money out of it.



While, honestly, this more and more what it seems to look like, there is still value in showing that this isn't something that dies out by itself.

Somewhere will be the developer that sees this each day and thinks "Man... this system really isn't as it should be." and "I wish the management cared about the players and didn't put the monetization first, after all they're who we are here for and if they are happy, they stick around and give us money."

And eventually, those devs may talk to each other about how things are and what they like and dislike and eventually they may challenge the management on it.

Or, it may not happen.

But at least as long as they see discontent, there is the chance that someone may do something about it.

If it just dies, then nobody will care.

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I have a build template for PvP. When I queue from another area with a template equipped for that content I constantly get the message that my build is missing components. My PvP build (which will be automatically swapped to) is not missing anything. I have no need to put PvP components on the other two builds. Would be nice if that check would be done on the template assigned to PvP, not just on whatever you happen to have equipped.

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I would want from ANet EITHER an explanation of why their template system keeps not working with the Revenant class (randomly swapping the skill utilities from the legend loadouts I use) or a REFUND or the real world money I spent in a feature that doesn't work (the same as they refund the gold spent in PvP amulets, runes and sigils when they chose to remove one which was previously sold to you). They were eager to monetize the new system without even testing if it worked properly before releasing it, and now we are MONTHS (half a year+) since the release and it remains utterly useless and broken for the Revenant class.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> I would want from ANet EITHER an explanation of why their template system keeps not working with the Revenant class (randomly swapping the skill utilities from the legend loadouts I use) or a REFUND or the real world money I spent in a feature that doesn't work (the same as they refund the gold spent in PvP amulets, runes and sigils when they chose to remove one which was previously sold to you). They were eager to monetize the new system without even testing if it worked properly before releasing it, and now we are MONTHS (half a year+) since the release and it remains utterly useless and broken for the Revenant class.


Yeah, you could try to send a ticket to support about getting a refund. But this long after, it could be harder.

If you're in Europe, there are usually laws about products that are broken that you may be able to point at.

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> @"Daniel.1206" said:

> I bought an extra equipment template figuring it would give me another one across my account not for just 1 character, please change this to be either and unlock gives an extra 1 on every char or make it more clear.


Well, it is in the gem shop under Character Upgrades and not Account Upgrades. And the in-game description specifies "character" (singular):

"Add an extra Equipment Template tab to the character. Each character can unlock up to 4 additional Equipment Template tabs."


They're not going to change it but good luck with your request.

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> @"Daniel.1206" said:

> I bought an extra equipment template figuring it would give me another one across my account not for just 1 character, please change this to be either and unlock gives an extra 1 on every char or make it more clear.


That's the primary reason I didn't buy a single upgrade for this QoL **down**grade.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Why would you want an equipment template for your account considering each character already gets 2...extras should also apply to each character as you might not want additional ones for some characters.


If people dont want to use it they wont use it, whats your point? People than only use 1 template already have an unused empty one, how is anyone going to see this as a negative?

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> @"aaron.7850" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > Why would you want an equipment template for your account considering each character already gets 2...extras should also apply to each character as you might not want additional ones for some characters.


> If people dont want to use it they wont use it, whats your point? People than only use 1 template already have an unused empty one, how is anyone going to see this as a negative?


You purchase them from the Gem Shop right, do you realize how much they'd have to charge for one slot to make it account wide?

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"aaron.7850" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > Why would you want an equipment template for your account considering each character already gets 2...extras should also apply to each character as you might not want additional ones for some characters.

> >

> > If people dont want to use it they wont use it, whats your point? People than only use 1 template already have an unused empty one, how is anyone going to see this as a negative?


> You purchase them from the Gem Shop right, do you realize how much they'd have to charge for one slot to make it account wide?


Whatever they want to. Could be the same price and offer some gifts to those that already purchased more than once.

Its not even a vanity item, wont make your character look any cooler, and there is already an equipment addon that does the same thing which makes the gemstore price and 1 character limit even more pointless.

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Arcdps templates had been disabled for a while now and there was a delay on the swap with no storage whatsoever. I'm looking forward to the legendary armory, but expecting equipment templates for free is unreasonable due to the equipment storage (a bag slot is 400 gems). The pricing was reduced to 350 gems temporarily while on sale and if you were seriously considering them that would have been a good time to buy them.


Your best bet is to make legendary armor of every weight along with trinkets + backpiece and hope the sharing that was mentioned works out. If going for weapons as well I would say sword, axe, greatsword , staff, dagger, and shield have the highest payoffs.

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Count the amount of characters you have, multiply by 500 gems and you have the cost for an account wide unlock.


What you are actually demanding is an option which scales with the amount of characters on your account and/or a discount.


There was a discount on equipment templates already, should have bought then. It is unlikely that a scalable option is added since that option would either have to be insanely expensive to accommodate the potential maximum amount of characters per account, or insanely cheap.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Count the amount of characters you have, multiply by 500 gems and you have the cost for an account wide unlock.


> What you are actually demanding is an option which scales with the amount of characters on your account and/or a discount.


> There was a discount on equipment templates already, should have bought then. It is unlikely that a scalable option is added since that option would either have to be insanely expensive to accommodate the potential maximum amount of characters per account, or insanely cheap.


Since the maximum number of character slots is currently 70 they'd have to account for people that have that many slots...wonder if the OP would actually be willing to pay 35000 gems for an account wide equipment slot(he said he would, but after seeing the price I wonder)?

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I'd buy them more if they removed transmutation from armor and apply them to the equipment slots. Equipment Templates also becoming outfit templates would make that price worth it in the end.


This falls in the category of value and features, and I actually agree with this suggestion.


Let's break it down why though:

1.) the current implementation of equipment templates is inferior to multiple sets of ascended armor. That could be a feature to work around (giving all gear types some type of benefit), seems counter intuitive though as legendary items main purpose used to be cosmetic with added quality of life features added over the years, all of which are reflected in the price. As such the current implementation seems out of place.


2.) it would add value per gem spent to equipment templates and would promote purchases in case the current value proposition does not meet the desired customer response (which it might not given the outcry about this feature, but only the devs would know for sure). Increasing the value proposition by adding features is another way besides reducing the cost (which increases value by lower cost at same features)


3.) having multiple appearance sets has been a past demand by players. This could function as a quasi solution to this desire. Not sure what the revenue on transmutation charges is currently, this would obviously have to be taking into account. It does not necessarily have to drop, since having multiple visual sets might prompt more transmutation charge usage for players who alter each set individually and regularly (but less from players who simply want 2-6 different looks to cycle through).


4.) not sure if this feature should be gated behind legendary items, or available baseline to each equipment template. It seems as though the implementation would be easier on a per template solution instead of having to check the item equipped. Limiting this function to only legendary items would on one hand increase the value proposition of legendary items (good for trade, potentially gem to gold exchanges for people who buy legendaries, etc) while also locking out a lot of customers who are not interested in legendary items (who would still be subject to the transmutation charge mechanic). This would be a tough call to make.


Very important though:

No mention has been made so far that any type of visual adaptation of functionality increase is in the works. So while we can hope, better not get the hopes up to much.

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