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Upcoming Changes to Fall Damage and Revival

Robert Gee.9246

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I'm all for paying life on necromancer for a powerful ability. However this isn't really that powerful and the life cost is extremely steep for what it does. As is now, it say 20% would be fine but even then the single revive is a pretty major nerf to the utility of the skill.


This change feels kinda random. Which is the case with a lot of necromancer changes. Random inclusions that feel like something more should come from it that never does. Such as the Dark pact self applying bleeding to buff life siphon. These changes are cool if in the context of other synergies, but by themselves, which always seems to be the case with necromancer, they're more annoying than anything.


Why make the changes to dark pact and life siphon when you could have more simply made life siphon scale up in damage and healing at lower health? Where is the synergy that makes the bleeding really worth it?


Why change signet of undeath to sacrifice health when there is no synergy with traits and its revive effect isn't that strong? Where is the synergy?


Don't get me wrong, I want these mechanics on the necromancer. I want to bleed and sacrifice health. I really do! At the same time there needs to be synergy and a pay off for it. Stop making necromancer a mechanic graveyard.

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I really like these changes. I hope you don't go back on this like the backpeddal on the sPvP Agility removal.


To the niche cases it impacts:

1. Mitigating falling damage in wvw has always been a map knowledge issue.

2. The change in JPs is welcome to add a bit more challenge back to a piece of content that has been progressively trivialized.


Good stuff. I look forward to seeing some interesting things added in these traits.

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I agree that the fall damage traits are very outdated and only were used in very niche roles. Most people i know who take those traits often do them for the other effects, not the fall damage. People in jumping puzzles can learn to live without that crutch :P Also glad to see more skills moving towards what arcane resurrection did, leaving behind effects that help with rezzing as in wvw its often death to do more than a tap to rez someone if MI's arent available.

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You guys need to change twisted castle then. RIght now you have two options to make that jump, dodge roll of the edge or fall damage trait. However, dodge rolling off the edge is counter intuitive with no in game explanation. By dodge rolling off the ledge, you fall faster, but don't die from the fall. That's incredibly confusing.


Edit: people don't believe me, so I made a video showing this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7adl9avdXIA&feature=youtu.be

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50% of base health to cast a skill seems very excessive for the active on signet of undeath considering it only revives only one now. It would have been reasonable to be at 30% if it revived 3 people and 50% just makes it unusable on necromancer since necromancer has no proper way to fill up that missing health.

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> @"DrakusEnderBorn.7904" said:

> Since it's stated :

> > **Mesmer**

> >

> > * Descent into Madness: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Renamed to "Method of Madness"

> > * Medic's Feedback: This trait no longer increases revival speed. It now causes Feedback to revive allies inside it by 5% per second.

> Would that mean if a Mesmer casted normal feedback it would revive people? So if they mimic -> feedback -> feedback -> revive for medic's feedback and then cancel to proc after that 18s the person would be ressed 90% from full dead? If so wouldn't this be too broken in WvW lord ressurecting or ressing wiped people in a Zerg v Zerg fight? Esp since it just states "allies inside it" theoretically you could revive an entire zerg with 2+ mesmers placing feedback.


No, it'll have a 5-target cap like every other normal aoe in the game. Additionally, if a mesmer is able to stand there burning a hilarious amount of cooldowns to slowly res people that can just get poisoned and cleaved out anyway, something has gone terribly wrong. This is a cute change but completely useless for WvW.

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As someone who frequently plays a guardian and has made a couple different medic builds(Recently the one i'v been having the most fun with a 'Soaring Devastation' variant with dragon hunter that takes advantage of that movement speed.) I am definitely a fan of giving a nice bonus through shield of absorption to effective revival. However I do think the loss of boons is a huge strike against the trait. I feel like if any class should be given a plethora of tools for reviving, and given bonuses to both the healer and healie, it should probably be guardian.


That's just my two coppers on it.

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ArenaNet, just because the staff do not use the reduction trait doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Especially in WvW where that fall reduction can really save your neck in a hairy situation in enemy territory. You know. Where you can't glide? Also where the mount doesn't actually absorb your fall damage but just insta-kills you if you take too much?

I don't like this. I'm just returning to WvW and in the past I have heavily relied on the damage reduction to get away from the enemy in the Red Borderlands.

Will you be removing speed boost traits next?

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> @"DrakusEnderBorn.7904" said:

> Since it's stated :

> > **Mesmer**

> >

> > * Descent into Madness: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Renamed to "Method of Madness"

> > * Medic's Feedback: This trait no longer increases revival speed. It now causes Feedback to revive allies inside it by 5% per second.

> Would that mean if a Mesmer casted normal feedback it would revive people? So if they mimic -> feedback -> feedback -> revive for medic's feedback and then cancel to proc after that 18s the person would be ressed 90% from full dead? If so wouldn't this be too broken in WvW lord ressurecting or ressing wiped people in a Zerg v Zerg fight? Esp since it just states "allies inside it" theoretically you could revive an entire zerg with 2+ mesmers placing feedback.


I'd go one step further:


Feedback while in CS -> Mimic -> Feedback -> Feedback -> Feedback from actual revive to proc it = 20 seconds to fully revive possibly an entire zerg army or two. If this is the case, then that 5% per second recharge is too OP (for me anyway); maybe an even better rate is 3% per second, or limit the number of targets to 5 or 10. Just my 2c

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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> I'll just tag along to the "I liked fall damage reduction in WvW" camp :(


> I liked using it to engage people... It felt coooool D:


Especially during those times when one of the falling traits was bugged and you could one-shot people with it... sorry, cant say Im gonna miss that.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > I'll just tag along to the "I liked fall damage reduction in WvW" camp :(

> >

> > I liked using it to engage people... It felt coooool D:


> Especially during those times when one of the falling traits was bugged and you could one-shot people with it... sorry, cant say Im gonna miss that.


Well that's obviously not good. But in any of the _regular_ instances of those traits usage, it was pretty nice.


When something's not working as intended... yeah that's not typical?

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And what about Toss Elixir R and Elixir R in general for engi? You kinda forgot about core engineer yet again and it grinds my gears. Last time Elixir R was touched **at all** was in 2014 and Toss Elixir R in 2016.


It makes me so annoyed that other professions' skills got substantially buffed and give way way better results in general (Signet of Mercy has no counter for example and is instant full ress) and Toss Elixir R can be reflected or body blocked byan enemy with Aegis and it happens **MOSTLY BY ACCIDENT**. Enemy doesn't even have to pay attention.

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> @"Melech.4308" said:


> > @"DrakusEnderBorn.7904" said:

> > Since it's stated :

> > > **Mesmer**

> > >

> > > * Descent into Madness: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Renamed to "Method of Madness"

> > > * Medic's Feedback: This trait no longer increases revival speed. It now causes Feedback to revive allies inside it by 5% per second.

> > Would that mean if a Mesmer casted normal feedback it would revive people? So if they mimic -> feedback -> feedback -> revive for medic's feedback and then cancel to proc after that 18s the person would be ressed 90% from full dead? If so wouldn't this be too broken in WvW lord ressurecting or ressing wiped people in a Zerg v Zerg fight? Esp since it just states "allies inside it" theoretically you could revive an entire zerg with 2+ mesmers placing feedback.


> I'd go one step further:


> Feedback while in CS -> Mimic -> Feedback -> Feedback -> Feedback from actual revive to proc it = 20 seconds to fully revive possibly an entire zerg army or two. If this is the case, then that 5% per second recharge is too OP (for me anyway); maybe an even better rate is 3% per second, or limit the number of targets to 5 or 10. Just my 2c


You still play a Chrono in WvW? With the Inspiration line? Well, to use CS you need at least one clone. If you are not as fast as Speedy Gonzales, you will not have the chance to use CS in a zerg fight. Moreover, if your squad is down you will need a lot of time for this combination (a "lot" compared with the time needed for the enemy team to kill you). In fact, I'm pretty sure that in such condition you will not even have time to start resurrecting someone.


It is nice to theorize. But please, go play WvW. You will find the WvW environment to be quite different from the "laboratory" environment.

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> Engineer

> Grenadier: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Additionally this trait now casts Lesser Grenade Barrage on your location when using a healing skill.


Grenadier is one of the traits that lots of engineers use, so this is an important change for them. And yes, the main incentive to take it is the first sentence, not the second. But it might have better to just remove the second sentence instead of adding the barrage-on-healing-funtionality. On paper it looks fine, you replace Explosive Descent with something similar, but make it proc on healing instead. Assuming the cooldown is similar, though, it now is far too hard to proc on purpose. You are not going to wait with healing just to proc this, while falling is something you can control a lot better. Worse, you now have to be careful when you heal in order not to get into combat with more things around you or hitting the wrong thing. Just one example would be Subject 5 in the reactor fractal. I would now have a problem healing myself when Subject 5 is shielding, because healing myself would hit it, which is what I need to avoid.


Combining obviously defensive skills with offensive one make controlled game play really, really hard, especially when it's on a trait that you take for other reasons, so you are kind of forced into it. And it is not the only one of these, look at Evasive Powder Keg. If you take the trait line, you have no choice, you get it, making staying ooc sometimes a real hassle: dodge and you might be in combat. Please, think about game play and not just the numbers.

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So you're taking away some of the freedom of movement in the game and making it take longer to revive the people who will inevitably die from the fall damage that's coming because you 'feel that they are currently over-complicating trait descriptions'.


This feels as bad as you mixing up and separating the order of 1-hand sword skills because you thought a very basic weapon that's been in the game since launch was 'too difficult to understand'.


These changes don't seem to add a benefit. I appreciate you telling us what's up, but I am not a fan of this and I expect it to negatively affect how people treat each other in-game when the time/effort to revive and look after other players gets increased.

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> @"Samug.6512" said:

> And what about Toss Elixir R and Elixir R in general for engi? You kinda forgot about core engineer yet again and it grinds my gears. Last time Elixir R was touched **at all** was in 2014 and Toss Elixir R in 2016.


> It makes me so annoyed that other professions' skills got substantially buffed and give way way better results in general (Signet of Mercy has no counter for example and is instant full ress) and Toss Elixir R can be reflected or body blocked byan enemy with Aegis and it happens **MOSTLY BY ACCIDENT**. Enemy doesn't even have to pay attention.


This. Please make Elixir R more useful.

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> @"Swadow.6213" said:

> 50% of base health to cast a skill seems very excessive for the active on signet of undeath considering it only revives only one now. It would have been reasonable to be at 30% if it revived 3 people and 50% just makes it unusable on necromancer since necromancer has no proper way to fill up that missing health.


This is to make sure it never gets used in competitive game modes.

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> @"Samug.6512" said:

> And what about Toss Elixir R and Elixir R in general for engi? You kinda forgot about core engineer yet again and it grinds my gears. Last time Elixir R was touched **at all** was in 2014 and Toss Elixir R in 2016.


> It makes me so annoyed that other professions' skills got substantially buffed and give way way better results in general (Signet of Mercy has no counter for example and is instant full ress) and Toss Elixir R can be reflected or body blocked byan enemy with Aegis and it happens **MOSTLY BY ACCIDENT**. Enemy doesn't even have to pay attention.

As Anet has **clearly** declared **the engineer have no revival skills**.


*Because purity of purpose!*

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