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Thief is crap now


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With condition damage being crap thanks to lots of cleansing skills that can make some of classes nearly immune to conditions. What builds are left for thiefs that doesnt use condition damage ? Staff and Deadeye ?


Staff main skill is missing 50% of it's damage due to a bug where that skill doesnt recognize that enemy player is in front of you and it goes through the enemy, missing most of the damage.


And while Deadeye is quick, stealthy, does damage. Ppl in game are pointing out that whenever they play with Deadeye in their team, they tend to lose.. Deadeye has one major weakness, it cannot stop enemy from capturing a point, enemy can evade the shots while he caps, heal, shoot back, block and most of all be obscured by the vast amount of obstacles surrounding many of the capture points in many of the maps, some maps are so horrible they are clearly melee maps, whatever for long enough to cap the point and if Deadeye goes to stop him on the capture point, he finds himself in melee combat in which he cant beat anything at all. But its the only playable build left for me now that all condition builds are pure shit.

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This is the second thread you've made about builds that are immune to conditions.


Are you playing inhouses against teams full of harrier spellbreakers running every possible anti condi option or something?


Maybe something is wrong with your build?


I don't see other people complaining about this.


I see other people saying that the condi builds are OP.


Maybe this is counter propaganda, in hopes to avoid condi class nerfs?

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Dude staff hardly ever misses its main burst. While it true it can go through a target this mostly happens when in awkward spots- sometimes it can save you too though I agree that it’s mostly wack that it goes through sometimes. Thief builds are mostly ok but the only reason u don’t see d/p or acro s/d is that they can only do good damage on a burst other than that 1 burst which isn’t even meant to 1 shot the damage can be plain kitten. That why things like staff are good because yes it can 1 shot in multiple ways because all it’s burst skills do good damage. Deadeye can be similar but it’s burst mostly comes from boon but is unreliable and slow so staff is still way better. Condi thief is busted yes but it’s always gonna be bad against comps with a butt load of sustain and condi clear that’s why power thief builds are needed rn.

To make it clearer I’ll quote elxdark he said recently that all there is rn is damage. He thought it was a degradation of the game but that’s exactly a reason we are seeing staff thief deadeye and even condi thief in this meta. Condi thief damage is actually pretty crazy but if they are all bunkers it’ll lose its job in team fights making a side noder and a fairly mediocre one- which is why we are gonna need power thief builds especially staff maybe a little DE or core s/d in the upcoming meta even without condi thief nerfs and yes they are planning on needing that spec because it can be busted and brain dead. Sorry that you don’t like those builds but they will 100% be seen very soon.

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Condi S/D is **nowhere near** shit, neither is Power S/D.

The others such as D/P or DE are not as easy to pick up an a bit more difficult to have an impact with, but viable nontheless, especially DE is actually pretty f****** ca**** if played with a bit of brain even to a degree when it becomes more impactful than Power S/D.

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Back in my days ppl were playing s/d or d/p (power based), which actually required two hands. Now you have viable monkey pogo stick spamming dodge that deals damage or ape spamming dodge that deals condi damage and still complaining. And trust me, there will be still ppl saying that teef is the most OP class in the game and should be nerfed to the ground.

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Condition Thief was a thing? Dahell. Things have really went downhill i suppose if condi thief is meta.Have some respect for this class. It's either S/D or D/P power. Even staff is mostly a PvE'ers weapon.. But i assume anet destroyed this class so ppl rely on some weird staff or condi builds oO damn. Things have changed. I should probably login and see how much backstab hits these days. U can easily judge by that how nerfed thief is compared to old days.

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> @"DeerHunter.4129" said:

> With condition damage being kitten thanks to lots of cleansing skills that can make some of classes nearly immune to conditions. What builds are left for thiefs that doesnt use condition damage ? Staff and Deadeye ?


>**Staff main skill is missing 50% of it's damage due to a bug where that skill doesnt recognize that enemy player is in front of you and it goes through the enemy, missing most of the damage.**


> And while Deadeye is quick, stealthy, does damage. Ppl in game are pointing out that whenever they play with Deadeye in their team, they tend to lose.. Deadeye has one major weakness, it cannot stop enemy from capturing a point, enemy can evade the shots while he caps, heal, shoot back, block and most of all be obscured by the vast amount of obstacles surrounding many of the capture points in many of the maps, some maps are so horrible they are clearly melee maps, whatever for long enough to cap the point and **if Deadeye goes to stop him on the capture point, he finds himself in melee combat** in which he cant beat anything at all. But its the only playable build left for me now that all condition builds are pure kitten






**_'You cannot hide from the truth, but the truth can and does hide from you'_**

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Back in my days ppl were playing s/d or d/p (power based), which actually required two hands. Now you have viable monkey pogo stick spamming dodge that deals damage or ape spamming dodge that deals condi damage and still complaining. And trust me, there will be still ppl saying that teef is the most OP class in the game and should be nerfed to the ground.


Oh man, that's the next thing I want to see in the gem shop, an "Infinite Ape Tonic" that works while in pvp.


God that would be a great meme for playing Condi or Staff Daredevil.


It should make ape noises every time you dodge as well.

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Players jumped to condi thief cuz power thief is garbage so why not. S/d power hits like garbage and is good at porting in to +1 cuz its garbage in 1v1 cuz the devs cant balance worth anything and rely on bias players feedback which also caused p/d to be weak garbage as well. Any decent player on almost any class should stomp a power thief in 1v1 on any build other than maybe a zerk staff if it gets u with a lucky high crit vault which they spam with bound cuz every other skill on staff either is garbage or cost to much ini to make it worth it. P/p is complete trash and ps spam is all people do, it's like a garbage version of rangers long bow. Gw2 has literally the worst and weakest rogue version I've ever seen in a mmo. Players in arena will attack u while ur on condi thief in arena with a just as broken burn guard or weaver etc etc and instantly take 3/4 or more of ur hp with condi's and the moment u retaliate they'll back off and say off condi thief lame as I'd their any better. Its fn halarious lol

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