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Resource mechanics need to go and competitive gameplay will be better for it


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You’re apparently not aware that most games use, and used, the same core mechanics, energy/endurance systems, and such, for class designs that developers built characters around as the foundation. You don’t have class designs like GW2 in other mmo games, and for good reason, because it throws balance out the window. And the balance in GW2 is not good at all, and has never been good period.




> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> This is something I want to add to the conversation, and it has to do with profession difficulty scaling and imbalances by design...


> I completely understand the reasoning behind certain profession design choices, but the way it was done has created unnecessarily imbalances between profession inside of wvw and spvp modes...


> http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/06/exclusive-interview-arenanets-jon-peters-and-jonathan-sharp/


> "Gigashadow (GW2G): The warrior seems an easy profession to get into, with a high skill floor and a very simple profession mechanic


> Jon P: yes, it’s probably the easiest one to get there. But only one in a million people have reached the level of a warrior that really sets them apart. If you’ve seen any Guild Wars 1 we had The Last Pride, a Korean guild, and they had a warrior called Last of Master and there is no one I have seen who is even close to him."


> That statement by Jon P clearly shows you can have common simplified mechanics and designs across all profession, while still producing highly skilled players and combat gameplay... A GW2 Warrior is straight forward, and the main focus is on mastering weapons, skills, positioning... Meanwhile, for example, the team made the main focus of learning to master Elementalist about fighting without a 2nd weapon and imposing a disadvantageous choice between being melee, mid range or long range during combat... on top of Attunement swapping PLUS needing to also master weapons, skills, positioning... The main focus of Revenant is learning to micromanage Energy and swapping legends, on top of other areas just mentioned...


> As stated in the op, yeah, sure things are unique, but it was unnecessary to force in these unbalanced designs knowing simple is "cleaner" and still requires skill to perform at higher levels. And I dare to say that the team knew there would be more balance between profession performance with simpler designs and common mechanics across all professions, but opted out in favor of "has to be different first" as mentioned in my op.


> By comparison, City of Heroes made distinct and unique classes, powersets and roles, but still managed to make things more balanced... How so Swagger?


> ALL of these classes https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Archetypes used https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Endurance as the main skill resource.


> ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Power_Pools

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Concealment

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Fighting

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Flight

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Leadership

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Leaping

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Medicine

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Presence

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Speed

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Teleportation


> ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Ancillary_Power_Pools or https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Patron_Power_Pools that "The powers in these pools are selected from other Archetypes, and are designed to give each Archetype access to types of abilities that they do not normally have: holds and ranged attacks for melee Archetypes, armors for ranged Archetypes, etc."


> ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Inspirations and could slot up to 20 of them... 20 instant and on demand "potions" at any given time!


> So we need to ask ourselves how a game that allowed players to play unique classes and powersets still offered the exact same core mechanics across the board? How was that team able to give ALL characters access to optional things like invisibility, flight, super speed, teleporting, personal healing, "stun breaks", KB protection, damage skills... while still offering a huge palate of unique classes, skills and roles to play? Yet GW2...


> Also a quote from that interview...


> "Jon P: The whole game is built very offensively on purpose."... And so was City of Heroes. All classes had offensive skills to choose from, yet each still offered players many fun, and viable, roles to play. This is not so true with GW2 as it stands because those role choices, weapons, skills, traits... are very limited in pvp and wvw by comparison...


> I will try to look up the quote, but IIRC... Arenanet always planned on creating GW2 to be E-Sports competitive, yet there was way too much focus on unique and different core mechanics that forced these extreme imbalances... that we still have today. That's why E-Sports didn't hold, and that why you see all these major class complaints from players participating in spvp and wvw… The majority want fun, balance and viable options first, not scaling profession difficulty and forced imbalances that make hard designed rock- paper-scissors combat scenarios and limited viable build options...


> Gonna stop here...GW2 is a great game, but I feel things need to further evolve away from these old design concepts and ways of thinking that I'm quoting below... And more players would be accepting if the team made greater strides towards having professions more balanced at the core and mechanics levels... And I don't see negativity coming from players if roles, such as healing and support, were made better than what we have been given up to this point, and if the team really looked to creating optional skills that balanced out classes better... just like CoH did with great success.


> "Jon P: The average complexity for professions is going up."


> "Jon P: The whole game is built very offensively on purpose."


> "Jon P: When we actually made the decision to not have healers"


> "Jon P: I use this example all the time – in Guild Wars 1 the Shadow Step ability on assassins. If only assassins could have done that, they would have been this very, very unique class; but as soon as we introduced secondary professions everyone could shadow step. Monks are shadow stepping, warriors are shadow stepping, and assassins as a result weren’t as ‘cool’ as they could have been. They didn’t fulfill that sneaky archetype in the way they really could have, because everyone could do what they could do."





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“ Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Fun fact: I still remember when “holy trinity” meant tank, healer, and mezzer – the DPS players were a given, the warm bodies that filled out the rest of the group, and not part of the trinity back in the early pre-WoW days of MMO group content. The fact that this shifted over time really says all you need to know about how MMO class and combat design have changed, and not necessarily for the better.


Don’t mistake me; I no longer believe we need or must respect a trinity of either type. But what I truly resent is the loss of class variation and combat flow that naturally accompanied the demise of the classic trinity, specifically the fact that crowd control, buffing, and debuffing classes have all but disappeared in the modern rush to make nearly everyone a damage-dealer, even the healers and tanks.


As an example, I can still think of none better than City of Heroes, which offered all of the old trinity and new trinity class types (and then some) but made none of them actually mandatory to clear content. Yes, tanks and healers and CCers and buffers and debuffers and damage dealers all existed, but it was completely possible to get through the game with no healers, or all healers. With a scrapper tanking ahead of a fleet of corruptors. With a stalker and four controllers. With three bubblers and three tankers. Whatever. I don’t want to see strict trinity MMOs, but I’m even grumpier about the “everyone deeps” MMOs even more, especially when the end result is clusterfuck combat where nobody ever has control over the fight. It didn’t have to be that way, but modernish devs keep reinventing the wheel, convinced they can do better. Maybe someday, they will, but so far, nah.”



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"SoV.5139"


> Also...


> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/balance/PvX-Balance-Iteration-Wrongdoing


> https://massivelyop.com/2019/03/28/massively-overthinking-thoughts-on-the-holy-trinity-in-mmos/



> “ Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Fun fact: I still remember when “holy trinity” meant tank, healer, and mezzer – the DPS players were a given, the warm bodies that filled out the rest of the group, and not part of the trinity back in the early pre-WoW days of MMO group content. The fact that this shifted over time really says all you need to know about how MMO class and combat design have changed, and not necessarily for the better.


> Don’t mistake me; I no longer believe we need or must respect a trinity of either type. But what I truly resent is the loss of class variation and combat flow that naturally accompanied the demise of the classic trinity, specifically the fact that crowd control, buffing, and debuffing classes have all but disappeared in the modern rush to make nearly everyone a damage-dealer, even the healers and tanks.


> As an example, I can still think of none better than City of Heroes, which offered all of the old trinity and new trinity class types (and then some) but made none of them actually mandatory to clear content. Yes, tanks and healers and CCers and buffers and debuffers and damage dealers all existed, but it was completely possible to get through the game with no healers, or all healers. With a scrapper tanking ahead of a fleet of corruptors. With a stalker and four controllers. With three bubblers and three tankers. Whatever. I don’t want to see strict trinity MMOs, but I’m even grumpier about the “everyone deeps” MMOs even more, especially when the end result is kitten combat where nobody ever has control over the fight. It didn’t have to be that way, but modernish devs keep reinventing the wheel, convinced they can do better. Maybe someday, they will, but so far, nah.”




Sadly. Bad encounter design leads to the lack of crowd control/buffing classes. Blaming only classes isn't the whole picture. When all the MMOs make damage sponges with scripted events for their primitive ai don't expect a lot of class variation (even in the "trinity"). The current game has the combo system that could have been better utilized when it comes to competitive but instead classes get 1 press to gain advantage/impose disadvantage. Comparing GW2 to their predecessor each skill in the older game did less on its own, whereas trail of anguish does so much at once in GW2. I wouldn't hold my breath for them changing this any time soon.


I will say that chill needs to affect thieve's initiative skills in some way. It seems an oversight that they're the least impacted by that conditional effect of recharge-time slowing. Unless I'm not noticing something...



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I understand the team, long ago, wanted to make each profession as different as possible, but any distinction between the available builds needs to be trashed. It makes gameplay on certain builds and professions inbalanced, not good and not fun inside of wvw or spvp.


I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but there is no balance to be had with these types of designs. This is what needs to be done... Yes, I know, a change would require other adjustments, but the team should start here and start caring about competitive balance a bit more...


-Classes -get rid of them, unless everyone plays the same class and build, balance between them is **literally impossible**.


-Weapons -make the sword the only available weapon in the game. If people can pick different weapons, they can be more suited for certain situations, which promotes different playstyles and kills balance similarly to the presence of multiple classes. No dual wielding, 3 weapon skills are enough, much easier to balance and the fights should last much longer, so much fun!

-Weapon swap -there's only one weapon available and it would cut the cds on weapon skills, which is the opposite of what we want. Remove.


-Specs/traits -remove them from the game. Just like weapons, ability to pick traits (even within one class -remember we're deleting the rest of them) that are superior to others in certain situations breeds imbalance and ability to abuse that mechanic. As long as we don't know EXACTLY what our enemy plays, we can't speak about balance and truly fair competitive gameplay.


-Attributes/stat choice -just like anything mentioned above: variety = different roles and playstyle = imbalance = mandatory removal from the game. I'm not sure if we should only leave base stats (which would make fights longer = better, *win-win*!!), leave one available (but not berk, that's too much dmg and we won't have precision in the game anyways -more about that below) or roll a new one each season, need some thoughts on this one.


-Anything "chance-based", whether it's crit, trait activation, condi application or anything else -definitely needs to go. If we want a truly balanced competitive gameplay, we can't rely on rng, there's no skill in that and it's just not fair. Adjust to 100% or remove completely.


Again, I know other adjustments might need to be made for such changes, but I'm sure now we're getting on the right track.

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> @"SoV.5139" said:

> GW2 is not balanced on sameness or homogenization philosophy. Its balanced on paper scissors rock philosophy.


> Balancing between evasive-dodgy-mobile-stealthy vs tanky-mitigation-recovery types never shakes out in homogenization based games anyhow. In the OPs thief vs necro example, there are lots of necro in WvW blobbing, but when one gets caught out in the open or gets separated from the group its basically a free bag. Even if the thief cant kill the necro due to a skill disparity, they can still run, and deny the necro a kill.


> What this means is the answer to getting ganked by thieves is not going to be gained through demanding necro buffs and thief nerfs on the forum, but by logging on the profession/build combo that smashes thieves.


> In the many games I have played, and the few I have worked on, people demand homogenization type balance until they get it, then complain about how boring the game has become nonstop.


Preach it!

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"Sobx.1758" Judging by your reply, it seems like you don’t understand what a change like this means. You should think about this more before your next post.


Feel free to explain it to me if you really think I misunderstood anything here.

...unless you just didn't understand what changes proposed in my post mean, so that's actually all you had to say about my great balancing idea.

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I don’t think some of you understand this topic much and just prefer to throw out meaningless comments.


If you’re trying to argue that having classes use the same design of individual skill recharges, and canning the resource mechanics, makes profession all the exact same, then by that token, Warrior, Ranger (with the exception of Druid), Mesmer, Engineer, Elementalist and Guardian are all exactly the same class, with the same weapon and slot skills and traits...


And if you are making the above argument, then the thousands of games that used, and use, baseline foundational designs for classes before GW2, must all have had the exact same classes with different names. And that’s a very poor argument to make, and one that shows the lack of understanding when it comes to class designs and mechanics in mmo games such as this.


And I already cited a game that had the exact same foundation mechanics, and more, but had way more unique classes, builds, roles to play and skills to use than in GW2. If some of you had bothered to read, as opposed to making certain comments, then some may have learned something.


Also, I do find it really interesting that some of you want the devs to balance the game, and do more with professions, yet some of y’all can’t even see the root causes of problems. Some of you can’t even recognize all the pve designs, that only work in pve, that we have to use inside of spvp and wvw.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"SoV.5139"


> You’re apparently not aware that most games use, and used, the same core mechanics, energy/endurance systems, and such, for class designs that developers built characters around as the foundation. You don’t have class designs like GW2 in other mmo games, and for good reason, because it throws balance out the window. And the balance in GW2 is not good at all, and has never been good period.


> Read...


> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > This is something I want to add to the conversation, and it has to do with profession difficulty scaling and imbalances by design...

> >

> > I completely understand the reasoning behind certain profession design choices, but the way it was done has created unnecessarily imbalances between profession inside of wvw and spvp modes...

> >

> > http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/06/exclusive-interview-arenanets-jon-peters-and-jonathan-sharp/

> >

> > "Gigashadow (GW2G): The warrior seems an easy profession to get into, with a high skill floor and a very simple profession mechanic

> >

> > Jon P: yes, it’s probably the easiest one to get there. But only one in a million people have reached the level of a warrior that really sets them apart. If you’ve seen any Guild Wars 1 we had The Last Pride, a Korean guild, and they had a warrior called Last of Master and there is no one I have seen who is even close to him."

> >

> > That statement by Jon P clearly shows you can have common simplified mechanics and designs across all profession, while still producing highly skilled players and combat gameplay... A GW2 Warrior is straight forward, and the main focus is on mastering weapons, skills, positioning... Meanwhile, for example, the team made the main focus of learning to master Elementalist about fighting without a 2nd weapon and imposing a disadvantageous choice between being melee, mid range or long range during combat... on top of Attunement swapping PLUS needing to also master weapons, skills, positioning... The main focus of Revenant is learning to micromanage Energy and swapping legends, on top of other areas just mentioned...

> >

> > As stated in the op, yeah, sure things are unique, but it was unnecessary to force in these unbalanced designs knowing simple is "cleaner" and still requires skill to perform at higher levels. And I dare to say that the team knew there would be more balance between profession performance with simpler designs and common mechanics across all professions, but opted out in favor of "has to be different first" as mentioned in my op.

> >

> > By comparison, City of Heroes made distinct and unique classes, powersets and roles, but still managed to make things more balanced... How so Swagger?

> >

> > ALL of these classes https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Archetypes used https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Endurance as the main skill resource.

> >

> > ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Power_Pools

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Concealment

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Fighting

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Flight

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Leadership

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Leaping

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Medicine

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Presence

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Speed

> > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Teleportation

> >

> > ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Ancillary_Power_Pools or https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Patron_Power_Pools that "The powers in these pools are selected from other Archetypes, and are designed to give each Archetype access to types of abilities that they do not normally have: holds and ranged attacks for melee Archetypes, armors for ranged Archetypes, etc."

> >

> > ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Inspirations and could slot up to 20 of them... 20 instant and on demand "potions" at any given time!

> >

> > So we need to ask ourselves how a game that allowed players to play unique classes and powersets still offered the exact same core mechanics across the board? How was that team able to give ALL characters access to optional things like invisibility, flight, super speed, teleporting, personal healing, "stun breaks", KB protection, damage skills... while still offering a huge palate of unique classes, skills and roles to play? Yet GW2...

> >

> > Also a quote from that interview...

> >

> > "Jon P: The whole game is built very offensively on purpose."... And so was City of Heroes. All classes had offensive skills to choose from, yet each still offered players many fun, and viable, roles to play. This is not so true with GW2 as it stands because those role choices, weapons, skills, traits... are very limited in pvp and wvw by comparison...

> >

> > I will try to look up the quote, but IIRC... Arenanet always planned on creating GW2 to be E-Sports competitive, yet there was way too much focus on unique and different core mechanics that forced these extreme imbalances... that we still have today. That's why E-Sports didn't hold, and that why you see all these major class complaints from players participating in spvp and wvw… The majority want fun, balance and viable options first, not scaling profession difficulty and forced imbalances that make hard designed rock- paper-scissors combat scenarios and limited viable build options...

> >

> > Gonna stop here...GW2 is a great game, but I feel things need to further evolve away from these old design concepts and ways of thinking that I'm quoting below... And more players would be accepting if the team made greater strides towards having professions more balanced at the core and mechanics levels... And I don't see negativity coming from players if roles, such as healing and support, were made better than what we have been given up to this point, and if the team really looked to creating optional skills that balanced out classes better... just like CoH did with great success.

> >

> > "Jon P: The average complexity for professions is going up."

> >

> > "Jon P: The whole game is built very offensively on purpose."

> >

> > "Jon P: When we actually made the decision to not have healers"

> >

> > "Jon P: I use this example all the time – in Guild Wars 1 the Shadow Step ability on assassins. If only assassins could have done that, they would have been this very, very unique class; but as soon as we introduced secondary professions everyone could shadow step. Monks are shadow stepping, warriors are shadow stepping, and assassins as a result weren’t as ‘cool’ as they could have been. They didn’t fulfill that sneaky archetype in the way they really could have, because everyone could do what they could do."






See, here is the funny thing. Most games in fact *dont* use the same core mechanics on every character and class. Pretty much all use alternative resource systems, or resource systems when characters normally dont have them. And you in fact *do* have class designs like GW2 in a lot (if not most) MMOs. WoW uses mana for most characters, but then you have rogues with energy and combo points, Hunters with Focus and Death Knights with Runes. In FFXIV, every class has some kind of unique meter. BnS uses different forms of energy, TERA uses different forms of energy, and various smaller ones do too. The only ones I can think of that dont use alternative resources at all are ESO and BDO.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"SoV.5139"

> >

> > You’re apparently not aware that most games use, and used, the same core mechanics, energy/endurance systems, and such, for class designs that developers built characters around as the foundation. You don’t have class designs like GW2 in other mmo games, and for good reason, because it throws balance out the window. And the balance in GW2 is not good at all, and has never been good period.

> >

> > Read...

> >

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > This is something I want to add to the conversation, and it has to do with profession difficulty scaling and imbalances by design...

> > >

> > > I completely understand the reasoning behind certain profession design choices, but the way it was done has created unnecessarily imbalances between profession inside of wvw and spvp modes...

> > >

> > > http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/06/exclusive-interview-arenanets-jon-peters-and-jonathan-sharp/

> > >

> > > "Gigashadow (GW2G): The warrior seems an easy profession to get into, with a high skill floor and a very simple profession mechanic

> > >

> > > Jon P: yes, it’s probably the easiest one to get there. But only one in a million people have reached the level of a warrior that really sets them apart. If you’ve seen any Guild Wars 1 we had The Last Pride, a Korean guild, and they had a warrior called Last of Master and there is no one I have seen who is even close to him."

> > >

> > > That statement by Jon P clearly shows you can have common simplified mechanics and designs across all profession, while still producing highly skilled players and combat gameplay... A GW2 Warrior is straight forward, and the main focus is on mastering weapons, skills, positioning... Meanwhile, for example, the team made the main focus of learning to master Elementalist about fighting without a 2nd weapon and imposing a disadvantageous choice between being melee, mid range or long range during combat... on top of Attunement swapping PLUS needing to also master weapons, skills, positioning... The main focus of Revenant is learning to micromanage Energy and swapping legends, on top of other areas just mentioned...

> > >

> > > As stated in the op, yeah, sure things are unique, but it was unnecessary to force in these unbalanced designs knowing simple is "cleaner" and still requires skill to perform at higher levels. And I dare to say that the team knew there would be more balance between profession performance with simpler designs and common mechanics across all professions, but opted out in favor of "has to be different first" as mentioned in my op.

> > >

> > > By comparison, City of Heroes made distinct and unique classes, powersets and roles, but still managed to make things more balanced... How so Swagger?

> > >

> > > ALL of these classes https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Archetypes used https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Endurance as the main skill resource.

> > >

> > > ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Power_Pools

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Concealment

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Fighting

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Flight

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Leadership

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Leaping

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Medicine

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Presence

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Speed

> > > - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Teleportation

> > >

> > > ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Ancillary_Power_Pools or https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Patron_Power_Pools that "The powers in these pools are selected from other Archetypes, and are designed to give each Archetype access to types of abilities that they do not normally have: holds and ranged attacks for melee Archetypes, armors for ranged Archetypes, etc."

> > >

> > > ALL classes had access to https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Inspirations and could slot up to 20 of them... 20 instant and on demand "potions" at any given time!

> > >

> > > So we need to ask ourselves how a game that allowed players to play unique classes and powersets still offered the exact same core mechanics across the board? How was that team able to give ALL characters access to optional things like invisibility, flight, super speed, teleporting, personal healing, "stun breaks", KB protection, damage skills... while still offering a huge palate of unique classes, skills and roles to play? Yet GW2...

> > >

> > > Also a quote from that interview...

> > >

> > > "Jon P: The whole game is built very offensively on purpose."... And so was City of Heroes. All classes had offensive skills to choose from, yet each still offered players many fun, and viable, roles to play. This is not so true with GW2 as it stands because those role choices, weapons, skills, traits... are very limited in pvp and wvw by comparison...

> > >

> > > I will try to look up the quote, but IIRC... Arenanet always planned on creating GW2 to be E-Sports competitive, yet there was way too much focus on unique and different core mechanics that forced these extreme imbalances... that we still have today. That's why E-Sports didn't hold, and that why you see all these major class complaints from players participating in spvp and wvw… The majority want fun, balance and viable options first, not scaling profession difficulty and forced imbalances that make hard designed rock- paper-scissors combat scenarios and limited viable build options...

> > >

> > > Gonna stop here...GW2 is a great game, but I feel things need to further evolve away from these old design concepts and ways of thinking that I'm quoting below... And more players would be accepting if the team made greater strides towards having professions more balanced at the core and mechanics levels... And I don't see negativity coming from players if roles, such as healing and support, were made better than what we have been given up to this point, and if the team really looked to creating optional skills that balanced out classes better... just like CoH did with great success.

> > >

> > > "Jon P: The average complexity for professions is going up."

> > >

> > > "Jon P: The whole game is built very offensively on purpose."

> > >

> > > "Jon P: When we actually made the decision to not have healers"

> > >

> > > "Jon P: I use this example all the time – in Guild Wars 1 the Shadow Step ability on assassins. If only assassins could have done that, they would have been this very, very unique class; but as soon as we introduced secondary professions everyone could shadow step. Monks are shadow stepping, warriors are shadow stepping, and assassins as a result weren’t as ‘cool’ as they could have been. They didn’t fulfill that sneaky archetype in the way they really could have, because everyone could do what they could do."

> >

> >

> >

> >


> See, here is the funny thing. Most games in fact *dont* use the same core mechanics on every character and class. Pretty much all use alternative resource systems, or resource systems when characters normally dont have them. And you in fact *do* have class designs like GW2 in a lot (if not most) MMOs. WoW uses mana for most characters, but then you have rogues with energy and combo points, Hunters with Focus and Death Knights with Runes. In FFXIV, every class has some kind of unique meter. BnS uses different forms of energy, TERA uses different forms of energy, and various smaller ones do too. The only ones I can think of that dont use alternative resources at all are ESO and BDO.


So basically you’re agreeing with my premise.


It doesn’t matter if wow has all different resources, it’s the fact that all classes are built around resource use. There are games that have the extract same action resource and use global cooldown between skill use, but it’s still a common core design. Some games use the same energy system, but have skills on use without a global timer between skill use... Same foundations are used.


And some on this thread are making the argument that if all professions used recharge timers for skills only, then everything becomes the exact same. And by that thought process, if Anet were to lower all skill timers and introduced a common skill resource, some players would still argue that everything is exactly the same. Like all skills and traits lose individuality, so there wouldn’t be unique variation between things like a staff thief or staff guardian or staff revenant or staff ele or staff necro or staff druid... nope it would all be the exact same... Yeah, poor argument to make.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> in wvw all toons should have the same available wvw skills and weapons.


> but you can only choose a combination to specialize.


> this way no more profession shaming.


Sounds good but than u'd be see alot of post saying this skill combo's OP or this weapon set is OP etc etc as everyone can run the builds they complain about right now but they choose to play classes they like instead which is good. Ud literally have to have all classes be one class basically,same dps on all skills,same range,durations on effects and same utility skills,only different skins if u wanted real balance. This is literally everyone would uninstall the game as soon as that happened as it become a really boring experience with lack of identity through the classes.

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@"Sobx.1758" There are many facets and areas that contribute to a less or more balanced game, and this resource topic is one of them. No one rational expects a perfect state of balance, but better balance can be had here, so stick to discussions of actual words I used if you are going to quote me, not assumptions or fake imaginary quotes I never wrote.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"Sobx.1758" There are many facets and areas that contribute to a less or more balanced game, and this resource topic is one of them. No one rational expects a perfect state of balance, but better balance can be had here, so stick to discussions of actual words I used if you are going to quote me, not assumptions or fake imaginary quotes I never wrote.


Classes with resources are balanced with consideration of their more-or-less-unique mechanics, if you think they'd just remove resources, add cds to skills and be done with it then... ooh. The whole initial premise of this thread is inherently wrong and your proposed changes solve nothing with potential of creating a bigger clusterkitten, what exactly can't you understand here?

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" There are many facets and areas that contribute to a less or more balanced game, and this resource topic is one of them. No one rational expects a perfect state of balance, but better balance can be had here, so stick to discussions of actual words I used if you are going to quote me, not assumptions or fake imaginary quotes I never wrote.


> Classes with resources are balanced with consideration of their more-or-less-unique mechanics, if you think they'd just remove resources, add cds to skills and be done with it then... ooh. The whole initial premise of this thread is inherently wrong and your proposed changes solve nothing with potential of creating a bigger clusterkitten, what exactly can't you understand here?


From my original post, that you are conveniently missing...


“Again, I know other adjustments need to be made for such changes, but we need to get this stuff under control and make improvements for all areas of the game.”


And there are a plethora of topics I’ve brought up about balancing in different areas, so stop making assumptions.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" There are many facets and areas that contribute to a less or more balanced game, and this resource topic is one of them. No one rational expects a perfect state of balance, but better balance can be had here, so stick to discussions of actual words I used if you are going to quote me, not assumptions or fake imaginary quotes I never wrote.

> >

> > Classes with resources are balanced with consideration of their more-or-less-unique mechanics, if you think they'd just remove resources, add cds to skills and be done with it then... ooh. The whole initial premise of this thread is inherently wrong and your proposed changes solve nothing with potential of creating a bigger clusterkitten, what exactly can't you understand here?


> From my original post, that you are conveniently missing...


> “Again, I know other adjustments need to be made for such changes, but we need to get this stuff under control and make improvements for all areas of the game.”


> And there are a plethora of topics I’ve brought up about balancing in different areas, so stop making assumptions.


So you agree that your proposed changes are pointless, not well thought out (if at all) and solve nothing. Cool.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Your assumptions aren’t really making your arguments stronger. If you’re going to quote and reply then at least try to understand. My comments were clear, and you literally just quote me, but you’re not absorbing anything, you just want to argue for the sake of arguing.


These are not assumptions, these are facts and you confirmed what I said.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Your assumptions aren’t really making your arguments stronger. If you’re going to quote and reply then at least try to understand. My comments were clear, and you literally just quote me, but you’re not absorbing anything, you just want to argue for the sake of arguing.


> These are not assumptions, these are facts and you confirmed what I said.


This was your comment I was replying to...


"if you think they'd just remove resources, add cds to skills and be done with it then..."


Any rational person knows that there are obviously other changes that would need to be made to accommodate that. That's a given, as with most any suggestion placed on these forums. Likewise, there are many areas to game balance, but this is merely one topic about a particular area for core balance, that has a specific goal in mind and purpose for the bigger balance picture. You are obviously not aware of this, and instead prefer to counter with parody replies, along with assumption and fake quotes.


You obviously don't understand the suggestion or topic, but if you actually want to take in what's been written, and bring a rational counter argument to the discussion, then we can discuss it. Otherwise, there isn't much to constructively talk about given your replies.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Your assumptions aren’t really making your arguments stronger. If you’re going to quote and reply then at least try to understand. My comments were clear, and you literally just quote me, but you’re not absorbing anything, you just want to argue for the sake of arguing.

> >

> > These are not assumptions, these are facts and you confirmed what I said.


> This was your comment I was replying to...


> "if you think they'd just remove resources, add cds to skills and be done with it then..."


> Any rational person knows that there are obviously other changes that would need to be made to accommodate that. That's a given, as with most any suggestion placed on these forums. Likewise, there are many areas to game balance, but this is merely one topic about a particular area for core balance, that has a specific goal in mind and purpose for the bigger balance picture. You are obviously not aware of this, and instead prefer to counter with parody replies, along with assumption and fake quotes.


> You obviously don't understand the suggestion or topic, but if you actually want to take in what's been written, and bring a rational counter argument to the discussion, then we can discuss it. Otherwise, there isn't much to constructively talk about given your replies.


I obviously do understand the suggestion of the topic and as I already said multiple times: it doesn't solve anything and can crreate more issues with the class you'd want to change. All you have to answer is "I know it's not a good solution but you don't understaaaaaand!". Nope, again, I do understand what I read, I do understand that you came up with some terrible idea and broadly use some "balance" claims as a smokescreen to force it through (which obviously and luckily will never succeed btw) and you saying that "it would need more work" doesn't change anything. At this point, your idea is inherently flawed and you literally keep admitting it. Come back with a thread like that when you have a valid idea instead of... this.


Also... What "false quotes"? What "assumptions"?

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