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Which Elder Dragon do you like most?


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Maybe because you like the model, or concept art or the story that surrounds one, or maybe you love mysterious vibe about one?


I personally am very, very interested in Deep Sea Dragon, I like the mystery and the creatures in the Ocean can actually be very cool, also Largos' lore interests me and in PS there was always something ominous about them.


I don't want the Ocean itself expansion, but rather I'd love a spooky, ominous domain of the Water Dragon full of creepy, lovecraftian buildings surrounded by a mystical mist that would rise from the Ocean itself.


But if Tyria herself is an Elder Dragon, then I'd be all about it. :D



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It used to be Kralk due to his his rage and size making him a truly mosntrous creature and having that actual feeling of being beyond our capabilities, but the abysmal LS4 soured my interest in him. It didn't help they kept changing his model size either. Once they made him conflicted inside, that was it for me. Kralk was ruined. It could have been Zhaitan if they had made him much more colossal - his model and animations are fantastic.


It's a tie between Primordus and Jormag, Jormag is the more interesting, but Primordus still has that (forgive the pun) primordial feel the Dragons should have kept. He seems much more "alien" than most of the others. A true force of nature like I wanted them all to be.


I can't really include the DSD since there is nothing to go on whatsoever. Any speculation risks being wiped out if they ever choose to bring it into the game and to be honest I don't really think they will.


As for Aurene....she is the worst of them all. I'll be happy to never have her in the game again even though I know they wont be the case. Just replaying any instance with her in is irritating

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Zhaitan was the first and made a big impression for me conceptwise. The writhing mass of sewn together corpses was at the time awesome (which is why secrectly hoping for a rework of his fight to do him justice tbh). Kralks fight was good but as previously stated the flip floppery of him felt like a let down. Mordremoth had that emperor of darkness feel that was also cool but didnt quite hit the spot for. However am looking forward to seeing how Jormag will fare, could possibly be awesome. Here's hoping ?.

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DSD because it has the most potential and the three dragons so far have gotten ruined for one reason or another.


Zhaitan - Fight was pathetic relative to the huge buildup it got. Would be really cool if that fight is somehow redone to be a real fight (not him hanging onto a rock doing nothing while being blasted with a cannon).


Mordremoth - Fight was too full of bugs and required multiple people do stand a chance for a casual player. Sylvari being dragon minions and dealing with that issue got reduced to a few one line comments now and then.


Kralk - He would have been one of favorites, being portrayed as a storm itself, but the ending of S4 with him being humanized and having feelings out of complete nowhere just put me off on him (Would have been much better if all his polite talk before & after the fight was just cut entirely).


Jormag and Primordus still have potential, just hoping they won't be turned into the generic fire/ice dragons that have been done so many times.


Aurene is way too Deus ex like atm, but she could be really strong character-wise if they tone her down a bit (without using some poorly though out, last minute excuse).

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To be honest i'm not sure.. Most make no sense at all.. they kinda seem confused more than scary and as others have said they hodge podge through the stories like the writers are confused on what they should be..


I think my favorite visually is jormag.. and i prefer female enemies.

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So far Jormag is the leader, and we will see if rightfully :)


I like Zhaitan because of his appearance

I love Mordremoth for his strange Bacchae vibe

I am amazed by Primordus, because he has the power to reshape the ground by the fire and rocks.

I can't wait to learn who Jormag is.

I love DSD for his mystery, weird vibe that surrounds him.

I sympathize with Kralkatorrik because of his chaos and showing that sometimes the pain can make you do horrible things and you have no control over your own body.

I adore Aurene, because she embodies everything that GW2 is all about - fighting for hope through darkness.

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From the head we saw in season 3 it's possible that Primordus is going to be the biggest of the dragons.

Likewise his model from Gw1 suggest he's much smaller and looks very different, wings etc


Since Primordus creates his minions from rock and fire it makes me curious as to whether or not what we saw in living world 3 was Primordus himself or if it was some kind of giant living destroyer shell he created around himself to protect himself.

I honestly love the idea of fighting this giant wurm Primordus only to have the real Primordus erupt from it's smoldering corpse once we kill it.

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Ive gotta vote for bb gurl Aurene


That said a close second would be Primordus simply because ever since i got to see a small taste back in living world season 3 ive been itching to see more of him/her.

Deep sea dragon i low key feel is the "use this dragon" when we need to write out way out of a plot blockade.


I still have the small feeling based on the initial icebrood saga trailer that we might see more of Primordus soon

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Was originally Kralk, cause basically a large portion of the gw lore revolves around him. I also like that he is the elder dragon of crystal and fury (emphasis on the fury). I thought he was awesome up until they made him look like a giant flying turtle. That ruined it for me kind of that turtle shape just didn't really seem as menacing as I hoped for a dragon that destroyed parts of the mists.


My new favorite is Jormag now, because it's the ed of ice and persuasion. The Icebrood trailer sold Jormag for me. That massive hurricane creating the thundersnow was just too epic. Along with having that massive charrbrood army that it persuaded to join it. I especially get that chill down my spine when is booms "I can set you free" with the thunder in the background.?❄?

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I can't speak for Primord and DSD because we haven't really interacted with them yet. We have nothing on the DSD, and all we've seen of Primord is its big fat nose. As for the rest of the dragons... Jormag>Kralk&Mordremoth>Aurene>Zhaitan.

Jormag's tendency to manipulate and persuade people into willing service (or willing suicide) is way more interesting then the other dragons' habit of "enslave, kill, enslave!", and the Lovecraftian portrayal of Jormag makes me like it/her even more. Kralk and Mord follow because they actually spoke to us and had personalities. Aurene's a good character, but I like villains x) ...and Zhaitan--great design of the dragon itself, but no personality. Zhaitan's lack of personality made it the least scary and least compelling dragon.

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Despite any criticism I might have over the direction of the ED story, I would love to see how the current team, with all the lessons learnt, would present Zhaitan. I think they got the gist right, but the implementation just wasn't as good as it could have been and the instances do not hold up at all well in places.


The production values, dialogue and overall quality has in places come a huge way. Playing through Hunters and Prey last night, that would be so much better made today. And Zhaitan itself would be a much bigger, epic fight to finish on.


Zhaitan, despite the over saturation of undead themes in video games could have been the top one if remade today imo

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