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Raids-What are they?

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Weird question. What are raids?

I remember doing a break from GW2 and I came back and there they were.

You seemingly need atleast 40 people, fully asc gear and every single build must be perfect in order to achieve.

Pretty complicated

So I never really touched em. Now I wonder if they're worth investing into ,what do you guys think?

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> @"Mister XY.9536" said:

> You seemingly need atleast 40 people,

10 people


> @"Mister XY.9536" said:

>fully asc gear

Not true, raids are so forgiving, the small difference between exotic and ascended isn't going to be too bad. Especially for healers, ascended makes very little difference.


> @"Mister XY.9536" said:

>and every single build must be perfect in order to achieve.

Builds need to be reasonable. They need to have a purpose, a role, and fill that role.


> @"Mister XY.9536" said:

> Pretty complicated

There are 20+ fights. Some are as easy as open world fights like octovine, for example escort and mursaat overseer. Others like dhuum are fairly difficult and require some actual coordination.


> @"Mister XY.9536" said:

> So I never really touched em. Now I wonder if they're worth investing into ,what do you guys think?

I wouldn't bother investing in them (I have 2k+ raid boss kills, so definitely an experienced perspective). The recent blunder of build templates is to me, a very obvious statement that Anet doesn't really know how to support raiding anymore. Also, Anet is perpetually making the same mistakes. For example, in wing 4 there was unskippable cutscenes and dialogue, players complained and it was finally made skippable. And then Anet made that exact same mistake in wing 7. And worse yet, wing 7 isn't a short cutscene. Your sitting there for over a minute waiting for the dialogue to end. If your doing that every week it gets annoying. Now, that alone isn't enough to say, 'never raid'. But it's the sort of thing that only happens when a developer has no one who plays their game.


Also, they heard complains that kiting at deimos is boring, and so they put kiting in at dhuum. They heard that was boring, so they put it into qadim. They heard that was boring, and so they put 3 kiters into qadim 2.0.


They heard complains about how boring it was to have long events focused on trash mobs, so they put the worst offender in wing 7 too.


Not only is Anet not learning from their mistakes, they are getting worse at making the same mistakes.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> The recent blunder of build templates is to me, a very obvious statement that Anet doesn't really know how to support raiding anymore.

Maybe Arenanet is also asking themselves WHY they should bother supporting raiding anymore.

With all the requirements imposed by "expert raiders", the LFG raiding panel mostly full of sales and no training groups in the LFG, it looks pretty sad for raiding.


Combined with the already small and (apparently) diminishing raiding 'community', I wonder if Arenanet decided to put raids on hold.

Strike missions seem to be intended as the new hard endgame content, too.



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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > The recent blunder of build templates is to me, a very obvious statement that Anet doesn't really know how to support raiding anymore.

> Maybe Arenanet is also asking themselves WHY they should bother supporting raiding anymore.

> With all the requirements imposed by "expert raiders", the LFG raiding panel mostly full of sales and no training groups in the LFG, it looks pretty sad for raiding.



at the time of this writing (1 p.m. German time, CET, GMT+1 UCT+1), 719 players online, 2,868 members.



at the time of this writing 1,053 players online, 5,314 members.


and that's during lunch on a work day friday.


LFGs up at right this point in time on EU:

2 for wing 3

2 raid seller advertisement

1 guild looking for new raid members


Also the "requirements" you speak off are setup by nearly all levels of skill past training runs. You can complain about expert raiders as much as you want. Every group which has even a minimum amount of experience eventually moves on to post reqirements because it gets tiresome to start from scratch every week. That's what training runs are for, and those can also be found on the linked discord servers.


> @"thrag.9740" said:

> I wouldn't bother investing in them (I have 2k+ raid boss kills, so definitely an experienced perspective). The recent blunder of build templates is to me, a very obvious statement that Anet doesn't really know how to support raiding anymore. Also, Anet is perpetually making the same mistakes. For example, in wing 4 there was unskippable cutscenes and dialogue, players complained and it was finally made skippable. And then Anet made that exact same mistake in wing 7. And worse yet, wing 7 isn't a short cutscene. Your sitting there for over a minute waiting for the dialogue to end. If your doing that every week it gets annoying. Now, that alone isn't enough to say, 'never raid'. But it's the sort of thing that only happens when a developer has no one who plays their game.



I am a bit confused, you have over 2k kills, yet can not recommend the content to new players? I'd say that is a very strong recommendation for players to try the content, it seems to have entertained you long enough or not?


As far as cutscenes, leave the instance and re-enter for wing 7. I'm personally getting tired of this complaint. Yes, this is no perfect fix, but it will shave 1.5 minutes of waiting off. If you can't be bothered to use a work around, then you get to wait.


> @"thrag.9740" said:

> Also, they heard complains that kiting at deimos is boring, and so they put kiting in at dhuum. They heard that was boring, so they put it into qadim. They heard that was boring, and so they put 3 kiters into qadim 2.0.


> They heard complains about how boring it was to have long events focused on trash mobs, so they put the worst offender in wing 7 too.


> Not only is Anet not learning from their mistakes, they are getting worse at making the same mistakes.


The probleme here is:

Having unique mechanics for boss fights which players need to take care of are required to make fights diverse and diffferent. You are complaining as though every single fight since Deimos had similar mechanics to hand kiting. Completely ignoring the element of personal or single players responsibility would severely limit the ability to create new and different fights. Or would you rather have more fights similar to Gorseval and KC? That seems a lot more boring to me.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > I wouldn't bother investing in them (I have 2k+ raid boss kills, so definitely an experienced perspective). The recent blunder of build templates is to me, a very obvious statement that Anet doesn't really know how to support raiding anymore. Also, Anet is perpetually making the same mistakes. For example, in wing 4 there was unskippable cutscenes and dialogue, players complained and it was finally made skippable. And then Anet made that exact same mistake in wing 7. And worse yet, wing 7 isn't a short cutscene. Your sitting there for over a minute waiting for the dialogue to end. If your doing that every week it gets annoying. Now, that alone isn't enough to say, 'never raid'. But it's the sort of thing that only happens when a developer has no one who plays their game.

> >


> I am a bit confused, you have over 2k kills, yet can not recommend the content to new players? I'd say that is a very strong recommendation for players to try the content, it seems to have entertained you long enough or not?

Its a confusing statement, I understand. Allow me to further elaborate, you gotta understand, I joined a guild that had 9 other casual raiders at around 50 LI. I stuck with them until about 150 LI (I think?). Then I joined a more serious static, been playing with them ever since. Of course I also did some pugging along the way, but most of my kills have come with my static.


I'm a very social guy. I would say I'm very extroverted. The majority of the fun was really the aspect of socializing. Talking in discord, shit talking each other about dps, trash talking and all the like. Additionally, some people like gaming that is flexible, so that they can fit gaming into their life around their other obligations. However, I'm doing a phd in experimental physics atm (have been for 5 years now). Experimental physics is something that can take over your life, and you get a very unpredictable schedule, because of the nature of doing experiments. Worse yet, I work in a small lab, so I work alone a lot of the time. It can be quite lonely, and having a set schedule where I knew I would get to socialize with some friends online was much needed stability in the chaos of grad school.


However, very little of the things I enjoyed about raiding were tied to Anet. In fact almost all of it is coming from third party software (discord/teamspeak,dps meters, arc build templates - which naturally goes hand in hand with trying to beat you friend's dps). There are lots of ways to get weekly scheduled socialization with friends. Some of my friends have a weekly DnD night. Some have weekly ultimate frisby. When I was yougner, I had sports teams like football and bowling leagues.


So, the things I like most about raids, are not exclusive to raids. And the way I see it, raids are getting worse and worse. So yeah, OP asked if I would recommend them, I would not. If you want challenge, go play darksouls or super meatboy, if you want socialization, work towards that directly.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> As far as cutscenes, leave the instance and re-enter for wing 7. I'm personally getting tired of this complaint.

I'm personally getting tired of ANet making the same mistakes. Its a valid criticism, and the point of this post is to inform OP. Its an example of how Anet isn't learning from their mistakes, and actually getting worse.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Having unique mechanics for boss fights which players need to take care of are required to make fights diverse and diffferent. You are complaining as though every single fight since Deimos had similar mechanics to hand kiting. Completely ignoring the element of personal or single players responsibility would severely limit the ability to create new and different fights. Or would you rather have more fights similar to Gorseval and KC? That seems a lot more boring to me.


No, not every single fight since deimos has had similar mechanics, however every single raid wing's final boss since deimos has had a kiter role where the kiter plays a boring repetitive single player mini game separated from the rest of the group.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > I wouldn't bother investing in them (I have 2k+ raid boss kills, so definitely an experienced perspective). The recent blunder of build templates is to me, a very obvious statement that Anet doesn't really know how to support raiding anymore. Also, Anet is perpetually making the same mistakes. For example, in wing 4 there was unskippable cutscenes and dialogue, players complained and it was finally made skippable. And then Anet made that exact same mistake in wing 7. And worse yet, wing 7 isn't a short cutscene. Your sitting there for over a minute waiting for the dialogue to end. If your doing that every week it gets annoying. Now, that alone isn't enough to say, 'never raid'. But it's the sort of thing that only happens when a developer has no one who plays their game.

> > >

> >

> > I am a bit confused, you have over 2k kills, yet can not recommend the content to new players? I'd say that is a very strong recommendation for players to try the content, it seems to have entertained you long enough or not?

> Its a confusing statement, I understand. Allow me to further elaborate, you gotta understand, I joined a guild that had 9 other casual raiders at around 50 LI. I stuck with them until about 150 LI (I think?). Then I joined a more serious static, been playing with them ever since. Of course I also did some pugging along the way, but most of my kills have come with my static.


> I'm a very social guy. I would say I'm very extroverted. The majority of the fun was really the aspect of socializing. Talking in discord, kitten talking each other about dps, trash talking and all the like. Additionally, some people like gaming that is flexible, so that they can fit gaming into their life around their other obligations. However, I'm doing a phd in experimental physics atm (have been for 5 years now). Experimental physics is something that can take over your life, and you get a very unpredictable schedule, because of the nature of doing experiments. Worse yet, I work in a small lab, so I work alone a lot of the time. It can be quite lonely, and having a set schedule where I knew I would get to socialize with some friends online was much needed stability in the chaos of grad school.


> However, very little of the things I enjoyed about raiding were tied to Anet. In fact almost all of it is coming from third party software (discord/teamspeak,dps meters, arc build templates - which naturally goes hand in hand with trying to beat you friend's dps). There are lots of ways to get weekly scheduled socialization with friends. Some of my friends have a weekly DnD night. Some have weekly ultimate frisby. When I was yougner, I had sports teams like football and bowling leagues.


> So, the things I like most about raids, are not exclusive to raids. And the way I see it, raids are getting worse and worse. So yeah, OP asked if I would recommend them, I would not. If you want challenge, go play darksouls or super meatboy, if you want socialization, work towards that directly.



You will find that this holds true for just about all raid content in any MMO. The main difference is: most other MMOs reward players with progressive loot to also fullfill a need for sense of progression. Since that is not the case here, all you are left is with the progression (on the first 1-2 kills), socializing and team building.


Think of it this way: by telling people to not raid, you are essentially discouraging them from making the same bonds you made. Taking on challenging content can form different types of bonds than just hanging out in voice chat or in the same guild. As is evident by the thousands and thousands of players wasting away as solo players in MMOs. Challenging content demands socializing (see FF11 where past level 35-40 if I recall correctly wou had to group to make any meaningful progress).


> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > As far as cutscenes, leave the instance and re-enter for wing 7. I'm personally getting tired of this complaint.

> I'm personally getting tired of ANet making the same mistakes. Its a valid criticism, and the point of this post is to inform OP. Its an example of how Anet isn't learning from their mistakes, and actually getting worse.



Sure, it's valid criticism.


> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Having unique mechanics for boss fights which players need to take care of are required to make fights diverse and diffferent. You are complaining as though every single fight since Deimos had similar mechanics to hand kiting. Completely ignoring the element of personal or single players responsibility would severely limit the ability to create new and different fights. Or would you rather have more fights similar to Gorseval and KC? That seems a lot more boring to me.


> No, not every single fight since deimos has had similar mechanics, however every single raid wing's final boss since deimos has had a kiter role where the kiter plays a boring repetitive single player mini game separated from the rest of the group.


Personal responsibility is one of the most challenging thing to add into an encounter. That's what makes wing bosses so hard. For any other case where more than 1 or 2 people had meaningful responsibilities, the boss became insanely hard (see Dhuum). It should come as no surprise that wing bosses are often designed with the highest challenge in every field, otherwise you'd end up with something like Cairn as a wing boss encounter. Also you are throwing a very wide net when talking about kiters. The variety in objectives here is quite large.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Think of it this way: by telling people to not raid, you are essentially discouraging them from making the same bonds you made.


I don't see it that way, I said:

>@"thrag.9740" said:

> if you want socialization, work towards that directly.


As you pointed out, many people play gw2 as a solo experience. If your looking for that socialization, raiding in gw2 is an indirect way to get there, with a low chance of success. Most players never join a static, they just pug. I think your making the assumption that OP is going to play gw2 no matter what, and so raiding in gw2 is the only option to get that socialization.


I don't view it that way. If OP wants socialization they can find a weekly dnd group, or a weekly poker group, or a bowling league, or a rock climbing club, or just make friends in real life and go do whatever. Obviously video games often appeal to people who are naturally shy in real life, but even if you want to take the route of socialization through video games, in particular raids; I think there are better options. If you want to raid in a static group for years, you're probably better off going to a raid centric game like WoW or Final fantasy.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Think of it this way: by telling people to not raid, you are essentially discouraging them from making the same bonds you made.


> I don't see it that way, I said:

> >@"thrag.9740" said:

> > if you want socialization, work towards that directly.


> As you pointed out, many people play gw2 as a solo experience. If your looking for that socialization, raiding in gw2 is an indirect way to get there, with a low chance of success. Most players never join a static, they just pug. I think your making the assumption that OP is going to play gw2 no matter what, and so raiding in gw2 is the only option to get that socialization.



No, I clearly explained that I believe that necessity often leads to results which otherwise might not be accomplished. Interacting with others is a necessity for certain content. It automatically leads to interactions which can result in more social interactions with others.


I never said that this was the only way. I did pointed out that some players who are not forced to socialize or interact with others chose to never do so.


Using those 2 points of reference, I'd say having content which requires players to deal with others in a MMORPG is beneficial.


> @"thrag.9740" said:

> I don't view it that way. If OP wants socialization they can find a weekly dnd group, or a weekly poker group, or a bowling league, or a rock climbing club, or just make friends in real life and go do whatever.


Yes, or they could chase avenues in GW2 if they are spending their leisure time in this game. Not sure where you were going with this. My issue is with your reasoning that after over 2 thousand boss kills and obviously some positive interactions during that time, you can not recommend this content.


> @"thrag.9740" said:

> Obviously video games often appeal to people who are naturally shy in real life, but even if you want to take the route of socialization through video games, in particular raids; I think there are better options. If you want to raid in a static group for years, you're probably better off going to a raid centric game like WoW or Final fantasy.


Sure, but this is not about which games do raids better. This is about if a player who enjoys GW2 should engage in the content in this game. There is a difference between saying:

If you want to raid, I'd recommend playing XYZ.


or saying:

I can't recommend raids in this game.



I'll explain why I think this is an issue for me. I constantly see people complain about things along the lines of: _Oh I've spent x-amount of hours on this game_ (often in the hundreds or thousands) _but it's total trash_ , or similar reasonings. Many judge things based on their personal, in that moment, mood. If you've spent thousands of hours on something, but you can't recommend it, chances are you've burned out rather that the game has fundamentally become insanely bad (though that can happen). It's unfair to new or uninformed players to not take a step back and try to be objective. I for example have spent thousands of hours in WoW in the past, would I play it again? No. Would I still recommend it to others? Absolutely.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I'll explain why I think this is an issue for me. I constantly see people complain about things along the lines of: _Oh I've spent x-amount of hours on this game_ (often in the hundreds or thousands) _but it's total trash_ , or similar reasonings. Many judge things based on their personal, in that moment, mood. If you've spent thousands of hours on something, but you can't recommend it, chances are you've burned out rather that the game has fundamentally become insanely bad (though that can happen). It's unfair to new or uninformed players to not take a step back and try to be objective. I for example have spent thousands of hours in WoW in the past, would I play it again? No. Would I still recommend it to others? Absolutely.


Unfortunately it isn't a temporary mood. I've wanted to quit gw2 for a long time, at least 6 months, and I taken breaks before in the past. The only reason I log in is the weekly raids, and I don't do that because I love the content. I don't like the boring slog of spirit woods. I don't love the afk time in trio. I don't love the rng nature of soulless horror, or the boring gate event in w7.


I don't log into gw2 to play gw2, and I haven't for a very long time. I log into gw2 to play with my friends, and many of them do the same thing. If all 9 of them said, 'hey we are switching to destiny'. I would switch with them, and I wouldn't look back at gw2.


Additionally, a large chunk of my playtime happened during the era of build templates. I.e. actual build templates provided by arcdps, not loadouts that are over monetized. Meaning the quality of the product now is markably lower than a lot of what I experienced. And as I said, I see Anet making the same mistakes in worse and worse fashion. I see the quality of gw2's raids going down. Wing 7 was pushing it, but the build templates is the final straw to me, I would not recommend them anymore.


Take issue with it all you want, its my opinion and it won't magically change. If you think I've done a disservice to OP by not recommending raids, please recommend them yourself. Because in this thread, despite attacking my stance endlessly, you're own opinion isn't clear to me.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> Take issue with it all you want, its my opinion and it won't magically change. If you think I've done a disservice to OP by not recommending raids, please recommend them yourself. Because in this thread, despite attacking my stance endlessly, you're own opinion isn't clear to me.


Sure, I'm aproximately at the same amount of boss kills as you (proof wise, actuall kills are a lot higher since I do and did multiple runs per week in the past), am enjoying raids still, can recommend them to anyone who wants to give them a shot. Even if I stopped raiding tomorrow, **I'd still recommend raids to people who enjoy GW2 and like challenging content**, because I have gotten tons of hours worth of fun out of them. I do feel sad about the slow release cadence, but I'm not pve hardcore enough to care currently (as in, with doing some achievements here and there and fractals, I get my pve worth daily. I don't play 8 hours per day pve atm). GW2 was never a raid centric game to begin with.


As far as all the rest, I don't care about the drama people put up with build and equipment templates. I used arc a lot, I use the current system and I've already spent over 12k gems on decking out my characters (in bought gems, converted is quite a bit more). I enjoy the current implementation a lot more than the constant double checking if arc forgot to load something, or the repeated waiting on delta to bring out a new version after it broke, or the crashes. There are issues and I hope there will be some fixes, but even if they left them as is, I'd be more than fine with them.


I've taken breaks, I've returned, and I've always found enjoyment and new things after returning.

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Very good, now OP has 2 clear opinions from 2 veteran raiders, with a good nuanced discussion developing them both. Hopefully the wealth of knowledge you and I brought into the conversation will be useful to them. I hope you continue to enjoy the raids, and if OP tries them, I hope they enjoy them too.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > I'll explain why I think this is an issue for me. I constantly see people complain about things along the lines of: _Oh I've spent x-amount of hours on this game_ (often in the hundreds or thousands) _but it's total trash_ , or similar reasonings. Many judge things based on their personal, in that moment, mood. If you've spent thousands of hours on something, but you can't recommend it, chances are you've burned out rather that the game has fundamentally become insanely bad (though that can happen). It's unfair to new or uninformed players to not take a step back and try to be objective. I for example have spent thousands of hours in WoW in the past, would I play it again? No. Would I still recommend it to others? Absolutely.


> Unfortunately it isn't a temporary mood. I've wanted to quit gw2 for a long time, at least 6 months, and I taken breaks before in the past. The only reason I log in is the weekly raids, and I don't do that because I love the content. I don't like the boring slog of spirit woods. I don't love the afk time in trio. I don't love the rng nature of soulless horror, or the boring gate event in w7.


> I don't log into gw2 to play gw2, and I haven't for a very long time. I log into gw2 to play with my friends, and many of them do the same thing. If all 9 of them said, 'hey we are switching to destiny'. I would switch with them, and I wouldn't look back at gw2.


> Additionally, a large chunk of my playtime happened during the era of build templates. I.e. actual build templates provided by arcdps, not loadouts that are over monetized. Meaning the quality of the product now is markably lower than a lot of what I experienced. And as I said, I see Anet making the same mistakes in worse and worse fashion. I see the quality of gw2's raids going down. Wing 7 was pushing it, but the build templates is the final straw to me, I would not recommend them anymore.


> Take issue with it all you want, its my opinion and it won't magically change. If you think I've done a disservice to OP by not recommending raids, please recommend them yourself. Because in this thread, despite attacking my stance endlessly, you're own opinion isn't clear to me.


I can relate very well to what you said in this thread, and I'm fairly certain so can most hardcore players I know.

Especially since the removal of Arc Templates a lot of us are more and more looking for alternatives, be it things like starting DnD groups or desperately looking for other games, to keep those social groups formed from Raid or Fractal Statics in tact which are almost the only thing which keeps a lot of us logging in.

The removal of proper templates was a blow which on top of severe lack of content for the parts of the game we enjoy, as well as the repeated same mistakes on Anet's part from which they never seem to learn, which finally seems to have been too much for many.


The continued silence on the side of Anet on how to address any of the issues which that part of the player base has with the system as well as it's monetization sends a clear message, which is that they don't want us here, or at the very least that they couldn't care less if we leave, while continuously making the game actually worse for us (and then in parts charging us hundreds of euros/dollars to make it slightly less worse, but still massively worse) and completely ignoring any and all feedback.

That's not even considering all the bugs in a lot of hardcore content, which might have been charming for a while 2-3 years ago, but at this point it's just sad to continuously run into them, with more and more of them being added, rather than ever seeing anything fixed.


I'm not sure I can still recommend the game anymore for anybody but maybe the most casual of gamers to hop in and just mess around for a bit, as getting properly invested at this stage just doesn't seem reasonable with the state of things.


I still enjoy the gameplay at it's core, but everything around it is just in shambles. All the content making proper use of the great combat system is in great parts years old and played out at this stage, with Anet refusing to create any more at any reasonable pace, as 3 years for a ~10 Minute Fractal CM for example isn't exactly acceptable.

On top of that, even all that good content is now a chore to play without proper templates to support it, making it at times feel like I'm spending more time prepping to play and have fun than I actually am doing just that.


Meanwhile the content we are getting in LW is easy to a point of it almost seeming satirical of video games, with speed achievements to kill mobs in story instances in under 30 seconds which are literally killed in less than 3 seconds by pressing 2 buttons or less, big end bosses which die in 10 seconds, and 10 man content which can be soloed, or boils down to standing around afk while autoattacking just like the rest of Open World when in a group.


Ofc there is still loads of extremely casual fun to be had in the game and I don't think even the most frustrated players contest that GW2 is a fantastic game in parts, but that doesn't mean it's still worth getting invested in if you aren't already, as there just doesn't seem to be a future other than monitization on the horizon.

Additionally, without regular new hardcore content providing entry points for newer players on a more even playing field, I see content like Raids and Fractal CM's increasingly difficult and frustrating to get into, for not much payoff as there won't be any more content waiting for them even if they manage to do so.


But of course I hope I'm wrong there, that they learn from their mistakes and turn the ship around, but then again those are hopes many of us have been holding onto for years at this point, just to watch Anet not only mess up new things, but now actively taking away things that previously helped making the game great.

Even the most enduring players can only take so much disappointment and wasted potential.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As someone who joined a guild which regularly hosts raid training weekly - just so that I could give raiding a go


It is arguably one of the hardest PvE content in GW2

But in saying that it is also probably the hardest because the majority of pve content is brain dead easy


There are many mechanics to consider in raids , ones which are unforgiving

Best suggestion to get into raiding is to find a raid guild which runs training and try and participate in as much as you can - this is the only way


> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > The recent blunder of build templates is to me, a very obvious statement that Anet doesn't really know how to support raiding anymore.

> Maybe Arenanet is also asking themselves WHY they should bother supporting raiding anymore.

> With all the requirements imposed by "expert raiders", the LFG raiding panel mostly full of sales and no training groups in the LFG, it looks pretty sad for raiding.


> Combined with the already small and (apparently) diminishing raiding 'community', I wonder if Arenanet decided to put raids on hold.

> Strike missions seem to be intended as the new hard endgame content, too.


As for you it seems in almost every raid related topic your name comes up always posting similar posts about how raiding is bad for the community and it is dying or it is only for the small portion of the playerbase, while as I recall you have never even given raiding a try in the first place.

Stop scaring the kids away, raiding is doable and is difficult but achievable through practice. If you have tried raiding in the time between ive last bothered to look at a post by you and since when you have not raided and decided to post about the negative thoughts about it, then simply it is just not for you. There is just no need to blame the 'small' - as you refer, community of players who love the raiding content and say they are a minority GW2 should change the raids completely and tone it down.


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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> As for you it seems in almost every raid related topic your name comes up always posting similar posts about how raiding is bad for the community and it is dying or it is only for the small portion of the playerbase, while as I recall you have never even given raiding a try in the first place.

I never said it is bad for anyone or the community.


> Stop scaring the kids away, raiding is doable and is difficult but achievable through practice.

Those "kids" deserve to see both ssides of the coin, not only your 'upside'.

Most people play games to take it easy and relax from their tedious day job or from school (which children often perceive as a tedious bother).

So going to the effort of learning and practising a Meta build (that possibly doesn't even fit their play style) is not everyone's bowl of soup.


> If you have tried raiding in the time between ive last bothered to look at a post by you and since when you have not raided and decided to post about the negative thoughts about it, then simply it is just not for you. There is just no need to blame the 'small' - as you refer, community of players who love the raiding content and say they are a minority GW2 should change the raids completely and tone it down.

I never advocated (or at least can't remember if I ever did) for raids to be toned down.

Having multiple difficulties is different from toning it down, after all.

Also, different difficulties make content accessible to a wider audience, causing all sides to benefit from it.

I never have been against raids or their current difficulty, even if I do not go through the (for me) tedious effort of learning META builds (which definitely don't match with my play style).

With the lack of raid training being advertised ingame, the (widely perceived) necessity to get META builds and the generally low interest in raiding (from what I perceived, based on several map chats), it **is** hard to get into raids or even just form parties.


The shrinking raid community statements are tidbits from (former and current) raiders.

The ever-increasing amount of LFG entries being raid sales doesn't help increasing the raid population either.


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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> Best suggestion to get into raiding is to find a raid guild which runs training and try and participate in as much as you can - this is the only way


I have been trying to find a guild that does trainings at 8pm gmt, for months. I've come to the conclusion that it probably doesnt exist. They all start at 6pm gmt. I can't start that early.


so it's really not that simple as "find a guild".


I do wish anet would also ban raid sellers, but i guess that brimg too much money in.


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > Best suggestion to get into raiding is to find a raid guild which runs training and try and participate in as much as you can - this is the only way


> I have been trying to find a guild that does trainings at 8pm gmt, for months. I've come to the conclusion that it probably doesnt exist. They all start at 6pm gmt. I can't start that early.


> so it's really not that simple as "find a guild".


I have that exact same problem, I sympathize. I joined a guild that did have some raid trainings, but I could never make it to any of them.


> I do wish anet would also ban raid sellers, but i guess that brimg too much money in.


I actually like the option of having the raid sellers out there for a guy like me. I farmed a legendary set from spvp while chasing titles, so the thirst for that specific item is gone, but lately I've been considering paying for some clears just to get my mastery up to max. I'd prefer to actually raid though, so waiting for an opportunity to change my work schedule to fit what seems to be the raiding community's timetable lol.



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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> but lately I've been considering paying for some clears just to get my mastery up to max


Join a training run that's doing either of the first two bosses for Wing 4. Those usually tend to succeed with new players and you only need to beat one raid encounter to unlock the raid mastery track.



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