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Please get rid of invisible walls!


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I think it makes absolutely no sense to have them now that we can fly around or jump with mounts. It's just silly.

I mean, of course they should keep the border walls of a map so we don't go away, and the ones for zones that are meant to be closed untill you complete map or story events. But random invisible walls in HoT in random parts that force you to go down under a tunnel and then up again when you were right next to it its just silly and makes no sense.

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They are a bandaid at best.


Just a quick fix for just how badly mounts broke all pre PoF content lol


I've made the same argument as justification for Skyscale to freefly, there's simply no reason to have the limitation because just like invisible walls, Mounts make them irrelevant.


Any map can be broken out of even with the walls in place and the limitations put on the mounts, ergo both are effectively useless.

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Invisible walls are irritating, for sure. I know in some cases that they're meant to prevent you from breaking into certain parts of the game or achieving completion/loot in ways that could be seen as as exploiting, but other times **they seem to be there just to be there**. Grothmar Valley is full of walls like these, and I feel boxed in just getting from one end of the map to the other.


No-mount zones seem like a better solution, but maybe invisible walls are a better/easier option in some areas of the game.


I don't know how much time/play testing goes into the application of those zones or walls, so it's hard for me to say whether this is something they should focus on right now or not. If they eventually have another QOL patch coming (Chef patch, wardrobe patch, novelties, etc.), this could be one of the things they look at down the line.

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> @"Brullyra.1592" said:

> Would have probably been easier to either not allow mounts in pre PoF zones.


I'm really, really glad they didn't go with that option. Speaking as someone who has already finished world completion on a number of characters, mounts and gliders make the pre PoF maps much more fun to revisit and they give you a reason to re-explore those maps from a new perspective.


If it came down to invisible walls or no mounts, I would choose invisible walls every single time.

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Invisible walls were a problem before mounts, and even before gliders. The problem is anet is adding more invisible walls instead of phasing out the existing ones. Jumping puzzles should all be converted to something like adventures, so to access the chest and get credit for a puzzle the player will be in an adventure mode that prevents gliding, mounts and perhaps even portals. Other solutions could include adding horizontal WINDS that obstruct gliding and mounts without immersion breaking invisible walls. Such solutions could make invisible walls unnecessary and anet could stop ruining the general map experience for the player.

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While the invisible walls and wonky no-mount zones are irritating, I'd at least like a visual indication that I'm being wall-blocked. Maybe even within, say.. Range 600 of encountering said wall. I get it might be "immersion breaking" to have a visual force field blocking off something, but it's just as breaking to just *stop* mid-flight for seemingly no reason.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Some of them might be bugs left over from map creation. If you find one that seems to have no purpose you could do an ingame bug report. Who knows, it might get removed (one day).


Its a shame they keep putting invisible walls around some of the cooler locations in the maps.(The unfinished, but totally awesome looking Cerebro JP in Celadon for example, theres many others, climbing up to the top of the 'Gates of arah" made for some awesome screenshots too.) I get the main reason -why- but at the same time, if players wanna go someplace that doesnt exploit anything, then why not let them go there?

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@"Rauderi.8706" said:

> While the invisible walls and wonky no-mount zones are irritating, I'd at least like a visual indication that I'm being wall-blocked. Maybe even within, say.. Range 600 of encountering said wall. I get it might be "immersion breaking" to have a visual force field blocking off something, but it's just as breaking to just *stop* mid-flight for seemingly no reason.


My thoughts exactly.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> While the invisible walls and wonky no-mount zones are irritating, I'd at least like a visual indication that I'm being wall-blocked. Maybe even within, say.. Range 600 of encountering said wall. I get it might be "immersion breaking" to have a visual force field blocking off something, but it's just as breaking to just *stop* mid-flight for seemingly no reason.


yeah like some sort of asura based energy field looking plane. so we know how long it extends. :D

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I'd be happy with some setting, like 'make invisible walls visible' - if people want the clean look, they leave that checked off. For those that like to know how we are being boxed in, we can see it.

I often find myself in a case of 'I just want to hop over to the other side of this mountain', which is in the middle of the map, but has some invisible walls for some reason or another preventing that from happening.


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