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Let's talk about the new Black Lion Trading Company Icon.......

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Are you tired of not being able to click icons on your computer? Always clicking the wrong ones.


ANet has made is simpler for you to access the market!


I for one accept the new sloth design, it really is a superb change from the old one. The positioning is clearly a more ergonomically friendly design. I would miss click the guild or mail icon all the time when trying to use their market. Now, I am able to click it without any issues at all! Thanks ANet! :trollface:

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The icon was always the logo of the trading company.. Why change it now? Especially without changing it everywhere else in game.


I prefer the look of the old one, as it looked like a lion, now it doesn't. This update more than anything confuses me beyond words. Something so simple, yet they changed it in a way I expect few will like.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> The new icon looks like a cartoon. It immediately threw me off so I went and looked at some old screencaps and, sure enough, they changed the UI.


> But *why*?


> For reference, old:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/aEnwYGZ.png "")

> New:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/7lZB6CV.png "")



I believe they getting ready to release a big new feature in the Gem Store. hopefully an expansion or Elite Specs

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