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What are your expectations for Drakkar (and Episode 2 in genearl) after Whisper in the Dark?

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So, Episode 1's reception was... mixed. And I know that's the norm for GW2; for any MMO when anything happens, really. A very common consensus even among those who really liked this episode is that it was really short, even my favorite GW2 streamer, AuroraPeachy commented how short it was when she was done. Someone on reddit gone as far as to say they literally finished the ep before they finished their beer. I had a very love/hate relationship, because I utterly loved the story (despite how short it was) and the atmosphere of Bjora Marches, and I genuinely had a lot of fun playing it... but you know those Steam reviews that talk about how much they loved it but they just can't give it a recommendation? That was me with Whisper in the Dark. But that's for the feedback thread for that episode, really. But here's the real million dollar question; after Whisper in the Dark, what's your expectations for Episode 2 of The Icebrood Saga?


It really feels like ANet has some REALLY big shoes to fill this time, much moreso than the last episode. For those of you unaware, we're going to be receiving [Drakkar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Drakkar "Drakkar") as a world boss. If you're unfamiliar with the lore, Drakkar is one of Jormag's oldest and most powerful champions, who you can actually see frozen in a lake in GW1 (many of us thought he WAS Jormag at the time). Drakkar was the one who corrupted the original Svanir into becoming the Nornbear to herald Jormag's return, and as years went on seduced more Norns with promises of power, who would go on to become the Sons of Svanir, basically making Drakkar responsible for 50% of the problems we've dealt with in the Shiverpeaks, outside of the Dredge and steam jerks (we get to blame Scarlet for that one). The world boss fight with Drakkar is, love it or hate it, care about it or not, going to be a huge part of it. From the announcement of The Icebrood Saga, Episode 2 is what I've personally cared about the most because of this.


After the small map and lackluster meta of Bjora March (and again, don't take this as me disliking the episode), I can't help but be concerned. And I'm pretty casual about things. We had a small world map with only one WP. A world boss has to be a huge boss that attracts a lot of people to be a success. And keep in mind since he's not a Core Tyrian world boss, we can't rely on people getting a notification with the world boss portal device to pop over there and do it. To this end, I think there's a few big expectations I have in particular for this Episode to be a success;


1. The map needs to be large AND fun enough that people will actually want to stick around and do the pre-events that will make Drakkar spawn, or if its a guarantee (like how Champion Svanir Shaman Chief always spawns) nontheless be fun enough that it will keep enough players on the map so that we have an appropriate amount of players to be able to fight a world boss. To this end; the map needs to be and investing enough that even without Drakkar's meta active people will want to do events in the map and 100% it.

2. Drakkar himself needs to be a fun enough and engaging boss (ideally dropping a large amount of the map currency in his chest) that players will want to stick around to actually fight him. That is to say, not something like pre-patch Tequatl or Fire Elemental.

3. Ideally a story that, map stuff aside, should take at least 3 hours to complete.


These are my main expectations and hopes for Episode 2, and what I feel will make it a success. I think expectations are... higher for this episode than the last one, with a major lore figure from GW1 returning as a world boss. And I don't think what we got last episode can cut it; I had fun with the last ep, a lot, but I don't think a map that small and events so simple and straightforward would be satisfying for such an events.


Do you agree? What expectations do you in particular have for the second episode of The Icebrood Saga, and the world boss event with Drakkar?

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I'm disappointed that 'fun and engaging' translates to 'drop a large amount of currency'. To me those are two entirely different things and if I have to choose between them I'd much prefer a fight with interesting mechanics, preferably with different stages requiring different tactics. That will get me to repeat a fight multiple times. If the only incentive is map currency I'm more likely to pick something I can do solo whenever I want instead of requiring a large group or being there at a set time rather than trying to schedule a tedious fight just because, once it starts, it's "more efficent" than other options.


I'm not really sure what to expect - I try to avoid getting too attached to the idea that a particular boss will work in a certain way because that runs the risk that even if what we get is good I'm disappointed because it isn't what I was expecting. But since it's in a LW map which isn't accessible to anyone below level 80 and is unlikely to be played by anyone who is new to the game I hope it will be more complicated than core game world bosses. Not necessarily something that requires large groups of people but something which requires at least a few people to know what they're doing and to counter the mecanics effectively - for example using CC to break a defiance bar or taking out secondary targets to weaken him or stop us being overwhelmed.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Drakkar is confirmed? And as a world boss? Why in episode 2? Who said that and when?


It's been confirmed twice, first in the Icebrood Saga live announcement, and then in Guild Chat about the Saga, might have even been confirmed a third time in blog post.

As for complaining about the map being small, look at it again, it's complete, that isn't the entire map, there's more to it than meets the eye, it's going to be like Dry Top in my opinion from just looking it over and going all the way around it.

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> @"AzureNightmare.3914" said:

> So, Episode 1's reception was... mixed. And I know that's the norm for GW2; for any MMO when anything happens, really. A very common consensus even among those who really liked this episode is that it was really short, even my favorite GW2 streamer, AuroraPeachy commented how short it was when she was done. Someone on reddit gone as far as to say they literally finished the ep before they finished their beer.


But we got the episode in half the time. When we get episode 2, we would have gotten the same amount of story/content had they lumped them together under a single episode.


> A world boss has to be a huge boss that attracts a lot of people to be a success.


It can be like any of the core world bosses and be a success. You can easily do those with five players or less depending on this skill levels. The success of a world boss should be based on how engaging and enjoyable it is as well as rewarding for the time spent comparable to other world bosses.


> 1. The map needs to be large AND fun enough that people will actually want to stick around and do the pre-events that will make Drakkar spawn, or if its a guarantee (like how Champion Svanir Shaman Chief always spawns) nontheless be fun enough that it will keep enough players on the map so that we have an appropriate amount of players to be able to fight a world boss. To this end; the map needs to be and investing enough that even without Drakkar's meta active people will want to do events in the map and 100% it.


The map will be a full size map with the next episode. The current map half’s meta may or may not play a part in the other half.


> 2. Drakkar himself needs to be a fun enough and engaging boss (ideally dropping a large amount of the map currency in his chest) that players will want to stick around to actually fight him. That is to say, not something like pre-patch Tequatl or Fire Elemental.


I agree with it being fun and engaging but not about the map currency. It doesn’t need to provide any more than what the current meta does. Plenty of people did pre-patch Teq and FE every day with some even doing it multiple times.


In the end, players are going to auto-attack any world boss that gets added just like they do the existing ones. There may be some mechanics, but in the end, it’ll probably only come down to a few players knowibg how to do them.


> 3. Ideally a story that, map stuff aside, should take at least 3 hours to complete.



When you combine both episodes stories, you’ll get one that equates to that of a typical LS episode from the past.




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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'm disappointed that 'fun and engaging' translates to 'drop a large amount of currency'. To me those are two entirely different things and if I have to choose between them I'd much prefer a fight with interesting mechanics, preferably with different stages requiring different tactics. That will get me to repeat a fight multiple times. If the only incentive is map currency I'm more likely to pick something I can do solo whenever I want instead of requiring a large group or being there at a set time rather than trying to schedule a tedious fight just because, once it starts, it's "more efficent" than other options.


> I'm not really sure what to expect - I try to avoid getting too attached to the idea that a particular boss will work in a certain way because that runs the risk that even if what we get is good I'm disappointed because it isn't what I was expecting. But since it's in a LW map which isn't accessible to anyone below level 80 and is unlikely to be played by anyone who is new to the game I hope it will be more complicated than core game world bosses. Not necessarily something that requires large groups of people but something which requires at least a few people to know what they're doing and to counter the mecanics effectively - for example using CC to break a defiance bar or taking out secondary targets to weaken him or stop us being overwhelmed.


Don't get me wrong; I don't think fun=loot. One of the really cool things about GW2 is that it isn't loot-based grinding, and anyone who maxes out crafting disciplines can create the strongest weapons and armor in the game. However, large-scale events should still be rewarding. Take Tequatl for instance; in addition to being a fun and engaging world boss broken into multiple dynamic events, the whole thing rewards you with a minimum of 1 gold and 10K+ karma. The legendary bounties of Elona while fun while also being challenging reward us with the valuable Elegy Mosaics we spend in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings. I think bosses like this in addition to having fun and challenging mechanics should nontheless also be rewarding to a player for participating in it. However, I'd take a funner event over better loot drops any day; I just think dropping a good amount of map currency is a fitting reward for such a battle, ya feel?

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Don't forget Drakkar isn't dropping immediately with Ep2, but sometime after


I am hoping for Tequatl/Triple Wurm/Gerent level boss meta. Many of the LW ones and even the PoF ones have been hit and miss. I think it is time for a real meaty boss fight in open world. One where it takes time to work it out (like Tequatl initially was post-revamp).


I don't think we've had anything quite that substantial since HoT. (Death Branded Shatterer was basically just a copy/paste with some extra effects)


I really loved their early concept pic of Drakkar though despite looking nothing like his GW1 model. In fact I prefer the new model (not sure if it is the one they are going with)

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My expectations are certainly lower than they were before episode 1 launched. I hope they add enough content to make a full "old"episode between the two episodes. I would caution against expecting too much from a new world boss, though, it's probably just going to be another punching bag like so many before.

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i'm really curious to see how the map will expand, and to where. I assume to the left, but we already have the portal to the strike mission on the left, and might look weird if it is left in the middle of the map, when they expand it.

I hope we keep the dark vibe, hopefully they expand the forest and have some kind of frozen creepy swamp or something. also curious how the blizzard affect the second half of the map too.

storywise, I'm eager to know more. <3

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