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Fed up with unhealthy mechanics - taking a break until fixed.


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Just letting know to devs in case someone is gathering customer's feedback,

that I am tired from unhealthy mechanics in PVP and decided to uninstall GW2 until things got fixed (saving my nerves, you know).


1) Mesmer class - too much survivability - too easy to spam conditions (check HappyNo's recent video on YT to find out why exactly it's stupidly OP).

And it's 2-4 Mesmers in every match I play! This is a joke! :)

2) Cloak in general - too much accessability, uptime and zero penalty to using it (can hit from cloak, can move without restrictions etc..).

3) Ranged damage is too high (need balance risk/reward ratio if you want to stay away from battle but shooting ppl) - Soulbeast, for example can hit hard from afar, being cloaked and have decent tankyness.

However, I am enjoying fights between Warriors, Guardians, Reapers involved - trying to outCC your contender - good stuff!

I play 1,5yr with Guardian (~3000matches) and Warrior (~400matches).

It's a good game and perhaps, developers will fix current balance, so more people will come out for play, because now it sucks.

Sorry for my english :)

Be peace!



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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87972/guardian-pvp-videos#latest

> >P.S.: x0,5 speed is better because game is too fast.

> >I play 1,5yr with Guardian (~3000matches) and Warrior (~400matches).

> From the gameplay it seems like you have 20 games total.

> No wonder the game is dead :joy:


At first I was sceptical about your gameplay judgement, then I watched the video.

Good thing such forum posters have no influence over balance decisions. Oh wait... :'(

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87972/guardian-pvp-videos#latest

> >P.S.: x0,5 speed is better because game is too fast.

> >I play 1,5yr with Guardian (~3000matches) and Warrior (~400matches).

> **From the gameplay it seems like you have 20 games total**.

> No wonder the game is dead :joy


and this is the exact attitude Anet is tolerating and no wonder why guild wars 2 will continue down in its toxic state to complete diminish without no return.


-I get called out and accused of disrespecting Anet: which i never did, instead i continue to attack the root cause of the problem-Toxicity-


Guess what!!


Aside from Thief Profession doing the game bidding of keeping players away from playing the game, Toxic Players are also doing it.


Toxic players as players who demoralize, shame and belittles other players who voice their concerns with experiences they have.




It is those exact players whom the world will come to listen first; not yours or mine but theirs.


Guess what!!


What they say will greatly have 2 times or more greater effect than you and me.


Guess what again!!



(following forum rules obliviously)


The Op is important and value as everyone else.


**Toxicity have no say when it comes to treating one another**


Keep Toxicity where it belongs, in the trash


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Since PvP is a neglected game mode and gets changes only rarely, the only way to enjoy it is to have an attitude of embracing the current state and making the best out of it. No point in complaining. Everyone is better off thinking of ways to counter stuff or by learning new classes. And imagine that‘s me talking: playing core nec and getting spawncamped by a DE not packing corrosive poison cloud one game yesterday. PMA for life haha

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> @"Serenity.6304" said:

> Since PvP is a neglected game mode and gets changes only rarely, the only way to enjoy it is to have an attitude of embracing the current state and making the best out of it. No point in complaining. Everyone is better off thinking of ways to counter stuff or by learning new classes. And imagine that‘s me talking: playing core nec and getting spawncamped by a DE not packing corrosive poison cloud one game yesterday. PMA for life haha


doesnt core necro run around with 25khp, gigashroud and aoe reveal throght walls? on top of marks that can hit stealthed targets?

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Serenity.6304" said:

> > Since PvP is a neglected game mode and gets changes only rarely, the only way to enjoy it is to have an attitude of embracing the current state and making the best out of it. No point in complaining. Everyone is better off thinking of ways to counter stuff or by learning new classes. And imagine that‘s me talking: playing core nec and getting spawncamped by a DE not packing corrosive poison cloud one game yesterday. PMA for life haha


> doesnt core necro run around with 25khp, gigashroud and aoe reveal throght walls? on top of marks that can hit stealthed targets?


True that. Still has hardcounters like DE



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> @"Serenity.6304" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Serenity.6304" said:

> > > Since PvP is a neglected game mode and gets changes only rarely, the only way to enjoy it is to have an attitude of embracing the current state and making the best out of it. No point in complaining. Everyone is better off thinking of ways to counter stuff or by learning new classes. And imagine that‘s me talking: playing core nec and getting spawncamped by a DE not packing corrosive poison cloud one game yesterday. PMA for life haha

> >

> > doesnt core necro run around with 25khp, gigashroud and aoe reveal throght walls? on top of marks that can hit stealthed targets?


> True that. Still has hardcounters like DE




I play core mes 1shot, and core necro brings alot of truble my way usually. Always thought DE would be in similar boat, then again DE removes reveal, has more stealth, lower burst but bigger sustained damage and more mobility, so im guessing he doesnt burst you down in 1 go but rather takes you apart in 3-4 tries.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87972/guardian-pvp-videos#latest

> > >P.S.: x0,5 speed is better because game is too fast.

> > >I play 1,5yr with Guardian (~3000matches) and Warrior (~400matches).

> > **From the gameplay it seems like you have 20 games total**.

> > No wonder the game is dead :joy


> and this is the exact attitude Anet is tolerating and no wonder why guild wars 2 will continue down in its toxic state to complete diminish without no return.


> -I get called out and accused of disrespecting Anet: which i never did, instead i continue to attack the root cause of the problem-Toxicity-


> Guess what!!


> Aside from Thief Profession doing the game bidding of keeping players away from playing the game, Toxic Players are also doing it.


> Toxic players as players who demoralize, shame and belittles other players who voice their concerns with experiences they have.




> It is those exact players whom the world will come to listen first; not yours or mine but theirs.


> Guess what!!


> What they say will greatly have 2 times or more greater effect than you and me.


> Guess what again!!



> (following forum rules obliviously)


> The Op is important and value as everyone else.


> **Toxicity have no say when it comes to treating one another**


> Keep Toxicity where it belongs, in the trash



Sooooo because toxicity is bad in PvP....does that make PvP trash then?

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> lol he plays the 2 cheesiest op classes... yet he wants to nerf everything else....


I kno right lmao

Posting the stuff he does why would he even admit mesmer and necro are his fav's lol tho it makes sense now cuz those to classes have historically had a hate on for thieves. It's weird he never commented on scourges oppressive nature along side fb in wvw? I mean wouldn't that go along with his whole anti toxicity/anti broken mechanics charade he's got going on?

I can guess why lol

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87972/guardian-pvp-videos#latest

> > >P.S.: x0,5 speed is better because game is too fast.

> > >I play 1,5yr with Guardian (~3000matches) and Warrior (~400matches).

> > **From the gameplay it seems like you have 20 games total**.

> > No wonder the game is dead :joy


> and this is the exact attitude Anet is tolerating and no wonder why guild wars 2 will continue down in its toxic state to complete diminish without no return.


> -I get called out and accused of disrespecting Anet: which i never did, instead i continue to attack the root cause of the problem-Toxicity-


> Guess what!!


> Aside from Thief Profession doing the game bidding of keeping players away from playing the game, Toxic Players are also doing it.


> Toxic players as players who demoralize, shame and belittles other players who voice their concerns with experiences they have.




> It is those exact players whom the world will come to listen first; not yours or mine but theirs.


> Guess what!!


> What they say will greatly have 2 times or more greater effect than you and me.


> Guess what again!!



> (following forum rules obliviously)


> The Op is important and value as everyone else.


> **Toxicity have no say when it comes to treating one another**


> Keep Toxicity where it belongs, in the trash



Again this boring teef hater ...no matter what discussion he will find a Spot to hate on teef ?...

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> @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87972/guardian-pvp-videos#latest

> > > >P.S.: x0,5 speed is better because game is too fast.

> > > >I play 1,5yr with Guardian (~3000matches) and Warrior (~400matches).

> > > **From the gameplay it seems like you have 20 games total**.

> > > No wonder the game is dead :joy

> >

> > and this is the exact attitude Anet is tolerating and no wonder why guild wars 2 will continue down in its toxic state to complete diminish without no return.

> >

> > -I get called out and accused of disrespecting Anet: which i never did, instead i continue to attack the root cause of the problem-Toxicity-

> >

> > Guess what!!

> >

> > Aside from Thief Profession doing the game bidding of keeping players away from playing the game, Toxic Players are also doing it.

> >

> > Toxic players as players who demoralize, shame and belittles other players who voice their concerns with experiences they have.

> >


> >

> > It is those exact players whom the world will come to listen first; not yours or mine but theirs.

> >

> > Guess what!!

> >

> > What they say will greatly have 2 times or more greater effect than you and me.

> >

> > Guess what again!!

> >


> > (following forum rules obliviously)

> >

> > The Op is important and value as everyone else.

> >

> > **Toxicity have no say when it comes to treating one another**

> >

> > Keep Toxicity where it belongs, in the trash

> >


> Again this boring teef hater ...no matter what discussion he will find a Spot to hate on teef ?...


It's his shtick lol

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> @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > play guardian and warrior 2 most op classes right now, die to a mesmer one of the weakests, ask for nerfs


> so weak than bots are runing a 50% win ratio in gold using mesmer(mirage)


My thoery is that Mirages are hated that people focus them. If a bot runs it, it can be a bit unpredictible to nail down, thus some people will be more inclined to focus them, thus leaving caps/points to do so, thus teh rest of the team carries their 50% win rate

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > play guardian and warrior 2 most op classes right now, die to a mesmer one of the weakests, ask for nerfs

> >

> > so weak than bots are runing a 50% win ratio in gold using mesmer(mirage)


> My thoery is that Mirages are hated that people focus them. If a bot runs it, it can be a bit unpredictible to nail down, thus some people will be more inclined to focus them, thus leaving caps/points to do so, thus teh rest of the team carries their 50% win rate

I can bet his own winrate below 50%, must hurt that bot is better than him (and definitely better than OP). In fact all bots have an absurd amount of games and rating around ~1000

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > > play guardian and warrior 2 most op classes right now, die to a mesmer one of the weakests, ask for nerfs

> > >

> > > so weak than bots are runing a 50% win ratio in gold using mesmer(mirage)

> >

> > My thoery is that Mirages are hated that people focus them. If a bot runs it, it can be a bit unpredictible to nail down, thus some people will be more inclined to focus them, thus leaving caps/points to do so, thus teh rest of the team carries their 50% win rate

> I can bet his own winrate below 50%, must hurt that bot is better than him (and definitely better than OP). In fact all bots have an absurd amount of games and rating around ~1000


lol, around 1000? i have monitorized someones that i encountered staying stable at 1300+ and having peaks above 1450+, and bots run mirage for the high survibability and presion skill chain they have, bots run classes that are efectives using closed skill rotations( the true cancer of any pvp game) and now the top class on it is mirage

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